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15557911 No.15557911 [Reply] [Original]

I am a remote developer working for European company. I am islav from slavland (my name is Ivan unironically). I get paid like 18 bucks an hour which is a fortune over here. I want to kms because I'm stuck here, I can't get a us/uk degree for 30k bucks I saved, don't have work visa either. Considering le digital nomad meme to join other le digitals nomads in thailand or something, maybe there is room for business opportunities there. Is it a good idea?

Also drinking vodka. AMA

>> No.15557945

Will your employer allow you to work remotely? If he will, then sure, why not? Just be aware that once you relocate and realize that you're depressed not because of where you are located, but because of a lack of purpose, it will only get worse.

>> No.15557964

can you export a qt Slav girl to Canada for me?

>> No.15557975

>30k saved
Most of young people in UK don't have even 1k euros. Your situation is good enough.

>> No.15557996


based old dude

>> No.15558052
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it's already full remote multiyear contract. My depression is not about location but lack/absence of opportunities here. I have madskillz and ideas but company from Russia headed by a guy named Ivan will always (perhaps justly) seem sketchy (don't want to launch some shitty uber of russia either).
here, have one
except that people in UK have access to tuition credit and good CS degrees. I accumulated this money by churning out backend code for 2 years, but in the end I'd need 10x more to level the field and have comparable opportunities to some UK lad

>> No.15558060

why do you want to leave slavland when you literally got best of both worlds? a western-tier income and you can live among slav qts in a nigger free country.

>> No.15558077

If you wanna go to asia you better do it fast before its too late. After the next world recession asian countries will be much richer since they'll recover fastest, and they will crack down on poorfags from the west trying to go live there, if they aren't starting to already. Luckily you have money saved up, good.

>> No.15558078

A Thai company led by Ivan would sound even worse.
Honestly, Russians have a good reputation in software. Just think of Vitalik ir Sirgay. Yandex is known for its' innovations too.

>> No.15558083

Are you from Ukrain?

>> No.15558087

I‘d also like to know that, why do all slaws want to get jewd over here? Life aint easy and the girls aint pretty

>> No.15558101

This slav qties meme should die already. Italian and French women are superior to slavshit.

>> No.15558195

we have some upsides but the legal system is corrupt and unjust, getting treated by the healthcare system is less favourable than death in agony at home, most qts come from poor families and work as webcam modelz, so I'm good
No I'm Ruski
I've also thought that maybe over there at least I can connect to people and probably launch some software shop, SEA seems very bullish rn
Sirgay is as American as a McNugget dipped in some cheese sauce though, Vitalik is Canadian (to the best of my knowledge).
nah, Italian women are too big and too fat. as much as I'm disillusioned with Russia, the qts are top notch over here

>> No.15558216

>A Thai company led by Ivan would sound even worse.
now that I've thought about it, maybe you right. perhaps there game was honked from the start for me

>> No.15558243

Well, I'm planning to leave slavland 'cause otherwise I'll get drafted into army and raped by chechens for a whole year.

>> No.15558258

>and why it's a good thing

>> No.15558274

>the legal system is corrupt and unjust, getting treated by the healthcare system is less favourable than death in agony at home, most qts come from poor families
ok but I still dont understand why you want to leave if youre making a fortune over there and have friends and family and hot bishes at your fingertip. I would just keep stacking chips, become a real estate mogul and bang slav pussy all day long if I was you.

>> No.15558429

I had a hot gf once, she cheated on me and generally I have grown more and more disgusted with state of women, I am more interested in tech (programming to be precise), and I want a better quality of life for shitting out code all day
>stacking chips
yeah it's still not enough to buy a property for investment and I believe the whole tech industry is heading for a sharp correction in the early 20s so that may or may not cut into my pay too

>> No.15558501

ok well how about you try and get an in-house position with your yurop employer? Im a yurofag working for a US company and currently trying to get a US visa so I can move to HQ and work there full time. maybe you can do the same.

>> No.15558608

probably not possible because it's in Germany, and they seem to cut costs this way by outsourcing development labour to Russia. I should probably get a degree but I don't want to relearn how to bubble sort along with retarded juniors who are 3-5 years younger than me

>US company
almost certainly unlikely in the current year, unless you are so experienced in some niche technology that no US citizen can replace u

>> No.15558645

Apply on companies in France, you can very easily get a job because they are desperate to find developers. Got shit load of eastern euros in my company.

>> No.15558670

Step 1: Become a nigger
Step 2: Cross border illegally
Step 3: Free shit

>> No.15558682

>almost certainly unlikely in the current year, unless you are so experienced in some niche technology that no US citizen can replace u
its very niche and they have some high level jew lawyers doing the applications. the company has a bunch of euros working over there. its still very doable if the company wants you over there and has resources to make it happen.

>> No.15558690
File: 46 KB, 209x205, 1567334980091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting, however could you post a higher resolution photo of this qt?
I'd apreciate that

>> No.15558706
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but that would not be divine intellect
that would be a downgrade to what I have I think, less freedom + living in France seems like such a hassle

>> No.15558785

It’s funny because I am a Slav born in the west , and my mother gave me a western name for this exact reason (so if I start a business ect I don’t sound like sketchy Ivan)

>> No.15558795
File: 88 KB, 1080x1350, 15675003351292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, have a wholesome one

>> No.15558820

fucking kek
actually there are way to make it as Ivan both in and out of Slavlands but that was wise, bet you are some Brandon or Tyrell

>> No.15558830

Why would a monkey standing besides an aryan woman be wholesome, retarded ivan? I hope you get raped and murdered by a gopnik you cunt.

>> No.15558863

It’s a common name similar to the likes of James, Micheal , ect ect not some amerimutt name like buzz,, in a way I thank her for her forsight

>> No.15558917

>works everytiem
pretty wise. the only thing I got from my parents is childhood memories in the likes of my dad splashing vodka in the face of my mom kek

>> No.15559115

>slav woman
anon, I...

>> No.15559139
File: 42 KB, 527x588, 1567453767855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, i asked politely, and you send me that
Im not in the mood for that joke
So im gonna ask again, this time in my native language
дaј бpe дa ce види нeкa финa цypa вeчepac.

>> No.15559316
File: 163 KB, 688x768, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

altright, since you are Portuguese I'll comply

>> No.15559330


>> No.15559335
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>> No.15559582

d-d-did you have sex with this qt?

>> No.15559624

nah, she has nudes tho
vk is poli_wow

that's basically the main problem with Russian womyn

>> No.15559657
File: 159 KB, 400x400, 1539709210686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one is good, but actually i'll have you know obviously i am 0.03% spanish, therefore you missed my country like you missed with the second picture, low quality classic shitposting, but i am starting to guess more and more you don't have a good quality picture of that first girl by the window....or you are too afraid to share eh?

>> No.15559662

a friend of mine snagged some qt from ukraine apparently from some ultra orthodox village who fled to thailand to unleash her inner sloot (thats where she met him). she told me all her friends back home are camsluts I thought maybe shes just a whore but from what you say ITT it seems to be a common thing in slavland. oh well theyre still cute af

>> No.15559708

based grandpa

>> No.15560053

You don't want one buddy. All the hot ones are property of the criminal gangs here.

Sure they look good and tell you what you want, but once they get permanent residence in Canada they will divorce rape you for everything. Prenups don't mean shit in Canada.

If you threaten the girl, the slavs will send some gangster to straighten you out.

Protip: If you can't get a hot slav girl on your own merits, any mail order slav will already be property of another slav man who already earned her.

The rules of women have not changed for 200,000 years. They will stay the same for you desu.

>> No.15560138

>is named 'maxres'
>res is 283
what did they mean by this?

>> No.15560215

ofc 4chan opinions should be taken with a grain of salt, but if a girl doesn't have wealthy parents who can afford to raise her proper she will become camslut in 2019, in USA the other option for this type of girls is maybe vlogger/streamer kek
sure thing, fella

>> No.15560295

Why do you need a degree? You got working experience, you're better than anyone with masters basically. All you need is to be accepted by a company, if they're willing, they'll speed up your visa process.

>> No.15560336
File: 35 KB, 720x834, 1561027529991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be happy faggot.
slav from slavland also here, no job, no skills, destined for life of crime. i just want somebody to save me, i would literally kill for solid money.
be. fucking. happy.

>> No.15560433

How about finding a job? Plenty of jobs that don't require skills.

>> No.15560455

i work construction, my back is fucked and i cant even close my fists. i legit hate my life.

>> No.15560562

her bloodlines not gonna be Aryan for long..

>> No.15560597

are you from Russia? There are ways to make money online if you are willing to take risks. If you are Ukranian on the other hand, I am not sure what you are even doing here then lol

>> No.15560627

neither one. my country was/is in yugoslawia. you mean carding?

>> No.15560644

Come to a Latin country like Chile or Peru 18bucks our is riches rich money here you will have Venezuelan women lining up to suck you off as soon as you get to the airport.

>> No.15560686

well, there's like a sea of opportunities, lurk a bit more, you might wanna install different browser and use linux-based distros tho
my dream is to buy land in Argentina and live there with my own cattle in peace, I don't need any women. however I won't go there until I can afford guards/know where I can buy small arsenal. I look very non-Latin lol

>> No.15560688
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fuck off we're full

>> No.15560722
File: 636 KB, 1535x2011, 1567259890042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have tails on a key. i rarely see any setups here, if anyone does anything its either a scam or it gets removed pretty quick.

>> No.15560723

i would never stay in uk for more than a year on end. the country is depressing, I've been to east sussex for like a month, the experience almost made me kill myself
the country has basically kafkesque consumerism feel to it

>> No.15560751

basically you are all set then lol
you have to look on runet, i didn't mean lurk on 4chan

>> No.15560792

so, runet as in general or a specifi nitche?

>> No.15560836

just look around bro, and

>posted from my MacBook Pro

>> No.15561030

kek. thx.

>> No.15561100

should i look for forums in russian?