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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 576x319, Schermafdruk 2019-09-14 10.46.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15588240 No.15588240 [Reply] [Original]

Fact about Quant:
4 Main Team members left. It's funny how people in the TG chat are claiming that people leave in companies all the time. Guess what, core members, with two main tech guys (CTO and Chief Architect) leaving at the same time, without Gil talking about it is NOT healthy and not normal if it happens in the first years of business. Isn't anyone surprised they left right after the team token lockup period ended? (April...left in June) Some faith in the company that they started. Who in their right mind would leave a company that claims to have the potential to outdo Ripple and Stellar? Why the hell would you leave a company that early, and why would so many? Can only be one reason:"They don't believe in Quants potential!" (If they did, why would you not be part of something that will be that big?)
Their departure happened at the same time as when they got scammed by TG Bitmax fakers. Why would any professional not check those addresses? Is there a police investigation?
Colin doesn NOT chair (nor has he EVER) Hyperledger Quilt. Why? Because it's OPEN SOURCE. Please go and check it. Quamfy people say they do their research. So check Gilberts claims at least. Don't point to Gilberts Linkedin all the time and his CV as a proof that he is legit. Check his claims. And four members of the team being replaced by one guy who just came from Uni (might be extremely talented, but clearly the guy has ZERO experience in business.) does not look that great. Who is replacing Jean Paul and Colin as engineers?
Second: Being part of Oracle Startup DOES NOT MEAN FINTECH PARTNER!!!
It simply is something you pay for. Then Oracle startup claims they can take you to their 430.000 customers, and this is what keeps being repeated by Quant people as a proof that they are legit. They just pad for a membership.And this is how Oracle Startup advertises to sell their packages to players like Quant. I'm not saying it's bad, it's great. But people blow it way out of proportion.

>> No.15588287

And I think it's good to have a dialogue here. People say 4chan is crap, but at least in here you can post stuff without it being deleted and being banned. So please be civil and have an open dialogue

>> No.15588345

Where are your buy orders?

>> No.15588359

I have raised this a few times in the past but got banned. I’m really getting worried by all the claims that Gilbert makes. They are unreasonable. It is nice to have a vision for the future but he blows things way out of proportion. And how come you have a community guy with a fake name writing all your official blogs?
Does that sound like a legit future mastodont in the financial industry?

>> No.15588377

quantniggers are the cringiest race on earth

>> No.15588389


>> No.15588398

>Second: Being part of Oracle Startup DOES NOT MEAN FINTECH PARTNER!!!

no shit, it's a paid partnership and gilbert made up 'fintech partner' to placate the bagholders.

>> No.15588405

Thanks for trying to save us from this scam, guys. You are selfless and kind.

>> No.15588417

Would love to see a reasonable explanation from quant holders here rather than the same old bs.

>> No.15588456

I recognise this as FUD, which is a buy signal but I don't think Quant stands a chance against ripple and stellar, and for that reason, I'm out.

>> No.15588467

And why the hell would you have two anonymous guys (Seq and Sonic) with no picture as the main communication vehicle for your ‘Redefine Wall Street’ company?
Come on guys. Just admit. All those big Quant fanatics are anonymous.
What does that say?
Who is Sonic, who is Seq?
For all we know they are both Gilbert.

>> No.15588488

Nice ID switch.
This might be the most ridiculous FUD to date.

>> No.15588499

Nice coordinated baseless fud from angry people wanting for quant to fail. Just bought more

>> No.15588518

weakest fud ive ever seen

>t-they banned me on Telegram because i shitted on their project out of tribalism :((

>> No.15588522

Can you please elaborate on what exactly is baseless fud?
Fact: Quant Tweet about Colin being Chair if Hyperledger Quilt is a LIE.
4 people leaving before this can even take off is a FACT!
Announcing being a fin tech partner when you pay for a membership is a LIE!
Fight the argument guys. Come on!

>> No.15588546

>baseless fud
I don't have a horse in this race, but that anon posted clear statements. Seems pretty reasonable and not baseless at all.

>> No.15588555

ITT: people who don't understand what matters, and what does not.

Most of the FUD around Quant is at least half true, but simply does not fucking matter in the slightest. It is, in effect, unfuddable.

There was the same sort of shit being posted last august when it was 16 cents. People pulling at every little thread.

If you don't like it, don't buy. But you do, that's why you're "fudding" (not very well) to try and keep this bottom open (no homo) as long as possible, before the inevitable rise to $50 EoY and $100's next year.

>> No.15588556

Statements that are heavily biased and that fits his narrative. You could spin anything to fud if you want to. Or you can go to the official Quant TG and find out for yourself what's true and not.

>> No.15588558

Checked and based.
The humongous enterprise customers that Quant is dealing with doesn't read 4chan, which is what matters.
Quant will moon with or without /biz/, and most Quantards has just given up on this board altogether.

>> No.15588569

I agree that the above statements have some biases about it. But they are not baseless.
They are facts with some colored judgements around it, because there are so many lies and I am disappointed in the constant lies coming from Gilbert. (I used to have 80% QNT)
Can you refute these please:
Fact: Quant Tweet about Colin being Chair if Hyperledger Quilt is a LIE.
4 people leaving before this can even take off is a FACT!
Announcing being a fin tech partner when you pay for a membership is a LIE!

>> No.15588586

Nope, not taking time out of my day to save bizlets anymore.
Either buy or don't, I don't give two shits about what you do.

>> No.15588607

Dude, have you even seen the chat?
The moment you ask these kind of questions you get banned.
I have to give kudoos to the admins for allowing the discussion to happen as it did last night. But try to bring up some of the things in here in the chat.
So please someone:
Ask about Colin and Hyperledger Quilt in the chat and why would Quant tweet he is the chair, while Quilt is open source.
Ask in the official channel and see what they say.

>> No.15588614

I'm already in the chat.
Ask the questions, let's see if you get banned.

>> No.15588643

CTO no longer needed which means that the technical designs and code are probably done. Good chance he holds some share or QNT. He moved onto the next project.

Gilbert doesn't have to care about notifying us. Price of QNT doesn't matter for the clients, they pay in FIAT. He doesn't have to dismiss all FUD thrown at him. Instead he focuses on his product to his customers. Which is exactly what we should be wanting.

>> No.15588655


Check those digits, $555 quant next year, lads. Unironically.

>> No.15588660

based and checked 55$ EOM

>> No.15588664


And $55 this year

>> No.15588668

KEK has spoken. Checked

>> No.15588675


Not a bad thread

>> No.15588678

Those are baseless arguments. Right now it’s about Quant officially tweeting that Colin is Chain of Hyperledger Quilt, and that being a blatant LIE.
And it’s not a small lie. And if they would send out a tweet like that, what else would they lie about?
So it’s not about why he left, it’s about an official tweet with a blatant lie. Please stick to that if you want a discussion.

>> No.15588682

Shillbert's house of cards starting to collapse.
Quanties in denial rn. First stage

>> No.15588688

Is it also a lie that they are the only crypto project in the world who has $10mill revenue their first year?

>> No.15588697

This is why I love 4chan, Atleast this doesnt get removed. I think this is very fair to post and have a healthy dicussions about. Unfortunately there are too many retards here that just say FUD and move back to their echochamber. makes me cringe...

>> No.15588704


Strong digits throughout

>> No.15588706

Checked and no.

>> No.15588715

Hahahhahha and that muscular fag is letting you buy his heavy bags ...gg

>> No.15588716

>goes to /biz/ to have "healthy discussions"
That's not really how it works, is it.

>> No.15588732

I didn't see much bias. He made a few clear claims which could be easily debunked if not true. Which no one did. Doesn't seem like fud to me.

>> No.15588735

Indeed, with Quantniggers it doesn't work that way. They can't handle criticism and I think that is sad.

>> No.15588748

So you have proof besides Gilbert stating that? That is the whole thing here. Taking all his words for irrefutable facts. Can I prove it’s not? No!
Would like to see his numbers though.
I think he is a narcissistic liar. But that is my assumption not a fact. If he does have this much it might be from selling tokens at the top too. I don’t know.

>> No.15588768

Ok, just to get it over with:
“Can someone post Quants tweet from April 26 saying Colin is chair of hyperledger quilt in this chat?”

Just see what they say.
Is or has Colin been the chair of Hyperledger Quilt now Or in the past?

>> No.15588770

Question: will quant moon like absolute fuck over the coming years

Answer: yes, obviously

Nothing else is relevant.

>> No.15588779


The journalist who wrote that Forbes article fact checked his claims.
No-one on 4chan has the exact numbers in a document that can be posted, so why even harp on about it and fud every single day?

At the end of the day, it boils down to either trusting one of the best connected people in fintech, governments and enterprise or trusting an anon on /biz/.

I've placed my bet and don't care if you did or not.

>> No.15588781

I trust Gilbert, not some anonymous hater on biz, and nothing you say to try and spin into your hate narrative will change that fact

>> No.15588810

It’s like he said. We’re just trying to get some facts straightened out.
There is a question, why did Gilbert lie about the Quilt Chair?
And you come up with Gilbert’s (self written) article. Again...it’s about catching Gilbert on a LIE. And you can NOT refute that so you come up with other crap like that.
Besides...that article reads like something Gilbert would write about himself. Not like an objective piece where someone did research. (But that is baseless, so not part of our argument)

>> No.15588825

This thread is about facts & claims. Not who you trust.

>> No.15588828

I’m saying don’t trust ANYONE, dumbass. Of course don’t trust baseless claims here. But check what is stated here. Don’t believe anything on 4chan but DO check the facts that you can find. Jesus, how hard is that?

>> No.15588846

Do you have the screencap of hyperledger slack where they deny Colin was appointed chair? I saw it posted here months ago but never saved it

>> No.15588850

We don't know any more than you do, we just don't assume the worst to fit our narrative. No-one knows the answer to your questions except the people directly involved, and they won't give anyone an answer.

You think this is a big deal? Don't buy Quant.
No-one cares whether you do or not. It's going to moon without you.

>> No.15588851

Just try to get facts and no bullshit hype quotes from the CEO. Treasury will dump on you!

>> No.15588863

Oh not this faggot again.

I'm out, thanks for a relatively good QNT thread for once.

>> No.15588927

I’m just trying to motivate some people from the community to do some fact checking. I did it, and so should you/they. The link is in here. Anything that I post in here might be photoshopped.

>> No.15588970 [DELETED] 
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>Quantjeet blog post
You are so cute with your assumption that legacy companies will transfer all their data and processes on random permissionless blogchains

>> No.15588987

There's no benefits of using permissionless systems if you're doing so by using centralised middleware aka quant

>> No.15589024

This is being a delusional retard

>> No.15589181

To read the actual message where hyperledger deny that Colin is chair, then scroll through this chat to the 28th of April 2019. The person who replied is high up, can't remember her exact role.


>> No.15589184
File: 240 KB, 1080x1917, Screenshot_2019-09-10-18-03-20-376_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This blows out Quantfags.

3 months after saying they were filing their accounts soon they haven't. What have they got to hide?

>> No.15589214
File: 420 KB, 1080x2033, Screenshot_20190914-131135__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Choose general

Then scroll to 28th of april

>> No.15589217
File: 85 KB, 1109x359, Schermafdruk 2019-09-14 14.11.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this. Try posting this in the Quant chat guys. PROOF!! I just went up in the chat at 28 April. Look it up for yourself.
Stay quamfy boys.

>> No.15589263


"I've been told I need QNT tokens to use hyperledger"

That is such horseshit. Of course he is going to say that's 100% false, because it is. Literally no-one has ever made this claim but you.

Stop creating all these fucking strawman arguments against Quant just because you have nothing better to do than spread fud. Fucking kys you pathetic retard.

>> No.15589306

Someone has just asked for clarification about Colin and hyperledger in the chat. Get ready to try retards

>> No.15589310

Shilbert, are you only?

>> No.15589316
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Let's see what reply is


And go to general

>> No.15589341

"There was no election... and there is no Chair nor Co-Chair."

>> No.15589378

Post the reply here fren

>> No.15589436

The message was 100% false, not 50%. Meaning, the whole message. Anyway ...let’s wait for the reaction.

>> No.15589437

What about the fact that they're going to raise money? And he wasn't sure if it would be in tokens or equity.

If it's in tokens it will dilute current holders

If it's in equity, it makes a mockery of the token. Makes it kinda worthless a chuck-e-cheese token. If price goes up, the amount bought goes down so it doesn't matter how many companies buy.

That $10m revenue wasn't in tokens either. Seems like they're making most of the money on the backend and the token is only there to raise money last year without giving away a share in their company.

>> No.15589470

How would it dilute current holders? There are a set amount of QNT tokens. You can't just print more.

I don't even know why I keep replying to your namefagging low effort fud posts anymore.

>> No.15589499
File: 327 KB, 1080x1585, Screenshot_20190914-141653__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest comment. Quant lied

>> No.15589508

Lmaoo shillbert red handed this time boys

>> No.15589527

Please comment on the statement from hyperledger

>> No.15589534
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>> No.15589609

Just some insights into why I started this chat. I don't hate any project or people. Nor do I want people to get burnt. But I have a big problem with all the lies being spread in order to pump up a coin and fool token buyers. I don't like Tron, I don't like the DAG-statement about the ministry of Defense, or Morpheus Network 'partnership' (actually POC) with Department of Homeland Security. But seeing Gilberts statements all the time worries me, just the level of lying that he does. This AX trading company is like a dying company, and suddenly it is the company that will help Quant to "redefine Wall Street". It just pisses me off, because everyone in the chat takes that literally and follows Gilberts footsteps all of the way, citing everything he says, and even blowing things up even more. And I'm sure Gilbert reads all the comments all the time. And like one guy here said:"I trust Gilbert". But you should not trust anyone in this space just like that. Crypto is about TRUSTLESS. You trust code that you can verify. And we all know most of QNT code is not verifiable. So we have to trust Gilbert. But seeing these statements from the admin in Hyperledger hopefully wakes people up.

>> No.15589647
File: 116 KB, 727x537, Hyperledger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latest. I’m banned from both Quant chats, so I hope someone can ask Sonic of Seq about this:

>> No.15589683

Tag silona if you can, she has replied before about quant lies and she is a vice president of Hyperledger.


>> No.15589769

Can you post those replies? Or do you have a link? This is a great thread, as it is not about baseless claims or FUD. Just proof. And I dare anyone to check it in the hyperledger chat. I like the guy's latest words about Quants statement: "It is a strange claim"

>> No.15589838

You guys really try every day with this huh

>> No.15589854

$100 EOY

>> No.15589988

Still some people in the Quant chat say this is fake. Why don’t you check the hyperledger chat itself if you doubt it?
This convo is happening right now.
Yes! Someone has asked and it is clearly to be checked in the hyperledger chat. You can find the link in this thread. (PROOF = NO FUD)

>> No.15590008

Kirk, you are being lied to. Those guys are there 247 lying to people.

Quamfy lounge now saying Colin left quant, so that is probs why they say it. Lol

Colin Paterson has never had ANYTHING to do with hyperledger. That is basically what is being said. So, quamfy will try and spin it and tell you it is nothing and doesn't matter, and try and brush it under the carpet.

Quant is proven liar. This is why people don't believe anything they say.

Now they also blame it on ripple tribalism wtf hahahhahahhahahahah

>> No.15590033

The last and final professional-grade FUD attempt before SIBOS. It is impressive, even if it's fustrating for the community.

>> No.15590062

Sibis is more bullshit as well.

Quant is just a community of aggressive bag holders. Who will openly lie to people.

>> No.15590079

Dump will continue after sibos. Probably +30-40% pump before it

>> No.15590102

Okay lets settle this *Insider*

Gilbert didn't lie about Quilt/Colin. Higher ups agreed to implement Overledger as their main interoperability solution and have Colin as Chair. The team jumped the gun and announced before higher ups had a chance to discuss with important figures. This caused uproar within Hyperledger and was seen as a betrayal. This was essentially Colin's death warrant. He messed up by hinting and tweeting about it and the team had no choice but to go through with it. This led to a huge backlash which essentially demolished the partnership and Colin's job. Quant are now just another member and there are talks they will have a separate repo. Kayleeann was fired as she was on probation and didn't do a good job. Cecilia was fired on the same grounds. Sebastian and JP were fired as Overledger was pretty much finished. They were no longer needed and Gilbert wanted to improve the team.

>> No.15590111


You've kept this stream of fud up for long enough now. Everyone with a brain knows you're trying to accumulate before SIBOS.

>> No.15590123

Lol. Nice try. Then why does Gilbert still say it is true and that they are working with hyperledger and that everything is fine.

>> No.15590128

I really don’t understand your comments. Are you saying that this discussion did NOT happen? Just go the the hyperledger chat and see it for yourself.
It is 100% that Quant has posted a LIE about Colin when he left Quant.
Any reason for that LIE might be FUD, but the fact that you don’t even consider the fact that this is 100% proof of Quant lying in their twitter announcement worries me about your kind of people.
You are aware of the fact that Quant PAID for Oracle Start up membership, right? NO FINTECH partner.
Some people really need to look up cognitive dissonance. Jesus, poor soul you are.

>> No.15590146

Because they are still working within Hyperledger as another member. There were grander plans and these never came to fruition because of what was stated above.

>> No.15590149

You don't see the Rockefellers and European Central Bank fudding QNT do you?

This organised fud machine is so desperate for entry.

>> No.15590176

Actually you probably would..

Have you not seen the amount of corruption in traditional finance kek

>> No.15590180

Sure dude. Where did you get this?
Overledger is pretty much ‘finished’. You don’t know ANYTHING about technology right?
My assumption is that JP and Colin left because of all the baseless claims and overhype that Gilbert does. They waited for the team tokens to be unlocked and fled this sinking ship.
(These are all assumptions)

>> No.15590186

Colin never hinted he would be chair of a hyperledger project..

Even if he did it doesn't excuse the team from announcing early like you say, then not releasing any more info on it for months. It's been brushed under the rug like so many other things.

>> No.15590235
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>> No.15590240

Kirk, you see how they play you in the chat?
The point is not about Quilt being a success or a failure. It’s the fact that Quant tweeted a HUGE LIE. There was never a chair of hyperledger Quilt.
It is very professional how they divert the attention away from the lie and just go into detail about the reboot.

>> No.15590252
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>> No.15590309

Lmao why are you two faggots trying so hard to get me to sell, why not just post in the actual chat and @ me instead of trying to get to me on here

>> No.15590410

Try to post critical questions and you’ll be banned.

>> No.15590446

They're literally discussing it openly right now. If you get banned from that channel you're probably a retard who deserved it.

>> No.15590487

First you lie...
Then you lie again....
And again....
And again....

Quote: Shilbert Verdian

>> No.15590532

No, they are openly fudding hyperledger and blaming the hyperledger guys ... Well if Colin was chair then surely he is the one who fucked it up then... Or was he never the chair? Which one is it lol

>> No.15590538


>> No.15590632


> Who in their right mind would leave a company that claims to have the potential to outdo Ripple and Stellar?

Where claim?

> Is there a police investigation?

You tell me, is important you? Why you fit into narrative?

> NOT chair (nor has he EVER) Hyperledger Quilt. Why? Because it's OPEN SOURCE.

Open Source has chair too e.g. https://www.coindesk.com/ibm-official-elected-chair-of-hyperledger-blockchain-tech-board

You wheve it all into narative to suit you.

> Fact about Quant: 4 Main Team members left.

Why you list 3 team members but not speak about 4? Is because it don't fit narative - four member is only there one month on probation? You say new guy replace 4 people, haha - funny guy.

> Being part of Oracle Startup DOES NOT MEAN FINTECH PARTNER!!!

Oracle taking Quant to with to Sibos, you bitter you think your company go Sibos is pay too. but no: https://blogs.oracle.com/startup/innovation-pays%3a-the-five-fintech-startups-making-money-more-interesting

>> No.15590643


Blaming hyperledger guys, which is it? They open source or it is a guys working hyperledger? You cannot all ingredients into a cake make because it is you the nob.

Why which is best interop if you dont like QNT?

>> No.15590674

sheesh fantom pajeets again. cronje backed out of Rise london meet. Fantom unironically btfo

>> No.15590699

(((huge lie))). how easily you change the goal posts after getting blown the fuck out in your previous fud.

Typical pajeet. i am unironically gonna tip you 0.01 ftm like you Tele Pajeets do in your chat.

>> No.15590736

Ask questions about lies in chat and they ban you! Rekt

>> No.15590748

newfag get out. Go cry somewhere else.
>>reddit for vechain tier blogposts
muh freedom of speech. cuck

>> No.15590772

do you even realise that your fud loses credibility every fucking time you pajeetpost shit here.

link getting subverted by discord trannies. Fantom pajeets doing the needful kek.


>> No.15590821

Where claim?
Blockchain Brad interview.

Police investigation seems important if they got scammed for 100.000 USD.

From the hyper ledger chat from today. Find proof on https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/general
This is the communication:
Hi Admin. I saw this tweet a couple of months ago. It says:"Announced today at #BlockchainExpo. Our CTO, Colin Paterson has been elected the Chair of Hyperledger
Quilt to help create an interoperability stack. We’re integrating Overledger’s API and SDK into Quilt to support multi-chain interoperability use cases.
Can you confirm that Colin Paterson was Chair of Hyperledger Quilt since April?
Admin: that is not true. There is no "chair" of Hyperledger Quilt, there was no election for a position that doesn't exist. I see no commits in the codebase from anyone with that name. Furthermore, I don't see anything on the Quilt mailing list to that effect. https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/quilt/topics
Dude in chat : OK, thanks. So we can assume from the statements of the CEO of Quant that he is blatantly lying
Admin : sappenin are you working with this guy on the reboot? I don't see anyone by that name in GitHub
Hyperledger also isn't a foundation.
I'm not willing to say that he is lying, that is a stronger claim than I will make.
I will say I can't see any public evidence to support the claim.
Please keep in mind, I am not all knowing
Nobody by that name was issued a ballot to vote in the last TSC election
I know that might not be the super-definitive answer you want, but that's all I have.

4 team members: Colin, JP, Kayleeann, Sebastian. But they got one guy back with NO business experience.
Have you guys ever seen footage of their office(s)?
I wouldn't be surprised if they have NO OFFICES. Just postal boxes. I'm 100% the London address is a typical address where 100s of companies are listed.

>> No.15590879

Triggered. Enjoy holding those muh enterprise bags pal

>> No.15590909


Wat is said in interview? It very long, many hours for all of them. Stellar , Riple are very diferent project. You know it obvious realy?

> Police investigation seems important if they got scammed for 100.000 USD.

Yes, you think it should be public information? Like posting video of poilice statemen?

> guy back with NO business experience

He is in research business, leading up resarch. It is his profession, he very good interop connection with all london unis - https://twitter.com/paddypisa/status/1051877027899424769

> Have you guys ever seen footage of their office(s)?

They pos picture all time on twitter. You say like they are hiding, Gil will be at Sibos and conference next weekend. They hyperledger member, they know where to contact. Just you don't know because you nobod on 4chan.

It even easy to work out where offices, they on public registers. You are just dumb, watch mor brad. Next video in week, you will cry because of pump.

>> No.15590964

Lol, hilarious that you skipped the most important part of the whole argument/thread where it all started:
Quant lying about Colin being Chair of Hyperledger.

Great spelling though.Signature Pajeet

>> No.15591209

Does anyone remember when we were told that Quant would be on sky news, then it turned out to be sky TV, then it was a random channel no one had heard of.

>> No.15591228


I am chinese, not pajeet. You try speaking other laguage to fight atempt to pull down price.

I chose to fight easy targets where information is well known, you chose the ones where very little known public. We weren't at the conference where Colin was announce chair of Quilt.

As mailing list guy says, he doesn't know the discussion that took place in Hyperledge. Big organisation , it clear they haven't decided on the direction yet and there is still uncertain about how to bring in accenture interop project QNT

>> No.15591250

Classic, I forgot about that one kek

>> No.15591267

Stay salty linkies

>> No.15591330

How hard is it?
You chose easy targets, and clearly one guy read this thread today and decided to ask the people at Hyperledger.
There is no "chair" of Hyperledger Quilt, there was no election for a position that doesn't exist.
Then look at the Quant announcement:
Colin Paterson has been elected the Chair of Hyperledger Quilt to help create an interoperability stack.
Can you at least admit that the Quant Announcement is a LIE?
How hard is that?

>> No.15591381


Because one person at hyperledge can't find in github doesn't make lie, hyperledge chat said too - he doesn't have all the info. oNly you with agenda want to show think this.

just buy QNT, it big month. sibos and news surround ing alone will pump incoming, $6.50 maybe $8 easy mone. plus it ethereum coin, eth 2.0 testnet launch in months, price pump and you want in. sell andre coin FTM, OCEAN an buy QNT mak money $

>> No.15591438

I can't even begin to comprehend how thick the blinder is you have over your eyes. Further discussion is clearly useless.

>> No.15591618
File: 348 KB, 1080x1566, Screenshot_20190914-185930__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy sums it up well. But is being made out to a retard fudder

>> No.15591736

Just got a message from Removed asking me to post GIFs and /we_agree to stop anyone being able to follow the fud posts or ask questions

>> No.15591739

Post screencap then

>> No.15591852
File: 294 KB, 1080x1182, Screenshot_20190914-192537__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quant community was mislead or they mislead others

>> No.15591934


Lol who are you? All weasels, follow every word of project then pop up to fud because price move up to quick. Think you do good christian work here on 4chan. weasel and snakes, you stay pore

>> No.15591952

Hey look, no mention of quant, but constellation are there:


>> No.15591968

It's a good one someone checks what this coordinated pump and dump is up to

>> No.15591983

My main questions to all of you is:
Why are you trying so much? Why do you insist on following Quant events when you don't hold any? Why do you make these threads every single day when there are virtually never any Quant shill threads? Why do your threads make up the majority of quant threads on /biz/? Why do you lurk in their telegrams when you hold no Quant? Why do you waste your time on Quant if you think it's a shitcoin when nobody on /biz/ really cares about it?
Don't give me that "we want to protect anons!" Bullshit when nobody on here is buying Quant, there's a different reason for you acting this autistic about this coin every day for months

>> No.15592030

> 124 posts of fud
> much of it is true but totally irrelevant
> still can't name any single better coin to buy
> qnt is still going to be the success of this market cycle

The market has chosen it, your fud simply doesn't matter.

Reminds me of a typical political campaign. Yes, he smoked weed in college, he went back on some policy points and he is probably lying about others. He was rude to a colleague once. He may have cheated on his wife. He got a speeding ticket in 1993. He said something a bit racist at that debate.

But who the fuck else are you going to vote for?

wah wah wah. Buy or cry, simple as that.

>> No.15592640

Known scam..move on

>> No.15592767

Clear the FUD and show the product. Only thing i saw was a motorshop shitshow.

INATBA was a shitshow, ORACLE startup will be a shitshow. Because Shilbert can talk like shit, now it is time to show.

And that is the problem! There is no product. And he will try it again with a new head developer! So pump the token and will try to find a developer Shilbert, you scammer!

>> No.15593341

SIBOS is big, is Shilbert gonna show Overledger to the world? Or only big words again?

I say the second.... only words, no product.

>> No.15593370

Kek you're right desu

>> No.15593609


yes quordinated to go up, hope fud campain worked for you christian. you wil be let into the garden of snaiks

>> No.15593648

Only 5K wallets, as always. They shill to each other and pump the price themselves by spending every paycheck. Nobody else cares.

>> No.15593710

Who the fuck is Christian?

>being in early is a bad thing

>> No.15593733

What the fuck are you all talking about? Holy fucking shit can`t anyone even make a serious attempt to debunk the FUD?
>much of it is true but totally irrelevant
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15594103

Quant bagholders pumping the price it seems to try and cover up this.

Heavily. manipulated.bullshit.token