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15591684 No.15591684 [Reply] [Original]

>College is a scam! Just become a dumb welder making $20/hr to inhale toxic fumes like me! At least we welders are redpilled unlike those communists in universities!

>> No.15591760

That's your average post on /r/the_donald. People there are seriously mentally deficient. Even the thought of taxing corporations and the .001% more causes a spergout.

>> No.15591765

kek. didn't read still voting Trump. KAG.

>> No.15591955


>> No.15592039

you see the people on the background of trump's rallies? those people that you can clearly see the double digit IQ on their face? thats the_donald

>> No.15592053
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>it doesnt matter how incompetent trump is long as the libtards are mad!

>> No.15592074


>> No.15592083 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15592093


protesters on both sides are usually cringe and mentally deficient, flashnews

>> No.15592104

You read.

>> No.15592295

Blue pilled hurr durr conformist

>> No.15592325
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NOoOooooOO you can just take money from rich people and israel and give it to poor working class people

>> No.15592632

Why do conservatives/Trump supporters seem so much more mature than everyone else? You never see them sperging out on a daily basis like OP and basement commies

>> No.15592684
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>> No.15592704

They literally always do though

>> No.15592718

popcorn lung is a thing though. vape is moisture. smoke isnt. if you want to get high the safest way is and always will be to just smoke it.

>> No.15592719

College is a scam at this point. Just check out the cost inflation of the past 30 years, has not matched the salaries, not to mention the underemployment numbers.

Thinking you have to go to college for Art History and drop $100k+ on it is typical leftist idiocy and lemming behavior.

>> No.15592736
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Under 10 people dead from vaping
Over 1000/day from cigs and we can have those

They're as fearful & hysterical as they are retarded

>> No.15592798

no. only leftypol fags and Doomer ancap children spam biz on the daily. Conservatives/nationalists dont even bother replying because the threads are bait/stupid

>> No.15592803
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>Just check out the cost inflation of the past 30 years, has not matched the salaries
Why not try using statistics instead of feefees, cope and making shit up. College has got far more important over the past 30 years

>> No.15592822

>Poison from the US is safer!

>> No.15592846 [DELETED] 

Lol big tobacco didn't go in and try to get vapes banned. You understand Phillip Morris are shareholders of Juul? You think they liked seeing their stocks get fucking dumped because of new regulations?

>> No.15592847
File: 331 KB, 640x427, 1521241215723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as an American welder and make 500k a year. Without us your world would fall apart. That bridge you drive over its held up by other welders like me. That fucking car you drive is held together by my fellow union welding brothers.
I work in the medical gas sector. We weld and prefab all the working gas fittings for hospitals. Without guys like me your surgerys that you pay to go get in the hospital wouldn't happen. I Might even save your life one day because of one of my welds.
You want to know the best part about being a welder though? At the end of the day I can actually hold my hard earned cash in my hands. That's right I can count it and feel it. Unlike these scammy crypto coins that have absolutely no use case and will go no where but zero.
So why don't you do yourself a favour. Put down the laptop and pick up the torch. Ignite the spark to your financial freedom.

>> No.15592855


This is a misunderstanding of statistics. First of all you aren't applying the cost of college and loans (which is the bad part) compared to earnings and opportunity cost in money you could spend on investments that instead get routed to your loan payment + interest. Second of all, it's true that most stupid or useless people don't get a college degree, but that doesn't mean that not getting a college degree is stupid or useless. Someone with work ethic and foresight is better served going for a trade or CC rather than 50% of degrees at universities that offer no upside whatsoever (like Art, History, Music, etc.).

Also, as I said, it has gotten WAY more expensive in the past 30 years, and WAY more saturated in the past 30 years. Your stats include graduates from 30+ years ago who were actually unique and marketable in their day.

I'm a CS graduate, I'd encourage the technically minded to invest in a CS degree, but I would not encourage most in general degrees to go the conventional route. Most of my friends who did so are underemployed and paying out the ass for student loans.

>> No.15592871

Oh wow you aren’t larding as a freight broker today. Try changing your verbiage you asswipe

>> No.15592898

>compared to earnings and opportunity cost in money you could spend on investments that instead get routed to your loan payment + interest

That's assuming you have investments... with your minimum wage job where you'll be lucky to have a few hundred bucks a month left over.

>and WAY more saturated in the past 30 years
Doesn't that mean that more and more increasingly a bachelors degree is the bare minimum to get a non-shit job? Whereas before an employer would consider you without one now they have so many to choose from that there's no point getting a highschool graduate.

>> No.15592921


No, it means a bachelor's in of itself is just white noise because so many people have them. This situation is made worse by how many diploma mills there are now, and grade inflation. Everyone is getting degrees, everyone graduates, even Shaniqua with her 18 on the ACT. The new "degree" is having a good major that still has some prestige, marketability, or scarcity, which means half of all students are wasting their time and money.

>> No.15592960

Popcorn lung is a rare thing for factory workers making the popcorn butter topping, not vaping. The moisture from vaping nicotine pg/vg is a humectant, no depositing in the lungs.

>> No.15592991
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>This is a misunderstanding of statistics.
You haven't used a single statistic in your post just made stuff up.

>First of all you aren't applying the cost of college and loans (which is the bad part) compared to earnings and opportunity cost in money you could spend on investments that instead get routed to your loan payment + interest.
It's median lifetime so obviously considers lost earnings. The average loan is 30k, unless you put it in bitcoin it isn't going to come remotely close to the $1 mil difference

>Second of all, it's true that most stupid or useless people don't get a college degree, but that doesn't mean that not getting a college degree is stupid or useless.
Projection, although obviously true for middle class white people who would have been strongly encouraged to go.
>Someone with work ethic and foresight is better served going for a trade or CC rather than 50% of degrees at universities that offer no upside whatsoever (like Art, History, Music, etc.).
Trades pay fuck all you can see it on the census. Even the best ones like plumbing pay less than teachers, and teaching doesn't fuck you health up.

>Also, as I said, it has gotten WAY more expensive in the past 30 years

It really doesn't matter, wow it almost costs the same as a 3 series instead of a corolla what a huge amount.

>Your stats include graduates from 30+ years ago who were actually unique and marketable in their day.
Yeah and the difference in earnings is getting larger, pic related. The market isn't "saturated" that's you making shit up without checking the reality. The difference in earnings is increasing and there is absolutely zero reason to expect this to stop/reverse.

>Most of my friends who did so are underemployed and paying out the ass for student loans.
Ancedotal and meaningless compared to statistics

>> No.15593007
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college is literally just to prove to employers that you can put up with 4 years of shit without quitting.

unless stem.

>> No.15593015

fucking eating it you dumbass is safer and wont give you lung cancer

>> No.15593024

Actually I misread it, that was the average loan taken out and a third of people don't take them. The average debt is $20k, same as a generic econobox

>> No.15593051
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I'm not talking about the "average", which includes people with full ride scholarships, trust fund parents, or poor person grants.

This is for that undecided who isn't going to qualify for much aid and is going to get a degree just because, and promptly find themselves underemployed or in a spot they could have been working without a degree at all.

Let me clarify: if you don't have a real, marketable concentration and goal in college, and are taking out $50k+ in loans, don't bother. You're a sucker who's buying into the "you have to go to college" meme.

>> No.15593085

>I'm not talking about the "average", which includes people with full ride scholarships, trust fund parents, or poor person grants.
Who fucking cares what the official cost is, absolutely no one. Harvard is officially $50k but everyone (who did well at school and considered applying...) knows it's cheap as fuck in reality.

>This is for that undecided who isn't going to qualify for much aid and is going to get a degree just because, and promptly find themselves underemployed or in a spot they could have been working without a degree at all.
You need one for any semi desirable job. Even the ones which pay decently are absolute crap enjoyment wise.

>Let me clarify: if you don't have a real, marketable concentration and goal in college, and are taking out $50k+ in loans, don't bother. You're a sucker who's buying into the "you have to go to college" meme.
Obviously not ideal, maybe go on a gap year or something but it's necessary for any decent job it's not like most people use the exact knowledge learnt.

>> No.15593089
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Hey mod faggots you wanna permanently ban me for posting porn but not delete retarded politics threads? How about you suck my fucking cock

>> No.15593102
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Hey Reddit mods suck my dick bitch clean up my mess cuntrags

>> No.15593103

Kek making $1200/week thinking your better than the pleb making $800/week

>> No.15593131 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 3648x2736, DSC02574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is full of spam and politics but I post one prolapsed asshole and I get permanently axed? Well here's another one you dumb cunts