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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1561663 No.1561663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>TFW put all my faith in /biz/
>TFW Marijuana stocks quickly rushing to 0

>> No.1561699



>> No.1561700

/biz/ is full of jelly cashlets, never take their advice as it's designed to make you lose money

>> No.1561704

you'll never lose money with bitcoin.. just sit back and watch it rise

>> No.1561710

>/biz/ is full of jelly cashlets, never take their advice as it's designed to make you lose money

They told me we'd be rich... they... they said we had good chances...

>> No.1561839

the weed stocks are not a quick in and out, you stay in until legalization, where its a smooth uphill

>> No.1561848

this, only a retard would all in for this sudden hype. take it easy senpai.

>> No.1561875

Are you legit stupid?

>> No.1561883

All about timing, bitch

>> No.1561890
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>believing /biz/

>> No.1561893

They're falling like a rock brehs

>> No.1561900

did you just put all in all your savings?

>> No.1561907


>> No.1562249



Lel im using this term from now on

>> No.1562424

Get rich quick schemes from anonymous internet message boards will almost always end this way.

That is unless your on the inside of the scheme. If you have to ask if your on the inside, then you already have your answer.

>> No.1562441

Should I buy index funds then

>> No.1562455

I don't like them personally, I trade futures

>> No.1562488

Should I trade options and derivatives?

>> No.1562587

Everyone RELAX. Two things are going to happen. Legalization will be up for vote this November in five states, 3 of which have pretty good chances. There probably won't be a real boom until January though when the new laws take effect and money starts actually flowing in, but a small boom in November will probably happen anyway because of more hype. Patience guys, have faith, hold on to your shares, and buy the fucking dip when you see it.

>> No.1562588

It's canada mj stocks fucking dumbass

>> No.1562591

oh ok lol good luck with that

>> No.1562601

Just curious. Whenever something pro-legalization happens in the US, does it correlate on our side (Canada)?

I mean if 3 US states would legalize it tomorrow, I guess that'd give us Canadians great hopes in legalization thus the stock prices would go up?

Just a thought. Any comments?

>> No.1562613
File: 24 KB, 600x463, Stock Portfolio Oct 2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here do this instead of spending everything you have on memes dum dum

>> No.1562620

Relax. It's going back to 1000 so you can buy it back at 100 and sell it again at 20k satoshis this time.

Oh wait, don't tell me you didn't sell the first batch at 7500. Do you know nothing about large wave riding?

>> No.1562704
File: 68 KB, 500x642, 1474457399642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thread about marijuana stock trading
> anon talks about satoshis
> can buy real stocks with crypto?
> nope.jpeg

Dafuck you're talking about?

>> No.1562746


>down less than 10-15% from peak
>falling like a rock

no, it's a relatively healthy correction given a monumental run-up and some minor headline risk driving weak hands to take profit and sell.

It's funny how people spout "BUY LOW SELL HIGH", and yet when the price is fucking low they whine and complain instead of averaging down

>> No.1562762

Who let the tripfag in?

>> No.1562768

hope that canada legalizes recreational use

>> No.1562776

Same thoughts. When it dips like that, I just buy more of the shit.

> retard
> changes subject

Been there for a while, I guess the tripfag detector has been broken for a long ass time.

I dearly hope for multiple reasons :D

>> No.1563357

It should, it reinforces the idea that marijuana is accepted and should be viewed differently. It is an indicator that our reality is changing.

>> No.1563365

>reality is changing
That's the best part about this shit

>> No.1564171

There is a concept called the "Overton Window" which defines what is politically possible at that moment.

Lobbying and other countries legalising shifts that window.

>> No.1564263
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I just meant that this bud is so dank, I think I'm tripping.

>> No.1564373
File: 26 KB, 420x420, Rare_3383a2_5582801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That moment when you see these stocks go back up like crazy and you're like: all the money I used to buy weed is coming back to me through weed stocks. Full circle equilibrium. Mind blown.

>> No.1564903


These stocks will never go up to their last week high. They will continue to trend downward until they are delisted.

These stocks were a meme.

>> No.1564907

>These stocks will never go up to their last week high. They will continue to trend downward until they are delisted.
>These stocks were a meme.


>> No.1564988


Remember. It's not a loss until you sell.

>> No.1565390

Or when it goes to zero.

>> No.1566456

You are a meme.

Exactly. Panicking and dropping everything now just makes it so we will buy even more at a lower price and make an even bigger profit.

> Most sold drug in the entire world?
> Talking about legalizing it?
> Stronger industry the US has seen in the past years.
> Stock memes?
> Delisted?

anon... give me a break.

>> No.1566474

wait am I back in the year 2011?

>> No.1566747

Don't get butthurt.
All equities have the possibility of going to zero, including whatever it is you're holding.
The point is, you can lose without selling. Only a fool would argue with this.

>> No.1566836

Trudeau will not legalize.
-he is not a leader, and not a progressive running a world power. Canada cannot lead the world on this without taking a huge (currency) hit. Cough cough
-the us still hasn't legalized. That giant border is a huge problem with a difference in drug laws

Nope, don't see it happening. If it ever does it will be so full of cronyism you'll have no chance of trading it right. The market already thrives without regulated hands. Who's going to stop buying from their current supplier?

>> No.1566862
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Wow, it's another episode of I was right and /biz/ was wrong.

>> No.1566891

>Canada has to wait for the US approval

>> No.1566902

Yes. Exactly. Isn't that obvious?

>> No.1566912
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But I'm not! I agree with you on that 100%. Trading implies losing money sometimes, totally okay. You make up your losses with your gains and that's how I roll.

Just don't yell "fire!" when there's none.

I honestly don't believe that it'll pass. As a fellow Canadian, I truthfully don't believe in my government to do anything productive with our money. The market is wonderful as it is right now with its current limitation. It's predictable, mostly up-trendy until some breaking news against legalization happens. For now we're living in a wonderful world, until the fun stops and I jump onto the next market craze.

I'm smoke weed and I'm okay with the way I get it anyway. Pretty sure I get cheaper prices hehe

Not really but history shows that we tend to follow US trends a few years after. Still, we're not a fucking state of the US we mind our own business and take our own decisions. So fuck US approval.

>> No.1566918


You're right, in liu of US approval canada will take England's as well.

>> No.1566940

Canada is also pursuing thc metabolite detectors for impaired driving. These metabolites remain in solution for months. If practised in a widespread way we may see the market dry up.

But yes, quality and availability/price are already hard to beat; I don't see this market moving to a regulated model

>> No.1566963

When someone's shilling a stock it's already too late to make money, you've gotta do your own research

>> No.1566968

I read and heard about that in the past weeks. If I understand correctly it's like an alcool breathing test for weed? So police can 100% detect you're high on the spot?

Legit curious, why would it dry the market up? People still loves alcool and drinks it even if police can send them to jail to drive drunk? Please enlighten me.

>> No.1566992

Because it doesn't detect thc, it detects metabolites, afaik. And those hang around. So if their use becomes widespread all the stoners will have to quit or risk losing their licences. Speculative though. Just illustrating a potential downside risk

>> No.1566998

>100% on the spot
If a fifty year old alcoholic blows over, is he drunk? If an 18 yo girl blows just under, is she sober?

>> No.1567007

We told you timing was important. You should've bought some and more later. Dumbass

>> No.1567016

Energy, real estate, telecom all large cap small return, long investment horizon. Are you 40?

>> No.1567025

>value is never destroyed
>it just transfers
>like energy or matter

>> No.1567033

>long investment horizon
>Are you 40?

No, if he was 40 he would have a short investment horizon dumbass. These are things you should diversify into at a young age so you can generate a nice return over the long run. Stop speculating and gambling away your money hoping to "win big" some day. Rome wasn't built in a day mate.

>> No.1567072

>Just don't yell "fire!" when there's none
My post was in reference to "it's not a loss until you sell", which is false.
Not sure what you're referring to.