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File: 315 KB, 1500x1125, neurosurgeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15605493 No.15605493 [Reply] [Original]

Currently a medfag, competitive but not amazing Step 1 score, spending loads of time in a lab trying to get publications. Is neurosurgery worth it?
7 years of resident salary 50-70 k all while trying to pay back 6 figure student loans and working crazy hours.
Would you do it for 600k+ a year after 7 years? Will be mid 30s by the time I get there.
Any medbros make it and have advice?
My link stack is my hail mary to pay loans

>> No.15605502
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background on image? Is that a live brain?

>> No.15605521

I don't know if I would trust a neurosurgeon who bought link.

Of course if you're in it for the money, then do hip replacements. If you go to the dollars for docs website, you have two orthopedic surgeons who each got over $60 million in kickbacks from their parts suppliers


>> No.15605523

yeah, pretty neato

>> No.15605526

Do you think you will burn out? Can you deal with arrogant self important prick neurosurgeons and a toxic environment that will test your will every single day for seven years? Will you break down from working extensively long hours and being expected to be at the ready every single minute of it without any sympathy from anyone because they also are getting fucked and administrators have it out to get you because you are a neurosurgeon and have to have one up on you because in the end they have a bachelor's and are your bosses? If this sounds good to you, then go right on fren

>> No.15605531

Don't waste your time on that
If you go for private services and fuck ton of publications, those loans will get paid in a year
t.neuro medfag

>> No.15605573

jesus fucking christ, how are these guys racking in tens of millions. I know nothing of these kickbacks.
Honestly feel like med school has desensitized me a lot to bullshit from people and arrogant pricks. It's trained me to adopt a "whatever, get mine" attitude. Feel like most jobs have administrative bullshit. Feel like I've been burnt out forever, just been grinding for when I get to be boss
private services?

>> No.15605581

Then go for it, its just seven years and you'll be loaded. Lets just hope the democrats won't be socializing healthcare anytime soon for your sake

>> No.15605594

Don't work for the government, go for private companies, you'll literally shit money

>> No.15605620
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thanks fren, will try my best. I worry that I won't be able to keep up with the type of ppl who go into this field but will fight the good fight.
Will need to look into this. Feel like I'll need to get years of experience and such before I can go private but will look into it.

>> No.15605639
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Senpai med peasant here, getting 270k 1st year out of residency (3 years) doing boonie boomer primary care. In hindsight wish I had went psych, internal to specialty, or something a little more lifestyle due to tge unpaid paperwork burden of prim care.

Imo, whether you go surg or med should mostly be down to personality (type A tends toward surg) and if you think you can stand being in residency for 5+ extra years after going through med school. If I went surg and had the grades then my pick from the subspecialties would have been ophtho, ortho, plastics, or urology for money + lifestyle. In neurosurg you're gonna be dealing with a bunch of radiculopathy / chronic back pain cases that currently don't reliably have great outcomes and are frequently pains in the butt to deal with as patients. But the prestige is unparalelled if that's your thing. You'll be a brain surgeon, after all.

Regardless, if you know how to manage money at all and can defer gratification a few years out from res you should be doing great regardless of what you choose in a few years.

>> No.15605653

Intended to write f.a.m. m.e.d.; cucked by 4chan filter.

>> No.15605661

I have a lot of respect for surgeons. Even looking at that picture makes me feel dizzy even after being on these boards for a long time. I could never handle that shit in real life, let alone the responsibility that goes with it, especially on a regular basis.

>> No.15605679

Mstp here
Its exactly as billed

If youre actually genuinely happy working 90 hours a week for the rest of your life then its where you are meant to be

I have two friends who are nsg. They did it for the right reasons and are for the first time in their lives happy

Do not do it for any other reasons. Most that go into the field end up destroyed.

If you wake up every day and wish there were bigger, more hopeless problems to focus on and you still feel that way at 9pm and hate going to sleep its for you. Ironically you will find the only real friends you can on this earth because nobody else will understand the above.

But if that isnt you, dont do it
Dont do it

>> No.15605682

Psychiatrist do make bank. I know for a fact that psychiatrists in the california department of corrections make 300k a year for 1 hour worth of work a day.
>nurses prep client and ask preliminary questions
>5 minute assessment
>prescribe if necessary
>let nurses write the notes
>repeat and do1 hour worth of work
>literally leave early every day
>let psychologists/social workers do case management bullshit and mental health checks
>collect 300k a year and a pension plan that will set you for life
If I could go back in time I would have gone that route

>> No.15605722

Not sure how much I buy into personality types, was considering ortho but what's another year or two, miring that attendant salary.
It's cool stuff which is why I went down this road, feel like it keeps the heart and mind sharp and helps add some excitement.
Feel like I don't mind working so much as all the studying I'm having to do right now for shelf exams and other hoops. Seems kind of cool to work on hopeless problems, like a good challenge.

>> No.15605725

Yes. Psych is the true lifestyle path for medfags with middling grades / scores and I would probably be better off had I chosen it over family med. As someone with behavioral health focus though it does require patience and empathy to do your job well.

>> No.15605753

If you haven't done clinicals you'll see what I mean in a year or so. The med / surg personality divide is likely half self selection and half the shape you're beaten into as part of your training. Doesn't apply as much for those who make it through to attendings.

>> No.15605760

Why are you asking a bunch of NEETs? Go talk to some real neurosurgeons. From my point of view, the long hours and extremely high stress aren't worth the money. You'll end up burnt out and pissed off with little time for family, friends, hobbies, etc.

>> No.15605769

My brain is made of metal and silicon r-right?

>> No.15605775

Yup, some of the ones I know of get 300k, work 6 hours and leave without anyone batting an eye then work part time jobs for private companies or their own practice making close to as much. I hear medfags laugh at psychs, but they are the ones laughing all the way to the bank without doing shit

>> No.15605784

Oh, don't forget they only work 4 days a week as well lel. Fuck me why didnt I have the brains to become a psych

>> No.15605801


OP I was going to do neurosurg or ortho in med school but I said 'fuck it' and did psych instead. I finished residency just over 2 years ago and have been making ridiculous money in private practice, fuck surgery honestly. I am WAY happier not being in surgery.

>> No.15605806

CST here. I work with a neurosurgeon twice a week, every week. He wishes he could focus on brain tumors and not deal with spinal nerves. Personally, I think the down side in that is the fact that many are GBM and of course he would need to console and counsel his patients.

You'll still have clinic, and hopefully your surgical team cares about setting you up for success.

Word of advice if you do go surg: don't raise your voice, just keep cool. The other people in that room helping you are just wagies.

>> No.15605814


Also look up attrition rates in surgical residencies. A lot of people don't even finish. And it's not always their fault. If you get a prick for a PD or chairman you can get your whole career fucking ruined. You have no power as a resident at all. Just do psych.

>> No.15605823
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Currently doing clinicals and curious to see how surgery is. Hopefully it all falls together.
Haven't seen many neurosurgeons, you guys are my frens. I'm already burnt out and pissed w/ little time for family, friends, hobbies and idk if I see that changing much
This is tempting as all hell. really puts into perspective how ppl can "win" in different ways

>> No.15605846

Yes, this is something I saw from the sidelines in med. Lots of people switching to med after first year in surgery. It's pretty brutal and not for everyone. Money is good but not much better than can be had from some areas on the med side.

Also turns out ther are a few more docs / med students on biz than I would have thought.

>> No.15605857

And consider this, I know 5 people in my year that did nsgy (I was in the interest group and shit), 1 killed himself, 1 quit residency and works on his parents farm, 1 transferred into general surgery, 1 transferred into psych (after 3 years lmao all that wasted time and he gets no credit for any of his rotations), and only one is still doing it (he's PGY 6 or 7 now?) and every time we talk he says his life is a living nightmare.

>> No.15605856

Please consider psych anon, like that other psych anon said you'll get the med perks and pay while having a normal life and not slaving 90 hours a week. Its a win win, but everyone gets blinded by the surgeon title. If you want to experience a hell of a life with money to fund it surgery will grant the money but not the life. Unless you want to leave your kids with a hell of a fighting chance to not become wagecucks by leaving them a nice inheritance, if you manage to have the time to have a family.

>> No.15605866

Lol I can totally see this happening to me, but I kinda hope it doesn't just because I feel like I would get bored as fuck just giving ppl meds and trying to fix the fucked up shit that happened to them.
Hope that's pretty rare and ppl aren't just out to ruin lives.

>> No.15605867

Fuck no.

T. Derm-fag m4 just submitted ERAS last night

>> No.15605877

>Hope that's pretty rare and ppl aren't just out to ruin lives.

Oh it is not rare at all, look at SDN general residency subforum and shit. You'll find some retarded IMGs getting railroaded sure but there are all kinds of horror stories about residents getting fired.

Attending hits on you and you don't sleep with him? Hope you like getting slowly run out of the program! I've read all kinds of weird shit on there and I believe some of it.

You need a PD letter to get accepted into any other residency program and if your program hates you, and you are fired/resign you are COMPLETELY fucked for life and did med school and however much of residency for nothing.

>> No.15605881

I'm a healthcare professional too. My advice is to not go into a field or specialty just because of money. Money is great but it sucks if you have to constantly work your ass off for it.

>> No.15605888

Good luck bro - derm is the shining med specialty on the hill for many of us primary care peons. Fun procedures, lifestyle, great pay. Every time I have a visit to lop an AK or SCC off I wish I had studied harder so I could do it all day long.

>> No.15605904
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1563721047814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like me in psych would be the blind leading the blind. I've already blown tons of cash on trashy tranny hookers and can't foresee myself living a happy life with waifu and co.
>1 killed himself, 1 quit residency and works on his parents farm
lmao ohnonono the absolute state.
yeah honestly we gotta take risks right? I'll gladly sleep with the milfy nsgy attendings, hit me up if reading

>> No.15605907

Yeah gl anon.

Let me also say that ACGME is not your friend in the sense that anything you report to them will only make the program make life harder for you. While your institutional GME office may be awesome, they have very little power over programs. If a program does not like you they can just create a paperwork trail to justify kicking you out.

Keep your head down, don't make waves, don't be labeled a problem or complainer, and you can get thru even the most malignant residency.

My program was great but other ones (gen surg, ob/gyn) at my institution were very malignant and I heard all kinds of things. I learned a lot about office politics in residency.

>> No.15605910

what the fuck i thought this board was filled with retards where did all you medfags come from

>> No.15605914

Why do you want to be a neurosurgeon?

>> No.15605915

No one likes you

>> No.15605917

Truth. The more that's at stake the more terrifying it gets. Luckily my specialty was among the chillest but at almost every other program at my institution something like this would happen every year or two to a resident, much more frequently in surg / obgyn / subspecialties.

And stay far away from OB unless you really get a rush from birthing babies. Everything about working the labor hall is hellish.

>> No.15605941

My brother is a vascular surgery resident, prob wasn’t smart enough to do neuro but smart enough. Any surgery once you past a threshold it’s not about intelligence, just pure work ethic. I think he works 80-90 hours a week and has been doing so for several years.
Believe it’s his last year. Absolutely do not do it unless you are OK with and want to work 60-80 hours a week basically forever. Don’t do it for the money.
My uncle a CFO at some hospital network said vascular surgeons net 1m, I imagine that neuro is also 800-1.2m range, but you really do work a lot. And the stress, of people literally dying while you work.

>> No.15605945

>And stay far away from OB unless you really get a rush from birthing babies. Everything about working the labor hall is hellish.

I can't imagine how bad it would be as a resident, but as a med student I literally passed out after being up for 28 something hours on L&D with no sleep. It made psych residency call look like a cakewalk.

>> No.15605957

Feel like it would be exciting/ rewarding to help people who are really messed up. Money good once you make it. Don't really have a life anyways.

>> No.15605978


Yeah no, the only thing family members will remember is the sleep deprived young doctor who snapped at them when they asked more than 30 seconds of questions in the neuro ICU because youve been up 30 hours and have 60 patients to round on including floor patients and nobody actually gets better in nsgy except maybe PD with deep brain stimulators or some tumors.

If you do private practice you're gonna make 600k and then drop 200k of that on malpractice. If you do academic you're gonna make 350k but with them paying for malpractice. Per hour you make jack shit in neurosurg. You are not gonna be super rich unless you are a chair.

>> No.15605986

I almost did this in med school. Got called in to c section on 70 BMI mamacita after 20 hours on duty. Room was hot as fuck and attending had me applying fundal pressure by basically laying on top of her...

Anyway as a fammed resident OB wasn't as bad and I only had max 3 on our service laboring at a time (never complicated), but I never looked forward to it. The labor hall nurses are some of the worst females on the planet I have ever had the misfortune to work with.

>> No.15606000

The neuro ICU is right but he'll surely make more than that, even right out of residency.

>> No.15606014


Rofl, nice. I always got along with the FM residents at our hospital they were chill. Glad your program wasn't malignant.

Ehh I kind of forgot the salaries since I last looked (6 years ago plus now). A lot of private practice psychiatrists make 800k-1mil easy. It's like a huge secret until you become a resident then they teach you about business/income stuff. 400-500 an hour easy.

>> No.15606025

Medfag here. Get into cosmetic medicine, botox and fillers then open up your own medispa. Guys are making a killing and patients pay cash, no insurance companies dictate to you what you can and can't do.

>> No.15606039

Also if you do private practice psych, don't be some dipshit who just gives college students adderall all day. Sure if you open a clinic next to a college campus you can make an easy 7 figures but literally every other psychiatrist is gonna think you're a quack and eventually the DEA will get your ass (they always do).

You can make enough money as a doctor dont' do some get rich quick quasi legal bullshit.

And I would stay away from the ketamine infusion stuff for now too.

>> No.15606042

This is true my brother in law does facial plastic surgery, he stopped doing nose jobs and know does botox only. Even hired a PA to help and them I think.
Makes 700-1m. All cash

>> No.15606075

>student loans
That's where you fucked up

>> No.15606120

i’ve been working as a private practice physician for 6 years. please, listen to me and don’t do neurosurgery unless it’s your absolute life passion. that being said, a good neurosurgeon, especially spine surgeon, will pull in a million dollars a year, but the workload is extreme. do something like dermatology. you’ll be happy you listened to me. i make a lot as a specialist (not derm, not neurosurg) but it’s a stressful life.

>> No.15606143
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This unironically and do Mohs surgery fellowship for extra monies if you don't mind staying 1-2 years longer.

>> No.15606161

I am hijacking this thread, is there any advice for an undergraduate that wants to do Dermo? I got a 3.8 GPA, and I am studying for the MCAT after this semester. I do research at a hospital, but idk what else I should do to beat the chinks and pajeets.

>> No.15606197

what's a life without stress tho? feel like I'd get bored asf as a dermo
beast the mcat, get published, profit

>> No.15606201

yes. this also applies to once you finish all your training and are working in practice. some private practices might pay a lot but you will work your ass off for that vs. a more cushy schedule at kaiser or in academics. you may hope that after residency is over you’ll have this wonderful life, but the fact is the stress levels and hassles go up once you’re in practice.

>> No.15606203

>I don't know if I would trust a neurosurgeon who bought link.
>Of course if you're in it for the money, then do hip replacements. If you go to the dollars for docs website, you have two orthopedic surgeons who each got over $60 million in kickbacks from their parts suppliers


Fucking doctors man

>> No.15606204

Ace the MCAT.
Get in to good med school.
Get good step 1 score.
Get good GPA.
Get into AOA.
Apply to a ton of programs and hope you get selected.

It's as easy as that!

At your present point, pad your resume with some med-themed service. I neglected in this area and it hurt me somewhat.

>> No.15606214

idc what the family thinks, will be rewarding for me if I help the dude live. They can think I'm an asshole for all I care, I'm not gonna be an IM god holding the patient's hand and shit

>> No.15606221

If I'd be in the medical field, it would be surgery no doubt. Traumasurgery or neuro.
Did you know psychopaths are more prone to be a surgent?

>> No.15606256

believe me, stress as a full fledged practicing MD on your own is unlike a lot of other things. you will have stress about complications, getting sued, sleepless nights, burn out, paperwork, etc. You have no idea, fren

>> No.15606291
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Thanks guys! I'll dab on the MCAT after this semester

>> No.15606311

My girlfriend is studying med to do obgyn (in australia, idk if its different to usa, probably less landwhales like that story above kek), is she smart or rarted?

>> No.15606324

obgyn is absolutely brutal, even after training. unless she plans to do fertility medicine, tell her that an experienced physician (me) strongly advises her to steer clear of that field.

>> No.15606325

don't call people names, another reason I don't like psych with all their personality disorders and whatnot.
true, at least you don't have to go home and hit the question banks tho or have to care about if some attending likes you. Once you get good I feel like those things get less worrisome

>> No.15606332
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I'm honestly concerned that a doctor managing someone's health could be a 4chan poster.

>> No.15606349

Well its more of a personality trait suitable for that stuff. The first man on the moon was propably also a psychopath my fren.
My godfather is a vascular surgeon and he deff has the traits, but he is a very funny guy.

>> No.15606368
File: 21 KB, 657x527, 9071C25E-3748-4150-942F-878C11EB844F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600k sounds great until you consider you will get taxed heavily on a w2 with that salary. on a w9 you can write off the ferrari u drive to work. u cant be a w9 wih nuerosurgery but u can with derm or psych or even internal med. dentistry is probably the best route due to time in school and w9

t. opted out of med school to do my own buisness

>> No.15606384
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>600k sounds great until you consider you will get taxed heavily on a w2 with that salary

I know, OP should just work at McDonald's lol

>> No.15606407
File: 12 KB, 214x400, Nick_Riviera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there no loopholes for surgeons?

>> No.15606429

Not to my knowledge. Doctors are actually notoriously bad with money on average to the point where there are even types of financial products (physician loans) developed and targeted at them to take their money.

t small time doc.

>> No.15606453

How come?

>> No.15606456

A psycopath is simply someone born without what you would normally consider empathy. There are a shitload of psychopaths out there, that doesn't mean they are all out there doing evil shit to others although for a psychopath such deeds would not affect them like they do most people. For neurosurgeons, such a trait would most likely be suitable, as the emotional baggage that comes with someone dying on you doesn't weight you so heavily you fuck up the job with apprehensions on making risky decisions. A psychopath would take the gamble whether the patient dies or not, and because of such assertiveness to get one up on the challenge are more likely to get shit done.

>> No.15606466

actually i’m responsible for a lot of lives everyday, at a high power place and trained at the most elite places in the world. I’m not bragging, but to show you the contrast: i also fud shitcoins all day for fun and to keep things real.

>> No.15606470

Actually I take that back. Surgeons frequently will go in with other surgeons as business partners and open a surgery center where they will do day surgeries there. Big venture but pays off.

>> No.15606483

dated a girl for a while whose father was a neurosurgeon. biggest house i've ever seen. sports cars, club memberships, top of the line clothes and golf equipment...even had a fairway and green made in his backyard. pretty arrogant. family was holding together by a thread at times. he'd have to rush out at all hours of the morning from time to time due to an emergency. i lost touch, but last i checked, he passed away, and it seems the family had become a lot closer than they were when i was dating his daughter. anyway, what struck me was the number of people who wrote mini-eulogies on the funeral home's website about how he'd saved a life, how he was such a leader at the hospital, etc. i think he gave everything to the career, and so that part of his life was a total success.

that said, i heard the real money is in radiology...earn enough, partner with other radiologists to buy an mri, and open your own practice, then count your money.

>> No.15606505

Lol maybe being an accounting major was a bad choice?

What was your undergrad?

>> No.15606557

I think if people don't subscribe to a social/ structural moral system and instead come up with their own moral standards they can come across as callous and would be considered to lack empathy if they don't actively entertain aforementioned social/structural moral codes.

>> No.15606567

Makes sense. I will always be grateful to the neurologist and neurosurgeon who kept my dad alive for so long.

>> No.15606586

4 years undergrad neuroscience BS
4 years med school
3 years senpai med residency
This is the fastest path to practice.

Stick with accounting anon.

>> No.15606599

No dude, they could see someone beat the shit out of you, murder your wife and child and feel absolutely nothing unless that's the one thing that riles them up. They honestly just do not care because their brain is structurally wired not to. There is no moral system, they just go along doing whatever suits them, there is no morals at all just living and getting what you want no matter the means because why the fuck not? They are not stupid though, not in the slightest. Self preservation is the only moral that matters I guess.

>> No.15606600

fammed...this fuckin filter

>> No.15606616

I'm trying to convince him to go the psych route. It can be boring if you want it to be boring, or exciting if you want it to as well and you can they to help some really fucked up people with medication or other means the call is his. The human psyche is the one thing no scalpel can correct, medication simply numbs it is all I find this shit fascinating.

>> No.15606667

I'm a medical dosimetrist- I do radiation cancer treatment planning- and when it comes to medicine you gotta keep a few things in mind.

1. its gonna be a lot of years in school
2. its gonna be expensive
3. its gonna be a lot of work
4. Medicine can be an extremely stressful, backstabbing, catty, thankless job depending on the center.

I'd say only go into it if you're actually interested in the subject matter. Consider the job without considering the pay: is it still something you'd want to do?

>> No.15606686

Fuck im reading some shit about obgyn on leddit and now im a bit worried, considering ill basically be supporting her until she starts earning money. Is it significantly worse than other fields? Is it bad because of murica or equally bad in other countries? Am I gonna become a wagie slave and a home slave at the same time lmao

>> No.15606734

It's fine, just demanding time wise for L&D.

>> No.15606803

Interesting topic. I am a travel nurse who makes about 110-130k a year and only works 3 shifts a week (36 hours). What do you guys think of Botox or opening up an IV infusion business?

>> No.15606832

Physicist who worked in radiology here. Dunno how it's in the US but here radiologists make the most money and I can attest to that because my boss was shitting money. Building a radiology practice takes a shitload of money though but once you get there you just shit money.

>> No.15606836

note that youre not the only one looking into that. EVERYONE wants private, thus companies only hire the best. top 1% of class usually
if youre in it for the money then dont even bother, your will lack motivation in the 2nd year

>> No.15606904

Nah dude go with dermatology or radiation oncology unless you're super passionate about that field in particular.

>> No.15606989

don’t do radiology. AI is already able to read certain scans better. Radiology has become much less popular in the US recently.

>> No.15606994

she should be a stay-at-home mother with your children, anon.

>> No.15606995

obgyn has the worst on call lifestyle. someone’s always gonna have a baby

>> No.15607129

Each state has diff permits iirc about who can do what. Looked into it for cosmetic laser therapy, price was ok but needed an MD to sign off on all patients here but then anyone with trainig could do it. Oh well.

>> No.15607843

a fokin surgeon who invested in link lmao, id never go under your kekin knife

>> No.15607951
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I'm a young doctor and I post on Nico's vinegar feet threads.
You know the proverb: 4chan is where smart people go to act retarded, reddit is where retarded people go to act smart.

>> No.15608104

Dont get caught anon

>> No.15608253

Radiology is not only about diagnostics you retard.