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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 167 KB, 1355x1354, EOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15597342 No.15597342 [Reply] [Original]

smart money has accumulated
september 23 will be huge
Voice is going to be mass adaption
4 billion dollar war chest
so big marketing campaign that cryptoworld hasnt never seen
$ 700 - $ 1500 coming few years

>> No.15597370
File: 18 KB, 180x200, 1559375601380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart money has accumulated
smart money moved on
>Voice is going to be mass adaption
"to be mass adopeted" pajet and it wont its fucking kyc social network on centalised pos
>4 billion dollar war chest
market value =/= warchest + they spent all eth to pump up eos early 2018 kek
>$ 700 - $ 1500 coming few years
ok lol

Nice bags u got there

>> No.15597393


> it wont its fucking kyc social network on centalised pos


block one has patented unique blockchain ID system

Biggest Innovation Since Bitcoin Itself: Separation of Identity from State – Blockchain Unique ID


>> No.15597403


>market value =/= warchest + they spent all eth >to pump up eos early 2018 kek

also wrong, they still had about 4 billion war chest, or even more because block one bought huge amount of BTC that 4 billion dollar and BTC price was lower then

>> No.15597422

based, i'm still bagholding from the ICO, hoping larimer doesn't scam me again

>> No.15597441


EOS is the most advanded coin by tech

remember, when 2017 there were lots talks about ETH flippening BTC, well that wont happen

but if some coin would flippening BTC it would be EOS

>> No.15597458

I agree, I'm a dapp dev and like EOS. Problem is normans aren't adopting dapps or crypto any time soon, and also many others are building DPOS chains.

>> No.15597467


sorry that i dont wrote perfect english, because its not my first language
im from europe

>> No.15597470

The chinese centralised mainnet is shit and not even block one invest on it, they only hodl bitcoin. Do not speculate on dev resources, see what happened with ram prices.

>> No.15597476


block one/EOS is made in USA

>> No.15597480

apparently chinamen own most of the supply and elect chink BPs. Don't know if it's true haven't followed the news closely.

>> No.15597493

last june 1st block one/EOS declared that YubiKey coming to EOS
they say that they want make EOS safer and so easy to use that even your grandmother can use it

Your key to a
safer Internet

The YubiKey sets new global standards for strong two-factor and passwordless authentication.


only that will be huge benefit to bring EOS mass adoption

>> No.15597498


EOS solve this issue as we speak
China also dominates BTC mining pools, and people still love BTC

>> No.15597534

I am quite bullish on standardized hardware key signing for browsers. Metamask and the like are shit, no one will use that.

Correct but miners have less power than BPs. If chinese miners decide to fuck with BTC, it will create a fork. Whereas BPs can subtlety influence EOS without forking.

>> No.15597536

latest, EOS academy

here this video, EOS awareness spreading



>> No.15597601 [DELETED] 


EOS will solve this cartel issue better

but fact is that no blockchain is totally decentralized, not Bitcoin or other, there are always cartels and whales

and China is the world second largest economy with about 1,3 billion people

people happily buy and use i phones that are made in China

did you know that Volvo isnt Swedish car anymore, its Chinese car
still people drive Volvo cars, even China bought Volvo few years ago

and cryptoworld, people here shilling and bought antshares/NEO 2017 even it is totally centralized Chinese crypto, many made lots of money of NEO

>> No.15597655


EOS will solve this cartel issue better

but fact is that no blockchain is totally decentralized, not Bitcoin or other, there are always cartels and whales

and China is the world second largest economy with about 1,3 billion people

people happily buy and use Apples i phones that are made in China

for example did you know that Volvo isnt Swedish car anymore, its Chinese car
still people drive Volvo cars, even China bought Volvo few years ago

and cryptoworld, people here shilling and bought antshares/NEO 2017 even it is totally centralized Chinese crypto, many made lots of money of NEO

>> No.15597755

2017 this site was so much better, here was actually good thread with good information

nowdays its only basicly constant chainlink scam shilling

>> No.15597903

what's their plan for solving chink cartels?