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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1560352 No.1560352 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ some high profile billionaire is coming to my house for a meeting and is bringing a 2 team security. I have dogs and don't want some trigger happy meat head killing them if they jump on the guy.

Do you think it's inappropriate to not allow guns in my house? i'm nervous enough for the meeting but to add on the fear of my dogs fucking up is too much desu

>> No.1560360

Are you also a billionaire?

>> No.1560367

Sue for $1B if dog shot.

>> No.1560376

Lock your dogs out the back/tie them up.
Not that hard.

>> No.1560384

no lmao not even a millionaire


>> No.1560387

Put them out in the yard, idiot.

Oh, do you mean you have a large dog that stays only indoors?

Dude, I hope that billionaire refuses business with you.

>> No.1560393

>>Oh, do you mean you have a large dog that stays only indoors?
what's wrong with that? i let them run around but they live in the house. they aren't working dogs

>> No.1560412

No faggot, go lock your dogs in a kennel or something.

>> No.1560415

Literally the best solution.
I'd kill my brother for a billion dollars.

>> No.1560474


shoot the dogs yourself

if they're dead they won't be shot

>i let them run around but they live in the house. they aren't working dogs

and then shoot yourself as well

>> No.1560486

i don't even know what triggered you

>> No.1560504

>the fear of my dogs fucking up
Wow, you're letting an animal dictate how you do business?
Sounds like you need to reevaluate your priorities.

>> No.1560522

no i'm just uncomfortable around guns

>> No.1560534

>no i'm just uncomfortable around guns
liberal nu-male faggot

>> No.1560547

Some people are just as uncomfortable around dogs, but you're not exactly giving them a choice either, are you?

>> No.1560550

let him kill your dogs, for one billion you can buy thousands more

>> No.1560677

If there is a way you can get in contact with his security team, warn them about the dogs in advance.

Or you could just put your dogs in a place in or out of your house where they won't cause trouble.

>> No.1560708


Great story. Thanks for sharing OP. Real winner here.

>> No.1561923

I have a dog, and from experience, if my dog doesn't like you, he's a better judge of character than me.

So, I would let him meet them, keeping him close, and if my dog feels edgy, they would have to leave.

My dog lives here, you're a guest until he decides otherwise.
If I had taken my dog's judgement in the past, I would have been a lot better off.

Inb4 are you joking.
No, I am deadly serious, but only put this together in hindsight after studying a lot about dogs.

In a nutshell -
>they are literally experts in body language
>they cannot be swayed easily by stuff humans can be influenced by
>dogs can literally smell fear or bad intentions
>they can smell fear or hostility through pheromones released which are imperceptible to humans

>> No.1561939

>if my dog feels edgy, they would have to leave
If I was considering doing business with you, I'd thank your dog for getting me out of there before I got involved with your loony ass.

>> No.1561952


Close them in your bedroom or bedroom bath, sheesh.

Keep in mind a billionaires has lawyers on call, and have been known to get out of such level of stuff as baby raping killings. Money is above the law at a certain level if you have the right connections, and if he walks around with a squad...do you seriously want to piss him off?

>> No.1562048

You obviously know nothing about dogs.
It's worked well so far, to my knowledge, he's never been wrong. Everyone he's disliked has turned out to be a turncoat, thief, compulsive liar, etc
my dog is always there at a business meeting at my house for this very reason. He's screening your ass.
Meanwhile, assholes would lie and bullshit you with ease, plotting to Jew you.
>I'd thank your dog
That sounds like 'loony talk!'
That's a moot point. If my dog is edgy around you, somethings up with you, bro, and I won't be doing business with you.
And I wouldn't necessarily tell you why. I might put the dog outside and make my excuses, say he's vomiting and I need to take him to the vet or some shit.
Then, as if by magic, I would call you the next day and say 'oh, another guy phoned me this morning, he offered me the finance I needed, but thanks anyway'

>> No.1562058

>my dog can smell jews
>i'm not crazy
Ok, man.
Just calm down.

>> No.1562065

Same thing happened to me man. I thought it was weird, then I found out that the guy who wanted to "do business" with me was actually a scammer.

>> No.1562175

you can fucking try, i will fucking end you Brian.

>> No.1562196

Jesus Burt, has you tinfoil hat fallen from your ginormous head once again?

>> No.1562222

...and if my dog humps their leg that means they're my new sexual partner. And that's how I got employed at Weinstein and Cohen's Attorneys.

>> No.1562226

Can you expand on that?

For me, I have quite a few stories, but one was literally one of my best friends, my dog would never relax when he came round. He would sit there looking straight at him, watching every move.
If he tried to stroke him, he would growl and back away, or lunge at home if he got too close.

I would apologize and stuff, but never thought about it until I realized he was literally stealing stuff from my apartment, and worse.
He set me up to get beat up, just for entertainment, and had done it to others.
I actually think he was a psychopath, as the more I looked into it, he did shit like that all the time with anyone. He stole from his family, everything.

Another time, I took him on a night watchman job a few times, this one guard who used to come in to take over my shift so I could leave, would always do exactly the same with him - the same body language, everything - sitting still watching him, between me and him, growl if he came near, lunge if he came too close to me, etc
He was fired for stealing a month later.

He never liked one ex GF of mine. You can guess the rest.

It took a few years of this to spot a pattern. If the other person was honest and loyal (at least to me) he would always be comfortable around them, would just lie down and chill, walk around the house, not watching over them the whole time.

>> No.1562228

>I'd kill my brother for a billion dollars.


>> No.1562235
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>> No.1562237

This """"""billionaire""""" and his """""""guards""""""" are looking to see if you have anything in your house worth stealing. Call the cops and ask them if they want some easy arrests. Just place some expensive shit out and they will get hooked.

>> No.1562266

Dogs have far superior senses - sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch.

Pheromones in sweat, your heartbeat, your body language, voice tonality and inclination, they are processing this shit constantly.

We can't even mention bathtime in my house, and if I run a bath for him, he somehow knows it's for him. He is chill when I run a bath for myself, or anyone else in the house, but regardless of how we do it, he will hide under the stairs when it's bathtime for him.

We tried whispering it, no dice.
We tried spelling it, he learned that too fast.
We tried luring him upstairs on some pretence, he knows.
We will write it on a note, he still knows.
We tried luring him into the garden, using a hose, no dice.
Now we just resign to the fact that it's gonna be a 2-man job and a full-on one-hour battle of attrition and negotiation. There will be blood, sweat, tears, threats and promises made.

When the 5 senses are that acute, it is literally like a 6th sense.

>> No.1562287

Oh man, there's a certain level of meta-physical play thats available. You can have the upper hand with it.

>you'll never know

>> No.1562321
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You're fucking that poor dog, aren't you?
You can tell us, we're all anonymous here.

>> No.1562425


Also, we like to think we are evolved as a society, but both the high and low both still know: it's who you know, and who you blow. The only thing different is that we made a clusterfuck of a system, and tricked ourselves into thinking it works.

I think you mean rose colored glasses, and not tinfoil hat, sir. Yes, they fell off long ago.

>> No.1562431

Not sure what you're saying?
Sadly, he's not gay.
There you go browser, you wanted a cheap laugh, you got it.

>> No.1562457

>Sadly, he's not gay
>you got it
I sure did. Thanks.