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15576441 No.15576441 [Reply] [Original]

In Europe and the US, manufacturing is already highly automated and advanced for the most part. In China it is not, at least most smaller companies are still way labor intensive and various low tech industries as well.

This will change in the next 20yrs, likely leading to 50- 100 million job losses. Where will those guys go? They will form an army of unemployed. The China communist party will fall.

>> No.15576466
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oh man, it's brutal!

>> No.15576487

Thanks Mister obvious, this is known since the early 2000's. Only fags that tried to put it under a rug were companies that outsourced everything to China, paid msm to bring endless glory to china articles and delusional leftys and Boomers who had put all their retirement funds and hopes into china, and all those actors are gone lose Billions, and probably their life. Good riddance outsourcer, good riddance msm, good riddance lefties, good riddance Boomers

>> No.15576512

your picture says china is becoming automated what are you saying.

>> No.15576524

Soon almost everything will be made by 3D printing technology. All you need is guys who can design the product in software and the 3D printer will just spit it out in mass production quantities. It's almost like the Star Trek replicator is becoming real.

>> No.15576529

People working less hours won't matter because automation will make things so cheap that the people won't care if they can only work 5 hours a week

>> No.15576534

What everyone knows since 20 years; that with the demographic shift, the outsource orgy from the 90's is going to be reversed and China is going to be left with its pants down

>> No.15576545

USA is automating shit and our products are still expensive and trash. The only reason the USA is robotizing everything is because it's too expensive to operate a business here and pay employees here. The Chinese aren't automating because they really don't see a reason to. It's not costing them enough to completely change the entire way they operate.

>> No.15576550

Theres always shit to do, to build, to clean, to repair. These guys will have to find something else to do. China occasionally even imports Russian workers. This is what retards read for financial news. The fuck are you even saying. Why did europe import millions of shitskins.

>> No.15576566

Oh you poor bastards, you will have a rough awakening

>> No.15576589

Rude awakening? How so. All I did was explain to you how China is better off than the rest of the world. They have more resources and an actual trained workforce and the capacity for production. USA mostly has, well, nothing. Our workers aren't even trained to extract resources anymore. Our factories are largely defunct or non existent so how would they even have been automated in the first place? USA doesn't have the equipment for human manufacturing let alone automated manufacturing. I'm not even sure what you mean by American automated manufacturing. The only things we have automated are trucks that carry Chinese goods and fast food restaurants.

>> No.15576590

The rich spend the saved money on something else creating new jobs.

>> No.15576598

It was a well-known fact since 1836

>> No.15576607

High taxes = high price on products.

>> No.15576611

>More resources trained workers
As said, poor bastard, you will have a rough awakening. All you have puked out is paid msm propaganda by companies that have outsourced their production to sweat shop countries, that are highly dependent on western consumers and globalist policies. Another Trump term, declining consumer base in the west, demographic shift, economic instability in the west... and your feever dream dies, the same as china dies

>> No.15576631

Lol they aren't fucking dependent. Watch what happens when China finally cuts off contact with the United States. It would probably hurt them more than it would hurt us much more. This country produces absolutely fucking nothing but debt. If China disappeared, the shelves of our department stores would be empty. It would be a complete collapse. I'm not even defending outsourcing. But American outsourcing is a self inflicted wound created by socialist regulatory policy and retarded and expensive tax code. And even if the USA automated, our intrusive government would probably go in and restrain these factories productive capacity anyways

>> No.15576637

>it would probably hurt them more than it would hurt us much more

Hurt us more than it would hurt them*

>> No.15576650
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>Lol they aren't fucking dependent
Top Kek, are you a chink? Chinas whole economic model is based on western companies producing in China and exporting back to the west. They have no internal market. Western market gone, in decline or cut off is equal to China going back to civil war.
nice freudian slip

>> No.15576666

Why would they need to export anything when they produce virtually everything domestically? In the past they had to buy high tech goods from the US, but it's changing now.

>> No.15576671

>Lol they aren't fucking dependent.
And is going to buy Chinese goods if not the us? Capital flight is massive in china and likely the majority of their manufacturing is the trash they send us. Chinese middle class does not have enough purchasing power - or demand - for the low end stuff China makes. They could maybe retool to meet domestic demand but thats not overnight. I believe the chinese economy is very fragile and hidden behind the ccp's facade of currency floating and "make work so you dont revolt" policies.
>This country produces absolutely fucking nothing but debt.
Agree and it needs to change.

>> No.15576678

>50-100 million
Out of a billion and a half of the cunts. That won't even touch the side m9

>> No.15576681

And the US's whole economic model is producing nothing. Despite selling to American companies, all of the assets of production remain in China. If China told us to fuck ourselves the factories are essentially their domain. Reality is we don't have the equipment to produce the goods we need. The west ceasing purchases to China would hurt China but they still have the workforce and equipment to make the things that they need. America does not. American companies don't own China, again, they're dependent on China just like the consumer is. It would absolutely decimate the US harder than China. Our price should skyrocket. Our access to products would become dramatically stifled. Our food production would even suffer because a lot of the equipment we use was made with foreign produced parts and goods. I don't even think China would be missing out much anyways. They don't even get anything of value from the US except fiat Ponzi dollars that for whatever reason they haven't even realized are worthless. They export more than we export. They are a productive country more fit to survive uncertain times than we are. Our factories are all gone and ancient. Their factories are largely modern but even if they aren't at least their factories exist. America is a dependent welfare country.

>nice Freudian slip
Nice armchair psychologist.

>> No.15576684

The patents are still in western hands, china is 100% dependent on the US. Again, one economic hickup in the west and China will be Africa

>> No.15576690
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>Food production would suffer

you are aware, China is dependent on western development aid when it comes to food

>> No.15576703

Chinese people could buy them. Countries besides the US will buy them.

>Chinese economy is fragile

I don't even disagree but the United States is honestly much more fragile economically and socially.

>Agree and it needs to change
Problem is that screaming at China won't change shit and neither will electing socialists. Fact of the matter is that US has too much baggage at the present to liberalize our economy back to an acceptable productive capacity and even if we had the will to change it would take years to regain our 19th and 20th century glory of innovation and cheap but high quality products. America is largely fucked

And China could just as easily sell to other countries that actually trade them real goods in return rather than US treasuries. Not that they wouldn't temporarily be hurt by US ceasing Chinese imports but they have a betyer ability to adapt their country to non American product demands, because they have a trained workforce and they have equipment to produce.

>> No.15576709

And they could literally just get food elsewhere, which they have already been doing. And since they produce so much more products than the US produces food, they likely have a stronger ability and more trade leverage when it comes to finding foreign states to import food from.


>> No.15576722

They are not 100 percent dependent on the US. This is a complete horseshit. Go to Walmart and check the nation of origin of all of our products. We are indebted to China more than anything. We export far less than we import from China.

>> No.15576727
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as said in the beginning, all you do is repeating paid msm propaganda. I suggest you read up on Chinas monetary policies and understand how dependent they are on development aid to not slip into civil war

>> No.15576734
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>Check out xy
>look it is all from china
>Chinks are not dependent on US consumer base growing and buying stuff that has been produced by western companies in China

>> No.15576745

>msm propaganda

Alright I guess this is when you revert to "lol I was just epic trolling u" right?

>I suggest you read up on Chinas monetary policies

And what monetary policies are you referring to? The monetary policy of making the United States a debtor nation? The monetary policy of being one of the highest production states in the world? Not saying that China doesn't have problems but they are a lot more equipped to deal with any crisis than we are and that's the bottom line.

>> No.15576767

We don't even buy their products. We borrow it with debt. If our country literally sustains itself on foreign products and can no longer produce our own products, who exactly is the dependent party? I wouldn't consider a state that literally has no agency in its productive capacity to be a non dependent actor. What is independence? Independence is being dependent on foreign imports? If so I guess the USA is truly an independent state.

>> No.15576769

>zerohedge is not msm propaganda
Normie detected
>What monetary policies
The dependency on devaluing their joke currency so hard that they can stay competitive with other sweat shop countries to keep exporting to the wests declining consumer base, which at the same time kills their chance at developing an internal market and leads to the capital flight china experiences and is not able to combat, making the country rot internally more and more.
>Pay debts murrica
How will the chinks enforce it? With their joke army that is barely able to protect their East and south border and has no answer to nation wide insurgencies let alone the capacities to invade even Vietnam? Face it chinky, China got scammed by jews and the US, and they have no answer, beside taking it up the ass whenever the US feels like it

>> No.15576774

China won't care about patents I think.

>> No.15576782

>The US has no factories
>check mate round eye
That is why another term of Trump is going to be the dead of China. But about the rebuilding of factories and fucking outsource companies muah zerohedge and cnn money doesn't talk, it could unsettle their financiers

>> No.15576784

Keyword: staying competitive. The United States is not even remotely competitive.

>eep exporting to the wests declining consumer base, which at the same time kills their chance at developing an internal market

Huh, so what you're saying is that the United States is actually sort of parasitic. So what you're saying is that China would actually benefit from ceasing exporting products to the United States. Wow, it's almost like you agree with me.

>How will the chinks enforce it
By not buying US treasuries. By not exporting goods to the United States. It's already happening.

>> No.15576786

>China would profit from not being able to export
Really dude, you should definitely go to open mic nights, you are a comedy talent.

>> No.15576790

>Why would they need to export anything when they produce virtually everything domestically?
Because they cant get enough water, energy, and food as it is. They have to sell gsrbage because they have Zero basic resources that sustain a population. They could go fool hippy/indian/mother nature lovers and spend all money on imports and they’ll be eating each other in months.
They already cant afford to eat their own pork right now. Chinese no eat pork it’s too expensive. Lets see how long this lasts

>> No.15576796

>Strawman argument
>Implying ending a relationship with the United States means china will cease exporting
>Implying the United States suddenly having no access to the country we get the majority of our goods from is somehow good for the United States who essentially have no backup plan

>> No.15576799

They can get water, energy and food literally anywhere else besides the United States.

>> No.15576826

It will not cease, but it will loses more and more market shares in its most important markets that fuel its stability. And before you come with the typical muah Africa is the new place to export, that is not going to happen. The issue with you centralized msm propaganda poisoned Boomers is, that you really believe big population = to much monies to be made, which is pure bullshit and has never worked out, else Europe and the US would have been third world nations by 1970 and Chinas main export country would be India and Pakistan, which is simply not the case.
>Who will we buy cheap shit from
There are dozens of candidates that would be happy to take chinas place, including some US states. You can easily replace a producing country, but a consuming country, not so easy

>> No.15576829

When China turns to automation and all the unemployed people revolt, wont china just kill them? I don't see the problem.

>> No.15576847

It will balkanize China very quickly because their military capacities are not made to combat nation wide insurgencies. Like their capabilities to fast deploy capacities from one region to another are a joke and remind of high technology from Europes 1930s

>> No.15576860

And just like that you invalidated US patents, every single one in Chinese hands

>> No.15576873


>He doesn't know about 2015
>Or what happened a generation earlier
>and thinking Chinks can't rough it out

Wow, are people this retarded in /biz/?
How the fuck do you lot even make it?

>> No.15576879

Why won't just china declare war on US and conquer it with an army of 100M unemployed men? They can restore the population lost in nuclear holocaust with captured foreign women later.

>> No.15576883
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>Where will those guys go?
I know a guy

>> No.15576897

>Carton army that is barely able to defend the Southern and Eastern border is strong
From a realist perspective China is a third world country. I know I know, all you jews try to heavily push the new liberal IP shit, but that depends on nation states, and their is currently no nation state that would deploy capacities for China if the UN starts to ask for it. India, the US, Pakistan, Russia... non of them has an interest to help China. The UN could kwetsch and scream and the nations would keep cutting funds paid to the UN and other new liberal institutions while they kwetsch and scream

>> No.15576923

Chinese people can flex their Gucci bags, Military and big businesses all they want but when you have Chinese tourists coming to the west and pissing in the streets its obvious they're 3rd worlders. Even a Thai street whore wouldn't act the way some Chinese do.

>> No.15576932

If China stopped shipping goods to the US then other developing countries like Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Indonesia and Mexico will expand their exports to replace the Chinese products. China will be the big loser.

>> No.15576975

The chinese tourist represent barely half a percent of Chinas population. China from a social perspective is even less than a central African nation. They are low trust animals that are kept together by regional and local warlords that are kept happy through bribery which is made possible by western companies producing in China. The ironic thing is, that this corrupt "middle class" of regional and local warlords is getting every bit of wealth gathered asap out of China, same as the western companies.

The moment chinas share on western markets diminishes and the bribery cycle stops, china as a whole is economically, socially and security wise fucked

>> No.15577023

>The chinese tourist represent barely half a percent of Chinas population
This is exactly my problem. They represent the segment of China's population that has access to passports and money. Their nouveau riche. This is their empowered class and its fucking disgusting. And they aren't even that well educated. You could at least argue that Chinas current governmental elites are educated and competent enough to go toe to toe with America. But what happens when these greedy "upstart middle class" cunts get control during a civil war or once the old Elites die out.

There is a whole generation of these spoiled cunts waiting to take over China and it scares the fuck out of me.

>> No.15577060

>Chinas current governmental elites are educated and competent enough to go toe to toe with America.
Not really, the status china has in msm cycles is like wrestling stories. If you don't know that it is a show you could easily believe it if your IQ is below the mean. But you are right with Chinas next generation of elites, and my guess is civil war, China is simply going to repeat its cycle and its Southern, Eastern, northern and western neighbors will expand their territories again. You can be certain that new liberal IOs like the UN will ask the world to help china, but as said above, from a realist perspective, there is no country that has an interest in helping China, only companies that bet on china during the 80s and 90s and are barely breaking even, but many countries that have an interest in fucking to death.

>> No.15577416

>In Europe and the US, manufacturing is already highly automated and advanced for the most part. In China it is not
who the fuck did told you this? ahah

>> No.15577440

>muh no internal market

Have any of you ever visited a chinese city? They will have the biggest internal market in the world in a couple decades.

>> No.15577475
File: 399 KB, 1852x1629, 8D18EAA8-36EF-4085-86E1-1DFA2092A383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US, manufacturing is already highly automated and advanced
Aha hahahahaha hahahahaha ha

>> No.15577559

Idk what makes you think china is so good. Their capital flight since at least the 90s and the number of students having to study abroad because of the gaokao should tell you that: their currency is bad and that the majority of the population will remain uneducated.

>> No.15577851

what's the 3 most common words in english?????.....


>> No.15577944

Thats what they kept saying. But how eill 90% of the population afford shit? The only jobs left will be the ones that return too little for a machine investment to make sense.
In other words, burger flippers will have to get paid even less, or they will get replaced by machines. In both cases, they wont have the money to buy a house, a car, or even groceries.

Fun times ahead.

>> No.15578078

You have been warned!!


>> No.15578317

If things get too bad for China due to automation they can return to full blown communism.
The US doesnt have that luxury.

>> No.15578371

t. dudeweeder

prices never go down. the whole race to the bottom going on right now is specifically to prevent automation being affordable by having slave labor jobs being cheaper than investing in state of the art AI automatic lines.

>> No.15578460

Dude we are literally America. We control the fucking global economy, we can legit just pump fuck tons of dollary-doohs into bringing back manufacturing and employing autistic college drop outs into making cheap shit.

>> No.15578521

Everything will be printed 3D, and it will be recyclable. Storage requirements will drastically reduce. You won't need to keep your winter coat over the summer. Recycle it back into your stash of 3D Goo, and print a new coat when it gets cold again.
Want to play tennis? Print racquet, play, recycle racquet afterwards. Probably right there at the court. Just pay a refundable deposit for the 3D service and use of Goo, like renting a cart at Aldi.
Fewer closets, fewer drawers, fewer self-storage facilities, smaller houses that are in-turn easier and cheaper to print 3D.
All we have to do is wait for some geniuses to figure out the all-purpose Goo and we're set.
And that all assumes you survive the culling. Based on historic performance of the elite class, Infinite-Supply utopia isn't going to be for everyone. If they don't need us to build pyramids, fight wars or work assemby lines, they aren't going to keep us around and let us fuckoff all day.

>> No.15578542

Robots don't get hurt and file workers' compensation claims.

>> No.15578598

This is so misguided. How in the fuck someone can look at the U.S., see all of the Air Craft Carriers, the Federal Reserve printing the global reserve currency, all of the innovation coming from Silicone Valley, all of the food that is exported (to China) after we're done eating; all of the premium highly refined petrol being produced by the shale and fracking tech that we recently developed - and somehow come to the conclusion that we don't have shit becuase we outsourced the mind-numbing assembly line jobs a generation before we rendered them obsolete with robotic tech we anticipated developing.

>> No.15578660

Nice try Chang. Show this to your wumao paymaster:

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15578672

>This country produces absolutely fucking nothing but debt. If China disappeared, the shelves of our department stores would be empty. It would be a complete collapse. I'm not even defending outsourcing.
You're talking about consumer good trinkets. Not things that really matter. We could be back up and running in 30 days to 6 months with factories in other parts of the world.
As far as the serious stuff: food, water, power, national defense, oil - the U.S. has an abundance, and is a net exporter of each one. The U.S. is one of only a handful of countries that can be fully independent and still keep the lights on and feed the people.
Without the U.S. and the food, oil, energy and military defense that they provide, China would be facing massive famine and probably a civil war.
China loses much, much more breaking ties with the U.S. than Americans will. The whole "China Superpower" is a meme. We tricked them into going heavy on U.S. Treasury debt and they bought it.

>> No.15578697

>all of the assets of production remain in China. If China told us to fuck ourselves the factories are essentially their domain.
This isn't true either. U.S. manufacturers have been anticipating all of this for a decade. Diversification into Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Brazil and Central America has been happening at increasing rates of frequency for ten years or more.
China has been pricing themselves our of the cheap labor. Running factories in China started to be more expensive 5 to 10 years ago because the workers are demanding higher wages. Therefore, we move down the line to the next shithole and hire them to work for cheaper.

>> No.15578769

>The monetary policy of making the United States a debtor nation?
Nobody "made" the U.S. a debtor nation. We opted for that with intention. In exchange for us building the manufacturing infrastructure, and elevating their economy into the first world, the U.S. demanded that China take the excess profits and invest it into Treasury Notes, which are a scam. We forced the same Darth Vader style deal onto Saudi Arabia in the 1970s. What they got in exchange was we didn't invade them and take the oil.
If China rocks the boat, we pick up and leave. The outsourcing service they provide to us could be provided by anyone. We chose them because of the authoritarian style government that has the powers to agree to our terms unilaterally on behalf of the entire nation. Just like Saudi Arabia.
For Americans to then turn around and worry is silly. We're Darth Vader. We do whatever we want. Things happen in the world because we want them to. We're not fucking worried about China.

>> No.15578788

>So what you're saying is that China would actually benefit from ceasing exporting products to the United States. Wow, it's almost like you agree with me.
I don't think anyone agrees with you that China would benefit from cutting ties with the U.S. In the entire world, you stand alone on that one.

>> No.15578798
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fuck the communists

China will fail like the Soviet Union and become a 2nd world shithole

I might vacation there in a few years after the dust settles it'll probably be cheap as fuck

America always wins baby

>> No.15578818

>They can get water, energy and food literally anywhere else besides the United States.
Not true at all. Look up how many countries are net exporters of: oil, energy, food and fresh water. It's a short list. The U.S. is present on all categories.