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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1559233 No.1559233 [Reply] [Original]

>buy coffee for the first time at costa
>just to see what the fuss is about
>buy cheapest option
>all in italian shit
>"Grande?" italian man says
>say "that one"
>he looks kinda mad i didn't take the effort to pronounce his pretentious klingon
>they gave me a cup the size of my penis
>literally 3 teaspoons of coffee in there
>everyone knew i was a poorfag with that plastic cup
>tastes like utter shit, just like expresso at home. No difference.
>paid 1.65 gbp
>2 hours later
>succumb to starbucks jew
>try to speak klingon
>she just says a coffee name and I said yes
>2.85 this time
>got normal coffee this time
>very milky
>didnt taste any good
>drank it all
>felt sick
>my brain was lightning
>waiting to get off the train at my stop
>either the train didnt stop (it always stops at my stop, why would it not?) or my brain was at superspeed and I blinked and 5m went by.
>shit was like limitless

>have cravings for starbucks jew just because of the brand

Made me realise for the first time, businesses just scam people. I have to scam fucktards to make money. People pay for stupid shit they could get much much cheaper for the long run at home. Made me think of all the other things I'm paying for I could literally take half an hour to do myself.

>> No.1559370


Stop drinking the liquid Jew and have tea instead

>> No.1559385

>not literally the leafy Jew

Drink standing water ONLY you kike-enabler

>> No.1559455

I know you're all just joking in here, but I really fucking hate jews, guys

>> No.1559481

Not really a big coffee person desu but pret coffee is good and costa is alright, starbucks coffee is shit though and always weak.

>> No.1559501

>drinking the Chloride Jew
Good Goy

>> No.1559753

>breathing air

This pleases your Semitic overlords.

>> No.1559772


>specifically buys the smallest one
>complains that it's small

Never change /biz/

>> No.1559786

cafe nero double espresso nigga

>> No.1559798

>I'm paying for I could literally take half an hour to do myself.

think of that as working for yourself at minimum wage

usually it's more economical to work a decent job and earn more money and let the wageslaves slave the trivial stuff for you.

like coffee. or lunch. or all that other shit.

>> No.1559799

>all businesses sell to the public
>all businesses sell goods

In real life the small businesses that make money sell services to other businesses. Most people aren't aware because they don't personally buy from those businesses.

>> No.1559811

Start a mega church.

>> No.1559823

Why not just eat bread with water three times a day¿

You would save so much munny!

>> No.1559834

Here's the /biz/ tier coffee guide for the UK, from a guy that drinks coffee:

>God tier: Waitrose
Get a loyalty card with a fake name and you can get free coffee once per day. Cappuccino and Latte are excellent choices as they use full fat high quality milk and you can really feel the weight of the cup. Excellent taste but it is only available for take away. Free though.

>High tier: Pret a Manger
Get a £1 black filter coffee, ask for milk on the side and a free cup of water. Excellent service for the price, considering you also get seating and WiFi. If you become a regular and bond with some female staff members they will give you the coffee for free if you purchase anything with it for take away. I recommend the Yoga Bunny canned drink, it's £1 and has excellent taste.

>Medium tier: Starbucks
Get a £1 tall filter coffee and ask for water on the side. The coffee is quite strong so go here when on the go, no Pret a Manger nearby and for Tinder dates.

>Low tier: Costa
No cheap options so you'll have to go with a large cappuccino at £2.50 and water on the side. The mugs are fucking HUGE, so it's not all that bad. Use this when you need a place to sit with WiFi, and no Pret a Manger or Starbucks are available nearby.

>Shit tier: Everything else.

>Other info:
The Jew wants you to enter his shop and spend money, and to attract customers offers the seating and WiFi facilities. However, you are not allowed to inside their shops to use the toilet, since they started requiring codes that are printed out on your recepit.

Furthermore, the sneaky Jew has a filthy method to prevent customers overstaying their welcome for multiple hours - the air conditioning. It's designed in such a way that you don't feel it directly. After a couple of hours you get fucking cold to your spine that you wonder what the fuck happened. The discomfort gets so high that you have to get up and leave - you practically got a cold at this stage.

I don't know why I wrote this, autism maybe.

>> No.1559955

Here is my UK guide to the hottest barista bunnies:

1) Pret - highest standard women to match the organic food and coffee. Tight trousers are compulsory and they are contractually obliged to always be nice to you.

2) Costa - decent standard women and usually fun and friendly. Consistent.

3) Nero - often good looking women but quite miserable due to understaffing. They rarely have time to flirt.

4) Starbucks - average women but with great personalities. Company culture lacks sexual tension.

Yes, I spend way too much time in coffee shops.

>> No.1559965
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>he doesn't brew his own coffee at home

>tfw roasted and brewed my own high-grade Ethiopian coffee for a fraction of the price at a caffeine synagogue
>tfw roasting cheap-ass Nicaraguan beans for dirt fucking cheap coffee that tastes as good as the shit sold anywhere else

>> No.1559968

>not making your own coffee and lunch

How was summer, kiddo?

>> No.1560092

Some people's half hours are worth more than the money they'd save making coffee at home.

That probably applies to 2% of Starbucks consumer base, but there are people who could legitimately benefit from the service that Starbucks provides.

>> No.1560208


>has never experienced the affluence where he can afford to dine out or consume prepared meals on a daily basis


>hasn't yet realised that he's actually roasting african cat shit.

>> No.1560228

Caffe Nero makes the best coffee. It has been confirmed several times

>> No.1560273

we love jews on /biz

>> No.1560417


>Half hour

Going out for coffee takes way loner tbqph familia