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15598914 No.15598914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

cannot find a proper answer on the web
warosu is still down

Woman openly cheated on me, and posted it on facebook, like it was funny. Of course I cut her from my life, as she can't handle minimal discussion.
This was years ago. I recently got curious and have seen that she can't stop posting acroyoga videos with different guys 'holding her tight' or in general photos flirting with many different guys. Before me, only photos with girl friends.

I'm much better now, but I always wonder how does it work. It's like, how Kim Jong-un can't see that 'joyfully launching nuclear torpedos' into the sea close to Japan is not ok? How can a human being put zero value in honesty and loyalty and Geneva Conventions in general? They seem all Disney villains: that woman, dictators, Boris Johnson, etc.
How can live functionally in a society? How can be so immature and not see it? And how will they end up? In particular, it seems that thots have it all, in the current society. Any word from wiser people?
thank you

>> No.15598940

In the end man it’s only just you and yourself. If those guys can do what they do and live with themselves, that’s their business. Whether you live life as a degenerate or not is a choice you have to make for yourself, that will probably not matter and be invisible to everyone else anyway.

>> No.15598956
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>> No.15598964

this is not in question.The question is on 'villains/thots' motives and forecasting

>> No.15598978

Femanons points of view are very appreciated. Will you remain girl friend with that woman?

>> No.15598982

Just go MGTOW.

>> No.15598994

I'm a kind soul, not a sour soul
Also, I'm a cat sir always hoping to find a compatible cat lady

>> No.15599026

Just go MGTOW, dont become an MGTOW monk.
Just look up some videos on jewtube, some of the MGTOW guys have an really great advice for your question.

You will see that the women come to you when you start to think in their way, at least it was so for me.

>> No.15599061

Why is your English so terrible? I'm not trying to be an asshole but I'm trying to understand if there's a cultural perspective that might be relevant.

>> No.15599065

I'm already a chad. Examples:
- woman on the street asks me "excuse me, *giggles*, where is the post office?" In front of the post office
- at the gym, girls take photos of me, like I couldn't tell
- at local grocery store, lady owner winkly tells me when I didn't come last week and she was sad
- even men try on me, but I'm not sargay

Please remain on the subject of the thread:
> The question is on 'villains/thots' motives and forecasting

Please don't hate me, if can make you happy I've lost a fortune in xrp, I'm out of the tunnel now

>> No.15599075

not my first language

>> No.15599077



>> No.15599078

she is American anyway, lives now in SF acroyoging away

>> No.15599097

Its just female hypergamy.

>> No.15599100
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The sooner you realize and accept that everyone around you can do no wrong and get away with murder, while simultaneously waiting for you (a straight white male) to so much as jaywalk and sentence you to death with no trial for it...the sooner you'll handle the rest of the black pill.

The only great equalizer is the demon inside of us. The part of us that was forged by thousands of years of war and blood, hiding just beneath the surface of a "nice guy" or the person that society demands smile and hold the door for Shaunquita while it spends half of our check on jordans for dey keeds.

Soon, and very soon, the music will start. The subscribe to jewdiepie will be uttered. And the balance and order will swiftly be restored. There will be retribution for what filth and nothingness is considered their contribution. Vapid whores and mindless human husks of all forms will be reset back to normal.

>(Also, buy LINK sirs)

>> No.15599117

Obviously, but are you like living in the US or are you living in another country. this is important because if you're living in a western nation, this thot might be intellectually and culturally poisoned.

>> No.15599153

I'm an European living in one of the average European countries
Of course she's poison, that's not in question

>> No.15599162

this is not the Online Church of Sargey

>> No.15599177

you can be a chad and still be a mega loser, which you obviously are since that vapid cunt couldnt bear to live with you

>> No.15599183
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Does anyone else find this hook up culture gross. All I see are chads and roasties online encouraging it. Now, I am not religious, and sex is a good thing. But we have an STD epidemic and people shrug it off like it is nothing. Yet, I'm the incel or w/e for not wanting to encourage or participate in this clown world degenerate society. I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills.

>> No.15599187

Women are not people

>> No.15599204

Without knowing much about your specific situation, from what you have written, and given my own experience (been with a lot of women, short and long term), this woman may have had some kind of mental condition like borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder (or a NUMBER of other mental conditions) to cause her to do things like cheat and then post about it.

This does not excuse her behaviour, but it may explain it. Particularly the attention seeking side of it.

Having said that, the sooner you understand that all women are parasites to some degree, and so should be kept at arms length, the better off you will be about detecting and mitigating this kind of behaviour from them.

>> No.15599230

I agree with you, fren
Apparently good-natured women are too rare to find anywhere
Luckly I'm std free
yes probably.. how she will end up? Thot life seems unsustainable to me. There will be too many mean single mothers in the future, and that's it?

>> No.15599274

yeah, i dont even want kids, i just want safe sex and it seems like the best way to do that is monogamy. i dont really care if she fucking leaves, since there are plenty of fish in the sea. but id rather her tell me beforehand before she goes to sleep with chad or tyrone cause i dont want her to bring back a fucking present.

>> No.15599365

In my experience, these types of women will quite often end up single, alone, and childless. If they do have a child, there are good odds of her winding up a single mother.

Society is geared towards producing single mothers, making them more dependent on the state. Any child produced and brought up in a single motherhood home is overwhelmingly likely to develop some kind of issue and repeat the cycle:
-women narcissistic personalities
-boys either become more likely to be gay or extremely low in confidence if the mother can go 5 mins without emasculating the boys father to his face, or the other end of the spectrum and over compensate becoming a thug of the criminal variety

I know emotions are probably still high, but you will do well to forget about her, and then try to understand her behaviour once you have moved on from it. Helps with the objectivity.

>> No.15599393

What's you prediction about the future of the western civilization? Other things to add?

>> No.15599416

your* lol

>> No.15599422
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>the future of the western civilization
Probably nothing too extravagant and violent. People are too sedated for things like that now.

>> No.15599442

on the family/society/relationships levels, I've meant, if you have any insight on these matters

>> No.15599476

Things always get worse before they get better. We haven't hit rock bottom yet.