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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15601959 No.15601959 [Reply] [Original]

why am i so tired all of the time?

>> No.15601963

buy LINK

>> No.15601974

See a doctor about your depression and get the help you need.

>> No.15601984

depression, fix it

>> No.15602132
File: 76 KB, 600x600, 1-Optimism-quote-from-Elon-Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't getting enough:
- Sleep
- group exercise

>> No.15602155

Stop cooming

>> No.15602466

A: You probably either eat like shit or think you are eating properly while slowly poisoning yourself with sugar/carbohydrates.

B: You are chronically vitamin D deficient.

C, most likely scenario: both A and B.

Try a ketogenic diet for 1 month. And, more importantly, get as much sun exposure daily as you can. If your miserable freight broker position makes this infeasible, take a daily vitamin D3 supplement, preferably olive oil gel capsules. Here you go.

>> No.15602487


5000 iu daily is where measurable benefits will occur. Feel free to start with 10,000 if you’re an actual adult male. You will also experience improved sexual health, mood, skin, immune function etc etc.

>> No.15602502

No. There are many more explanations for lethargy, such as anemia, depression, hypothyroidism, etc. Vitamin deficiencies are actually pretty uncommon causes. As far as diet is concerned, moderation is important. No one macronutrient is to blame. Ketogenic diet is a fad and potentially harmful. Don't do it, OP. Do Mediterranean diet if anything. Is is the only evidence-based diet.

T. MD-fag

>> No.15602518
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Get a job you love


>> No.15602529

Forgot sleep apnea. It is also an extremely common cause of lethargy, especially for obese individuals. Bottom line is you should make an appointment with your general practitioner / primary care doc to get this worked up. Based on your OP pic and sheer probability, my money would be on depression. Take a PHQ-9 online right now to assess.

>> No.15602573
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>> No.15602580

Good advice anon

>> No.15602586


You shut your kike slave mouth dr shekel nigger. I will fucking flay you and stick your 4am talking points up your fucking ass. Your profession is bastard child of Wall Street and palm reading.


>> No.15602644

It's so motherfucking HOT outside, sucks the energy out of your soul

You'll get invigorated when the cold wind blows, won't be long now

>> No.15602685

Well, he's not technically wrong, although like all MD fags he is brainwashed by the textbooks they fed him.
There is far more knowledge to be gained outside of what they teach you in school. They are overly conservative about health and probably influenced by certain industries to teach certain things.

>> No.15602707
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>> No.15602728
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Stop cooming bro

>> No.15602745

Ketards are the worst. Keep eating carbs OP, but lift at least 3x per week

>> No.15602836

This is the best answer your gonna get OP. Plus stop jerking off 3 times a day.

>> No.15602852

>get as much sun exposure daily as you can.

Enjoy your skin cancer and pre-mature aging

>> No.15602874

Probably magnesium deficient

Not even kidding like 99% of the shit replies ITT