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1559538 No.1559538 [Reply] [Original]

Where is that faggot who was saying to sell your weed stocks? Get in here and explain yourself

>> No.1559660

I'm the guy that saw the peak and didn't jump in. Apparently I am so far "correct" because these stocks have been trading sideways for the past week. Of course, had they gone up, id be "wrong". Fundamentally, however, no one here has any insight on where the price should be so this is fundamentally gambling. Thus, I keep out. There are bigger fish than my hubris in this one. Insightful though, I've learned never to listen to /biz

>> No.1559729

>/biz/tards thinking weed stocks are a FOTM P&D
>not realizing it's basically free money until April, and will probably have a few big winners after April

>> No.1559739

I remember back when those threads happened calling it gambling. These weed stocks rely on too many factors to align right and I find it too risky to invest in. I don't believe they're going anywhere significant enough to risk money on.

Often /biz/ is a good way to find which direction to avoid, i.e. doing the opposite of the crowd on here is usually the right thing.
Is there any real growth in these stocks or is it all just people pumping money into them? Do these companies even make money?

>> No.1559757

What weed stocks should be jumped on?

>> No.1559824

proabably going to be the reason the market crashes; but we will have a planet of oxygen rich plants

>> No.1559830

tfw 6000 shares in MJN-V

>> No.1559990

>tfw I sold my CANN yesterday at $3

ah regret...

>> No.1560025


long APH and CGC

>> No.1561636

Hahahaha looks like he was right. GG to everyone caught in the bull trap.

Canadian weed stocks are over. Look at the blood bath today. Sorry guys, but you should have sold last week. They will warble about aimlessly about 20% down from where they are now until around April. There is 0 chance of them performing like they did (or even returning to their highs) before then.

Please do not let your money rot in these stocks.

>> No.1561651 [DELETED] 

Lol eat shit idiot

>> No.1561701



>> No.1562123

That's the feeling I'm starting to have today. All weed stocks are gone totally down in the past days. Though I don't see any reasons why what you said would happen. Anything in the news related to that downfall?

>> No.1562148

>I don't see any reasons why what you said would happen
It was time.
Most of the uh, investors, had already gotten in.

>> No.1562165

That's what you call a reason? "It was time."?

I feel this might not be enough to cause the "canadian weed stocks are over" statement. Let's see...

>> No.1562225

>It was time
You were supposed to read between the lines.

>> No.1562291

I get what you "mean" that, in your opinion, these stocks have reached their peak and will come down from now on. But there's absolutely no reason "between the lines" here. Stock prices don't go up or down because of no reasons. People's feelings are manipulated by fear, news, greed, terror, events, etc so they buy/sell. Now let's just look for what happened this week that caused the downfall.

>> No.1562296

Sell your weed stocks and buy MGT

>> No.1562309

No, that's not what I meant.
Good luck with your trading.

>> No.1562473

> No, that's not what I meant.
Then what did you meant? Wouldn't be so kind and be even more vague please?

>> No.1562501

Let me ask you something.
What exactly have you done regarding research in this sector/on these particular stocks?

>> No.1562576

Mostly experience swing trading them for the past months; researching any news related to the canadian marijuana market & technical analysis over time.

e.g. Today's research ended up with:

> Mass raids; As current dispensaries operate illegally.

Don't you think that could cause problem to stock prices? THAT is a fucking reason. A clear one. People hearing about massive raids, believing less in the legalization thus dropping their shares. Emotion-driven behaviour.

I'm still a fucking noob, don't get me wrong. But at least I try my best to be CLEAR.

>> No.1562605

Also this is frontpage of the national post today:

>> No.1562656

>I try my best to be CLEAR
Oh, I see.
Well, I'm sorry I wasn't clear.
It's apparent you know much more than I do about the subject, so I'll leave you to it.
Again, good luck.

>> No.1563491

kek, pot going to the moon.

Last week wast just a taste, gents.

>> No.1563501

>Is there any real growth in these stocks or is it all just people pumping money into them?

As a company gets the stuff required to compete in the weed market their share price goes up.

THC biomed (C.THC) was trading at $0.20-$0.25 before it got its production license (the ability to grow weed), now its at $1.05. Its still awaiting the next big catalyst which is a sales license to be able to SELL the weed they make.

APH Aphria inc has both already thus its share price is roughly $3.50.

Same with CGC at $5.40

PUF is awaiting its production license and its currently sitting at the range of what THC was at before it got its license $0.27

I put an original $4000 into this market anf i were to pull out now id have roughly $20,000. So ive made 400% returns. Not bad

>> No.1563504

there are dispenseries that are selling illegally. The ones listen on the stock market went through legal channels and are only providing weed to medicinal patients right now but are awaiting full legalization to start selling to regular folks

>> No.1563738

How would shitty penny stocks companies selling illegally and getting busted negatively affect the big players with operating with licenses. If anything it should go up since there's less competition

>> No.1563947

Yesterday provided us a rare look at two bull traps in one day.

Everything down again across the board today. Why didn't you guys listen to us?

Le Weed Man Trudeau blessed us with a few months of free money, but it's over now.

Please get out while you still can.

>> No.1563956

All or nothing

Im not selling

>> No.1564000


>mfw I know for a fact there's institutional investor interest in CGC


>> No.1564013


But why wouldn't you take the profit you've already made? The high won't be much higher then it is now, and you can already see the value is not going to go back up. You're basically burning money for no reason.

Take OGI for example. Why wouldn't you sell for 2.40 while you still can, and when it levels off around 1.30 buy it again?

There's no reason to cost yourself 80% of your gains during this "pullback"

>> No.1564069
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AFI anyone?

Got 4400 @ .11

Anyone else?

>> No.1564074
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>But why wouldn't you take the profit you've already made?

Funny guy. Pic related

>> No.1564275

AFI & PUF both interests me right now. They both seems undervalued compared to the other legal producer/seller. They might go up if they go the same route as APH, CGC, etc.

>> No.1564477
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Got 889540 shares of afi at an average price of .09 (some at 0.07 and some at 0.12). Should be a good couple of months.

>> No.1564532

hey bob, whats ur current portfollio look like?

>> No.1564991


What's the story with this again?

>> No.1564996

What are the Canadian weed stocks?

>> No.1565019

canadian weeb stocks?

>> No.1565043

Don't h8 the Playa

>> No.1565046 [DELETED] 

>Where is that faggot who was saying to sell your weed stocks? Get in here and explain yourself

He was right

Look at them now, what a mess!

>> No.1565160
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will i get in trouble if i write a letter to the pm telling him something like "yo JT, everytime u talk good on the mary our stocks do good so plz talk it up" ?

>> No.1565662

You dropped $8000 into it?

>> No.1565665

Flawless. Send it in!

>> No.1565672

Add a zero. I dropped 80,279.47 into it. Also, I own a whole 1% of this company.

>> No.1565683
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Proof. And yes, I realize I am basically all in on a penny stock. Can't win unless you play!

>> No.1565687

Holy fuck you retarded gamblers man

>> No.1565688

Do you recommend a goy like myself to drop $1000 into it?

>> No.1565717

No doubt I do. I joke about gambling, but it is a solid play that will at least double in the next 6 weeks. I have done a lot of research on this.

>> No.1565724

Also, the stock has found it's support after consolidating to the 0.105 - 0.11 level for the past 3 days, so its pretty safe to jump in now. Should be a fun next month.

>> No.1565748

Are you holding long term and hoping they grow next year after legalization? I was thinking of dumping 2-3k in weedman stocks and holding them for about 8-12 months

>> No.1565752

No, I think the support level is lower, my opinion is right and yours is wrong based on some arbitrarily drawn lines on a chart. You should 100% short this stock at market open.

>> No.1565755

I plan on playing the volatile penny weed stocks until legalisation and then dumping everything in established players like cgc or ogi. Though I'll probably put lots in THC as well once I get a big payday off AFI.

>> No.1565760

Also I notice you're using TD direct investing, would you recommend it or should I go to quest trade for lower fees?

>> No.1566206

I really can't comment on questtrade, but webbroker has worked well for me. No complaints, and customer service (the few times I've called them or they called me) was always really fast and helpful.

>> No.1566442

Got some at .105

Dang you're more hardcore than me, I just dropped into it 1K xD

That's the exact same conclusion I ended up with. AFI will quickly reach the other stocks and they currently are around 3-5$ a share. If they really go up that way, man you're rich.

>> No.1567307

Glad to hear you're going to making a shit ton of money off of this. Nice going getting some at 0.105, you've already made good money, but just wait until his thing skyrockets haha. I wish I was rich, maybe some day...

>> No.1567316

wait, aren't most of weed stocks just OTC and NASDAQ pennystock garbage? why would anyone go long in these? not saying you shouldn't trade them, i'd love to short them based off of technicals

>> No.1567405

>i'd love to short them
Yeah, except it's a bitch to find shares to borrow.

>> No.1567409

Hopefully you put already bought THC because they just got their license to sell today after trading hours. Should see atleast a 30% jump on Monday.

>> No.1567511
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i deserved this. t-time for a rally guys..?

>> No.1567520
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r8 my marijuana stock portfolio

I'm trying to spread my risk among different companies, and I've started getting into companies that are not explicitly marijuana companies but can benefit from it (e.g. Affinor).

Every month until April, I'm going to put another ~$1000 in here.

>> No.1567548

looks like AFI just broke out of consistent higher lows and now is making a downtrend with no support in sight on the daily chart.

do you guys not use any technicals to base your decisions off of? what exactly are your thesis for these stocks?

>> No.1567561

oops, i was looking at NYSE:AFI, thats weird.

>> No.1567574
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>I was jk guys I bought the dip not and panic sold just a weak cuck

>> No.1567580


I 100% believe the stocks will continue to decline to about 80% of their current value.

I'll just get out on Monday morning, but CIBC Investors edge wanted to give me a fright. T

he only delineation between a buy and a sell is one radio button that is defaulted to buy.

>> No.1567582


Although I will also admit that I'm exceptionally stupid for letting this happen.

>> No.1567612

i concur.

i mentioned in another thread that any news moves the price, yet there are no fundamentals from the companies involved to hold the value in the price.

once value is added in sales, IP, etc and the market trades accordingly, its one to stay away from.

>> No.1567637

I'll add to this one.

Almost all of the nuclear reactors in the world are considered safe, and once in a lifetime events need to occur for them to fail. A faulty component, a deadbeat operator etc.

Japan has one reactor, surprisingly built on unstable land, it fails - catastrophically, they shut down their entire fleet.

Japans fleet is only a small percentage of the world total, but the news represents the outlook for everything.

The fallout from that event is a sentiment that is very negative, smashing the ever loving shit out of the share price of anything Uranium based - including the resource itself.

So to bring it back, a few negatives in your space means everything is negative in that space for some time. Like everything, people have short memories and will come back.

Japan has slowly started to re-activate their fleet, and the share prices have also began to rise.

More recently, India has announced, in its most basic news, to expand infrastructure and at one point lay 7KM of rail a day. Rail is steel. Iron ore and coking coal have increased in value, and have continued to do so since there announcements a few months back. Explorers in those spaces are also up - even though most of them will never have a shot at the Indian market.

I'd wait until there was a lot more negative news in the MJ space and the SP drops more before I'll jump in. When I do it'll be in a company backed by assets.... I think it will drop further.

>> No.1567687

Bad comparison, what could of happened to japan could of happened to other nuclear reactors too
Getting a license to grow and sell is a gaurentee you won't be getting arrested for doing so
Illegal busts are positive news for any legit company. Would marijuana stocks go down everytime a mexican cartel boss gets busted?

>> No.1567748
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for affinor

>> No.1567808

FYI: All my weed stock gained 5% today. Not so bad IMO ;-)

Where did you read that? Sounds awesome.

They also released this today

>> No.1567918

>Going down
I'm preparing my spacesuit right now for liftoff Monday.

>> No.1567921


>> No.1567954
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Last week it was pretty close to 4. I took a screenshot before dumping and i bought back at 3.40

Pot stocks were my first investment ever. Other than the 30k i made off Bitcoin in 2011-2012

>> No.1567958

The only advice I followed is : don't invest more than you're ready to lose. It's like going to the casino

>> No.1567968

If AGS doesn't reach .50 this year, I'll probably end it all.

>> No.1567972




>> No.1567998


i bought at 2.28 and THC BIOMED at 0.32

why did you buy so high? why didnt you buy lower?

you dun goofed the fundamental stock rule. Buy low sell high

>> No.1568026

im really tempted to sell and really tempted to hold.

All those "experts" saying it wont get any higher are not really credible... Where were you guys when APH was 1.10$ and OGI was .70$? If you know the market so well why are you on 4chan rather than doing blow and banging hookers on your private jets?

>> No.1568038

i was making Canadian marijuana stock threads

and they would get one response, then get buried under cryptocurrency bullshit, NEET threads, and robinhood pump and dump threads

>> No.1568346

>Where were you guys when APH was 1.10$
Right here, buying it.

>> No.1568353

This. /biz/ is ironically business illiterate. I've already made 10 times my initial investment, no joke. Sure it's from speculation, but many stocks that turn a good profit are speculators. Btw AFI is mooning Monday and so is THC.

>> No.1568354

If you're not buying the small cap penny stocks, you're frankly an idiot. The major players go up first, thrn the small ones jump to catch up to them and usually make it to around a buck.

>> No.1568357
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I fucked up man. I fucked up!

Fuck what do I do to fix my losses? Even if aph hits 4.00 ill literally just barely break even

>> No.1568359

Wrong. THC was trading around 11 cents. It hopped up to 18 just before everyone became aware of it. Thrn everything else happened like you said, with one to two week consolidation periods in between.

>> No.1568361

Look at this goy. He wants to buy our shares cheap.

>> No.1568363

1 mill shares at 7 cents m8. Git gud.

>> No.1568367

AFI will never reach 3. It'll cap off around 50 cents max. What's carrying it is it's paetnership with THC and it's strawberry business. Outside of that, it doesn't have what it takes to pass the half dollar mark. That's my opinion anyway.

>> No.1568369

"No support"

Did you misread your technicals or something? Support is 0.105

>> No.1568624

You're offering the VP just tweeted today they're looking to partnership with tobacco companies as well as expand into regular agriculture and not just weed. Oh well, I'm going to make a lot of money on Monday from my $AFI so what do I care?

>> No.1568894

You guys should check out Cronos Group (formerly PharmaCan). They have part ownership of several licensed growers, and I think they have their own license too. They release news releases regularly and seem to be a solid company. I bought 1000 @ 0.44 and now they're around 1.18. Seems like a solid investment, not trying to shill


>> No.1568914
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>tfw you have so much money you can invest in every company and don't care about the shit ones because the profit of the good ones cancels it out

>> No.1568930

Bought Global Hemp Group (GHG), they're at like 0.001 so who gives a shit. This may be your chance to get rich like Tim Sykes

>> No.1568962

Their last news release was in Feb of this year, don't waste your money

>> No.1568978

You shan't be laughing soon when I win!!!!!!


>> No.1570086

For you guys' general information :

>You're all tripping over C.AFI because it's a "pot stock"

AFI still doesnt have their license and they grow weed through THC Biomed... It might take years for AFI to actually get a license and start growing their own pot.

Just putting that out there

>> No.1570115

Looks like C.THC biomed got its sales license over the weekend boys, dont qoute me on that its on Health Canadas website

if its true the $1.01 stock could rally to $2

Ka-ching! Bought in at 0.31. Just wish i had put more in, only put $2000 in it.

>> No.1570120
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It's not about the license, it's about the technology they have.

Vertical growth is the future.

>> No.1570295

Im pretty positive that plants grow vertically in nature (pun intended)

but what makes AFI so special as a pot stock?

Many grow ops use this 30-40 year old "technology" and like I said, they dont even have their growing OR selling permits yet so it shouldnt be considered a pot stock

>> No.1570351


If it was anything like APH and OGI it will absolutely shoot up like 100%.

>> No.1570373

The special part is that they're partnered with THC who just received their license. Profits for THC means profits for AFI

>> No.1571900


>> No.1571953

yea I missed the boat on AFI

I have no idea how the technicalities work with socks so I put in a buy order of 500$ @ .12 this morning before the exchanges open but it didn't go trough :(

I'll buy when it goes down a bit, their profits are still 1-2 years away

>> No.1572031

$500? Normally I would say why bother since you're going to pay brokerage fees out the ass for that small amount, but at least with AFI you'll still make a shit ton.

>> No.1572042
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I missed the moon mission, is it not too late?

>> No.1572048
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>All the other marijuana stocks are doing great while AGS is eating shit

>> No.1572056

well since im a student and dont have much money and I didn't want to get mutual funds bullshit (i study in finance) I decided to drop 1k in feb separated in 3 companies (cgc ogi and apt). Along with another 1000 in the non-cannabis industry

My plan is to keep it on the longer term and the brokerage fees are a flat 10$ so its no big deal

^this is me hehe

>> No.1572068

AGS is not a pot stock!!!! They only fun sell LED lights bro. Stay away from it if you're trying to invest in marijuana

I feel like its not too late but it's still gonna go down to at least 15 cents so my next bid is at 15.5 :)
Like I said, theres a long road ahead for them to actually be in the positive with no license to grow or sell yet. Once they have it it's still gonna tale time to establish everything. ****IF they get it****

>> No.1572070

AGS is not a marijuana stock.

>> No.1572080

I bought in at .33 how can I get out?

Should I sell at a loss? I have no hope in it anymore

>> No.1572083

>mfw APH and CGC moon missions back on track

>> No.1572086

>tfw,cgc is falling back down

It's about to trigger my stoploss lol

>> No.1572129 [DELETED] 
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dafuq you talk about CGC?

>> No.1572133 [DELETED] 
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CGC? dafuq you talk about?

>> No.1572137

> THC has its sales license--we confirmed it with Health Canada this morning. Everyone's waiting on the news release though. That's when AFI and THC will both go up high (no pun intended).

>> No.1572282


Are you not happy with 4-5% in a single day?


How the fuck is a 4% gain on the day going to trigger your stop loss?

>> No.1572294
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>> No.1572319

>mfw CGC and APH longs made me $700 today

Based Trudeau

>> No.1572333
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MFW even the gains from APH and CGC don't recoup my 35% losses in AGS

Just fuck my shit up

>> No.1572335

I meant that I set a new stop loss at 5.80 and it was dipping below you dinklebum

>> No.1572366


>setting stop loss at 5.80

What's wrong?

>> No.1572368


>> No.1572379


what program are yo using?

>> No.1572984

Boy was I ever wrong. I apologize for my previous idiocy.

>> No.1573007
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Anyone els in $AFI today for those sweet 60.87% gainz? What a great day. To all those that said AFI was shit: Fuck off losers.

P.S. you can still buy in tomorrow since it will still be going up again.

>> No.1573066

Sorry for the stupid question, but where are you guys buying this?

>> No.1573071

I have held most of the stocks mentioned in this thread at one time or another. I have bought them through TD WebBroker in Canada. $CGC is the only weed stock on the TSX, others like APH and OGI are on the TSXV (ventures exchange), and the small penny stock ones are on the CSE (Canadian Securities Exchange). Check with your broker if you have access to any of these exchanges.

>> No.1573074

Not him but is there any tax differences if you trade this shit in a tfsa?

>> No.1573079

The TD app on my phone. It's pretty easy to use and I only opened a TD account because RBC was gonna charge me 100$ a year for the same shit TD would give me for free.... TD changed their prices and started charging "maintenance fees" too unless you contribute 100$ a month or some shit like that.

Fuck banks tho. Theyre already charging me brokerage fees why charge a poor ass student some ridiculous fees?

>> No.1573080
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Thought I'd give an update / proof of where AFI has gone in the past week. Keep in mind, there is still time to buy tomorrow (probably for a while) as this will be mooning quite a few more times before it runs it's course. This is the stock for everyone that missed THC or even AFI at >$0.20.

>> No.1573087

>Not him but is there any tax differences if you trade this shit in a tfsa?
You won't be taxed. Keep in mind that your yearly contribution maximum is $5500 though. You can check online to see how much money you can put in your TFSA since the amount rolls over from previous years, and in the past it was a lot higher than $5500 a year.

>> No.1573092


>All these fucking idiots thinking AGS isn't a potstock


>> No.1573094

Ik I just meant depending cse, tsx, etc.

I know for example you can't set stop losses on Canadian security exchange stocks

>> No.1573095

>those gains

wew lad

im glad it worked out for you. not listening to the memers of /biz/ definitely paid off

do you reckon it will rise up until april or has it already run its course?

>> No.1573099

Does anyone feel like this whole AFI thing was a setup? I mean think about it

A shitty strawberry company no one cares about releases a statement on a friday near the market close that theyre "working" on getting their weed license (which could take years) so the word could get around over the weekend and on monday send their shitty company stock to the moon with 0 support for the price.

A massive dump is coming in the next few days or months, they're not turning any profit and do you really think strawberries are a lucrative business?

I compare this move from AFI to the crypto pump and dumps on this website. All of you guys that are investing in weed are investing in speculation that its gonna be legal but investing in AFI is a speculation on a speculation. I also feel like theres a bunch of dumb ppl here due to the fact that AGS was mentionned many times in this tread.

Im selling this shit first thing in the morning, I could wait a few more days till it hits 0.5 but it will never go over that until they get their pot license in let's say 2-3 years?

>> No.1573103

What do you idiots think of this?


>> No.1573110

>low income communities

Do you mean like in when you multiply two minuses they cancel each other out and make a positive?

>> No.1573132
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Never mind, you're a moron, why am I even asking someone so poor that he has only invested 1000$? lmao

Anyway, for those thinking AGS isn't a potstock


They hired a former Pfizer consultant to oversee their operations.

>We look forward to his contributions as we develop our flagship farm

>> No.1573137

Well you're wrong on several counts. First of all they will have revenue in a few months (installing their equipment by Nov 20 at THC, and after a full grow cycle they get a percentage of the profit), they have a LOI and will be purchasing another company in the review stage for growing marijuana (which should be a few months). They also have applied for a license. The money will start coming in in a few months, and then it will start pouring in. This technology is perfect for all forms of agriculture, but most importantly marijuana since it is so costly and they can grow it for the LEAST amount of money per square foot. They have already beaten the competition in that regard, so it can only go up from here.

>> No.1573143

I do reckon it will rise up before April for more than the reasons mentioned here>>1573137. There is plenty room to get in, even at .20 tomorrow. This one is a winner, with a solid management team, a god business model, and the best technology in the market right now.

>> No.1573153

Thoughts on AGS?

Does it have any future?

>> No.1573156

Do any of us have any future?

>> No.1573165

Oh you're the same guy from earlier. Here's a little something: I'm also a student (19) and this is how you make money. I don't mean to sound harsh but in this post (>>1567954) you say you've only made a few hundred, or maybe thousand dollars on these stocks since Feb. I've made more (percent wise) in the last 4 weeks than you have in the last 8 months. So why would Ii listen to you for stock advice or what you think of a company?

>> No.1573166

I do idk about you

>> No.1573172


You are based as fuck, my man, 19 and you made 60K in 1 day, you are a prodigy so I'll listen to you.

What are your thoughts on AGS?

>> No.1573175

My thoughts on AGS is that it is a bit of a meme, but many people have made money off memes before. Yes, the price was overinflated at .35, but at .22 I think it's an okay short term investment. I don't think they're management is quite up to the job since they want to do a mobile app game thing, but then again I haven't fully researched the company. Keep in mind that the rising tide lifts all boats, so during any marijuana stock run, there is likely to be a run in AGS too. The advantage of buying the low priced penny weed stocks is that they will most likely all increase in value until the spring. Come the spring, the market leaders will emerge (CGC, APH, OGI initially, but later I suspect THC) leaving behind these smaller companies. People look for cheap shares, so during a run, the smaller companies usually enjoy a larger % increase.

>> No.1573179

Here are my thoughts on AGS.>>1573175
I must admit that I haven't done very much research into them as my play right now is AFI, but once I feel that it has run it's course I will make sure to research what els is out there.

>> No.1573186

is it too late to get in on THC?

I have shares in CGC and APH for the long run and AFI and MJN in the short so idk what else to put money into.

>> No.1573187


Yeah, their gaming app is dumb as shit.

But knowing that they have an advisor used to work for Pfizer that will oversee their vertical grow facility that will get government subsity, combined with development of utility weed apps, do you still think they're a meme?

Also, until the spring, how high do you see its price being?

>> No.1573192

can anyone tell me where the fuck I can trade these canadian weed stocks as an american

>> No.1573197

How do you know how much I made off my other investments? You're 19 and you had 80k to play with. Im sorry my parents aren't rich.

My OGI stock is up 342% since I bought it. And yes it took 8 months but my plan was to buy and hold on the long run and not have to worry about keeping track of the investment and selling and whatnot.

>My parents are rich
>went all in in a penny stock with their money
>made more money than you even tho I only saw 1 of your 9 investments.

You sound like a genius.

Btw OGI has no future for the kush generation. Kids these days like the strong stuff, not the organic stuff so OGI is the first one Im dumping on legal day

>> No.1573198

>is it to late

for major push forward? maybe. U dont see it going up by 300% in the next month like it has for me since i first bought it (at 0.32, now its like 1.35)

for small to mid gains? no, THC just got its sales license but hasnt put out a Press release yet. When they do it will go up again. Now that they can sell weed they will be having revenue coming in.

any major banking broker. Robinshit doesnt trade them.

>> No.1573202

Not to late to get in, I see THC reaching $2 in two - three weeks, though I would invest it in AFI. Investing in THC is just a work around of investing in AFI since they will be using AFI's technology, so why not invest with the source so you can maximize your gainz?

That is reassuring to hear, and although they do not have the best growth tech (I say this because THC is using AFI's tech and since THC now has a sell licence, AFI will start growing once it is installed on the 20th of Nov. This means AFI will already be ahead of the game, just by sheer timing), it is nice to hear they have an adviser that used to work for Pfizer. It is also nice they understand the importance of digital sales (through phones), though we have yet to see how useful this will even be come the spring since the government will most likely opt for selling marijuana through the LCBO. This means the app would be rendered useless to the recreational market as they can't sell directly to the consumer, and may not be popular with the medical market as they could pursue the purchase of marijuana through recreational channels of distribution. All in all, I don't know enough about the company to make a prediction on stock price, but I would be cautious. I'm certain if you invest in AGS you will make money, but I am also certain that you could get a better return if you put your money els wear.

>> No.1573204

>financial advisor

thats almost never a good thing.

Its saying:

>we dont know how how to balance our own shit. What the fuck is all this shit? percentages? market capitilization? return on investment. Production losses? what the hell

>> No.1573205

so poor? Everyone has to start somewhere right? Sorry I pay for my own tuition + car + rent.

Keep being an AGS shill and you'll end up with what i started with

>> No.1573214

I know how much money you made because you put in 1000 into 4 different stocks. Also I've been working since I was 11 (paper route) saving a lot, have had good paying jobs as a teenager, moved up the ranks at that job to a supervisor while I was still in high school (lifeguard supervisor making 18 an hour), and this past summer after first year university I had two jobs. I worked 55 hours a week this summer between two jobs (19 and 25 an hour). I earned everything I have, yes I have paid for school out of my own pocket. I made more money this month than my parents will this year. I have put 41K into this account gradually from July to September. Thats right, those are 300% gains, and tomorrow that number will be significantly higher. Stop blaming the fact you can't make as much on made up reasons of how I started ahead fictionally, and start making better decisions.

>> No.1573217


Keep crying bitch nigga, even with your measly gainz, you're still poor af.

>> No.1573218



>> No.1573221

Do you advise holding APH and CGC until spring?

I was originally thinking based on the announcements on November 8 that legalization would be priced in so it'd make more sense to sell in Nov since that's about the highest it'll go.

>> No.1573233

>for small to mid gains? no, THC just got its sales license but hasnt put out a Press release yet. When they do it will go up again. Now that they can sell weed they will be having revenue coming in.

yeah that's pretty much what I'm looking for. I just want to throw 1k into something and see steady gains without having to worry about selling off at the right time. That's what I'm doing with CGC and APH too. I don't know when the ideal time to sell after legalization is, so I just want to invest in solid companies that will have a steady revenue.

>I would invest it in AFI
I bought some AFI shares at 0.11 but I don't have as much faith in it as you and the guy with 160k profits from it do. I have 5500 shares without spending much money on it, so I'm just gonna hold it indefinitely and hope that it reaches at least $1 before selling

>> No.1573234

>>1573205 this boi a bitch boi broke boi. Complains he can't make money, well guess what pal, none of us had it easy, but at least we don't cry about how hard it is. Do more research, become 100% confident in your stock choice. I go all in on my stocks because I have 100% confidence. Diversification is for the lazy / people who lack understanding, skill, or information. Also, we are young, so we can afford a financial catastrophe. Even if we lost it all, we would be the same place a lot of students are, so why not take the risk? Big risk = Big reward. So don't cry when you make easily gains on your bloated TSX and TSXV weed stocks when the rest of us are making quadruple your returns on CSE stocks.

>> No.1573237

Sure, you will make a lot of money if you hold until spring, but again, there are better stocks to invest in within this sector that will make you better profits.

>> No.1573238

Why the fuck can't you put stoplosses on CSE stocks???

>> No.1573240

I'm more confident in APH and CGC than anything else.

I'm setting relatively tight trailing stop losses. If shit drops 5% I'm abandoning ship past November.

>> No.1573241

I don't know. Just invest well and it shouldn't be a problem I guess. I've never needed one, and I've lost 20% in a day. Just be vigilant of prices, and be prepared to sell if shit hits the fan.

>> No.1573242

You said you made more percentage wise and youre wrong

Look at me I make up stories on the internet to hide the fact I inherited a bunch of money. Only rich spoiled kids are lifeguards anyway. If you do the math of your earnings after paying for tuition and other expenses minus the taxes how did you end up with 40k?

I easily make 45k a year after tax and I still dont have 40k to play with. Why? Expenses. car rent school and all the bs an adult would understand.

Anyway i only started fucking around with stocks recently so see you at the moon?

>> No.1573243

Of course you would be confident in them, they are the two largest in Canada. They are virtually guaranteed. I wouldn't set a stop loss that tight. Shit 5% in a day is not that much in the grand scheme of things. Those stocks have gone up much more than 5% in a day, and also gone down more than 5% in a day, but look at where they are today. They are still going up, and will be until the spring, as well as afterwords (probably just not at as fast a rate). It seems as though you have a low tolerance for risk, so you have picked the two best stocks from this sector to compliment your tolerance.

>> No.1573244

drop more money into AGS plz

>> No.1573247


^ Im on the same boat as this guy, go for the sure investments

And also yes we are young but even if we're young, some of us have bills to pay because mommy and daddy passed away when they were kids.

You're hating on the amount of money I gamble with just because I dont wanna scrap my future and potentially being extra broke and since this is 4chan, go kill yourself

>> No.1573248

Nope, my mom was an elementary school teacher and my dad was unemployed. We were not rich. How did I have that much in savings? Because I saved everything. I'm an honorary jew when it comes to savings, and I made a lot of money this summer from working sometimes 13 hour days. I started young working every chance I got and saving everything I got instead of pissing it away and buying silly shit. That way I wasn't stuck working a 45k a year job after taxes like yourself. Also I pay for school and rent (no car since I live on campus).
>you said you made more percentage wise and you're wrong

I made more in the last month I bet though haha. Whatever, why am I arguing with a guy who makes less in a year than I did today. Fuck off

>> No.1573252

Can I ask how old you are / if you actually have a mental deficiency? I said I have bills and I pay my own way for everything but for some reason you don't quite get it.

>> No.1573254

lel Jewish and proud

You should seriously consider killing yourself kek

>> No.1573257

Congratulations you're both unbearable cunts, now either talk about stocks or shut the fuck up.

>> No.1573258

>You should seriously consider killing yourself kek
No, I'm not jewish I was saying I pinch pennies like a jew.
>I'd rather be a proud jew than a proud loser living under the poverty line haha

>> No.1573259

also 45k a year working part time is pretty decent considering i barely do anything

>> No.1573263

so what happens after the markets close? Can I still buy shares? How is the share price calculated when the markets open again?

>> No.1573265

That all depends on the exchange you are trading on. For instance: the TSX has after hours trading stating at 4:15. The share price is calculated by the last purchase price of the share. This applies when the market opens. The market may open higher than the last share price. A good indication this will be happening is when the bids are above the previous day's close price. The asks and bids will be in before the market opens.

>> No.1573268

>tfw bought AGS at .34 and now about to sell it tomorrow because I'm tired of this horseshit

>> No.1573270
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I'm making atleast decent gains.

18 at Ottawa U and 500$ for doing nothing doesn't sound that bad. Can't complain. Thanks for your help.

>> No.1573276
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PONTIF GORDON, ignore that salty poorfag.

I'm about to sell AGS after doing further DD. If you were in my shoes, what would you buy at open?

>> No.1573279

Ags is a meme

>> No.1573282

No way, I'm at Ottawa U too. Hey do you know if there is an investment club on campus? It seems like there might have been one, but it was more about understanding terms that come with investing. Do you know of any where we can discuss ideas?

>> No.1573286
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Email me : seesmax@hotmail.com
Let's talk

>> No.1573288

Thanks mane, I will. As of now, I would say buy AFI at open, but I will make sure to update this tomorrow. Also, THC might be a good play if you get in at a good price after the initial spike of the morning (pretty much like today's graph). Most of these marijuana stocks go on sale at discounted prices around 10:45, with the exception of huge runs.

>> No.1573297


DOn't do it Gordon, he'll roofie you and fuck you in the ass like he did me.

>> No.1573301

Oh shit, to late. I already sent him an email. Hopefully you're doing better.

>> No.1573309

i disagree about THC, the press release alone will cause it to jump up another 30 to 50 cents in share price. THEN i can see it dipping but steadily climbing for the next 3 months until its at the level of oh say APH.

>> No.1573311
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Got in on CANN during last weeks crash @ 2.60 Also, picked up 1000 shares of AMMJ @ .55
Feels really good man

>> No.1573322

Everyone in this thread deserves to be completely destitute. And you will be if you keep fucking with these shitty companies.

>> No.1573328

It will most definitely moon with a press release, but that is only if it is released tomorrow. Look at the chart for today. Open at 1.35, low of 1.16, close at 1.35. What I'm saying is there could be a spike at open, slight pullback, and then a moonshot. Then again who the hell knows haha

>> No.1573661

I have a worrying question about that.
Can I have multiple TSFA at multiple institutions? Is the limit established by the gov or the institution? If I have a 5500$ TSFA elsewhere and now I have about 3000$ in another TSFA will I get in trouble?

>> No.1573681

Do you even research bro? Come on! Remove that fucking tin hat foil and go on google for fuck's sake.


You think, buying a few more of AFI at around 0.18 would still be worth it? I can see it taking off even more today and already made great profits from going from 0.105 so as the greedy bastard that I am I'd love to pitch in more lol

Don't listen to the bastards, you seem to be working your ass off. You deserve what you have whatever others say. While they're crying, you're making money grow on trees. Good job keep it up!

Suggestions others than APH, CGC, AFI, THC? What about the low priced PUF?

Bitching at others and asking for help. If you make 45k and don't have anything to play with it's because you blew all your cash on dumb shit you negroid.

>> No.1573684

ITT poor retards bitching about lacking money at anons who know how to save and make money

>> No.1573691

Canadian folks represent!
Too bad I'm not in Ottawa though :(

That gif sums up my life pretty well.

>> No.1573728
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>tfw all my cannabis stocks are in my TFSA
>all those tax-free gains

>> No.1573734

Got 2000 more AFI at 0.17 while it dipped. Already making profits off it since it bumped right after to 0.19 XD My AFI bag is now pretty big, can't wait to see it moon.

>> No.1573747

What do you guys think of GHG? it's been on a steady rise and it's the only MG stock under 10 cents and the volume keeps rising.

>> No.1573765

CGRW is the stock you need.
>in at .64
>over $3.25 right now

>> No.1573863

Never noticed that one, any advice? I'll start doing some research.

>> No.1573879

Not much activity about Global Hemp Group lately but still they seem to have been in the seed business for a while so there is that.

>> No.1573887



>> No.1573895

how do i into penny stocks?

whats a cheap broker?

>> No.1573938

>buy AFI at open

Your parents might be rich but it doesn't change the fact that you're fucking dumb.

Remember last night when I said AFI is getting dumped today?

I sold at open and bought more at .16

>> No.1573939

CRA tracks your contributions. In your example you would have used 8.5k of contribution room.

Keep in mind that you can only open TFSA's when you turn 18 so your limit depends on your age. To have the full 46.5k limit you would have to be at least 25 years old.

If you just turned 18 this year, in your example you would be 3k over limit. If you turned 18 in 2015, you would have 15.5k limit, etc

>> No.1573940

I have 15 bucks, who do I invest in?

>> No.1573943

going all in in securities is like brining 30k and blowing it at the casino. Not everyone can afford that risk.

And you said tinfoil and do your research? I say ANALYZE THE SITUATION you dumbfuck

While the rich kid lost 10% today I gained 10% good job retard

>> No.1573946

Securities held in a tfsa need to be listed a approved exchanges. TSX and TSXV are allowed, but if you hold a penny stock thats not on an approved exchange in a tfsa you will get fined for it.

I would imagine most brokerages have safe gaurds in place to reject any orders that break these rules, but i would do my own research if using a discount broker.

Also be careful if you own something that gets delisted. Happened to me last year

>> No.1573949

I hold AGS in a TFSA. (canadian securities exchange stock)

Is that fine?

>> No.1573960

Yes, google designated exchanges and you will find CSE on it.

If you use one of the major banks trading platforms i wouldnt worry too much.

>> No.1573987

skinwalker pls go

>> No.1574034

We should all pitch some of our gains in to build a big marble temple around Jim Flaherty's grave.

>> No.1574178

Hey hey, not bad. If you bought at open you'll still make money next week. Also why would that make me dumb? You're forgetting the fact that even though I lost close to 20k today, I have still made more in the last two days than you do in a year. Haha, just because my parents we're dirt poor and I wasn't raised in a slum, doesn't mean they were rich. I already mentioned this but my dad was unemployed and my mom was an elementary school teacher. In what world other than a shit hole in the Africa is that rich?

>> No.1574238

ustocktrade only has NYSE

>> No.1574256


You don't see all the fucking shitty Robinhood thread all over /biz/ anons? I guess Robinhood is what you're looking for. No comission fees, I guess it's perfect for penny trading plebs.

>> No.1574283

I said youre dumb for thinking it was gonna go up this morning and giving ppl shit advice to buy at open when I clearly gave you an analyzed situation. The stock will go up eventually yes but if you were smart you'd maximize your gains when the answer is right in front of your face.

Stop bragging about luck is all im saying.

Im gonna go drop 100K on number 8 at roulette and if i win im gonna go on 4chan and insult ppl because I just made 360k in 2 minutes that required no skill.

Last night I said AFI was dropping today, I was right. But it will go up within the next few months undeniably, just not today

>> No.1574285

where r u bob? ontario atleast?
honestly the only good choice

>want to open up td webbroker account
>tfw have to do it in bank
>tfw no appointments till friday
jesus christ TD

i have 10k, want to hold until legalization, most cost effective long term stocks in your opinions

>> No.1574290

A lot of people don't know about it but you can open an account by phone (yes, just introduced last year). You will need a computer or smartphone handy to take a photo of your license for I.D. and it takes about 40-45 minutes. Call up the brokerage line and they can do it this afternoon because keep in mind that it will take up to a week for the account to be displayed in WebBroker.

>> No.1574298

Isn't this shit kind of sketchy?

It's kind of startling how easily identity theft can happen

>> No.1574299

>I have no idea how the technicalities work with socks so I put in a buy order of 500$ @ .12 this morning before the exchanges open but it didn't go trough :(

You don't understand the technicalities of stocks according to yourself. Ill admit I was wrong about buying the open, but no one can be right 100% of the time. At least you stoped saying my parents were rich and gave me everything.

>Stop bragging about luck is all im saying.
>Im gonna go drop 100K on number 8 at roulette and if i win im gonna go on 4chan and insult ppl because I just made 360k in 2 minutes that required no skill.

Only one of us to could actually afford to do this and I'm sure you know who that is haha

>> No.1574302

Not particularly, It only works if you know all the security questions to the account, all of the person's information, and have their I.D. Also, you need to already have an easy web account with the bank to set up a WebBroker account.

>> No.1574309

They only ask you a couple of very simple questions when you call them over the phone.

>> No.1574310

You wan't to talk about regret? LOL...I had 20k to invest with back when CANN was at .75-.80 cents and I sat there thinking to myself..."WELP, if marijuana gets legalized in california this year I am pretty sure this thing will sky rocket...Should I take the risk and pump 20k in? Or should I stick with futures investments...IDK, it's too scary, I think I am gonna pass..." Now, the main reason I assume this has come up so much in the past months is due to investors speculating that weed will be legalized this year...

>> No.1574315

They ask you quite a few questions, you sign some stuff, and give them your ID. I thought it was pretty secure. I haven't had any problems after opening an account like that.

>> No.1574320

Nah I mean wouldn't it be easy for someone to hijack your account?

It got me worried that someone can get into your account then sell your holdings and pump and dump some stocks with your funds. I mean what exactly stops that from happening?

>> No.1574402

I already have a tfsa with mutual funds and im wanting to transfer those funds aswell, which im pretty sure they have to do

>> No.1574420

1.You need the account # and password to get into the account
2.It then prompts you to answer a security question
3.To buy or sell stocks you need a trade pin as well

Don't give away all your information. This is the same as a bank account. If you can't accept the (zero) risk of having a brokerage account, you certainly are not built for the risk of actually investing.

>> No.1574421

They will transfer them, but it will take 3-4 days to journal your holdings from another account into your WebBroker account. You will have to pay tax on your gains from your mutual funds if you do this as well since they will be taken from the TFSA.

>> No.1574431

ive moved money between multiple tfsas before and there was no tax.

>tfw gona miss out on makin sweet gains for next week and a half

>> No.1574435

Okay, just wanted to make sure you weren't going to move your mutual funds from a tfsa to a cash account. There might be some consolidation in the second half of the week so on the bright side you might get in at a good price for the next leg up.

>> No.1574551

Yeah going tfsa to tfsa
And is it basically just gona keep doing these little bumps

>> No.1574590

No I'm not in Ontario, I'm in one of the freaking "french speaking provinces" if I can say so. People here are like against having money and making money, if you're not poor and swear about being poor, people judge you lol

So for my stock picks are APH & CGC on long term, AFI, THC on mid-term maybe long-term too. MJN had a great day today, haven't done much research into it but I might jump on that one too. I'd like to diversify a bit because I've got too much money in the pot market for now hehehehe Still I think it's a great market and that it has even more room for expansion.

>> No.1574612
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>I'm in one of the freaking "french speaking provinces"

My sympathies

>> No.1574624
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>Mfw AGS is on the rise again.

I'm glad I didn't listen to you guys and sold at open for AFI LMAO

>> No.1574632

oh wow slight increase

lol it'll fall again bro trust.

I'm dumping it all at .30

>> No.1574641

I like it, at least I think so. It's the people, we like to go against ourselves instead of going after important issues. And we mostly don't know anything about finances. Hopefully, I'm working hard not to be a clueless motherfucker xD

>> No.1574767

dont worry with kathleen in ontario we arent gonna be "rich" much anymore as she keeps sucking us dry

and ok ill look more into those

>> No.1575031

>who can afford to do that?

well clearly you do by loosing 20k today that could've been avoided if you weren't a complete retard

>> No.1575212

Robinhood doesn't have T+0 which I neeed

>> No.1575226
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except they dont trade Canadian Securities..so...

anyways fuck, i bought AFI at the high of .25....fuck me

>> No.1575454

Well to be quite honest I don't really care about the 20k since it's only a third of the profit I made yesterday. Doesn't feel to bad when it's just coming from profit. You've probably my found the same thing.

>> No.1575961

sucks to be you bro :/
You shouldve done your research on AFI before buying that high

>49% of AFI is owned by a private company that moved AFI's HQ from montreal to BC

>AFI has been news-related to pot for years even though they have nothing to do with pot.

>AFI might be years away of getting their license and vertical growing isnt that spectacular. It's been around for over 30 years so its not revolutionary at all

Releasing news on a friday night is a sign that you should only buy at open on monday and sell before close on monday. Did anyone read the fineprint on their friday night announcement?

"This News Release contains forward-looking statements. The use of any of the words "anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "should", "believe" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct."

>because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct


>> No.1576092

They have a license application right now, and their subsidiary has a license application as well. Should be a few months. Your point about the forward-looking statement: have you ever read one of these before? They always use those words. EVERY COMPANY DOES. That's because no company can 100% guarantee they can deliver everything exactly when they say they will. Clearly you have no idea how business works and your opinion should be disregarded.

>> No.1576095
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>TFW set a 3% trailing stop on marijuana stocks

>> No.1576163

just bought 289 shares of CGC at 6.92$ in my TFSA

How much should I worry about diversification? It seems like CGC is the most solid pick for now despite having a highish price.

>> No.1576194


>> No.1576237

When California legalizes weed on November will the Canadian stocks go up? I am thinking if I should invest now or from my next paycheck.

>> No.1576325
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>MFW I set my stop loss way too high by accident and it just sold all my fucking shares

What the fuck reeee!!!

>> No.1576394

In my opinion, judging from where APH OGI and CGC were 8 months ago, CGC would be the best bet right now

APH is up 250%
OGI is up 320%
And CGC is only up 160%

They were all bough roughly around the same time. Plus CGC has the brightest future with their exclusive deals with snoop but OGI and APH already have positive earnings per share and CGC doesn't anymore but they did a few quarters ago

>> No.1576402

I thought CGC got to a peak so I sold at 7.00 anticipating a pullback...

>> No.1576463

Yea that's smart. I'm just saying in the pot stock bubble, CGC is the least bubbly and it'll crash less than OGI when the bubble bursts

>> No.1576471

when do u think the bubble is gona pop? after canada legalizes?

>> No.1576473

i feel like i made a mistake though.

>> No.1576560

They're hard to predict but I'm gonna sell in April then buy again at a lower price and hold long term hoping for dividends one day hehe

It's bound to go back down, pot stocks are extremely overvalued right now compared to their earnings. All it takes is for a few of the big boys that got in early to decide to cash out and there goes the panic sell. Wtv happened on oct 8th is bound to happen again but maybe bigger? Who knows?

>> No.1577672

How do you feel about Mettrum MT?

most negative EPS but not so much debt/equity

>> No.1577692

AFI fags on suicide watch

>> No.1577697

Just buying more really :)

>> No.1577698

They just got their license a day ago, they can't go down for very long ;-)

>> No.1577711

and we're back

>> No.1577967

where did you read they got their license a day ago?

>> No.1578003

Right here:

>> No.1578005

Also on official website:

>> No.1578014
File: 312 KB, 1500x1125, fried chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently owning 1125 shares of CGC, not sure if ishould diversify or pump more into canopy

>> No.1578025

oh well thats THC not AFI

49% of AFI is owned by a private company and I doubt they'll ever get their lisence to grow

Im still holding a few shares in case it goes up but my hopes arent very high

>> No.1578028

haha I only buy CGC 420 shares at a time hehe. It's always good to diversify just in case CGC fucks up

>> No.1578041

Been watching the past couple days, what would be some good picks to get into

>> No.1578094

I'm Canadian with $1000 that was looking to invest in ACB, CGC and APH. Is it not worth looking into investing in these anymore?

>> No.1578100

it's at like the peak of the bubble

CGC is past $7 and yet has negative earnings... This can't continue

>> No.1578106

the had positive earnings last quarter.

Look at TSLA with 350$ shares and negative earnings, along with amazon... ppl invest for the future leverage of the comapny

>> No.1578691
File: 57 KB, 797x210, weedstocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even after all my chicken liltling, I couldn't quit you, /weedstocks/.

>> No.1578801

AFI makes the growing systems. They've already announced they've partnered with THC.

>> No.1578818

gg AGS .20, soon to be .05

>> No.1578850

partnered with THC for how many batches?

It could just be a 1000$ deal right?

>AFI makes the growing systems
We could say that AGS makes the LED lights for the growing systems, doesn't mean that AGS is valuable just because of that. A shit company is a shit company. (I still have 3k shares in AFI in case I was wrong but as soon as the price goes to .12 I'm in cutloss mode.)

AFI sounds like a pretty sketchy company desu

>> No.1578973

>It could just be a 1000$ deal right?

Are you fucking retarded? The tech they are installing is worth hundreds of thousands. The contract is 10% of earning from the machine up to 100 000$ and then 3% of earnings INDEFINITELY.

You are an uneducated swine that is but hurt you lost money on AGS so fuck off.

>> No.1578976
File: 268 KB, 1333x2000, CkdRzgRUkAAcVfC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comments/Commentaires : You promised a lot of things, but if you go back on these marijuana promises then me and many other Canadians will be destroyed financially. We have a lot of money invested in seeing this succeed. I worked for years at minimum wage to put money into these marijuana companies, and if they tank because you get on a stage somewhere and start going back on your word then I am going to be a very broke man back at square one, along with others. Lets ignore the false criminal elements of marijuana and focus on how it can be the next boom in this country. I dream of a Canada where fields of marijuana grow openly....fields of green, fields of CASH so we dont have to be dirt poor anymore. Thanks. In short, don't go back on your word or else we lose the farms before seeds can even be planted. This is a meme mission to the moon and we are going to live and die with it age 25 Hamilton Ontario


Dear xxxxxxxxxxxx:

On behalf of the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence regarding the legalization and regulation of marijuana.

Please be assured that your comments have been carefully reviewed. As this issue is of particular interest to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health, I have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to them, for their information and consideration.

Thank you for writing to the Prime Minister.

J.P. Vachon
Executive Correspondence Services
for the Prime Minister's Office
Services de la correspondance
de la haute direction
pour le Cabinet du Premier ministre

>> No.1578978

Tfw AGS is dead

>> No.1578985

I haven't been paying attention to weed stocks for the past couple months and obviously missed the big bubble, are there are penny stocks left that might still explode? I saw PUF, is that worth getting into at 0.27?

>> No.1578990

I never put a dime in AGS for that exact same reason.

Specualting a speculation is not always a good idea. Whats the point of AFI? Why don't ppl just drop money on THC where 97% of the money is gonna be?

Hence why I mentioned AGS : money is in the crops, not the suppliers of the "tech"

>> No.1578994

>I haven't been paying attention to weed stocks for the past couple months and obviously missed the big bubble, are there are penny stocks left that might still explode? I saw PUF, is that worth getting into at 0.27?

Too risky now.

The bubble will burst soon. Id suggest you don't.

>> No.1578999

THC biomed maybe? It's starting to drop

AFI might be a good plan but you'd be better off with THC and if you plan on getting AFI wait a few days or weeks till it goes back down and buy the dip.

GHG too maybe? dropping too

PUF is overpriced at .27 so being patient and buying the dip might be a good plan ;)

>> No.1579003

>The bubble will burst soon
What if were only at the start of a bubble that's gonna go to the moon?

>> No.1579004

>Buying literal pennystocks

Never change /biz/.

>> No.1579009

>what if what if

Doesn't mean shit. These companies don't make shit, they're only rising like crazy because of speculation.

Do you really believe CGC is a company that should be $7? When it LOSES money?

>> No.1579053

>Do you really believe CGC is a company that should be $7? When it LOSES money?


>Worth over 30 billion
>Loses 1.3 billion

This is just an example out of thousands of companies worth a shit ton with negative EPS

CGC used to turn profit before the last quarter. Why did the suddenly start losing money?
Best explanation would be NPVGO

>> No.1579055


In other words:
If the company is in a significant growth phase, EPS is not an issue

>> No.1579065


Well THC was at like 20 cents and now it's already 5x that so I think it's too late for that one. I'm looking for something that's currently in a position like THC was in when it was 20 cents.


I ain't putting my life savings into this shit, I know it's high risk/high reward.

>> No.1580130

THC is back up

>> No.1580140

>all these fools not realizing CGC is a 20 dollar stock

Hahaha you fags are gonna hang yourselves next year when you see what you could've made

>> No.1580145

i own APH, THC, AFI, OGI, and EMH. i missed the CGC but oh well one of the ones i have will go up too.