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15600365 No.15600365 [Reply] [Original]

My wife and I just got married, and we recently received $10,000 from her parents as a wedding gift.

What should we do with this money that doesn't involve cryptocurrency, stocks, or real estate? We already have more than enough of that covered, and we'd like to put this somewhere safe yet smart.

>> No.15600398

go on a fun vacation and take picture you can look back on

>> No.15600399
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>> No.15600421

Coom all over it

>> No.15600449

Just put it all into 5 year bonds or cd.

>> No.15600486

>What should we do with this money that doesn't involve cryptocurrency, stocks, or real estate? We already have more than enough of that covered

if you have more than enough of that covered then $10k isn't shit to you and you should probably just blow it on a vacation or something and take pictures of how much fun you had and send it to her parents. they'd appreciate that alot more than if you'd just used it to put another drop in your bucket.

>> No.15600539

>Safe yet smart.
That probably wasn't their intentions.
Do you have a house? Dreams of kids? Ballpark salary? Debt?

>> No.15600555

Gold and silver my nigger

>> No.15600577

Throw it all into fundrise.com dividend investing portfolio. Over 30 years it will become $150k which yields about $12-$14k in dividends a year. Your $10k will be bringing you $12k a year indefinitely in 30 years which will be enough to probably pay your monthly mortgage through retirement. If you’re pretty old and don’t have 30 years then throw it all at paying off current debt like a car note or student loans.

>> No.15600599

>wow those idiots really pissed all our money away on a trip

>> No.15600636

Depends on the intent of Op's inlaws and the state of OP's house.

As a mid-thirty year old looking back, I'd probably spend 1/10 on a modest honeymoon, then try and knock their daughter up and write them a thank you note for the money and say it's allotted to a 529 plan.

Those idiots threw $10K into the peak of the market and lost 1/3 of it.

>> No.15600656

>really pissed all our money away on a trip

t. no kids

its a gift, its meant to be enjoyed and OP's in-laws want to see them enjoy it.

>> No.15601264

umm hmm that sweet negative yield broski
why not go 10 bonds and really fuck yourself over?

>> No.15601297

I would just go 5 and pray a communist doesn't implode the economy after Trump's final term.

>> No.15601367


If 10000 changes your life (it shouldnt) invest in index fund. If it doesn't just go blow it, have fun with your new wife m8.

Best of luck to you.

>> No.15601480


>> No.15601499

10k is emergency money unless you are a nigger

>> No.15601512

Can’t do anything with chump change like that, buy LINK or put 5k as emergency savings and use the other for a vacation.

>> No.15601519

One of the few real joys you have left in your old age is living vicariously through your kids. If they gave it to them as a wedding gift then I am sure they expect it will be spent doing something nice for themselves, and I am sure they are fine with that.

>> No.15601536

Finally some fucking intellect here. I thought everyone in this cumbrained board thought that travel was a meme.