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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15603607 No.15603607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Women are basically fat mentally ill men

>> No.15603626
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>> No.15603718

This is /biz/ you're looking for /pol/

>> No.15603735

spotted the virgins clinging desperately to lies that females are anything but useless stupid whores

>> No.15603740

women are the niggers of the world

>> No.15603743
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Yea, unlike /pol/, we actually have sex.

t. person who just had sex

>> No.15603765

I'm spend a lot of time on /pol. Haven't had sex in almost 2 years, voluntarily.

>> No.15603806
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Women have their place just like men. It's just that technology and modern living have disrupted the natural order of things and most men are incompatible for mating due to lack of income or are physically or psychologically weak.