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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15564222 No.15564222 [Reply] [Original]

Any Link Marines feel *strange* recently???

>> No.15564229

yes we $222 eoy

>> No.15564231

i feel it... i it deep down... its coming closer.... i can feel it coming....

>> No.15564237 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15564242

Yes I feel more gay than usual

>> No.15564244

last day of chink manipulation and a final push of fud, im comfy for life now

>> No.15564247
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yes, right before I fall asleep I have this strange but happy feeling I have made it.

>> No.15564254

Checked. The itch from when I used a smart contract without first putting on chain link © brand protection. Decentralization is a meme the diseases still have the same vectors

>> No.15564287

idk. maybe its because psd2 is 2 days away. also the users and posts on this board isnt the same as it was months ago

>> No.15564296

The doctor called my itch PSD2 related after a routine penis inspection

>> No.15564311
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If by strange you mean that I am actually feeling something for the first time in a couple years.

The feeling is entirely unrelated to this retardation. And, yes, it is sadness.

But after feeling like your mind was a ballon floating away from your body it is nice to feel anything.

>> No.15564534

Sell me some Link Please - need someone to trade with me through Metamask... I'll offer 0.01Eth per Link ?
I saw its at like 0.09 something right now on some exchanges but with KYC etc.
I made a link here you can trade directly with Metamask wallets: bit.[remove]ly/[remove]2ZU7k8b

>> No.15564545
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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhh

>> No.15564565

We are close.

>> No.15564627

Fuck off depressed faggot, go for a walk in the sunshine and stop depressing me. You sad faggots are a cancer and you love pulling others down and making them miserable too.

Stainstick $578 EOY

>> No.15564636

U crazy senpai.

>> No.15564642
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Show me a day where I feel normal. I’m a fuckin FREAK man, a real weirdo. But yea i’ve been feeling a little strange.

>> No.15564708

>allowing you emotions to be dictated by others

who is the faggot now. and I'm not sad by the way, just embracing a feel.

>> No.15565100

Feeling sadness is important to initiate a proccess of healing your mind. Depression comes when you numb yourself and start ignoring feelings. Being a zombie unable to feel shit is a nightmare when you realize it. Cry and yell! You are alive anon!

>> No.15565152


>> No.15565162

did you guys hear that LINK is merely a pointless json parser with zero users, a billion tokens and a dev team who are orchestrating a pump and dump in order to pocket all of your money? is this bullish?

>> No.15565180

Yep so I bought another $1500 LINK

>> No.15565192

Based and coompilled

>> No.15565199
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*ominous rumbling*
*demonic laughter*


>> No.15565224

Genuinely starting to think we’re not gonna make it anytime soon bros. The fud isn’t getting to me but the timeline is, we are possibly looking at 2025 before we make it. I’ll be 40 fucking years old by then. I just wanted to be rich in my early and mid thirties

>> No.15565280

>mainnet is out
>next phase of mainnet coming up (after 21 nodes, as per Sergey's mainnet blogpost)
>staking being finalized

>> No.15565383
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ez now fgt.......

>> No.15565443
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The teleological purpose of Link is to make me independently wealthy by January 1st 2020. Any price fluctuations before then are just momentary thrills.

>> No.15566424
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It's really happening huh?

>> No.15566433

I grock the fulness

>> No.15566853

yes I am a muslim man and I missed my period and feel nauseous ... what does this mean?

>> No.15566862

Anons I just want $5 again :(

>> No.15566874

I forgot to move my tokens off of binance, kek


>> No.15566883

17 days nofap reporting in

>> No.15566894

Pretty sure you have access to your wallets still you just can't trade

>> No.15566909
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yes, I noticed that my big macs keep disappearing from my fridge at the same time my dollars keep disappearing from my portfolio of LINK
very strange

>> No.15566944

Positive vibes!

>> No.15567066

checked, I feel the warmth from the alchemical fire. I'm ready for it take me and remold me so my real life can begin.

>> No.15567118
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Last night only validated that I made the right decision buying link two years ago. I was so surprised to see the sheer amount of fud and anger targeted at linkies last night but, strangely reading the fud I felt nothing....no urge to sell, no second guessing my investment, no desire to defend link...just nothing. It was in that moment I knew.... I had already won.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”

>> No.15567703

Yeah, I gave up and don't check LINK prices anymore. I think it's best to disassociate myself from it, because I'm too stupid to judge if I made a good or bad investment, only time will tell.

>> No.15567732
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Because you forgot your meds

>> No.15567774
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I googled 999 numerology meaning after seeing the following picture in another thread. I was waiting for a doctors appointment and all of a sudden I grew gosbumps and felt really relieved.

999 was a breath of fresh air I was shocked. But I believe this had to do with the solution to me coming to the doctors.

Chainlink hasn't been triggering my autism lately work has been dull and there has been many redundancies. I feel like I am complacent with researching bread crumbs. Which is a real shame as I used to be an absolute news hound on /pol/ 2 years ago.

>> No.15567785
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>off by 3
Seems like I wasnt blessed. But I havent lost faith.

>> No.15567845

Starting this month some new ad came on the boomer radio station I listen to on my way to wagecuck for fencing. They say chainlink several times. The ad came on when I was behind a car that had plates with 7777 on it.

>> No.15567896

KYS pajeet scammer