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15585917 No.15585917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many eth for a girl like this?

>> No.15585930

Church is free

>> No.15585978

>iron maiden shirt
yea i dont think you can read people but you definitely wont find a girl like that in church

>> No.15586002

are there people still going to churches? i have to go and say hello some time.

>> No.15586063
File: 62 KB, 483x476, 60840909_361120817863333_7255203182270122337_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.15586076

>yea i dont think you can read people but you definitely wont find a girl like that in church

Church, literally, creates people like this. Deal with enough moralist fuck faces for long enough and anything to piss them off starts to become appealing as fuck. Same goes for moralist leftist super butt hurt over a Dave Chapel skit. Dave Chapel is basically a hero now because he did exactly what she is doing in the picture.

Pissing off moralists is always going to be profitable.

>> No.15586609

Church isn’t free, it’s government subsidized and given all sorts of tax breaks. Church steals from us all.

And they want you to be a paying member with tithes and donations.

>> No.15586615

go worship your jew god somewhere else kike worshiper

>> No.15586621

Thats not /pol/ that some dumb shit jew worshiping faggot that thinks its acceptable to try an push his jew faggot religion onto people.

>> No.15586646

i think she just needs gassed, not the actual eth

>> No.15586648

My goodness this really is a blue board

>> No.15586652

the best capitalists are communists

>> No.15586693

what a terrible fucking outfit. remove the shirt and she'll look 100x better. bitch needs to learn how to dress.

>> No.15586712

What does he mean by this?

>> No.15586753

I didn’t even notice she was wearing a fucking cocktail dress over a T-shirt. Looks stupid.

>> No.15586853
File: 380 KB, 723x575, 1559081476631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about kike? Are you ass blasted that no one buys into your jew garbage? I guess according to you Jewsus was the best capitalist of them all.

>> No.15586861

This is true, also private school bitches, whores

All of em

>> No.15586875
File: 530 KB, 1265x1623, 1547942112308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely this moralists are pieces of shit. Eve Goebbels himself said that moralists are pieces of shit.

>> No.15586881

pol fags are gay as aids btw

nigger tier scum

In b4 im a joo

>> No.15586930

I mean yeah, of course. That’s obvious, it’s a containment board.

But how the fuck is Dave Chapelle the same as a tattooed thot modeling for photos?

>> No.15586935

Dave Chappelle is a true man of the people. If you think otherwise youre a faggot

>> No.15586951

Dave Chappelle is just a typical fucking nigger. Only retard civnat faggots take nigger speak as anti-SJW as all every single actual nigger on street fucking hates SJW every single non-white hate them.

>> No.15586978

I'll pray for you, LARPagan

>> No.15586984

most importantly the boots...1488

>> No.15586986

>dave chappelle
overrated but still like him. def a man of the people tho.

>> No.15586989
File: 385 KB, 860x523, 1538861139143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep doing that jew worshiper.

>> No.15587223

That’s a pretty stupid thing to say. I love Chappelle, movies, his show, and what I’ve seen of his new special. But You don’t have to like him.

>> No.15587227

i wont pray for them
but i will gas em along with the kikes

>> No.15587235

>salvation comes from the Jews
B&R if true

>> No.15587245
File: 1013 KB, 1015x923, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i immediately fell in love with her, i lost hard

>> No.15587284
File: 320 KB, 946x1178, 3BBC5319-0B75-4CA5-9026-9A9C538ACDD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy FUCK bro, imagine having your brain so rotted by identity politics that you speak in political buzzwords to the point of ceasing to make sense

>> No.15587287
File: 8 KB, 600x497, 1492830161746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what timeline are you living exactly?
Because in clownworld the moralists are all libtards soibois and various shades of 2nd wave feminists, (((anti-racists))), leftists and the like...

>> No.15587292
File: 490 KB, 550x413, 1549237815322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty bait 0/10

>> No.15587293

Edgy and retarded. I have a dumbfuck boomer mother who is just like you. Spends her whole life obsessing over Christianity to get back at her parents (who are already dead) for making her go to church so much when she was young.
She is batshit insane, looks for every chance to start a fight, has pushed everyone away, is in debt up to her eyeballs, and has absolutely devoted her life to trying to be "cool" and "fight the oppressive Christian patriarchy." Pathetic to watch. Everyone is just waiting for her to overdose or hang herself so we can stop wondering which one it's going to be.

A small glimpse into your future.

>> No.15587296

Go outside

>> No.15587302
File: 377 KB, 953x635, 1550602470737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it, you have mommy issues.
> "fight the oppressive Christian patriarchy." Pathetic to watch.
yeah but that isn't my take shit for brains. Go make up with your mom you worthless piece of shit.
have sex

>> No.15587307

whores are like 200/hr

>> No.15587359

you cucks would be surprised on what you're missing out on

not all inked girls are hoes

>> No.15587662

Kek but they are

>> No.15587692

do you reckon these birds listen to the bands on the shirts they wear?

>> No.15587705


>> No.15587753

What is $200 of eth these days?
Like 500k ETH?

>> No.15587777
