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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15581139 No.15581139 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.15581143


>> No.15581205

Absolutely nothing, I just keep swinging and winning and now I get to join the yacht party despite ignoring link until it hit $4. Feels good man

>> No.15581257

PSD2 was another bust

>> No.15581272

He inhales deeply then takes out a Cuban cigar. Lighting first a $100 bill then using it light the cigar. You can smell the ashy scent lingering in the room as the smoke drifts up.

"Th-they said... $32 million dollars isn't worth my Oracle solution. Fuck vitamin and his scrawny ways, a real man weighs at least 400 pounds like myself..."

Ecstasy over-flowing your body, you prepare yourself for the joy. You can smell what's coming.

"Just imagine all the data being sanitized by reputation, like Uber. No sybil attacks, all ERC20 based."

He lets out another fart and grunts again.

"Another 700k!"

You shout ecstatically, "build that oracle solution, buy that towncrier! hire more devs!"

"I've give you something to cry about" He replies. Once more he grunts again and shits a violent flow of diarrhea, this time getting on your chin and lip.

"Who needs toliets?" He questions a shadowy figure in the corner.

"One of my Pajeet devs" He says smiling.

"I'll shill for you Master!" As you cry out, the sloppy heap of shit covering your body as it slides down.

"1k EOY is FUD!"

"No... I will give you the fud." He grunts again and proceeds to let out a gassy fart.

"Another 700k!" He cries out as he lets his sweet, hairy cheeks flap as another shit dumps out.

"Di-di-", the shit overflowing your mouth, "d-didn'... arghhh, didn't read, not selling"

>> No.15581284

Nice larp

>> No.15581295

Im unironically down 70%. I only feel pain

>> No.15581328

>What went wrong?
Sergey cashing out at the top of the pump

>> No.15581361


>> No.15581408
File: 197 KB, 994x800, einstein-blackboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all relative to your give timeframe of reference.