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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15589008 No.15589008 [Reply] [Original]

Biz is sinking into curry threads
Clean this board from 3rd world shills
Ask for flags:

>> No.15589027

Bamping for flags.

>> No.15589128

This can be tried also in an experimental way, for a limited time.
In my opinion the board will be cleaned from shills in no time

>> No.15589163

I second this

>> No.15589205

Buy SENT if you want flags. The shills will all obfuscate through the dVPN to appear with flags of their choosing, and shill sent unironically by example.

>> No.15589299

They’ll just use a VPN retard this isn’t /pol/

>> No.15589380

> pajeets want to shill
> waste money to use a VPN
> shilling not profitable anymore
I'm ok with that

>> No.15589559
File: 224 KB, 609x664, 088EE523-67C0-49E9-9F64-F239B25CC276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now aware flagposts are from Pajeets who hope to finesse skill at VPNs into shilling as non Indian looking anons

Do not fall for needful tricks. Say “No!” to flags

>> No.15589567

> Full name was Pudoo Loo Padel Tengtintanpel

>> No.15589571

It’s simple to tell who is a pajeet, look at the clock if its 7:00 am in India and there are 70 chainlink support threads its pajeet. If its 9:00 am in the U.S there are undoubtedly 70 shit on chainlink threads.

Stop being new it will never happen.

>> No.15589579

You may say i'm an autist, but i'm not the only one.
We'll keep asking forever, mmmmnderstood?

>> No.15589622

Beware of the brown scum!

>> No.15589708

They seem to be very triggered by flags threads.

> Fear of losing your jobs, pajeets?

>> No.15589799


I'm pretty sure the VPN ban is 4chin wide.

>> No.15589827

> Only paid VPN work on 4chan.
If you pay shills and have to pay a vpn too, things start to get expensive.

>> No.15590275

i can’t stand the $One poo shillers

we want flags!

>> No.15590494

What part of "anonymous" do you not understand?


>> No.15590757

Thanks for your input 2YLOaaGH

>> No.15591776


>> No.15591888


>> No.15591904

What category? Feature suggestion?
I also second this.

>> No.15591950

you're still anon you stupid peasant. you just dont want flags cuz it outs where shills and shit posters fudding are from and that would out alot of shits on this board and no no no thats bad. only people against flags are people that know flags would out their peasant bullshit behaviors. thanks for outting yourself shitter poster

>> No.15591994
File: 1.05 MB, 1916x971, Screenshot from 2019-09-14 12-44-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah anon flags will save us this board will turn great! Everyone will self moderate and not respond to low quality posts! Imagine that!

>> No.15592479


>> No.15592486

SENT dVPN's are all blocked by 4chan dumbass.
but nice shill, pajeet.

>> No.15592660

This always happens at bull market. This board is better when we're all pink wojaking

>> No.15592675

I already miss the pink wojak days...it was fun

>> No.15593114

What part of "i run my business here sirs if you put flags who will feed my family" you don't understand?

>> No.15593157

I second this, sent my request

>> No.15593165

You realise that all you have to do is apply the rule to any IPs coming from India, China, and Korea