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15572808 No.15572808 [Reply] [Original]

I’m at this Healthcare AI panel right now and Tom Durk is here (google him if you’re a brainlet) and I was able to speak to him during our networking hour about smart contracts and I asked him if he’s heard of Chainlink and he said “we’re very aware of what Chainlink is doing” and even mentioned knowing about Oracle’s efforts around the startups. He also told me he’ll be speaking on a panel at SIBOs

Marines.. wtf do I ask him next?

>> No.15572818

Nothing else needs to be asked. You done good, anon.

>> No.15572826

Thanks fren

>> No.15572829

Please stop MAKING SHIT UP. Seriously.

>> No.15572844

LArping faggot neck yourself

>> No.15572848

No larp. I’m so fucking pumped. He’s most excited about trade finance. We talked for only about 15 minutes but that’s all I needed

>> No.15572852

You mariners are subhuman pieces of shit that have devoid any other coin of a real chance. You fell for lies and scams of a literal russian neckbeard and proceeded to advance in tech you didn't understand. your money alone is what has advanced this nepotistic fat fucking asshole. you alone have pumped this piece of shit and alone on your backs he has cashed out. be realistic. look at the world for what it is. you really think this fat mongoloid didn't browse the forums here? you really think you just found a fucking token? bitch please, you got lulled in day one by these fat fucks and other anons and then the meme became a dream and now it's crashing. you faggots deserve whats coming, a literal exit and the rest of your tendy money crashing into the sea. fuck you all.

>> No.15572859

What else did he have to say?

>> No.15572870

Can we please get rid of these fucking redditors once and for all?

>> No.15572874

He talked about PSD2 and some two factor authentication shit. It’s starting I’ll tell more soon

>> No.15572875

Do you remember how LINK was dumped to 8000 sats before mainnet?

we're not falling for your bs

>> No.15572897

>I’ll tell more soon
typical larping faggot phrase.
Go kys

>> No.15572899

only results about a C grade chicago rapper named lil durk comes up when i search "bank of america tom durk"

>> No.15572901
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What is he planning on doing with this information?

>> No.15572909

yeh we gon make it mang, bank of america n shiet

>> No.15572933
File: 215 KB, 1600x1600, 1568329816747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like him. OP may not be a faggot
>Ask him about distributed Ledger technology, will Bank of America benefit using this type of platforms in the next 3 years to eliminate "fiction" aka overhead

>> No.15572947

This is just so bearish for ChainLink. They are obviously desperate and finished. You should sell your entire stake immediately. Haven't you seen that the price has gone down by a couple cents today? What do you like losing money or something? Sell immediately goyim. Sell your ChainLink. SELL RIGHT NOW I DEMAND IT

>> No.15572952

another literal who

>> No.15572979

Ask him to blog about CL. WE'RE DYING HERE.

>> No.15572995

Ask him how much is a cup of coffee

>> No.15573275

faggot OP his name is Durkin

>> No.15573288

Isn't Chainlink that pump and dump scam the news has been talking about??

>> No.15573296

it's all so tiresome with these larps
t. all in link

>> No.15573312

WHAT the fuck you guys I am in the same panel right now and OP just jumped on the table and was screaming “PEE PEE POO POO I LOVE YOUR CAWK” and tried to start sucking Tom’s dick. He took a swift knee to the face as he bent over and now security is dragging him out. It smells like he shit his pants when Tom knee’d him in the face, I think he might have a concussion.

>> No.15573327


Friendly reminder that OP is a samefagging NIGGER REDDITOR TRANNY

>> No.15573330

So you are saying swift is confirmed?

>> No.15573377


>> No.15573379

Ask about gpi link

>> No.15573404
File: 124 KB, 1153x525, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf do I ask him next?
pump and dump?

>> No.15573424


>> No.15573519

Wow I cant believe

>> No.15573597
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Lil Durk is great piss off.

>> No.15573608


>> No.15573874

Isn't Chainlink that pump and dump scam the news has been talking about?

>> No.15573973

Wow I cant believe

Trump-Putin 2020

>> No.15574003

Sorry about the last name - I’m on mobile and was typing fast trying to post this before the panel. The panel was just about AI shit and had nothing to do with DLT. After the panel wrapped up I asked Tom to coffee tomorrow morning but he’s flying out before 6am and couldn’t make it but gave me his card and told me he’ll be back in town after sibos and we’ll get together then.

>> No.15574054
File: 980 KB, 1156x1084, 1564027374924~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already over. Link will never go above two dollars. It will go below 1 and die. I bought in at fifty cents. At four dollars I had real life changing money, now it's barley worth anything. We were too late. There will never be another 2017 runn.I will always be poor. Link will never go above two dollars. My entire life is over.

>> No.15574062

Okay yeah it's cute that Bank of America is interested in link, but really I'm not surprised. Haven't you noticed that banks are eliminating jobs left and right? They need all the help they can get for any type of competitive advantage

>> No.15574092


yeah i highly doubt they talking about smart contracts

Check mate larp, should cut out more. >>15572808

>> No.15574110

When am I going to make it bros? I don’t know how much longer I can last. And no I’m never fucking selling I’m taking my linkies to the grave

>> No.15574362

This got a laugh out of me

>> No.15574377

Being 100% honest, you are not gonna make it, you should sell.

>> No.15574494

Pleas no more earlobe analysts

>> No.15574537

Healthcare AI?
Anon why is BoA at a Healthcare AI panel?
Honestly I'm more interested in what kind of AI they're discussing rather than anything to do with blockchain and smart contract oracles...

>> No.15574879
File: 11 KB, 400x400, let_go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for moar crumbs

>> No.15574916

Here is a video of Durkin talking about Swift GPI ... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1p-UPburBUE

>> No.15574944

>posts video of Steve Buscemi

>> No.15574952
File: 73 KB, 930x1024, 1557566688423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and kekd

>> No.15574957

Ask him to show tits and a timestamp

>> No.15575072

1:28 'links in the chain'

>> No.15575968

jesus this shit is cancer

>> No.15576001

this sounds like tinfoil hat chat but Freud would agree with you

>> No.15576258

1.80 vs 4 is not life changing difference. Faggot

>> No.15576634

Bump yankie doody