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15570966 No.15570966 [Reply] [Original]

What will you spend your money on and do with your life once you make it? Wont you get bored having everything?

>> No.15570998
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>> No.15571033

Alpaca farm

>> No.15571044

I'll devote more time to my interests: lifting weights, running, traveling, learning foreign languages, and fucking 3rd world women.

>> No.15571069
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>> No.15571077
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I'm a born pioneer.

>> No.15571183

Actually I want to be bored. I don't like to hustle my whole life. Always chasing the "next big thing" what may or may not make me rich, but it never happens and I'm really tired now. I just want to be bored. But without "madeit" tier money it is fordibben fruit to be bored and do nothing if you have life standards higher than a homeless bum. Because I stop the hustle I would be a homeless bum. But when someone makes it, they could do fuck all and still live a comfortable life.
Also I'm really angry when someone tells that being rich and bored is actually bad. In the end they would never give up their money, or even a little fraction from it.
If a depressed rich someone going to do suicide, why don't they give away their money? Depending on the wealth, they could make 10-100, or even more poor fucks life unimageniable better if they give up their wealt and after blow their brains out. But no, they just kill themselfes and same rich tier family gobbles up the inheritance and whines about how sucks to be rich, because even their relatives killed itself, boohoo.