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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15605345 No.15605345 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15605351

hopefully not before I make my millions off crypto so I can better diversify

>> No.15605357
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>> No.15605411

as soon as the west runs out of money to fund the population boom in africa/se asia

>> No.15605419

It won't crash like 08-09 again. It will correct down maybe 20% or so, but that will be about it.

>> No.15605654

This. The only way I’ll ever get a house is if my boomer parents don’t sell their second one.

>> No.15605676

This anon knows. 20% is the best you can hope for. Don't expect the stock market to ever crash again in a proper sense either. We're literally in uncharted territory now with infinite QE and 0/negative interest rates.

>> No.15605692
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>> No.15605746


>> No.15606224

When the boomers finally retire into Senior Living places.

Very soon.

>> No.15606232


This is good for gold and silver. Invest in real assets that aren't part of some shitty credit Ponzi scheme.

>> No.15606243

Housing markets don't crash. 2008-09 wasn't an anomaly because of the subprime mortgage crisis

>> No.15606249

I’ve been doing a ton of research over the last month and this anon is correct. I was hoping for a big crash, I’m currently stacking money for a down payment. But a housing crash is not coming.

>> No.15606264

Im thinking like in 30 years when whites become an minority. No ones gpnna wanna live here in america after that

>> No.15606660

China is taking over Africa for the rocks and sheit

>> No.15606721

>thinking they’ll get a 20% discount on real estate
Heh, are people dying en masse or something and it’s not on the news?

I hate to break it to you real estate armageddonists but the population is growing and available land is shrinking. Rich people will continue to accumulate because land is power. The next downturn will be in ~10 years and inflation will be insane by then but wages will probably still be fucked.

>> No.15606853

Real Estate hit peak last month. Now we just hit peak refinance. Next we will have way too many sellers and it will look like the market is booming, but it will stall. Buyers are going to be picky, prices will fall. People who bought will get massive buyers regret.

>> No.15606935

as soon as the effects of the reccession hit. people loose jobs, cant pay mortage, house is on the market again, banks failing again because they had to lend to every nigger out there in order to stay profitable.

its not the end of the world but things will change dramatically during the 20s. prepare accordingly

>> No.15607370

I've noticed a lot of people have started selling their second homes, like holidays houses on the coast. They are all still absurdly expensive though.

>> No.15607500

On the news here in Melbourne the other night they said some real estate institutes are predicting an average price of 6 million per house in the 2040's

>> No.15607509

>real estate institutes
you dont say

>> No.15607567

was that Domain shilling some shitty chink apartments? apparently houses are up roughly 0.5% over the last month for both melbourne & sydney and the real estate shills are going into overdrive. its fucked hey

>> No.15607647

They have basically already built all the freestanding houses they can within a desirable distance of the city though, there is no space left. and apartment living will become highly undesirable with all the brown people in the buildings.

>> No.15607671

One last dip before we go to the moon desu

>> No.15607977
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Absolute cringe. Median incomes vs median home prices are at all time highs. Housing has a maximum affordability function unlike stocks. In conclusion you’re a mental midget baghilder

>> No.15608203

Unfortunately this, QE will keep housing prices up

>> No.15608287

This is good for bitcoin

>> No.15608387

When people get too greedy and give out subprime mortgages under another name. Or if we have a black plague type of event where droves of the population die, but we'll have bigger problems than the housing market if that happens.

>> No.15608495

In America? Not for a.long time, in Canada and Australia? It's happening right now...