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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 579 KB, 2856x1276, Screenshot 2019-09-11 at 14.14.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15554790 No.15554790 [Reply] [Original]

Just found this UOS "gem" everyone is talking about on Bitfinex, is it worth to invest in it and get a small bag or nah?

>> No.15554799

Worth a gamble, I fomo'd 3 days ago due to biz. I think twitter is next and last Reddit KEK

>> No.15554800

Yea, it’ll be come very huge after their release.
There are many partnerships and announcements coming in the next months

>> No.15554814

I suggest you to read about the project first, tho I’m very bullish about it myself

>> No.15554819

Checkout the roadmap, the beta will be releasing soon, so many gamers will be hyped and fomo into this

>> No.15554828

are indians shilling uos now?

>> No.15554831

I love this project, I hope they will do more marketing soon

>> No.15554834

>gem, fomo, partnerships, announcements, bullish, roadmap, beta

Is it 2017 again?

>> No.15554836
File: 477 KB, 1199x617, 40021062-A21D-4901-B648-4388844E0DB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only has 2.1$ marketcap, hard to believe it
There is soooo many soo many room for growth
Im grabbing big bags before this moons

>> No.15554846
File: 143 KB, 600x400, 476C9767-77ED-4454-A18F-53CAAE033D8A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im teling ya

>> No.15554861

Uos is an gaming ecosystem
They are planning to compete against the giant in the gaming word, Steam.
Pretty curious it’s going to play out, i just got myself a small $1000 just for the sake of fomo.
Not much but who knows it might go 5-10x

>> No.15554881

I saw this on twitter a few days ago, seems like this is really getting attention and more popular

>> No.15554893

4chan shilled me into the project, I wasn’t believing it at first, but after doing more research about it. I’m a firm bagholder now!
Uos to the moon!!

>> No.15554933

I heard they partnered up with ubisoft so I fomo’d into it
Maybe a decent pump soon

>> No.15554986

It will distrupt the gaming industry, better said it will be a revolution!
I highly recommend anyone that haven’t read about the project to do so

>> No.15555044

Gamble on some other shitcoins. Mitx is a better one if you wanna get yourself a bag full of rocket fuel for both short and long term.

>> No.15555048

because of posts like these i will not put 1 cent into it. just proves that this is full of pajeets with their 10$ investments

>> No.15555057

Im a bag holder from the beginning, truly believe in this one. I believe this is THE GEM!

>> No.15555132

Rumours are big and one partnership is 90% true based on articles, so adding a bag is definitely a good move

>> No.15555145

100k UOS and you'l make it anon

>> No.15555146

Buy the rumour sell the news, invest what you can lose. Worth the risk imo

>> No.15555174

why buy at potentially locally top? get financially independently rektly...
obviously when the rest of the market is cashing out in generally, surely and independantly despite your little bag... biz never learns anything it seems obviously...

>> No.15555194

>so many gamers will be hyped
kek, sure buddy

>> No.15555222
File: 320 KB, 657x684, gaben-made-ultra-look-fool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like pointed out in the previous thread... this is dead born project... there are millions users in steam/orign etc. who have huge game bases in there... games cannot be moved to ultra... do you really think they just leaves those hundreds of dollars of games behind ... ahahahah... guess again pajeet... also Ultra dont have the biggest games csgo, lol, pubg... it just trash chinese mobile games... good luck on losing money...

And oh... pic related #breadcrumbs ...

>> No.15555225
File: 22 KB, 853x286, EF4B69BB-37F5-4E42-BEA2-ED7801A479C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m still accumulating ;), want to retire asap.

>> No.15555239

It is. Ultra has landed major partnerships in China, allowing their platform to be used later by Chinese citizen's. The gaming market is booming over there. UOS is gonna go hard, because everything on the platform has the token involved.

>> No.15555243
File: 371 KB, 700x400, ultra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra = 3rd tier KEK ...

>> No.15555267

and you have official links to these "major partnerships" .......... yep, i guessed so... its just a fucking bullshit.

>> No.15555669

>2.1 million market cap
>ubisoft partnerships
>major partnerships with chink companies

Why have you not puleld the trigger yet?

>> No.15555672

It isn’t even a gamble anon. UOS will moon and that’s a fact

>> No.15555718

What a sketchy thread, everyone is just like "yep I'm bagholding, loving life!! XD" how much are they paying you people.

>> No.15555790


Many are just enthusiastic, seeing UOS appearing on 4chan. It’s a cool project, made to break Steams monopoly. You should check it out anon.

>> No.15555808

I have a small bag, bought because I saw it dipped after IEO. Those rumours are looking good. Hope they will be true tho lol

>> No.15555916

hello dear op ,,, ultra will kill steam and will moon soon ,,, please buy it

>> No.15555930 [DELETED] 

>i just got myself a small $1000

wow who knew we had so many big dogs on 4chan for whom $1000 is just a "small" amount of money you can throw at random penny stocks

proof of your buy? oh right, you're just a shill


>> No.15555954

because I don't fall for samefag threads on /biz/. It's the same reason I did not buy de Sentinel token sir. Did you hear there will be hardware partnership soon? Sentinel team was delegated 500k atoms by cosmos team.

Just accumulated a small bag of SENT sir.

>> No.15555987

Wait for the 2nd leg up Anon

>> No.15556326
File: 171 KB, 450x335, adsfadsfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We crossed the 50MA boys and girls

>> No.15556605

Pumped in 2000 dollar and i think thats enough till the majority starts to buy it. UOS will fuck you all!

>> No.15557040

Totally worth it OP. This shit will go bazinka!

>> No.15557166

Bitfinex is a shitplatform
ULTRA deserve much better.

>> No.15557673
File: 91 KB, 1045x693, Ultracool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Ultra buyers will win this.
This undervalue coin will go x5 easy

>> No.15558423

I hope so. UOS can make that start of the 2017 cycle again!

>> No.15558436


>> No.15558663
File: 123 KB, 712x880, Screenshot_2019-09-11-10-38-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15559295

Holding this from IEO. I have deep faith in this token.

>> No.15559361

Entire thread reads like bots

>> No.15559420

Bot Post

>> No.15559911

That CTO from Ultra is a legend.

Made dell first gaming shop more then 20 yeras ago lol

>> No.15559977

>thinking any gamer would ever use this

>> No.15560130

This soudns good i am a TA trader , short term

>> No.15561127
File: 102 KB, 1280x721, EEKIBqQWwAAX8Dj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMD.. is that a big company??

>> No.15561221

AMD is fukking big

>> No.15561392

Got some UOS bought but I need to share something with you people. I really have this fetish to see people dead. I get a big boner when i see people dieing and having an heart attack. most people are calling the amublance but i really get hard and jerk off in the next toilet. Am i normal guys?

>> No.15561394
File: 53 KB, 1026x519, asdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u kidding me .
6 billion revenue mate

>> No.15561403

Perfectly normal.

>> No.15561827

Everyone on biz is ''normal''
We all fuck Goats
Fuck pajeets
Fuck Jews
And buy lots of UOS