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15594313 No.15594313 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I give up entertainment to be succesful ? I like being entertained

>> No.15594427
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Of course you do, that’s why it’s easy for them to sell it to you and why you keep consuming it. You know what else you’d love if you gave it a shot? Heroin. Boy if you think television and video games are good, wait until you fucking try heroin. It’s very bad for you, but hey, if you enjoy it, why would you give it up? Yeah oh know what else feels great? Jerking off. Do you jerk off all day every day? Well some people do. Why not? Why not do something you enjoy?

Do you see what I’m saying?

Entertainment is a vampiric drain on your money and your attention, if you spent the amount of time studying markets and entrapaneurship that you spent on entertainment, you would have probably already made it. If you spent that time training hard and working out, you could be a better fighter than Jon Jones.

Entertainment is a tax on poor people. It enforces poverty because it turns your face away from real politics, economics, science, and religion, so you never really take time to understand what is actually happening in the world around you if you are always entertaining yourself. You think the point is for you to have fun, but the point is actually for other people to make money off you thinking you’re having fun. Fun is also very compromised word because it has become synonymous with consuming services or goods. Before all of this was invented, what people did for “fun” was study the stars and tell stories and sing together. That was “fun” to them, being engaged with their environment and exploring it together, in the downtime where hunting or other obligations were already fulfilled, or whilst they were being fulfilled.

There’s a lot to be said about this topic but, the bottom line is that it’s only entertainment and you don’t need it. You must think of it as a vice because that is what it is. If you don’t, you will stay poor, or you will become poor.


>> No.15594471

You don't like being successful?
>I like being entertained
Do you really? Have you tried other things? Most who do consider entertainment weak sauce.

>> No.15594709

Why dont you start entertaining then if you enjoy the industry. Make some good choices anon.

>> No.15594760

Based. The real redpill is to align your entertainment and goals.
Studying charts is FUN, unironically.
I didn't even become a profitable trader until I forced myself to enjoy it.
The ONLY thing you have the power to affect is you, OP.

>> No.15594766
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He should become a clown?

>> No.15594871

Everything in moderation anon.
You can get a lot done in 8 hours if you actually work. I never work on Sundays too, and only a few hours Saturday

>> No.15595487

>just work hard, you will matter

You only matter if your family matters,if you born into wealth and power. Else you have higher chance of "making it" through lottery, unless you somehow had genetic mutations, and a genius.

>> No.15595538

At least video games. Take a break from them because they're too time consuming.