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15567782 No.15567782 [Reply] [Original]

Please argue why a forward thinking intellectual human being should short this stock? With their rapid expansion of infrastructure, battery technology, and the 95% plus of self-driving data in their ownership, who can catch up or beat them?On the other hand, why did JB Straubel leave now? Has Elon gone king crazy and the finance ship is going to flip?

>> No.15567808

Elon acts like a child and is... eccentric. Hes really spoiling its reputation but its fun to watch.

>> No.15567821

Musk has a rock-solid reputation, and his quirks only reinforced that.
His name will always remain bankable.

>> No.15567863
File: 867 KB, 1218x686, 849C06E5-179C-4B45-AE80-2418E5B0C627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. tidf
He made electric cars fashionable, I’ll give him that. Problem is that fashion is fickle and where I live there are so many Teslas on the road that they’ve lost any sort of uniqueness. Porsche will eat Tesla’s lunch at the high end.

>> No.15567871

Totally agree. He can go ask for a few billions every few quarters.

Long tsla for 10+ years is ez money, it's only up unless company goes bankrupt

>> No.15567888

Teslas aren't about uniqueness, they're amazing to drive.
t. former V8 snob with a model X (still have my Ram though).

>Porsche will eat Tesla’s lunch at the high end.
That Taycan is looking sharp af, but there's not much competition between the two considering the vacuous space that is the high-end EV market still.
Nevertheless, Tesla keeps expanding downwards.

>> No.15567916

I can’t argue with your digits but there’s still no way I’d put money into Tesla stock.

>> No.15568015

Pretty much this, Tesla is hip because e-cars are still a novelty but it will ultimately get bullied by krauts and nips cars just like the current automotive industry.

Tesla has to scale up like crazy to live to its current valuation.
To give you some insight Tesla is currently worth more than Ford and around as much as Daimler (Mercedes).
Ford sells 6 millions cars a year.
Daimler sells 2,5 millions a year (and has arguably a broad similar target).
Tesla? Less than 100k.

All of that on an ultra competitive and pretty much saturated market.

>> No.15568054

Porche competes with the S not the E. It also costs more, is slower, and has less range. So they have some catching up to do. I will grant them the Porche looks nice tho. And people spending that much money probably care more about looks then the extra $15,000.

>> No.15568261

>market cap
k, but Tesla is at the forefront of an entirely new car paradigm, while Ford is struggling to keep its own dinosaur industry alive.

>saturated market
EVs are exploding bro.
Long way to go before everyone's driving one (which will inevitably happen in one form or another).

>> No.15568994


>It's only going up unless it's going down

The fucking state of normies

>> No.15569058

My best friend worked at Tesla for 5+ years and helped launch the S

It is a great buy at 200$ and give or take the 10% difference right now

It was overvalued for years but most bankruptcy fears are now gone

Headline risk still exists

I know too much about this co, ama if u want anon

>> No.15569115

jealousy is a sad condition for the jew, to be so capable of words, and so incompetent at design.

>> No.15569235

they would hate anything he does that is not robot.
musk is one of the greatest minds of our time, doubters only need to look at his resume
it would get sold before bankruptcy, nissan or toyota would love to have it but I bet China would give one of their automakers the yuan to but Tesla
he made the first mass market electric vehicle and it is one of the funnest cars to smash the pedal in
Ford has 4 billion shares outstanding, tesla has 175 million.
Supply and demand matter too.
Tesla's market is the opposite from saturated, maybwe your hick town is saturated but China wants to make gas cars illegal, and germany has a push towards restrictions too. Every non gas producing country is going to pump EV's. China is already buying more EV's than US. Watch tesla's sales when they open the chinese gigafactory

>> No.15569283

The question is : how are we gonna recycle this car

>> No.15569306

>china factory
Communist dictators and chink manufacturing. What could go wrong?

>> No.15569321

Only Low IQ short this stock. Ive never seen anyone with a brain short this stock

>> No.15569342

Just a suggestion, hire a neutral materials scientist wing to make sure your metals are actually standard. Otherwise, enjoy the recalls for failed frames, failed rims, open circuits, shorts...

>> No.15569912

maybe it's because I read but americans who call china communist in economics don't have a grasp on the truth. Do you understand what China is doing? keep calling china communist while they buy all the real estate and blue chip stocks they can.
please short tesla for the next 5 years. I want you to be poor

>> No.15570165

Like their namesake Tesla, theyll develop and inprove ekectric car tech and batteries only for a better company with way more resources to use it better and actually maje them mass marktable.

>> No.15570178

the fast charging network is the best asset at this point nobody can compete in that category they are too far ahead

>> No.15570191

have you heard of powerwall ?

>> No.15570283

Have you heard of the solarcity fiasco where the cells they’ve installed at Walmart spontaneously ignite even more than the average Tesla battery?

>> No.15570332

I can't believe how dumb all the Tesla bears are. Car companies of the future will be valued on their AI. How many accidents does your AI get into? That will effect your insurance. Cars are mostly the same but tesla has the edge in tech.
Tesla owns a solar panel company, they're going to put those on their cars too. You guys understand where this is going? Even if cars fail, the power wall could become the industry standard when these new cells come out, but all these improvements will start feeding into themselves like a feedback loop. Tesla's building the worlds largest factories 3 of them so far. Those factories will be incredible assets along with the other factories and real estate.
This thread misses Tesla's biggest selling points to hedge funds.

>> No.15570345

oh my god, I bet they go bankrupt now.
Have you ever heard of phones blowing up next to peoples faces with hot battery acid exploding out?
Wake up you biased idiot

>> No.15571059

The responses in this thread are so bluepilled. I am not dumb enough to short this stock but the company's fundamentals are absolute dogshit. They're burning cash and have liabilities out the wazoo. Their quick ratio is like .35. Demand for the Model 3 has flatlined they'll be lucky to clear half of the deliveries they estimated at the beginning of the year.
>Muh tech
>Muh Elon
At the end of the day if your business isn't profitable in the long run you won't last. IDGAF about the tech. Someone will buy them up after the stock has crashed to $10 a share.

>> No.15571259

I'm living in Europe idiot, you have no idea how much the governments make on gas (more than 60% of the price is taxes).
Besides Tesla has 0 penetration in Europe currently and ICE from euro constructors are already extremely economical compared to burger shitboxes.
Ultimately the governments aren't as big on EV has they are about banning cars completely from the inner cities, Paris is probably the biggest example but all big cities are following.

Relying on China to grow is very funny desu, they will just steal the design and sell their own brand exactly like they did with hardware and electronics during the last 3 decades.

The only chance of Tesla is becoming the #1 manufacturer in the US in terms of volume, not impossible but unlikely to happen unless you throw GM under the bus.

>> No.15571380

>you have no idea how much the governments make on gas (more than 60% of the price is taxes)
you made my point you dumbfuck
>Relying on China to grow is very funny desu, they will just steal the design and sell their own brand exactly like they did with hardware and electronics during the last 3 decades
You're right ignore the chinese market who buys more EVs than the US, already.
>The only chance of Tesla is becoming the #1 manufacturer in the US in terms of volume, not impossible but unlikely to happen unless you throw GM under the bus.
Oh yeah GM makes such great quality cars and they have EV's ready if the market shifts that way. Well ran company too, never suspect or in bad shape.
>muh tech
company has AI driving cars first, solar panels, home battery storage, the best EV's on the market, 10 year headstart, charging stations, innovation coming down the pipeline like 1 million mile battery cells. and this dipshit says muh tech. Just buy Microsoft if you want a company that doesn't innovate
muh elon too because he only started from nothing and flipped it into Tesla and Spacex. Nothing special from a dude who built an empire on tech that makes our planet better.

Your guys ignorance isn't impressive. I left out a ton but included enough to make you look stupid

>> No.15571694

>ignores facts
>calls others biased
Oy vey. If you’re comfortable investing in Tesla, more power to you. I’ll pass.

>> No.15571778

WOW Solar cells so new! The battery tech for the cars aren't anything spectacular. It takes 75 minutes to fully charge a model 3. People aren't gonna be rushing out to buy a car for 50k that take 10 times as long to fuel than gas lmao. Hence why demand has fucking plummeted and not half the estimates they were at the beginning of the year. The 140 thousand cars they sold last year represents the number of people willing to pay for that gimmick.

Pending some crazy spike in the price of oil I just don't see where growth will come from.

I will say this though. People shit all day on Tesla's financials, but Ford and GM don't fair any better. Mary Barra is a fucking idiot trying to build EV's rn.

>> No.15571789

You can have the best technology in the world. But if you don't know how to manufacture and can't keep your costs down, it doesn't matter.

>> No.15571801

>pls ELI5 the oil lobby to me

In three letters: $$$

>> No.15571944

yeah I'm comfortable, I bought when it dipped to $188
>Hence why demand has fucking plummeted
Hence why? Do you hear yourself? Zoom out, tesla has growth on it's side but of course you don't think the tech is anything spectacular.
Fucking goober
i didn't ignore it, i don't think it's a serious issue that can't be fixed. Ford made pintos that blew up in rear ends. I'm comfortable with Tesla's safety and quality. Most unbiased reviews put it as the best in many safety, tech, and quality ratings. You guys act like you're so smart going against all the available info but none of you have backed it up with much except lagging behind goals and a solar city powerwall blowing up at a walmart. Only 1?


It's amazing how much oil does and most of these tards will never understand how oil takes from their pockets. From politics to food, education, public transportation, the US, Russia, Saudi are slaves to their oil companies

>> No.15572463
File: 780 KB, 325x203, C385F360-7BA7-4651-8AA8-1A81BA8925F1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are your jimmies so rustled? If you want to buy, buy. If others don’t, why get all butthurt over it?

>> No.15572784

Cause he's coping and trying to justify being bullish on Tesla.

>> No.15572886

What would happen if Elon Musk suddenly died? The stock would plummet 50-80%. Have fun holding those bags while knowing Elon is mortal, aging and addicted to meds