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1561703 No.1561703 [Reply] [Original]

>When you buy marijuana stocks on /biz/'s recommendations

>> No.1563452

When you're a kissless virgin addicted to shitposting?

>> No.1563470

POT going high like a coaster baby.

Get in b4 you wanna OP's pic.

>> No.1563472


>> No.1563484

op im glad you joined in on the moon mission. SOON! the candian mary j market is about to take off

i own aph thc and puf, all three are up nearly 300%

good on you op

>> No.1563487

How much longer will it be

>> No.1563495

November is when a task force will be gathered to write a bill towards legalization and then Weedman hopes it will pass by spring just in time for April 20th.

Short burst in November if it goes through, and a major one in spring.

>> No.1563503

I bought too high

Cgc at 5.50, aph 3.95 ags .33

Is there anything I can do to fix it

>> No.1563510

average down. The first two WILL climb if you wait it out. As they are actually making good financials even though they only supply medicinal weed thus far. When and if it becomes legal i fully expect them to atleast double, maybe triple what they are right now.

Just so you know i own aph as well, i have 2000 shares of it, i also have C.THC that i bought in at 0.32, so if i were to sell now id make 200% gains.

Things will get better

>> No.1563513

I'm getting worried I was the dummie in a pump and dump desu

>> No.1563517

>pump and dump

no, if it were a pump and dump this would be advertised in the Robinhood threads.

It requires a catalyst to take off. If legalization goes through we make money

>> No.1563520

I only invested $2500 total

I don't even stand much to gain

>> No.1563581

i myself started with 4k but am now at 20k because i saw the emerging market when it first started

i fear those who buy into this market after the novermber catalyst will barely see 100% gains in a few years unless the op[tional catalyst occurs. That is if alcohol and tobacco companies buyout maryj companies to try and muscle in on the market

>> No.1563595

I think it'll be something you invest long term, as the market grows it'll move international and I am trying to be all over it.

>> No.1563637

It's like you people have never owned stock before.

You do realize that typically when stocks go way up a lot of people choose to sell and that any news that is perceived as somewhat negative will impact those decisions.