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15611848 No.15611848 [Reply] [Original]

On-chain, Bitcoin is capped at 7 tx/sec. The more activity the network sees, the slower transactions become.
As it grows in value, fees increase as well.
Lightning allows for a theoretically unlimited number of transactions at near-zero fees, but it has seen stagnant growth because there's little financial incentive for individuals to adopt it on their own.
XSN's solution involves using its decentralized Masternode network and the collateral locked in them to rout payments, act as watchtowers, and provide a ton of liquidity for transactions.
This will bolster Lightning without centralizing it.
Most masternodes projects has no purpose, but Stakenet actually makes use of all these servers standing idle all around the world.

As XSN is inflationary, the supply will slowly increase over time and allow more masternodes to participate.
With this design and approach, BTC will be able to scale and take on much heavier workloads without hitting any major bottlenecks down the road.

Additionally, XSN's masternodes are going to use lightning to restore some of BTC's inherent privacy and anonymity that was compromised by CEXs and KYC.
By embedding TOR into the network and implementing lightning atomic swaps, anyone will be able to instantly and privately swap a wide variety of coins without ever having to send them somewhere that is out of their control. This will greatly minimize the need for businesses that accept crypto to adopt 10 different types of coins as so many of them can be instantly swapped into BTC.
Imagine a standard Bitcoin qt wallet with an extra tab that offers everything that a full scale exchange has and you have the essence of Stakenet.

Thoughts? Could this pull a Raiblocks, or AntShares? Their DEX is 80% completed on their roadmap, and their Multi Currency Wallet is in open BETA.

>> No.15611935

I am a bit fuzzy on lightning. I understand how the 2 channel system works, but how will the DEX use lightning from a technical perspective?

>> No.15612014

Masternodes opens up lightning channels, and use them to route payments back and forth on the DEX

>> No.15612166

I don't understand lightning, can anyone tell me what it is?

>> No.15612183

Easy x1000 from here, screencap this

>> No.15612185

A fake scaling solution whose only goal was to defuse big block arguments before Liquid is ready.

>> No.15612314

What's fake about it? Lol

>> No.15612378

I'm rocking 6 masternodes but god damn are these guys taking their sweet as time in releasing anything. They started doing weekly progress updates which turned to bi-weekly, and now it's basically monthly. I still think they are the best masternode coin on the market and have some very ambitious goals, it would just be nice to start to see these goals realized.

>> No.15612865

Totally agree.
And this Dex Dapp is just one Piece of the ecosystem. Those Guys just change everything. It is weird that this one is just under the radar lmao.

>> No.15612924

You can participate on testing the Win Build of the MultiCurrencyLightWallet. The Orderbook of that dex is also online in testmode yet, so you can see the devs trading live on them. Looks like soon will be sooner now.

>> No.15612925


>> No.15612943

Only big brain thinks can understand the strategy they’re taking.
Pro tip: long term gains

>> No.15613263

Sweet, where do I test it? Can I download it already?

>> No.15613371

You can go to stakenets discord and ask for invitation on general channel. The Wallet looks and feels amazing.

>> No.15613563

Alright, thanks man.. Been eyeing it, but never really felt they would deliver on their promises, guess I was wrong, lol

>> No.15613851

I know what you mean. There are so many projects out there promising this n that. It’s hard to find the real gems. Specially before they moon. :)
Stakenet will make huge waves as soon they release the dex. And crazy thing about that is. It’s just a piece of the cake :D

>> No.15613865

Imagine falling for POZZED wallet and then falling for POZZED wallet again two years later plus another scam called Lightning LMFAO

>> No.15614204

Lightning is a scam? So is BTC and LTC then.. LMAO, Get outta here newfag

>> No.15614426

>Lightning is a scam?
Literally yes.

>> No.15614652

And why do you believe that? If you can't argue, don't comment

>> No.15614705

Lol lightning is a scam? So you're saying BTC is a scam?

Probably owns some shit uniquesnowflakeuselessshitcoin

>> No.15615662

Why bother? Anyone dumb enough to buy POZZED wallet a second time wouldn't understand anyway.

>> No.15616267

Different team, and how was poswallet a scam in the first place? Because it wasn't, lmao... You probably just burned your ass buying high, lol