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File: 9 KB, 645x773, IMG_0071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1559315 No.1559315 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fell for the gambling addiction meme

help bros im losing my money at an alarming rate, I just want to make at least half of what I lost back :(

how can i quit when I'm so much down

>> No.1559318

The money you lost is lost forever.

Stop gambling, loser.

>> No.1559332

You can't make it back senpai
Just cut your losses now and never gamble again

>> No.1559348

Make it back some other way than gambling.

>> No.1559394

Kill yourself.

>> No.1559420

Don't give up gambling now
"if at first you don't succeed try try again"

>> No.1559457

cold turkey. never play games with negative expected value for prolonged times and for other reasons than entertainment.

>> No.1559549

Here's a good way to kick the habit.

Step 1 get a job on the weekend

Step 2 Only gamble the money you earn from the weekend job

You'll never get into trouble that way. And, if the job is sufficiently crappy, you may quit and stop gambling all together

>> No.1560399

>lose $50
>lose $800
>repeat for a decade
>take out loan to play for one last win
>lose 5 figures
>kills self
Don't be like my father, anon.

>> No.1560419

Surefire strategy. Pic related.

>> No.1560422
File: 31 KB, 998x777, Screenshot from 2016-06-29 03-37-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck anon, I was 'avin a giggle for some reason until that last sentence.

>> No.1560423
File: 44 KB, 736x508, images.duckduckgo.com(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surefire strategy. Pic related.
Pic related

>> No.1560428

i always ignore this board, but fuck it.

stop. just stop. you are not going to make your money back. furthermore, the markets dont owe you shit.

let's say you started with 100. let's say you did well and end up with 5% up for the month. you would have 105. assuming 5% in one month would put you at 60% per year.

not even the biggest, most profitable funds in the world reach this levels, and if you could, consistently, you would be richer than mr faceberg himself.

now... let's say you didn't do so well, and you lost 50%. sure, it seems steep, but for sake of the example bare with me. you will have 100-50 = 50.

you will have to make 100% profit from your capital of 50, to just break even.

you will not make 100%. not in a month. not in a year. not ever.

give up.

>> No.1560436

He's not talking about fucking stocks.

>> No.1560473

ok this is what happen :
if you allow yourself to bet 10% of your capital, in 10 bets you are gone if you not make atleast one bet that get you 100% back your investment. On stocks thats pretty hard to achive, on poker its even harder because its harder to keep risks in track,but this is the logic : for each person on the table you have a potential of your income * number of players to profit. try to minimize your loss playing on small tables, all ins are bad investments keep it under 5% bets, and for each bet you need to get atleast 200% profit or it will not worth it.

>> No.1560478

Is he not? The fucking shillcoin shit is basically gambling.

>> No.1560482

Gamble on cyptocurrency. It's technically investing. Indirectly cured my /sp/orts gambling addiction.

>> No.1560488

gambling should only be viewed as entertainment, not as a money making opportunity

>> No.1560499


I gambled myself into bankruptcy and basically lived on fumes until the next paycheck.

I loved the rush of going all in, and basically dumped everything on that adrenaline. the bigger the risk, the bigger the kick.

When I lost it all reality kicked in. All my savings gone. I almost killed a hooker and then myself.

That was last year. I still gamble in a sense, but now I hedge considerably more.

I guess what saved me is that my parents taught me that debt is toxic, so I was never negative. but I was literally inches from the ground.

>> No.1560505

it applies to gambling too

>> No.1560507

I don't think you've hit rock bottom yet desu

>> No.1560512

You can start playing poker.

Poker is really the only beatable game at casinos. Counting cards is essentially a waste of time.

>> No.1560525

>>gambling addiction meme
Mfw they only call it gambling addiction when one loses money.

>> No.1560529


what is rock bottom?

on the day I had about 400 bucks to my name. the only reason for that was because I still had it laying around. were it on my bank account it would have been gone too.

that day I lost 100x that. that was a real kick in the head. that was a sum I couldn't possibly win back in any universe.

Maybe if you crash you can't hit "rock bottom". maybe that's reserved for those that die the slow death.

>> No.1560552

You should get into cryptocoins. Or MLM schemes.

>> No.1560555


I gambled with FOREX.
>lost $1000
>lost another $1000
>swore I'd never do it again
>the other day was bored
>lost $200
Could've been worse. But I'll never do it again, I hope.

>> No.1560560


Bitcoin itself is at least relatively safe. Shillcoins are gambling tho.

>> No.1560561

Shillcoins aren't stocks either.

>> No.1560570

sunk cost fallacy.

bail now, accept your losses. don't fucking do it again.

>> No.1560650

Since investment on Marijuana being legalized in canada is just high tier gambling, open a trading account. Buy ACB aurora ,CGC canopy ,MT mettrum,OGI organigram,APH aphria, and MJN pharmacan.
You might see huge gains november. You might see huge multibaggers if its legalized. You can just hang out on stockhouse messageboards instead of gambling. Gamble like a rich man and start investing. These stocks are like 50:1 payout if legalization occurs, and shit is going smoothly so far.