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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1559711 No.1559711 [Reply] [Original]

>studied economics and math
>graduated from college this past May
>did an internship until August
>been applying for jobs ever since
>get occasional phone interviews
>however, can't manage to get any offers

Seriously, fuck this. If I can't get a job by Halloween, I will fucking kill myself. Please, /biz/, give me advice. I'm desperate. I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

>inb4 suck dick
>inb4 he fell for the college meme
>inb4 other memes

>> No.1559714

UK or US?

>> No.1559721


>> No.1559737

You did a decent non meme degree and an internship you are in abetter situation than most your age. Personally the biggest issue I see with candidates is that they have little knowledge of the position they are applying for, you need to tailor your cv for the job.
Also stop with it antisemitic remarks :)

>> No.1559738

sug benis :DD :D:DDD ::DD:DDD

Shitposting aside, keep on applying for career-minded gigs. Don't stop doing that. Also learn how to interview well. Your university should have a career center that offers free interview coaching service. I'm 100% certain that you aren't good in interviews and that you're doing or saying something wrong. They aint pretty like they used to be but it is what it is.

Also apply to part time wage cuck jobs. Retail sucks, I know, but it'll help you pay the bills. If you have to look like a fag to make ends meet, then look like a fag in your Home Depot uniform. It isn't what it used to be, tell you what! Temp agencies can also help you out in the long run. It is certainly a different time now for career builders and so back to this regularly scheduled program: it is better to do something than do nothing. This is what you should do.

t. unemployed English major from a small community college in Florida

>> No.1559741

aw fuck man, I'm an econ major too,
>graduated June
>got a summer internship
>no job wants a person with no experience

Shit man, I'm thinking of killing myself too, but lets have some hope man

>> No.1559759

You need to start acting like you are better than what you actually are. You will land a job in no time, and i'm not being ironic.

>> No.1559773

>You need to start acting like you are better than what you actually are.

Can you elaborate, pham?

>> No.1559815

Despite the heavily tampered with job reports, there actually aren't many jobs at the moment, and most companies are cutting back.

Good luck...

>> No.1559833


I was an econ major and graduated from a decent school (Emory) with a 3.6 in three years. I still didn't have a job out of school despite applying like crazy. Took me until August to get the job that I'm still at and 4 years later I just earned my CFA charter.

My advice is to completely abandon applying to jobs online. I didn't have an internship since I graduated early, so I was getting nowhere. I basically went through every obscure connection that could possibly point me in the right direction. I ended up contacting a guy that worked for my dad a dozen years ago who put me in contact with his friend who was hiring. You need a lot of luck, but having someone pass on your resume directly makes all the difference.

>> No.1560439

>studied economics
>doesn't start his own shit
>molded into agood obedient goy without self discipline.



>> No.1560444
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>mfw graduated with an Econ degree and got an okay job paying an okay salary immediately upon graduation

Could be worse I guess, I could be you.

>> No.1560460

What did you major in, did you have to take a lot of higher level math such as Calculus, if so what was the highest math you took? I am asking because I'm in college right now, want to be a computer scientist but am shit at math

>> No.1560464

Econ fag here. Took me over 6 months to find a job after college. Was ready to work anywhere including Costco. Found a job thru a temp agency. Just interview as much as you can and make it your day job to find a job. Sounds cliche I know and expect to bomb a few interviews. You only need to find one job. Took me like 10 interviews but I made it and worked my way to a better job. Don't kill yourself we need anyone we can get on /biz/

>> No.1560484

>What did you major in, did you have to take a lot of higher level math such as Calculus, if so what was the highest math you took? I am asking because I'm in college right now, want to be a computer scientist but am shit at math
(same question to you as the other guy)

>> No.1560503

Majored in economics at UIUC. Did I have to take high level calc? Nope but I still did frankly because i didn't like to take classes where u got up and talked in front of people at the time.

>> No.1560585

Unemployed Econ graduate here as well.

Live in Madison, WI if anyone's hiring -- I'm competent & not a douche, scout's honor.

>> No.1560918

Why dont you fags become CPA?

>> No.1560926

Come chat and maybe get a job:

>> No.1560933

Make sure you're applying to 10 jobs per day minimum, even if you barely qualify. Practice interviews with others, record yourself to see what you look like from another's perspective. The extra interview exposure will help.

Job hunting is a full time job.

>> No.1560967


>tfw currently double majoring math+econ

>> No.1561086

Sorry, went to sleep.

You need to act as if each one of your skills is useful in a way for the hiring company. You have to seem like you are greater than what you are by pumping your self-esteem to greater levels. It is all part of psychology. The greater you think of yourself, the greater people who don't know you well will think of you.

Try searching the site "illimitable men" if you want. It is not mine, but it is awesome and realistic.

>> No.1561091

I'm on the same boat. Economics and finance. Looking for that data analyst type role.

Had interviews but "sorry anon there was nothing you could have done better but this other candidate had the experience which would let him hit the ground running".

Now I'm a depressed piece of shit. Where's the rope.

>> No.1561093


Where do you live?

I know the US is a big place and your qualifications arn't going to be much use in podunk. Perhaps move to a bigger city, ideally before you spend 2-3 years searching for a related job where there are none.

Get a fucking bullshit job asap and save because having 3-4k saved up means you can actually go to conventions or travel 500 miles to take a shot at a entry level position somewhere else without running up debt. It removes the wallowing in self pity when you find your dream job 400 miles away but it's gonna cost you half a months wage to get to the interview on a last minute flight rather than requesting them to skype you like 50-60 other people requested.

Also check your college classmates situations. You might not be close to them or even like them, but see where they are living. Did they move to larger cities or a particular area. You never know one of them might have turned down jobs you might accept on the job hunt. The truth is you might not know them very well now, but your definitely not going to know them next year.

>> No.1561094

Keep trying, show enthusiasm, get feedback for your CV from your friends and associates.

Be proactive about keeping in touch with whoever you're sending your applications to. Ask questions, remind them about yourself once in a while. Don't act like you're courting a girl.

>> No.1561102


>want to be computer scientist
>shit at math

Bad recipe. I wouldn't say you can't (especially because a lot of people underestimate how good they are at math), but it's like saying you want to be a sculptor even though you're shit at drawing.

Start teaching yourself how to program and see if you can hack it yourself instead of waiting for your degree program to tell you.

>> No.1561109


This I had a good degree from a decent school. One good internship. Could not compete against Ivy guys in New York.

Moved to Paris and after 4 months had a pretty good job (like 4k eur per month)

>> No.1561110


Also, by 'computer science,' I assume you mean programming. If you want to be an actual computer scientist (as in an academic), there is very little you can do in that field without an immense aptitude and knowledge of mathematics.

>> No.1561211

I'm actually debating finishing my education (no degree), I've been working at a low level finance job for 4 years (account manager at a bank) and have found road blocks in progressing because I don't have any formal degree's (bunch of certifications, a year diploma in General Arts). Are there any non-meme degree's?

>> No.1561284


If your potential employers are just looking for a piece of paper, why do you care if you're taking a meme degree?

>> No.1561407

How did you land that job? Im gonna go to college next year in math w concentration in finance and want to get financial experience

>> No.1561565

Applied to be a teller, got certifications and after a couple years applied to get an account manager position. In Canada so I needed a Investment Funds in Canada License to sell investment products. I'm sure its a similar process in the States. A teller job is perfect for a student, because its part time and having the perks of working at a bank (no fee accounts, cheaper rates on credit cards, etc.).

>> No.1561567

Oh Jesus fuck off