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15575406 No.15575406 [Reply] [Original]

I have on tomorrow bros, I feel so nauseous knowing I could blow my only chance at a job because I’m an autistic weirdo who can’t think on his feet. What should I say? What kind of questions do they ask?

>> No.15575458
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Unironically just take a deep breath and relax your heart and mind anon. You'll be okay, they wouldn't have offered you the phone interview if your credentials didn't already check out.

Just be yourself and maintain a professional demeanor. The same one you have in your day dreams and delusions. You have it already within you, control the flow.

>> No.15575460

>What should I say?
ask if they have any daughters, and if they are single

>> No.15575465

I have no credentials, I just graduated. I’m a stuttering autistic weirdo even in regular conversation, I can’t imagine how stupid I’ll sound in a pressure filled setting.

>> No.15575483

Beatbox down the phone if things get awkward or quiet. They'll think you're cool and think on your feet

>> No.15575560

If you have speech problems try spacing out your sentences over time. So when asked a question practice thinking it over and talking over a longer period of time at a calm pace rather than trying to race every word out and fumbling over them.
For credentials talk about school projects, volunteer work, as well as private initiatives you have taken if you have 0 work history. Such as clubs, extracurriculars, literally anything. Use your logic and critical thinking to help you. Your stutter isn't because you're a raging autist. It's your body unable to keep up with your mind, pace yourself and remember to control your flow