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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 154 KB, 1587x893, CEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1557221 No.1557221 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys lets cut the memes for a minute and get down to some real /biz/ness. Obviously none of us who still lurk are successful by any means, I mean you might have a job or "career" as you might say because you're a sad person. But none of us (timestamp) have our very own operational business. With that said i would like to take a second to discuss how you might go about creating your own business. I'll start with my own prospective plan and tell me what you guys think and what you might do otherwise. I never do greentext so I'll try it now in the first reply.

>> No.1557227

>recover unwanted computers and computer hardware
>repair, repackage, and sell
this is my only idea. it's my first day here, hi.

>> No.1557231

> In Army for 3 more years
>6 classes into online BBA program
>Let's say I accomplish nothing other than my degree in this time
>be 21 unemployed, money saved, good track record and BBA
>Work with (for) established business that I find interesting for 1 or 2 years
> I learn how the business operates while working for them
> During my time wagecucking I manage my finances solely to increase my credit score
> Create business plan and file for legit bank loan
> Give a shot at making my own business as planned.

Thats pretty much my understanding of this right now, tell me what you think.

>> No.1557232
File: 64 KB, 615x412, 1472353267004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting a business is a fools game.
all the best business have already been started.
or will get started by richer ppl who steal your idea.

>> No.1557233

I run a reasonably successful site they sells synthetic urine. SEO is 90% responsible for my success.

>> No.1557236

Not OP
But I like the idea of that, In theory it would only be a small risk investment for the repair equipment but do you have the skills? I have a buddy who loves computers but when his cpu lost some pins he threw in the towel. Lets keep this going.

This is OP

>> No.1557238

(timestamp evidence) and give advice, what is SEO?
Paranoia is a fools game.

>> No.1557248

SEO is search engine optimization or how people google you. One of the companies that buy from me redid their SEO in such a way that my listing benefitted. Literally tripped my monthly revenue.

>> No.1557256

> paranoia is the opposite ofdauntless , factless , unfoundedoptimism

have fun toiling at ur "business"

btw, this doesn't even consider the "hobby" businesses that never even made it to incorporation...

>> No.1557257

So alot of people searched keywords that were on your website the SEO then increased traffic accordingly? Thats pretty cool man, are you based in the USA?

>> No.1557259

If you want to learn about SEO start with Adwords. Do a little reading and you'll get a better understanding.

>> No.1557263

(un)Fortunately your article wont load, however your cynicism precedes you and indicate a kind of arrogance. You say someone who is interested in creating a business is factless and unfounded, but that is only a reflection of your own personal lack of experience, In my time working with the infantry I've learned tons about how the militiary operated, and because of this I might even say that I could create an organization with similar objectives, I imagine this would be the case in any franchise of firm or business in general.

>> No.1557270

Alright internet business sounds cool, but synthetic urine seems a little off putting to me.

CAPTCHA: Find the stores

>> No.1557283

Sorry I kinda shut you down there, I have another question, how do you produce this synthetic urine and what sort of steps did you go through to establish the business, did you just by a domain and create the website or is it more complicated with licenses and permits involved, also do you have a social following? Or did you just target a vague consumer base?

>> No.1557292

I would say I have the necessary skills to do most repairs. Those that I don't I'm willing to invest time in learning. I don't plan on quitting my day job or anything unless it proves to be a proper fit for me.

>> No.1557307
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>In my time working with the infantry I've learned tons about how the militiary operated, and because of this I might even say that I could create an organization with similar objectives, I imagine this would be the case in any franchise of firm or business in general.

you mean you operated within prexisting infrastructure doing a high risk low return job for a government entity ?

sure , u can sell 2 government as a vendor...

so why couldn't someone with similiar experience but 100x capital do the same and crush you mercilessly .

its just not worth it . on a time cost basis. its far 2 risky. but as someone who put there life on the line for 20k a year , obviously you aren't turned off by risk .
never the less.

with 9/10 odds, you'd be better saving all that time and just going and putting it on black .

you should watch more shark tank , and otherwise do more research before you even think of competing in the ruthless businessworld,
cuz ur ideals about business and america aren't gonna keep the lights on.

>> No.1557308

What is your day job? I think its a great idea, If you live in a small town, you might notice a lot of places have tons of auto shops, because everyone owns a car, but if you really do take the time to learn electronics repairs, you could totally create a similar shop for people to come in and have their shit repaired.

>> No.1557325

If you've ever taken an art class you might understand that all new creative and prosperous works of art come from a pre-existing infrastructures the same could be said about any art i think and i would include business. I wasnt really saying sell to a government vendor, although that would be neat I was saying like create a group of assassins or something lol basically copy the systems, but change the objective or vice versa. Maybe you're right about just chilling out and working my whole life, but i think thats a life half-lived. I understand where you're coming from but if your basis for entering the business world is shark tank, then im inclined to disregard your advice, there are definitely real opportunities to be had and im learning from school and our library exactly how to look for and identify those opportunities

>> No.1557337
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i never said 2 just chill or work all your life.

you would be better off buying business that are already up and running and have dominant market share. than using ur own money to compete with those same businesses, unless and untill the fact that you have more money than those businesses.

u dont have 2 go 2 school or library either.
just use common sense and rationality.

u were in the miliatary.
u should know lifes not a disney movie.

wait.... you were in the US military"welfare system"??
oh that explains everything.

>> No.1557353

where would I get enough money to buy a business guy?

>> No.1557360
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mind == blown

>> No.1557362

Execution is where the money is made buddy. I have a friend who scaled a cleaning business to 6 figures in 8 months.

>> No.1557376
File: 28 KB, 360x247, docevil2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i have a friend who won the lottery.

went from 1 dollar to 8 figures in 1 day.

guess everyone should just win the lottery exactly like he did. just do everything he did at the exact time he did and you will be cool ;)

>> No.1557381

What do ya mean, that sounds pretty cool, but if you just say something like "execution" your'e still leaving me at square one, its charming but there is no substance.
The first thing I said was no memes, tell me, If i can't identify the process that would make my own business successful yet why would I invest my money into other businesses that I have no control over. These sort of gambles have a learning curve that come from experience If I can create a functional business and make it better then I can follow those principals for investing as opposed to say random shills or /news/. TLDR investing does not come before creating, you have to be in the game before you play it.

>> No.1557382

execution in business. Like using better marketing campaigns, better service, etc.

>> No.1557384

>Lazy fuck detected

Execution is a catch-all term, but also: you're not wrong.

>> No.1557385

that is better and pretty much what i assumed you meant, but those things are really skills like real things you do, of course I would like to do things well, and then yes they would work, Im trying to learn those skills haha do you have any idea what your friend really did?

>> No.1557387
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>If i can't identify the process that would make my own business successful yet why would I invest my money into other businesses that I have no control over.

let me help u out right there.

the answer is MONEY

the end.

you know whats better than execution?

wake the fuck up children.

only way you will succeed in your own business other than financial superiority is by being content feeding on the scraps the big dogs leave behind after feeding their ENTIRE pack

>> No.1557395

That guy is a meme serving only to amplify your own self defeating motives, Your answer was actually completely irrelevant and might indicate autism.

>> No.1557403

Don't get me wrong I do appreciate your feedback, I just don't think you're bringing any real substance to the conversation.

>> No.1557404
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>> No.1557405
File: 74 KB, 510x712, 6da68094c448d947f26c1bfbb5e228ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea who you are talking to .

i made more money last month in business than you have probably made in your entire life.

im actually trying to be helpful.

sometimes warnings aren't meant to hurt ur feelings, but actually protect your ass from the big bad unfeeling universe.

>> No.1557409

Nice bro, what have you been up to?

>> No.1557417
File: 29 KB, 300x214, bilgate-300x214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the substance i am bringing you probably wont understand untill your 10th failed venture

is that you will fall on your ass everytime or barely scrape by on scraps.
untill you can compete with your competitors on an even playing field financially.

if you cant beat em, join em.

>> No.1557419

well then, im totally sick of your warning man, Ive been out in the cold where the only rain is hellfire. What i would like to know is the business you conduct how you established yourself and how you continue to improve. Lets be real.

>> No.1557424

currently wondering where my '08 P&L went to.

other than that not much. Trying to get my shit in order so I can go on vacation in a week. And shopping for a new work truck.

>> No.1557425

failures are fine though, if you've been through them yourself im sure you could attest, the point is that you made it right? Do you imply that you financed a business that could compete on this playing field with just stocks bonds and a day job as your assets?

>> No.1557428
File: 205 KB, 600x405, fatcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a low priced product that you know ppl will want / need , preferably before the market knows how to price it.

sell it when the market realizes its true value/ price.

the end

anything else is regurgitated feel good puppy shit from some publishing house trying to sell you a stack of papers with words on them.

>> No.1557432
File: 183 KB, 570x376, 1471666119733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better to learn from others failures than to have to experience them on your own.

>> No.1557443

>I have a friend who scaled a cleaning business to 6 figures in 8 months.
funny, I turned mine into 7 figures in 1 year.
must be what all the cool kids are doing.

>> No.1557449

no man haha I mean thats cool sounds fun, and you should probably save picture or get a scanner for those, but I meant what's your business?
I've heard that before, the advice seems more tailored to inventors I dont think ill ever have the skills to invent anything but it would be really cool to work with someone who does, I agree that the "business" books that spew motivation and basic daily skills are pretty much useless but I've read some good accredited books and articles from other students which are much more serious and not really intended to sell.
Duh, thats what I'm trying to do, I just can't tell if this guy is legit or not

>> No.1557452

what is your "cleaning" business and (timestamp)

>> No.1557455

>what's your business?
janitorial and environmental contracting. Site security and recycling services.

I have my P&L's on my computer, I'm just not sure why one would be missing from my paper stack is all. Weird.

>> No.1557457

look at post ID's.

it's the colored block of letters and numbers in the top line of the post. Right next to "Anonymous."

>> No.1557458
File: 52 KB, 600x599, CR9on13UwAACuDZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am that guy.

and i am legit.

also. all books with a price tag in or on them were made to sell. including the ones at your safe liberal university you pay money to "learn real world skills" from.

if i come across as harsh or rude, its cuz i spent so much time toiling on my own business for so long as a young man. presenting the best possible products at competitive rates. and had nothing to show for it.

also. if u dont think u have the skills for investing you shouldn't think about starting a business.

they require the EXACT same skillset.

tl;dr : heres one of those motivation slogans , keep grinding buddy ! ;)

>> No.1557460

>i am legit.

>> No.1557461
File: 144 KB, 917x960, 1475305519376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleaning teh semen off the asses of the gay porn stars on set.

yes , it is "easier" 2 run business in less glamourous sectors.

>> No.1557462

Lol I was in the Infantry for 11 years and we used to call it "Republican Welfare" lel.

Still though, it set me on the right track, saved me from doing a bunch of dumb shit as a younger man. taught me discipline, I loved it. Not to mention having Veteran on my resume opens doors everywhere I go

>> No.1557464

But anon, what about the other
97% that never gave up?
Are they working shitty menial labour jobs for the 3% that quit too soon?

>> No.1557465

>it is "easier" 2 run business in less glamourous sectors.
not as easy as pretending to have a business on /biz/ without showing any proof, though, rite?

>> No.1557473

woops, totally looked for it and missed it somehow, i forgot you can click them too.
I have the skills for investing but I would rather do so on my own terms first the little bits of investing i have done with the cryptos and NASDAQ or whatever its called have given me mixed outcomes, and I feel like you never really get a good insight on them besides what is published. In your own business you have access to the whole machine and you can see how both the business and investors work together.
thanks for your service lmfao
I like how this guys came in with the timestamp and is totally fucking your day up.

>> No.1557475

unfortunately all my "proof" has my name on it far too much.

fuck you ,you would have a problem with me no matter what . Im not new to the game, im true to the game.

>> No.1557478
File: 650 KB, 2048x1536, 1471724350163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In your own business you have access to the whole machine
not if u dont research hard and pay attntion...

>> No.1557480

>unfortunately all my "proof" has my name on it far too much.
literally lol'd

so you can't post your P&L's like I did?
stop lying, faggot.

we know you don't have a business. You're 12 and you seem to think retail to the public is a good business.

>> No.1557481

please elaborate, im not trying to steal any ideas i just want to hear how you worked through the hoops, what is janitorial contracting and site security? Of course I have an idea. How did it all start?

>> No.1557490

Im glad this thread is being lifted above all the trump meme and shitposting, all those things in the picture are a matter of attitude or whatever you want to call it, what I want to know is what I should be working with, I want some substance man but you keep forgetting it.

>> No.1557492

Janitorial contracting is just cleaning offices as a contractor rather than an employee. Somebody needs their office cleaned, I offer to do it for $2000/month or whatever, and we're in business. I get 5 or 6 offices to clean and hire people to clean them.

site security you already know. People pay me to drive around and watch their crap while they're away. Check to make sure security systems are on, doors and gates are locked.

You can steal ideas if you want, these aren't my ideas. I bought the business from someone else, and they weren't her ideas either.

>> No.1557520

thats awesome man do you need licensed employees for security or do you do it yourself? How did you make the money to buy a business from someone? Do you think you do a better job haha

>> No.1557522
File: 215 KB, 940x788, Kevin-OLeary-quote-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retail to the public

i never said that.

that being said.
your product or service should be sellable to as many people and organizations as possible.

what substance do you need?

your business 9/10 will fail unless you have a bigger bank account than your competitor.
what more do you want to know?

the substance is there. you just dont have the experience to truly appreciate its value.
SS this thread and come back to it when your first 3 venture fall on their face.

if that never happens, then fuck off and go make money.

>> No.1557534

>because you're a sad person
>In Army for 3 more years
Well, you've got me beat for being sad.

>> No.1557536

the point of this thread was to discuss startups, the substance is the story, you say you have your own business, what is it and how did it come about I want to know what you DID not some ideology.
True. haha

>> No.1557541

>do you need licensed employees for security
they have to pass a background check is all.
>How did you make the money to buy a business from someone?
I bought it by working for the previous owner one year for free. I did all the work, she got all the money.
>Do you think you do a better job haha
I do a better job and a cheaper job, that's why I'm still in business 14 years later.

>> No.1557552

>the point of this thread was to discuss startups

typical wide eyed idelistic entreprenuer.

more concerned with the "dream" and the "journey" than the concrete bottom line and associated numbers.

i dont feel like writing u a fuckin autobiography...

theres only 2 rules
1 . buy low sell high
1.buy only what you KNOW you can sell.
2. sell asap.

goes for inventory employees stocks etc.

>> No.1557560

Wow so this person allowed you to work as their owner without pay for year, why is that? Did you know her personally or were you qualified somehow? Or did you work a more menial job for her? Sounds almost like an internship but with a much better benefit.

Oh wow you called me an entrepreneur, how cool! these are cool tips, but why not write the auto. It would be so much funner

>> No.1557571

> but why not write the auto

1.buy only what you KNOW you can sell.

do you wanna be an entrepreneur.
or do you wanna be a captain of industry?

>> No.1557572

>why is that?
she moved off and was working her own job, so she got an extra $75k for doing nothing except training me and handing over the biz. Technically I bought her business from her for $75k on a loan she carried and I paid in one year.

yes, I worked for her before that and I knew her personally as well. I was dating her sister. Now I'm married to her sister.

>> No.1557579

I never liked "start up" culture. Make a site, grab funding, rapid expansion, hope to exit.

I prefer the make a site, self fund, prioritize profit, lifestyle company

>> No.1557597
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I have my own business. I don't have anything relevant to timestamp though.

What I do is like any other contractor.

But I love what I do. Fire away any questions.

> been in business 1.5 years
> Only me, but sometimes I get a little extra help
> make $1k to $2k a week
> make my own hours and schedule
> Usually 10 - 20 hours labor per week
> 10 hours sales, emails, etc per week

This is the fucking life. Wish I did not even go to college.

>> No.1557611

are those two things not the same? I think you're creating a semantic issue here. Everyone would look at their business differently I imagine but starting one is essentially a "start up" am I wrong?

Well I hope you're being honest then. With that said that sounds awesome, Where and how did you learn this skill? How do you find or bring customers in? If you can still make that money after so long, have you ever thought of creating a business that could create your competitors by teaching or hiring a teacher? Have you ever worked with shower tiles that change colors?

>> No.1557625


> I hope you're being honest then
I am. I post here all the time. I'll post some tiles tomorrow or something.

> Where and how did you learn this skill?
worked for another tile company. didnt know a thing before I started. They just picked me up no resume or nothing. Getting into manual labor is easy. For 1 year I worked for about $15/hr, working my ass off, learning fucking everything about tile. At the end of every day I took notes on the products, tools, suppliers. I learned everything the guy needed to run his business.

> Where and how did you learn this skill?
made a website, a google business profile, went door to door, did flyers in peoples mailboxes (like 100 per week), just told eberyone I know hey I can lay tile!, NextDoor was huge for me. One post and I got like 3 customers. In the beginning it's easy. Just beat the other guys price and youll get the job. Plus lots of shitty tile layers out there. I've have seen some tile that looks like a monkey laid it.

> If you can still make that money after so long, have you ever thought of creating a business that could create your competitors by teaching or hiring a teacher?
teaching people to lay tile? This would not work. Why would they take a class when they can do what I did? Besides. in contacting you want to have as few of sharks in the ocean as possible. More fish for the sharks to eat. Too much competition and the money and market go to shit. That's what happened to a lot of the company's that are painters.

> Have you ever worked with shower tiles that change colors?

such a product exists?

>> No.1557642

thats awesome, I only proposed the class because people are kind of suckers and would eat that up, hell I would take a tile laying class haha! I totally feel the need to keep competition low but I'm saying this is way you can move into a different field of business which is exciting but I can see how that would not appeal. and yea http://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/color-changing-tiles/ these are the tiles haha. Im glad you explained your venture this way because it totally makes sense and someday I hope I can do something similar

>> No.1557646

Start up? I'd probably be better at applying my ideas at an established firm. I've got some good ideas for monetary policy/hedging against macroeconomic developments, which is pretty hard to do as a startup.

>> No.1557652
File: 544 KB, 957x1024, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta admit I'm always a bit surprised when someone says they have a business and they don't pay taxes or have a bank account.

I've read you before though. You know your stuff.

>> No.1557660


Actually launching my own cleaning business soon(did the legal shit and have the supplies ready to be bought, still creating the website and getting the logo made though so probably another 2 weeks till launch)

Can you guys give me any advice either possibly through email? Want this to be as successful as possible.

>> No.1557666


I pay taxes and have a business bank account.

>> No.1557672

yea its sort of comparable to making a song, do you sign the record deal or do you make your own label? Except in your case the record deal take a lot more money from you.

>> No.1557675


Well for trades, most always thought it was a cheap laborous life without much money.

That just isn't true anymore. Welders are making a shitload.

But like I said, trades aren't complex. In 1 year I have seen literally every tile situation I will ever see. There are no suprises now. I know everything. So, it's pretty fuckin simple Rick. In that respect, like I said, most will just work for someone and learn the game that way.

>> No.1557690

yea but they would be getting into the game, a class would own the game and make it more apparent, if it was done online you might even make a profit while not creating any local competition or any competition at all because no one would actually learn anything online, its kinda silly to talk about but i just like to toy around sometimes, thats pretty cool im EMT - B because I'm a medic and I really wish I could say that I've seen it all in a year..

>> No.1557727

get liability insurance. Most of your small competitors don't have it and that can cost them jobs.

concentrate on commercial work as soon as you can, that's where the money is.

learn how to bid government jobs. In the US at least most small colleges have free classes on government contracting.

Get an ad in the yellowpages. Yes, I know nobody uses phonebooks anymore, but all the online listings of businesses are pulled directly from the yellow pages.

talk to business managers. Ask them if they hire a cleaning service and how much they pay. Even if they don't want to hire you right now it gets your name out there and you learn what your competition is charging.

take on more work than you can do. Hire people to do it. Lather, rinse, repeat.

>> No.1557798

Thanks for the advice friend, I had already considered some off the points you mentioned but you actually gave some really helpful ideas to mull over. I genuinely appreciate it.

>> No.1557811

my pleasure.
If you have any specific questions, ask away.

>> No.1557903

Another thread that proves that none of you have any clue what the fuck you're talking about.

It's hilarious watching teenagers try talk about business

>> No.1557909

>It's hilarious watching teenagers try talk about business
no its not.

its cringe inducing.

but then again. its probably all role play anyways...

>> No.1557913

>its probably all role play anyways...
t. anon that couldn't post proof he owns a business but assures us it's super successful

>> No.1557918

What do you think the best method for advertising is?

I assume in the case of commercial cleaning I'm gonna go directly to businesses and hope that after we've done business they refer me to friends, but are there any other avenues that wouldn't be considered normally.

>> No.1557922

There's no way in hell anyone with an actual business would be stupid enough to associate their brand with you retards. What would it earn them, anyway? The respect of a bunch of teenager know-it-all faggots? Seems like quite a terrible prize for the amount of risk involved.

>> No.1557932

if you're doing residential then you'd want to get ads in local newspaper, hang fliers, maybe buy billboard space or radio ads.

for commercial work it's pretty much entirely face to face with managers or over the phone and email with purchasing agents. Word of mouth helps, but really it's mostly just going out and talking to people that already hire a cleaning service and then making them a much better offer.

read the thread.

>> No.1557939

to expand a bit-
in commercial work it's not YOU looking for clients, it's usually the other way around.

clients want to find you. Not because they'll necessarily hire you, but because they want a lot of bids so they get the best price.

so really all you have to do is let the person who hires the cleaners know that you exist and want to bid on future work. Job comes up and they have you submit your bid. That's all there is to it. Not a lot of selling your company or anything in most cases. If your business exists and meets their criteria to bid, they want to know you.

>> No.1557951

I'm gonna take note of these, thank you.

2 more questions and I'll stop annoying you lol.

What methods of online advertising do you employ and for the second question how do you design your site to appeal to residential cleaning and commercial cleaning?

The hardest part im having right now with the creation of the site is balancing the commercial cleaning with the residential because I feel like what I want to have as far as the user experience goes are two different things and I'm just considering making a second site solely for commercial.

Although I must just be overthinking it and people will not give a shit and really mostly just care about the site not looking like garbage and the price.

I don't really think there's that much risk, as long as you aren't acting like a complete shit no one on /biz/ is gonna bust their asses to try and screw with someone's business. Most of us are here to make money and learn from the success of others to benefit our own businesses.

>> No.1557958

>I'll stop annoying you lol.
you aren't annoying me at all. I like feeling like I'm helping, whether I am or not.
>What methods of online advertising do you employ
I only do online advertising for government work. I have a listing with the US site for government contractors (SAM), which is also a listing with the GSA, which handles most of the government's purchasing.

other than that I don't advertise. If I want a job with a certain client I'll contact them. We're a busy company, I don't want people trying to hire us, I'm very picky about what we do and who we do it for.

I don't do residential work at all.
when I bought the business it was about 3/4ths residential. Residential pays less than commercial, takes more time, and is subject to all kinds of cheapness and suspicion and lawsuits that you won't run into when dealing with businesses. Basically people are a pain in the ass to work for and they don't pay much. Businesses are a pleasure to work for and they pay far more.

However most people do both when they start. And the do both under the same banner. If I was doing both I'd probably split them out though, they're two very different lines of work with very different practices and methods.

>> No.1557964

>I must just be overthinking it and people will not give a shit and really mostly just care about the site not looking like garbage and the price.
appearances certainly matter.
people are going to look at how you present your business when choosing who to hire.

I've had jobs where I wasn't the low bidder but I presented my company as a legit business and so I won over people that seemed shady or small-time. It happens. Not everyone just wants the cheapest possible solution. This is particularly true in commercial work, they know a single individual can beat your price but might prefer a company with insurance, experience, a dedicated staff, etc. Look like you mean business. Even if it means faking it until you make it. Don't misrepresent yourself, but do look your best.

>> No.1557974


Trust me when I say you absolutely are helping.

I think for the time being until I can get more experience under my belt and build up a trusted staff I'm gonna focus on residential.

In a year when I have the experience and trustworthy staff and more income at my disposal I'll make the leap into commercial ventures.

I really do appreciate you helping me out man, I can already see the future headaches and heartache you've saved me, thanks brother.

>> No.1557983

my pleasure, and good luck.

one last tip before I shut up:

the reason commercial/industrial/government work pays so much better is you can get multi-year contracts that are guaranteed to be paid by the client and guaranteed to be done by your insurance.

so you've got a piece of paper that says hundreds of thousands of dollars WILL go into your bank account over a period of X years, AND hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of work will be done in that same time.

Banks treat this like an asset, it's called an assignable contract. Technically it's an intangible asset, but it has real value and you own it. You can sell it, lease it, rent it, sell shares, whatever. And that's where you get into big numbers because you're not dealing with your business's income for the month or even the year. You can borrow against your income for the next six years if you want. You get a handful of these contracts and even if they don't pay much on a per-month basis individually, it's pretty easy to find yourself sitting on millions of dollars worth of future income. Your income by law, to do with as you please.

Banks love you for that. Even if your credit sucks, banks love a business that has a guaranteed revenue stream for years to come.

>> No.1558036
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Do what im doing. Start a security company specializing in physical guard security. Security is an industry that will never leave or waveer. There is a constant growing "need" for companies to use us as liability coverage for assets and as long as you stay out of alchohol venues/locations that require actual securing and stick with places wherre guards just dick around all day babysitting equipment/property then youre all set.

My only issue is i under estimated the startup costs and my autism forces me to refuse a bank loan as the start up costs really arent so great as to necessitate a fucking bank loan.

Ive gotten the uniforms and licensing/website and all the easy bullshit, but have been saving up a few months rent so i can rent office space and stand out from the hundreds of p.o. box companies that just underbid for shitty sites and have 0 chance at lucrative RFBs because they fucked their reputations up from the get go.


Oh i wonder if anyone has any advice on finding a business mentor specific to the industry you conduct business in? Im getting the vibe its not okay to contact existing companies sonce you are "competition" but what is a good way to connect with people/someone that might want to give advice?

>> No.1558091

Just wanted to say i read your posts and they were very helpfull and i will definitly be taking alot away from what you've said

>> No.1558094

I'm the janitorial contractor itt.

I also provide uniformed and sometimes armed jobsite security services.

Briefly, in the US the government sponsors and online mentorship program through the SBA. I assume you're not in the US based on your pic, but you can probably google "finding a mentor in Canada" or whatever and get similar results.

No, I don't think I'd mentor a potential competitor but I might buy you out or try to get you to partner with me. Either could be a good situation for you. Partnering with an existing company whether they currently do security or not could be a good situation for you to learn what you need.

Owning office space is unnecessary, in 14 years of business I've never had the need. It is a good tax shelter for Federal income taxes in the US, but all the money you save on Fed taxes will instead be eaten up by local property taxes. I think in my city the combined city and county property taxes are TEN TIMES more than a private person pays on a house. Also interest rates on business mortgages are much higher than personal loans, as are insurance rates. However owning property does increase the value of your business by whatever your equity may be. Overall it's not a great strategy, you'd honestly be better off writing off a home office and skipping the office space unless you have money to burn.

renting office space when you don't need it is just asinine. A complete loss with nothing to show for it. In your line of work leasing parking space and vehicles might be an acceptable plan though. You're going to want dedicated work vehicles most likely.

just my 2 cents, I doubt clients are going to want to pay double just because you have an office they probably won't ever visit.

>> No.1558099

thank you, I'm glad I could help.

>> No.1558101
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later be sure to come back and read my advice;)<3

>> No.1558108

your advice is a bit vague and you don't seem to know that in the US at least the government splits contracts into large and small business set-asides so large companies don't crush small ones or even compete with them.

but you've said a few things which are undoubtedly true. I'll be back to read what you have to say.

>> No.1558112

are we bank flexing? because who in here is actually on top of their shit?

pic related, something light for the weekend

>> No.1558113
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damn i forgot to attach, just 10 racks for the view

>> No.1558114

i know all about government contracts.

if u like fighting and crawling over other vultures for cockroaches , knock urself out.

but i should just like to have you know. there are better ways out there at amassing wealth , that don't require so much investment of time or startup costs yet can still be made to produce comparable returns in much smaller time frames...

see if you cant put down a few stop loss call options on an established company that already dominates its marketplace for example, if you ever find yourself with some extra cash. research how options work first ofc. you can come up real fast if you know what your fucking around with.
a much better use of your time to understand financial instruments if you ask me. startups are for excons and computer programers

>> No.1558118

*cockroaches for crumbs.
sorry my analogies got mixed.

why would u want the burden of carrying 10k in cash?

>> No.1558119

Main reason i felt i needed office space was because i know that some major contracts wont even consider companies using p.o boxes or home offices. But your advice sounds right i might be thinking to far ahead for where i actually am right now.

What type of security services do you provide?

>> No.1558122

nah, I use cash to cover up my name and location info is all.

nice stack though. I haven't held that much cash in my hand in years. Reminds me of when I bought my house and my banker took me back to the vault and showed me the $160k he was lending me. Piles of money are cool.

>> No.1558124

Nvm i clearly can't read

>> No.1558129

No hijacking attempt

>> No.1558131

>startups are for excons and computer programers

when I was in high school clear back in 1989 I won the fake investing contest for my state, I made a few hundred thousand fake dollars in three months starting with a $10k stake.

but learning the ins and outs of real investing sounds like work to me, and I retired over a decade ago. It's true, most businesses fail spectacularly, but it only takes one success to stop working. I don't need more money. Your way is undoubtedly the safer way to go, but I doubt most people are smart enough to pull it off.

and yes, gov contracts are some of the worst for cockroaches and crumbs. My business is about 1/3 government work, I keep it there because it doesn't pay as much but it's reliable. Doesn't go away every time the market crashes.

>What type of security services do you provide?
I don't do security very often. In the past I've provided uniformed security to construction sites and armed security for a client I can't talk about. Usually if we do security it's as a subcontract for a prime contractor, either a larger security company or a construction contractor. Like you said, babysitting equipment and empty buildings. Sitting at gates, checking doorknobs.

>> No.1558134
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Throw bikini partys 17+

>> No.1558139

t. Shekeljewberg

>> No.1558143
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what burden? usually i take out 10-50k every other weekend to spend, it helps keep my money in check. no impulse buying.

yeah, maybe like 8 months ago i remember having like 5 dollars in my bank account, feels good to have a cheeseburger whenever i want.

oh pic related some vape shit i been on, small flex in the background though

>> No.1558153

looks like you're doing fine.
so you gonna tell us how you made that or what?

>> No.1558194
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i code and write software solutions (other people would call it malware :/) on the deep web. the biggest clients ive worked projects for are corporations/companies. i still have ethics, i do not write for groups in relation to terrorism, governments, etc.

pic related

>> No.1558196

Made me laugh.
Very nicely done, anon!

>> No.1558205

I am obviously reluctant to believe you but I'll bite.
How does one get into this?
My dream is to do this kind of shit, corporate espionage is a specific thing I feel that I will enjoy doing very very much.
Can you please give me some beginner advice?
I am currently beginning (free) training as a sys admin for Linux and win systems and I know several code languages and write algorithms well what else do I need

>> No.1558215

Experienced in C++ and other shit. I want in. Do you collaborate? Sharing workload and gold coins

>> No.1558241

typing from my phone btw

i don't really have a reason to lie, I'm sick of tired of seeing people saying they are really about their shit, but make up excuses about not showing the proof, this is the best i can do.

corporate espionage is a bit of a strong word, i only have done a few gigs but they each paid out from 50k - 250k. they are not that exciting. the movies lied to you.

although I've been developing malware for a while, it wasn't until a few months ago my ransomware made a huge hit oddly enough in Russia and some parts of Europe.

you have a good background, but youre better off in another line of work. get some comptia/redhat certs and go infosec.

if I collab it's because the client has already hired another person as well. these people know what they want and they know who they need which is why the pay is the way it is.

>> No.1558247

>The movies
No, you don't understand, I don't want to be a l33t blackhat, I want
A. cash
B. preferably relatively dirty cash as it might be taxless
C. information, and preferably information that I can turn into cash
D. still stay in my trade which is computer science

By what you have described so far it seems like all I have dreamed of.
Why would infosec be better?
It seems to me that it's easier to find weakspots in other people's systems once in a while when compered to fixing potential weakspots everyday 9-5 for some company.
Also, I'm assuming it pays better to do things that are not very ethical, as it has always been.

>> No.1558253

Oooh I forgot
I want to never ever get out of my room in my dream career so that's also a big reason to do those kind of stuff.
Would you say it is easier to write mal for clients or independently break into systems?
I'm very curious to know more

>> No.1558264

Bro send a poorfag some btc please


>> No.1558265

All I'm saying is that i know my shit and would save you quite some time. Enough time to accept more projects. So how about it, friend?

>> No.1558425
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This is actually the correct answer.

I own one of the largest minecraft servers and have never created anything original.

Everything in life boils down to risk vs reward

Why take a risk when there are already people out there who have taken it for you?

Find the weak risk-taker and take the market from them
By any means necessary

>> No.1558432

I made an app that is making some serious money, does that count?

>> No.1558448
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>you should watch more shark tank

>> No.1558654


Is that a granite desktop I spy?

I love stone surfaces. If I ever buy a home, I'm putting a lot of marble into it.

>> No.1558670

Serious question. How do you launder money, is bitcoin completely safe if you just transfer it through some accounts.
What kind of tax do you pay when you take out that kind of money every weekend, what's your alibi.

>> No.1558703
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>you should watch more shark tank

You should have typed that at the beginning of your post, and saved us all some time.

>> No.1558757


as much as this guy is a cunt, he's right.
I own a small machine shop that provides a very specialized service (deep hole drilling aka gun drilling) that literally any of the major players around here could wipe out if they invested in the equipment I have. It's more bother for them to buy the specialized equipment than it is to sub it to me, which is why I'm still around. I make a pretty good living but it's not glamorous.

>> No.1558761
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>> No.1558861

Isn't doing some tiles for someone and maybe hiring some people to help you out the same as having a regular business?

Please explain the difference between contracting and "having a business".

>> No.1559297

im telling you infosec because its a legit career choice. albeit, the pay might be relatively lower, but with your current prerequisites, you would be a good fit. it checks off every part of your list except the "dirty cash" bit.

have you actually found weakspots in other companies? do you know what you would be doing? this isn't mr. robot lool.

also just for a bit of life advice "I want to never ever get out of my room" is not the best approach to things. sure i might have spent the past 8 months nearly 24/7 in front of the computer, but it's paid/paying off and i'll be free to do what i want. and continuing on with this is not ideal. you are now talking to a product of financial freedom.

originally, i just wrote malware of different types, opened shop[literally, like a web shop] on the deep web and with a bit of advertising, orders came through. whenever i came across 0days, i wouldn't exploit them myself, i just sold them and let other people have fun with it. my business model at the time was just to sell software that i make in my own time [not hired for a specific purpose]. but some people would email me if i could do a custom order, and usually a pidgin-otr chat and some money in escrow later, i had a job.

the best clients are the ones from silicon valley/ny any of those tech startup places. since they get a fuckton of money in seed funding they will happily throw 200k at your face if it meant their competition would either be slowed down or shut down.

>> No.1559312

all contractors are business owners but not all business owners are contractors.

a guy that owns a hobby shop, a chiropractor, and a mcdonalds owner are examples of business owners that aren't contractors.

the difference is in the nature of the relationship between business and client. Obviously a contract is involved. But the contractor acts as a specialized pseudo-employee. Instead of doing 200 things for 1 employer they do 1 thing for 200 employers. This isn't really typical of businesses in general. They provide all kinds of services, but those services aren't usually specific to you. Say what you like about your coffee shop, there's no mistaking them for your employees. A contractor on the other hand generally does custom work to your specifications, much like your employee would. In exchange a contractor is one of those rare businesses that will take your house from you if you don't pay them. Something mcdonalds is also very unlikely to do.

so there are some differences between contractors and business owners in general. It's a very specific type of business.

>> No.1559326


i too know my shit, infact i know a lot of people who know their shit. i don't really see what you can bring to the table.

i actually have a 'finance' guy. it took a bit of convincing, but money really is an equalizer. not to compromise his identity, he owns a relatively popular bitcoin tumbler and id assume passes my funds through there. i actually own several bitcoin wallets, but i let him manage it and transfer funds accordingly. both my coinbase and paypal was setup by him so i think he's pretty good at what he does.

i don't pay a tax when withdrawing money. i pay taxes but i don't recall there being a fee when i withdrew money if that's what you are asking.

i own a nice stake and have a board seat in a company. that's the most i can really say.

connections are very crucial.

>> No.1559331

You sound autistic

>> No.1559351

Just now reading this thread, very interesting stuff.
Also a CS guy. How do you look for 0days?
I'm assuming most of your work is injection type stuff.

>> No.1559391


Contractor simply means: A business owner that provides services to consumers and businesses on a contract by contract basis. Typically a short construction project, then you finish and they pay you.

> Cabinet makers
> Electricians
> Plumbers
> Hardwood floors
> People that build 30 story office buildings

All "contractors". It's just jargon.

>> No.1559558

>finance guy
how did you meet this finance guy and how much does he cost.

>connections are very crucial.
yea starting to notice this

I'm this guy btw >>1558670

also thx for taking the time to answer.

>> No.1560859 [DELETED] 

not that guys, but you'd be amazed how many connections you can make through internet chatrooms

>> No.1560864

not that guy, but you'd be amazed how many connections you can make through internet chatrooms

>> No.1560894

>usually i take out 10-50k every other weekend to spend,

lol it that was true you must have multi-millions and a CPA for your personal finances.
Anyone handling that volume of strait cash would have been warned that you are triggering CTR & UARs from your bank weekly. I dunno about you but I hate IRS audits.

>> No.1560908

i thought you were memeing until i googled it. cool niche with a probably continuous demand. nice job.

why and how did you get started in that?

>> No.1560959

He showed a pic with 5 mil in bitcoin, and he said he has a finance guy.

>> No.1561311

He showed a cash withdrawal over 10k from a bank... that's the point. Plus he says he does it at least bi weekly.

Rich people can be rich but there are preventative measures for avoiding audit triggers

>> No.1561390

>he probably owns no bitcoin
>thinks 1k was the peak
Stay poor and unable to price things.

>> No.1561408

What I don't get about stuff like this is how do you get the traffic?

I have managed to get traffic on youtube but it's mostly kids so no money to be made there beyond the actual ad revenue.

In fact I find anything physical extremely annoying. I want to be able to make a living from ad revenue and people clicking on my shit and stuff and never dealing with customer support or anything actually of physical material.

>> No.1561412

Have amazing idea for company that will disrupt quite a few industries. Where the hell do I start if I have no idea where to start.

>> No.1561418

Well considering it only takes 21 BTC to be rich in 10 years, if you don't sell anything and hold for a decade you'll be a mogul.

I wish I was a high IQ autist that can code like a god but I can't.

>> No.1561583

/third world/ here

If you first world slavemasters had access to cheap as fuck labor, what would businesses would you guys make? I'm sure a lot of you have ideas but are discouraged by the high cost of having several employees.

>> No.1562940
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I'm going to start a small business with two other guys at university. How can I make sure that not one person is taking all the money and kick us out? How to make sure that all the profit is equally divided?

>> No.1563097

Hire them as employees in an LLC, DO NOT ISSUE STOCK TO ANYONE BUT YOURSELF. You can promise to split the profits, but do not give them anything. Threaten to replace them if they disagree.