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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-09-14-16-17-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15592676 No.15592676 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my folio

>> No.15592701

why aren't you making 8% on that usd with nexo?

>> No.15592708
File: 439 KB, 640x360, hmmmheh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15592723

Its my bank acct savings

>> No.15592737

buy some gold or/and silver, 1-4k of it.

>> No.15592743


you're hardly investing. and what you are invested in is absolute shit. only thing you have going for you is 145k and that's slowly deteriorating.

>> No.15592754

100% based and future elite /10
i'm very jealous

>> No.15592758
File: 6 KB, 166x221, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earn 8% Interest
100% Asset-Backed Guarantee

Let Your Assets Work for You - Start Earning
High-Yield Interest Now on USD, EUR, GBP, USDT, TUSD, USDC, PAX, DAI

>> No.15592764

What kind of "portfolio" that have barely anything but cash?

>> No.15592776

because he knows

>> No.15592795

>Taking and edited blockfolio thread serious
If you haven't yet understand that those threads are done for data mining new fags you are an idiot

>> No.15592796

Usd, bsv and cricket? Holy fuck that’s bad. I hope you lose it all

>> No.15592838

Uh its accurate even the 6 link, for the memes kek
Why is cricket bad?

>> No.15592869

sure, larping on here is totally not a thing. Go tell your friends. Wait you don't have friends. I'm sorry

>> No.15592920

stop shit posting and ruining the board because all you can do is show your shit personality online since it's obvious your a bitch irl and come here t o take your frustrations out on others. what a sad pathetic little "man" you must be irl

>> No.15592957

Oh I'm sorry did I hit a nerve white knight. Go and sue me, or I have a better idea, hide in a private group if you can't take the heat faggot

>> No.15593016

another low IQ shit post from a low IQ loser irl. keep showing your true colors... this is why you're a sad raging loser online cuz irl you're a straight bitch. and hit a nerve? kek how pathetic and weak... nice defensive move trying to imply im rattled and it's your ass replying with a larger shit post to mask your loser irl rage. cry moar tears of dispair seething loser not like your shit posting will change you're all bitch all the time

>> No.15593115

Usually the angry white knights hang around on /r9k/. What drove you loser over to /biz/? Was it the promise of wealth and the imagination that money will make you more attractive? Keep raging in a larp thread like the beta you are for somebody telling the larper to fuck off

>> No.15593136
File: 119 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-09-14-17-13-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U act like 145k is a lot. Poorfag kek

>> No.15593147

not the point. The blockfolio threads are larps and always have been

>> No.15593148

kek still assuming im a white knight for calling out a shitter poster. sorry dumbshit but im not defending any m'ladies nor do I do that virginal crap. lol at your sad babby tier insults. this is hilariously weak stuff. you're what 14? 15? it shows in your posts and lack of creativity in your insults. typical low IQ underage meme poster lacking the brains for anything but meme posting

>> No.15593163
File: 109 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-09-14-17-17-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So u still think im larping? lmao

>> No.15593164

Damn you are angry. Haven't seen somebody unironically use lol in ages. Are you new or do you have a personal interest that as many people as possible are so stupid and post accurate data in these larp threads

>> No.15593200

yes, this proves nothing

>> No.15593227

175k is really not that much anon

>> No.15593232
File: 53 KB, 800x450, pink wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% Nano

>> No.15593239

It is still not the point, or did I mentioned the sum anywhere?

>> No.15593246

I never once said anything about these being larps or not anon stop making stuff up to fit your narrative. I give zero fucks if someone larps or not in a blockfolio thread and up til now said nothing about it or its accuracy.
and angry? it amuses me the person that gets btfo with no chance to recover always comes back with hurr you so mad I troll3d u pwn3d! your underage is showing once again kid. and asking if im new? another underage tactic to deflect and put the person on the defensive. a low Iq tactic to basically go NO U! . I remember martini chans thread so that dates me on this site. You've proven nothing but show your a low IQ loser that can barely muster a comeback verbally and got btfo twice.

>> No.15593262

Why do u think im larping? I wouldnt know how to photoshop on computer let alone mobile kek