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File: 439 KB, 647x765, 100 Oil on Pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15594340 No.15594340 [Reply] [Original]

Why the hell did I read this on Pol and not here? GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER BIZ


>>Half of Saudi Arabia's oil production has gone offline following a surprise drone strike.
>>Drones attacked Abqaiq facility in Saudi Arabia and the Khurais oil field run by Saudi Aramco early Saturday morning, the kingdom's interior ministry said, sparking a massive fire at a crude processing plant essential to global oil supplies.
>>The closure will impact nearly 5 million barrels of crude processing per day, affecting 5 percent of the world's daily oil production. And while Aramco is confident that it can recover quickly, if it can't, however, the world could face a production shortage of as much 150MM barrels per month. An outcome which could send oil prices into the triple digits.

Battle plan? I bought into SLCA at about $10.30 as a technical trade and now the fundamentals just got better. How does this affect petrodollar, the Sino-US tradewar? WAS IT REALLY THE ILLUMINATI?!?!?!

>> No.15594353
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>> No.15594354

Does this mean I should buy LINK?

>> No.15594377

>Why the hell did I read this on Pol and not here?
Because you don't check the catalog >>15591596

>> No.15594383

Good thing I only ride bikes.

>> No.15594391

> because, obviously, biz doesn't know shit
> buy high sell low

>> No.15594393

You'd have to be literally retarded to think it's the Iranians, which is what the US is asserting. It's probably going to be a swing and a miss on another gulf of tonkin incident.

>> No.15594401

keked and checked

>> No.15594408

don't speak about politics or some dumb mod will ban you

>> No.15594420

Priced in.

>> No.15594426

> Serious argument
> Real business
> No shitcoins
> Some politics
The thread can be erased any moment now.
I can hear retard jannies arguing with the indonesian mod

>> No.15594464


Whether or not this leads to war in the Persian Gulf is going to have a bigger impact on the price of oil than the bombing of oil wells.

>> No.15594475
File: 80 KB, 1821x761, SLCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An attack over the weekend is already priced in?
That thread is shit, it generates no ideas. Buy SLCA, a silica mining company that creates proppants for fracking.
Here is the 10Q if you want fundamental analysis. Earnings come out in a month.
Chart is below, you will regret not buying.

>> No.15594476

Buying some UWT on Monday.

>> No.15594507


If you want to figure out who's profiting and how, check to see who's been stockpiling recently. I guarantee you that somebody in the know has gotten greedy.

>> No.15594518

nothing is going to happen, screencap this

>> No.15594563

Buying market and out where? $24? Swing trade or long hold?

We have a trade war between a net importer and a net exporter of oil. OPEC+ has been looking at looking at cutting production, now this allows the (((Saudi's))) some political ammo against their enemies. No way this doesn't cascade through the economy in the short term.

See my comment above for a first look reason as to why. Anything you want to expound upon?

Either you buy this or you don't. I have been betting on rising prices in oil and gas through my SLCA position, which is my mining and my oil and gas sector position, loosely.

>> No.15594596


I don't believe that the US will invade Iran on this flimsy of a pretext. I am prepared to believe that the Saudis could easily fool themselves into thinking that they can beat the Iranians in a war and would false flag themselves to simultaneously manipulate the oil market while giving them an excuse to fight Iran.

I'm inclined to buy US defense stocks because they're going to make a killing supplying the Saudis. US probably won't get involved in anything but an advisory capacity. Not at this stage.

>> No.15594618

Could this be bullish for renewable energy companies too?

>> No.15594620

>being this new
No one wants your over abundant, over priced oil, Muhammad. Staging some attacks isn't going to do anything.

>> No.15594636

Trump doesn't like war, he kicked out bolton.
This can be a hit from the deep state, to force burgers into some sort of local war.
Every president in US has to start AT LEAST a local war.

>> No.15594653

Oh, I think that Saud wanted to decrease production while claiming political advantage, with more an emphasis on destroying their Yemen problem.

In the long run. But don't forget due to its conductive properties silver benefits from everything related to renewable energy. Look at leveraged ETFs or physical silver.

Post tits, you have to be a woman to be this retarded. Or post hand.

>> No.15594677

US imports of oil are at near all time lows, getting close to 1970's levels, this won't affect the US oil prices that much, what it will do is hit Europe and Asia pretty hard, pretty sure the last time there was a Saudi outage it pretty much only affected Europe and Asian prices.

>> No.15594690

I'm not new, and i can spot when someone is telling random "priced ins"

>> No.15594706


>Trump doesn't like war

He doesn't have the stomach for taking blame for it if it goes wrong.

>hit from the deep state

They wouldn't have used drones. The deep state isn't that dumb.


It gives them a number of political and economic cards to play. I would say that no Western strategist would think that the Saudis are going to roll into Tehran alone and win that fight, but by reputation the Saudi military is a special kind of stupid.

>> No.15594725

>We have a trade war between a net importer and a net exporter of oil.
Factually wrong
>OPEC+ has been looking at looking at cutting production, now this allows the (((Saudi's))) some political ammo against their enemies.
true, but the it will give the Saudis no leverage
> No way this doesn't cascade through the economy in the short term.
It will not, just fear mongering and Saudi owned propaganda outlets drumming up while above 50% of the population don't give a shit. And as the majority of the voters don't give a shit, politicians whose power depends on the voters, wont give a shit either

>> No.15594740
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Based poster over here. Asking actual questions. Any defense companies you like for this situation

If you don't know that the US is a net exporter of oil and China is a net importer you need to educate yourself, you are behind the power curve in this conversation.

>> No.15594757

Short uso,long brent

>> No.15594762

Not really. US certainly will not give two shits about the oil. The most would be considerations by the hawks to use it as an excuse to strengthen military presence in the reason, but with a voting year at the door, no way this will happen. Europe won't give a shit either, production and oil imports from the middle east are in constant decline and against saudi owned propaganda outlets the imports from Russia and Northern Africa are on the rise.

Asia on the other hand will have a bad day, but beside kwetsching and asking for support in the UN from the west wont affect anything

>> No.15594770
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>> No.15594776

I'm well aware of this. What I calim is factually wrong is that retarded trade war narrative which is pure bullshit. China has no leverage. If one likes to give the conflict between China and the US a label I would call it beat the chink

>> No.15594777


The Saudis are flying the F-35 right now in Yemen and it'll probably be what they use to bomb Iran if it comes to that. I'd be heavy on Raytheon right now, but the nature of military contracting is such that they all make parts and munitions for that shit. Hard to go wrong but I'd focus on Raytheon. It's probably the usual suspects of Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and the rest.

>> No.15594781


>China has no leverage

You're deep in the MAGA kool-aid aren't you?

>> No.15594801

Tell me what leverage does China have? The US treasury bond bullshit? As long as the US is the global currency and military hegemon, china will just fuck itself dumping. If you mena the normie CNN narrative about chinese imports getting more expensive, that again will only fuck china and some US companies that outsourced their production to china. China currently stands there with its pants down while screaming and playing the big man

>> No.15594811

Based and bikepilled

>> No.15594820


>this won't affect the US oil prices that much
>what it will do is hit Europe and Asia pretty hard

Wouldn't that mean Europe and Asia would buy US oil to compensate and push the US price up?

>> No.15594838

As I understand it the US limits the amount of oil it allows to be exported.

>> No.15594840


I'm not in the habit of informing the ignorant when they assert their ignorant opinions as fact and demand to be proven wrong. If you choose to believe that China has exactly zero cards to play in international trade then you're a proud know-nothing.


It means a rise in the global oil price which is good for anyone who's been stockpiling or who can fill the supply gap quickly.

>> No.15594848
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This place is /pajeet/ and /shitcoin general/.

Reddit is fucking better than biz.

>> No.15594850
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Chink eye detected

>> No.15594854

I'm hearing 5.7 million barrels so actually 58% of Saudi production

>> No.15594869


Go back to your circlejerk on /pol/.

For the record the US can wrangle concessions out of China and has more and better cards to play, but to suggest that China has no cards to play whatsoever is pretty fucking stupid. If your mind goes straight to the national debt instead of rare earth elements then you are, as I said, a proud know-nothing. Incidentally if you think that China dumping US bonds is a non-threat then you're a big know nothing.

>> No.15594886

Burger here, China has 0 leverage and will eat the curb if they keep their little trade war going.

But I don't have to explain why to ignorants like you.

>> No.15594908

> One single interesting thread in a sea of shit
> Go back
Fuck you nigger

>> No.15594909

That deserves a (you)

>> No.15594912


You guys need to learn to translate headline hype to English.

>Drone strike halts half of Saudi crude production

means Saudi Aramco closed a valve on an oil pipeline in response to a drone strike. They'll reopen it when they repair the damage. Until then, they'll just sell oil out of their storage tanks and refill them when they get their pipeline back online. lol maybe some sand niggers got burned alive.

>> No.15594915
File: 215 KB, 514x491, petro-dollar-war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you can do is long crude oil, like a bastard.

>> No.15594926

Here, this is for you


>> No.15594934


Man, I have to figure out how I can get into the game of fleecing MAGAtards out of their disposable income. Suckers this gullible are a resource.

>> No.15594942

Go back

>> No.15594951

I'm still waiting. What cards does China have? Rare earths is okay, but with Chinas one sided economic dependency very easy to get to. Putting such weight on the treasury bond threat is CNN tier retarded. It would hurt the US in the short term, but it would hurt China way more, they would fuck there most important export market and by extent themselves again do to their one sided economic dependency on exports to not fall into the China cycle. Not to mention the reactions from Uncle Sam they would provoke with such a move.

China is a non issue that gets pushed by US companies that outsourced their production that have much to lose when China goes belly up, but the US as a whole or the world doesn't care if China goes yet back again to unrests, insurgency and revolution

>> No.15594959


>The sky is green prove me wrong lol no I'm not going to look outside dumb dumb

>> No.15594960

btw, are you overly invested in companies that are basically dead when China gets fucked raw?

>> No.15594971

Why? Because China is fucked?

>> No.15594984

I'm still waiting. And if you argument is that a wealth transfer from China outsourcer to national producer would happen if China gets fucked, I wouldn't call that an argument, just a personal flavor and probably your own interests because you put your retirement money in globalist traitors

>> No.15595016
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>Not really.

Only Mongoloids start their sentences this way. Also, best way to assure no one reads your long winded bullshit.

Learn to interact with real people you worthless subhuman.

>> No.15595040

> Only
Only Imbeciles start their sentec... wait

>> No.15595078

Goddamn you're salty. America is under no threat from China in any way. What are they gonna do? Stop importing our medical equipment? They already maxed out their tariffs on the US. They are gonna have a livestock shortage soon from not buying our basedbeans, Brazil obviously can't meet demand. Their businesses are being starved to death by American tariffs and can't continue to be bailed out forever unless they inflate their currency to 0. Hong Kong is already up in arms and that seed will grow into a tree if they don't get their shit together. Now their oil prices are going to skyrocket, putting further pressure on their entire business sector.

Face it, China's fucked

>> No.15595120

Way to address the points retard. You don't like what you read? Doesn't fit the narrative that is painted by Saudi and Chinese owned propaganda outlets in the west, does it? But well, they are the only ones who have a stake in this. Everybody beside the Saudis and Chinese profit from instability in that region.

>> No.15595916

Death to America! Death to Israel! Curse the jews! Victory for Islam!

>> No.15595998

>You don't like what you read?

Like I said, didn't read anything after the autitst red flag you left us all.

Now go sit in the corner and don't speak until spoken to.

>> No.15596018

>producing economy can't beat a consumption consumer credit debt based eocnomy

>> No.15596141

Durka durka praise Allah

>> No.15596151

>Why the hell did I read this on Pol and not here? GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER BIZ
Wake up it’s just more fake news spread by linkers to pump before yet another steamy dump

>> No.15596166

Do you hold LINK?

>> No.15596167

And their largest consumer is making their goods unprofitable

>> No.15596213

Non-retarded Burger here.

Nigga u dum.

>> No.15596293

long drones short arabs

>> No.15596319

>saudi arabia produces 12m barrels a day
>80m produced a day world wide
>saudi arabia loses 50% of its production
>world wide 7.25% decrease
Whats the big deal here?

>> No.15596777

It's not going to do shit to the price. The US has so much shale we're basically energy independent and are fully capable of compensating for any global supply shortage while making bank doing it. Damn it feels good to be American.

>> No.15596786

>7.25% decrease
7.25% price increase

>> No.15596809
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>Why the hell did I read this on Pol and not here?
Because you don't pay enough attention to geopolitics.

>> No.15596828

>The US has so much shale we're basically energy independent and are fully capable of compensating for any global supply shortage while making bank doing it. Damn it feels good to be American.
This would be true if we were actually capable of moving the extra demand caused by drops in Saudi Arabia, much less what may erupt in the next week with Iran. There is only enough capacity in the existing terminals and tankers to accommodate the immediate future.
However, you are right that the US is unlikely to see any serious effects. UK/France/Germany/China/India/Japan though, will see some very pointed effects.

>> No.15596887

We got a deep state specialist here guys

>> No.15596890

hey retard
refute this.

I'll wait

>> No.15596918

This dude is a living, breathing meme. Come the fuck on anon, posting fucking Pol Pot would be more respectable.

>> No.15598010
File: 209 KB, 800x1672, 1565519117013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn the chinks and those invested in chinkies are pretty salty ITT. Looks like China is in for a repetition of the eternal chink cycle

>> No.15598057

No, Europe would just ban cars and oil heating etc, that's the way they're going now with all the Greens hysteria, worshipping that retarded 16yo autist girl as a prophet and a saint. Not even kidding.

>> No.15598084

>every barrel of oil is the same and costs the same to produce

Do the full scale energy-invested on energy-invested analysis and get back to me. losing 6m bpd of cheap quality crude is different than losing 6m bpd of shale or tar oil.

>> No.15598124

>debating is beneath me

So basically, you’re full of shit and can’t substantiate your claim

>> No.15598415

>Saudi Arabia’s stock market fell by 2.3% at Sunday’s open as the country grappled with weekend attacks on the heart of its oil production facilities in Abqaiq and Khurais.
>“A small $2-$3 premium (crude futures) would emerge if the damage appears to be an issue that can be resolved quickly, and $10 if the damage to Aramco’s facilities is significant leasing to prolonged supply outages,” Ayham Kamel, practice head for the Middle East and North Africa at Eurasia group, said in a research note Sunday. That’s up to 25 cents higher per gallon of gasoline.
>Saturday’s attack is the biggest on oil infrastructure anywhere since Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

>> No.15598425


Its houthis which are direct Iranian proxies.
Houthis are fucking based though.

This might be good for the growing us energy sector by the way, which had trouble with these low prices

>> No.15598539

I totally read this whole thing

>> No.15598667

zoomers better shine your army boots lol

>> No.15598758

China has no leverage because anyone who goes to them for cheap labor can get the same thing in Vietnam or Malaysia or India or wherever else as soon as there's an incentive strong enough to overcome switching costs.

>> No.15598776

this seems bad for bitcoin

>> No.15598834

Expecting the chosen to fight their enemies is anti semitic anon. Of course all non pozzed middle eastern countries must be destroyed no matter the cost - financial and demographic - to White countries.

And not one drop of Israeli blood must be spilled.

>> No.15598930

China uses Yuan to buy oil from Russia so that means Russia becomes a larger holder of yuan and the ability of China to expand its currency use shrinks. Bye bye silk road.
China gust got hit, so hard that they are now silent.