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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 104 KB, 1334x1334, skskf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15599810 No.15599810 [Reply] [Original]

Ultra looks awesome
You guys also waiting for the Seoul event within 2 weeks? Big announcement coming up. You guys going to accumulate more? This price is dirt cheap

>> No.15599830

Can you fuck off with this pnd shit. Everybody has looked at this "gaming" junk. Move on to Reddit pajeet.

>> No.15599842

Already have 100k. I wait for the PUMP
CTO is cool, only because of him I buy this

>> No.15599920
File: 25 KB, 320x320, 1427493391967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in love with Ultra, my favorite low cap gem.

>> No.15599929

People should really take a serious look into the project instead of denial and doubting the project.
I mean it has a great potential behind it and the marketcap is super super low rightnow

>> No.15599970

Good. Keep fudding while smartfags accumulate :)

>> No.15599974

110k here kek. I’ll be adding another 70k when wage comes in

>> No.15600052


Already got 50k.
I am no whale but a hard working gamer developer

>> No.15600103

The marketcap and tokenprice have been driving up in a small timeframe, pretty sure it were the whales accumulating before they go hard with their marketing plan or partnership announcements.
I usually buy into these projects for fast profit

>> No.15600157
File: 37 KB, 302x373, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHAHAhahahAhAhAha you virgins still promote this shit? :D:D:D:D:D

> Has no any of the biggest games: GTA, CSGO, LOL, PUBG, WOW

> Has no partnerships with big esport events like for example Steam

> Only selling point is that user can sell he's games after 2 year of owning. That is shit, who cares if they get 1.5 dollars back from 50 dollar game.

> Steam is partnering with Enjin to provide similar BUT BETTER solutions.

> Steam has userbase of millions and millions who owns games worth of hundreds of dollars. They are not going to just leave those behind and start playing some 3rd tier shit mobile games in Ultra.

SAHAHAHAHAhAhAHAHAHAHhahahahAHAhAHAhAHAa... Ultra is unironically ultrashit.

>> No.15600220

Enjin 70 mil marketcap
Ultra 2.2 Mil marketcap.
Easy x10 is still not Enjin marketcap.
So much potential. Enjin won't grow anymore

>> No.15600248

Hmm... you must be stupid.
Let me explain.

My dick is 27cm
Your dick is 10.5 cm

My dick dont grow anymore
But neither does yours.


>> No.15600332

true enjin has no adoption. Uos has

>> No.15600351
File: 80 KB, 763x432, 23A07E1E-B58A-439F-8DD5-B54A9EAB97E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15600422


i fucked sophia
she has great pussy

>> No.15600665
File: 148 KB, 914x1280, 886654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra is everywhere.
Team and project have my full support!

>> No.15600803

Did some research because of so much shilling.
After research I can only confirm I am fukking into this project. GEM!

>> No.15600973

The Ultra gaming platform had me over
Bought in now for the mainnet release in October

>> No.15601045

research? You mean seeing the youtube video and the meme with Pokemon guy with Ultra logo. GG losing your virginity some day, nerd :D:D:D:D:D:D

>> No.15601280

Go buy link

>> No.15601295

They don't shill this shit on reddit because they have usernames, join dates and post histories

That's one of the downsides of 4chan, sadly

>> No.15601304

>Ultra is everywhere, because the SENT shills have been reassigned to make a hundred threads about it every day!

>> No.15601316

uuuuu beautiful pictures, new pump and dump game
fuck off

>> No.15601319


It's hard for me to believe that here are real human users on /biz/, who will read this sequence of posts, and then think "wow... they really have good points. I'm going to buy Ultra now"

If someone does this I hope you will post in this thread and reply to my post with a screencap of your purchase.

>> No.15601409

Frist show your purchases and token holding.

>> No.15601458

Enjin is fucking dead. Noone knows even a single game on that fucking enjin platform and how long are they working on it already?
My bet for the future is clearly Ultra and not this shittoken Enjin :DDDDD

>> No.15601470

no thank you ,,, sir

Like I said, I just hope that if someone does read through this thread, and they are actually swayed by the horribly blatant robotic shill posting ("wow dis project is so amazing I cannot believe, it will go 5x eoy very easy I just bought a bag") then I hope they will post in this thread and reply to me and also show proof that they actually bought some.

I'd also be thrilled if they explained their rationale and why they were actually convinced to buy by the posts in this thread. Because I don't think it's actually possible for anyone to fall for it. So if I'm wrong I want them to reply to me and explain, purely because I'm curious about it.

>> No.15601491

To clarify, I'm requesting this because everyone ITT so far who "wow just wow I just read about de project sirs and I just got myself a nice bag" didn't actually buy shit

I'm talking about people who aren't shills, who are just regular /biz/ users. I know there are at least a few people who unironically bought SENT so I figure the same must be true for this.

>> No.15601572 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 853x286, E839FFAB-E71E-45A8-9531-E396D2C8FB5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually I’m holding 112k uos, can you shill pajeet now fuck off, and get your throat slit while some black fucker pours worms in your wound? Thankyou.

>> No.15601605
File: 22 KB, 853x286, 6ADF3E45-0555-4E2B-820E-1D78D87BD6AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I’m holding 112k uos, can you fud pajeet now fuck off, and get your throat slit while some black fucker pours worms in your wound while playing with your mom? Thankyou.

>> No.15601630

I didn't say what you're holding you dumbfuck shill, I said your purchase. I want to see if someone actually buys this shit based on this thread.

>> No.15601650 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 1508677555039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also kek at you inadvertently revealing your ethnicity with that epic insult

>I bet u are black man aren't u? I fuk ur mom. I fuk ur daughter. Maderchod maderfaker!

>> No.15601709

shut the fuck up shitskin

>> No.15602128

Good job now do that under all other shills in Biz

>> No.15602223
File: 165 KB, 498x280, 00CF16AA-C313-4D24-9D00-46DB8065937F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you ranjeets get the fuck out of here? I can smell your curry from Canada.

>> No.15602232

Please to buy the SENT is better than UOS for family riches sirs!

>> No.15603041
File: 136 KB, 990x538, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out, the broken English Ultra shills will report you if you say something mean to them, but them telling you to get stabbed and raped by niggers is fine

nah, go fuck yourself

>Don't attack our scam only, you must do all the other scams too

I can't be everywhere at the same time, little broken english third worlder. I like to stick to the most prominent scam on the board at the time, which seems to be Ultra right now. It's your lucky day, Argentes!

>> No.15603054

this ,,, sirs ,,,, do not fall for the indians who are trying to scam you into not buying ultra token ,,, they are hired by gabe newell from steam to fud the ultra platform that will change video games forever ,,,, they are no life fudster loser incels from india ,,,,, do not listen to them and please buy ultra token

>> No.15603108
File: 72 KB, 1245x729, sent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S1RS ,,, please pay attention ,,, these ranjeesh fudsters are the same one who was hired to fud the SENT token sirs ,,, as you can see anyone who didn't buy was tricked into missing out on big profits ,,,

pleaes sirs I beg you ,,, do the needful and buy the ultra token ,,, thank you dear

>> No.15603165
File: 15 KB, 251x242, grinning_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15603231

Sirs,... please buy my uos token. I have much but you please buy more. sirs,...,. please.

>> No.15603311

Lmfao this pathetic shitstain

>> No.15603543

lmfao i notice fake pajeets lately in some threads. They should get a instant ban for so obvious

>> No.15603783

I researched ULTRA and I'm incredible surprised that no such thing exists, appears as a revolutionary tech that the gamer community will embrace with warm hugs and open invitations. Ubisoft, the creators of the Raymen and Tom Clancy, are involved deeply in the project which makes me incredible bullish on this project. I have no idea what this fud is about regarding ULTRA, but I think this will be the new platform for video games. It may not overtake Steam, but certainly will give its radishes to Epic, Origin, and Gog. I bought a measly 5,7 etherum worth so it's not much but I hope to see a great significant return on my ULTRA coins. Possibly a 3-10X seems realistic to me to be quite honest.

>> No.15603940

Richfag here.
I only bought 200 USD

>> No.15604049

That investment will fruit at least $1500 by the end of this calendar year, if everything goes correct. Why not purchase more?

>> No.15604104

Ultra is Very Undervalued
CTO is a smartfag
CSO is a badassfag
Parnerships is Crazy
The video beta test made me cum

>> No.15604194

inDEED s1rs he should be ban for so obvious >:( obvious scamming shills on the other hand should be given free reign to spam their scams all over /biz/

>> No.15604248

Thanks Anon for shilling it to me. I bought a small bag . Praying for my x5

>> No.15604273

Post proof of your "bag" that you just purchased, I'd love to see it!

>> No.15604418
File: 99 KB, 2109x335, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I show you my bag

>> No.15604508


good to show the non believers here

Nice bag anon

>> No.15604514

That's cool but I'm more interested in the guy who "just got himself a nice lil baaag"

because surely he's not just a lying shill

>> No.15604515

lol the most complex the worst, that's why one is the only one

>> No.15604592

why should people show their bags to show they legit? I am for sure many people shill a coin would have this token.
Why otherwise should I shill a token? Because i have faith in the project and buy the token.

>> No.15604707


I have ULTRA and I shill it

>> No.15604829

people forget that the team is very solid.
Big backgrounds from big companies

>> No.15604843

How much are you getting paid? I'm asking unironically. I'd like to shill for some sidemoney besides my job.

>> No.15604865

I give you 1 UOS token P Week

>> No.15604931

Both CEO’s worked as executives at a Chinese gaming company. Maybe they can winover china market also . Biggg market

>> No.15605021

I did not know that, really source?

>> No.15605396
File: 81 KB, 1171x1013, ultralolohnononono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just trying to recoup their (so far) 42% loss from the top