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15636688 No.15636688 [Reply] [Original]

og from 2014 here
I actually came to the conclusion that fiat money issued from banks is way better than a decentralized from of money with a limited supply. Imagine defeaulting loans in using bitcoin. In order to be able to lend out bitcoin profitably you would have to charge very high interest rates or limit the amout of credit to borrowers with sufficient securities. That way many ideas never have get funded and we would probably lack decades of progress. See money is the tool to control, motivate and manipulate humanity as whole to achieve progress faster. Sure some wagecucks and neets would be slightly better off in terms of inflation and inequality but all things considered they too profit from clever people that can put freshly printed money into use for everybody. Also imagine the distribution of a money with limited supply, it would always get more and more centralized, with few people controlling millions of bitcoins.
So you racist incel neets better man up and be thankful for the almighty dollar.

>> No.15636721

Fuck your mom I'm not selling my Bitcoins

>> No.15636743

Lmao havw fun with your depreciating dollar. By your logic, people shouldn't have been able to become milliomaires with btc in 2017 or with eth. Link shouldn't have x20 like 2ish months ago, etc.

Fuck off, boomer. Stay poor.

>> No.15636757


>> No.15636764


>> No.15636773

Answer one question for me OP, what do you think money is?

>> No.15636842

You are an idiot, money wasnt built for lending. Thats why jews are Gods hated people. They are literally parasites, they live off others buy loaning money that doesnt exist and ruin our lives, but we wage cucks are the ones that actually make the world go round.
The problem with bitcoin is that the earlier you got in the biggest advantage you have, and that is very unfair.

>> No.15636946

A tool of motivation!