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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 729x372, DA205CC7-C623-4F1E-8885-8F4C1C595FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15630097 No.15630097 [Reply] [Original]

Ok wtf is going on here

>> No.15630113

Nothing annouced yet, just googled it. Is this an insider pump?

>> No.15630157

Probably. This thing was 1 cents a week ago and now 7x

>> No.15630441

They probably have pulled some celeb who is gonna use their platform. They’ve putting work on marketing for a while

>> No.15630447

Just some people accumulating before the big news.

>> No.15630706

Relax. Just a small pump before the big moon shot.

>> No.15630718

Rather would have seen China Mobile, but yea Xiaomi will do.

>> No.15630749

Yea The Martini Guy KEK

How many x can it go?

>> No.15630963

>pump and dump does the first half of the scam (the pump)
>shills start doing Fortnite dances on /biz/ celebrating the price increase as a proof of the validity of their amazing world-changing "project"

Partnerships soon sirs, I heard Ubisoft was partnering with ULTRA... Oops, wrong scam.

>> No.15631038
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Retards are getting salty because they don’t hold any bags HAHAHA

>> No.15631050

$1 EOY. Not touching ma bag till then

>> No.15631060
File: 58 KB, 750x563, 6D1D8B3E-70B1-40F9-A69B-56C5C5B495EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missed that pump TOPKEK

>> No.15631074

500x if its the next Tik Tok

>> No.15631127

This is gonna make me so much money sirs. You need to buy this sirs

>> No.15631945
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>> No.15631953

Smartfags were accumulating because of the rumours.

>> No.15631957
File: 46 KB, 657x667, 81981981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huawei is buying them coins

>> No.15632014

you know goddamn well what is going on, pajeet.

>> No.15632047

better call it insider pump&dump or exit scam pump fren

>> No.15632231

For the anons who don’t have any UDOO. More is coming, this was just a small announcement. Microsoft is coming, and some exchange listings. $1 is the target for EOY

>> No.15632241
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>> No.15632330

Imagine unironically investing in something called "Howdoo". Lmao what the fuck.

>> No.15632654

$100,000,000 total marketcap.. and it's a chink dap...chink pnd scam.....

>> No.15632986
File: 80 KB, 1200x700, BB4C547D-340B-44A0-A5E9-76CA8B6C77D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huawei joins the Howdoo train
>Microsoft joins the Howdoo train
>Brainlets still whine and fud

HAHAHHA. Come, let me drink those salty tears

>> No.15632999

Never used a Huawei phone, but they are actually the number 2 in terms of phone production lol. Guess a lots of chinks will use Howdoo now too?

>> No.15633557
File: 6 KB, 159x250, 1E9CEB67-330C-4C82-80E3-BA84D72B9ED7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spread it to those who didn't buy on time or sold when there hands got weak. Apparently you hate money as much as your life right now.

>> No.15633621
File: 199 KB, 1000x847, 18EE5917-E086-4A1B-8F59-D32498F72C6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling us Pajeets only to realize you missed out on one of the few opportunities to make money in this market. To those who said I was a pajeet send me your address I’ll send you a UDOO token kek

>> No.15633642

We are experiencing the rise of the new LINK. Screencap this. This is a new top 10 coin in the making.

>> No.15634265

Was probably insider one. Huawei employees buying into it.