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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15605421 No.15605421 [Reply] [Original]

kek...you sold the bottom, didn't you?

Inb4 muh dead cat bounce, muh feet, muh kys

>> No.15605428
File: 12 KB, 600x600, 1568594400223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the moon shot starting?

>> No.15605437

well don't. you are a true biznessman now

>> No.15605438


>> No.15605467

where are we

>> No.15605471

Strap in

>> No.15605474

Let me guess it's still not even above 85 sats

And it never will be because token will be getting unlocked monthly

>> No.15605485

Keep up the BS FUD. If you are going to FUD at least know what the fuck you are talking about. Idiot.

>> No.15605642

Didn't read already sold.

>> No.15605662

the new ethereum is rising, rip eth, welcome the new king

>> No.15606035

based real talk

>> No.15606301

the bottom?
the bottom was 100 last time i checked
90 sat botttom
85 bottom
80 bottom
75 bottom
70 bottom
whats next?

>> No.15606328

A 4% pump? Holy shit wait for meeeeeee

>> No.15606419

Wrong questions and answer buddy!
>Gizem feet is solution to everything

>> No.15606427

tell us then and don't just deflect with DYOR

>> No.15606436

Gizem feet
You know Gizem?
Seen her feet?
>Stop asking dumb question, ask your self why you are poor and wageslave?
Because you don't worship and pray Gizem feet yaar

>> No.15606516

If I ever meet you irl I'm gonna skullfuck you and then beat you up. Then I'm cutting off your feet and feed them back to you. Absolute cancer

>> No.15606539

lul gtfo with your bbq coin

>> No.15606672

If you ever meet me irl we probably eat Chicken Tika Masala and drink Mango Lassi together yaar my threat.
Don't anger buddy, we are all here to go Lambo Moon right?
I am very nice guy you don't anger or scare me ever... but if you talk bad about Gizem, prepare for biggest war in your life time, no mercy!

>I will bite you on left side neck with my teeth torn apart skin spit it out then bit again to hit vein with my theeth and feel warm blood coming out of your arteries over my face while I look you in the eyes, holding top of hear on your head with my left hand and say:''Never talk bad about Gizem''

But that won't ever happen because you are smart guy, right?

>> No.15607415

Go fuck yourself m8. It's funny to see that the shilling quality of this shitcoin is relative to its price. I'm curious tho, how much have you made sice you got hired? As for the foods you mentioned, thanks to mommy bonglad importing millions of you I can gett a tikka masala and mago lassi at Tesco for less than £10. You're not the nastiest species on this planet but the sheer amount of you is just amazing? How did you manage to reproduce to these numbers?

>> No.15607602

ure a fkin dogger

>> No.15607612

and you are a fkin dogger too

>> No.15608360

ahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaa you gave your hard earned money TO THIS AAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

check their livestream on persicope (twitter) ahahhahahhahahha i'm fucking dying ahahahhahahhahahhahaha

>> No.15608414

This was literally a dead cat bounce retarded

>> No.15608443

moonshot only if cb lists..otherwise no end to bottom

>> No.15609362

Well I actually ''fuck myself'' every day in the morning, I think every man does that.
I work as a security guard at the front desk of a building so I have some time free to talk here however they blocked site like Facebook.
My god that is a good deal, but yes UK Indian food is so good I know I have family there who have restaurant in Birmingham.
Thanks for saying my kind not nastiest very kind words sir, maybe one day I can also serve the Queen and become citizen of the UK however Brexit is not positive right?
Well the thing about reproduction is there is no entertainment in the rural area so what do you do when no TV or bars or discotheque?
Yes you get your Tikka Masala wet in some nice Curry!

>You want become friends on Instagram maybe?

>> No.15609366

didn't age well