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15548961 No.15548961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are the girls I see walking around university hotter than models/pornstars ? who gets to fuck these girls

>> No.15548963

1-2 chads per university
t. chad

>> No.15548964

>who gets to fuck these girls

>> No.15548969

It’s just Chad.

>> No.15548978
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Jass gets to fuck them.

>> No.15548985

I don't see any Chads only stacys though. Do Chads not go outside

>> No.15549010

They’re too busy fucking or playing sports ball. Chad doesn’t go to class.

>> No.15549023

chad doesn't go to class because he has non-chads doing the homework for him, so he has more time to get jacked and fuck stacies

>> No.15549041

this time is over. i have problems to find good material to jack off on popular porn sites, but I'm constantly seeing hotter girls outside.

>> No.15549063

hot girls dont do porn being a trophy wife pays more

>> No.15549064

I was with chads at university, can confirm they get to have sex with all the girls

>> No.15549068

Everyone knows Chad's only problem is the human body's need for sleep.

>> No.15549078

I dunno anon. Every kind of girl is allowed on porn sites so you would expect any that you can see in the real world to be there. Is there some kind of girl that is not allowed on them for some reason?

>> No.15549167

Not you because you seem to think they are magical fucking fairies

why don't you go talk to a few and see what happens

>> No.15549181

If it makes you feel any better OP they all probably look like shit with out makeup

>> No.15549248

if you are straight and attractive, major in lib arts or art and you will have zero competition for girls - all the guys are totally worthless, and fags

>> No.15549254

Nah, he just does the work quickly and easily, aces the tests, and breezes into his career of choice with A's and social connections.

It's not that Chad can't try, it's that he doesn't have to.

>> No.15549260

I just touch them
I want to stick my hand in there

>> No.15549268

I only ever see them walking around. I major in math and I haven't seen a girl in class in years. You cant exactly talk to people walking around

>> No.15549273

and thats why Amphetamine run all around every campus

>> No.15549385
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of course you can, just do it.

>> No.15549803


>> No.15549885


Stars can't be TOO hot, audience would feel intimidated

no platonic love, no achievable-goal = no marketable product

Who fucks them? Secure, charismatic, persistent or even masters of deception guys, whoevers puts their effort on it. Some will have to try to go for it more times than others thoe.

>> No.15549890

You must be studying to be a nurse, beacause here in STEM the only girls I see sport a moustache

>> No.15550156

hot girls can sell their virginity to some chinese billionaire for millions and retire

>> No.15550182

A few Chads do. Unless they're in a relationship, it's like a revolving door. University was the easiest to fuck hot girls. A lot of them are just as insecure as the average bizraeli because they look like shit without makeup. Who would have thought...

>> No.15550286
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>Who gets to fuck these girls
Old guys. It's actually kinda fucked up. They will literally fly these girls from little college towns like Tallahassee, Tuscaloosa, Auburn, etc to NYC, Atlanta, LA, etc for the weekend just to fuck.

Whenever you see a rich sorority girl "taking flights," there's a 60 year old lawyer holding the camera. It's fucked up.

>t. go to a huge party school and have heard firsthand

>> No.15550306

Ask me how I know you're from Alabama

>> No.15550314

They’re young

>> No.15550324

All the hot girls are going to the colleges to find a rich/hot husband. That is the only reason girls go to school

>> No.15550330

Close. Florida State

>> No.15550333

This, also see below

>> No.15550345
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>All the hot girls are going to the colleges to find a rich/hot husband.
lol this

I've literally had girls tell me "I'm majoring in marriage." I swear it's literally recruit mode

>> No.15550346

All these girls look plastic

>> No.15550353

bruh you posted this girl last week. Can't you give us an IG or something, shiet

>> No.15550361
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Well that's because it's rush. They kind of have to look plastic for all the girls that they are trying to recruit

>> No.15550367
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pic related

>> No.15550409

hate to be critical, but she looks dead inside & has a fucked up cleavage

>> No.15550656

Can also confirm

>> No.15550672

because you are comparing a girl who is getting out of her teen and in her prime, vs an adult woman

>> No.15551519

usually business ma with lot of money

>> No.15551525

How is this biz related

>> No.15551555
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Do you honestly think any girl that knows she's hot, and is smart enough to get into college, is going to fall for the most obvious jewish trick of ruining your life by becoming a porn star? That would be like receiving $10 million in a duffel-bag and immediately setting it on fire. If a hot girl ends up in porn, its because she is literally too retarded for even a marginally middle class dude to stand how fucking retarded she is.

>> No.15551601

what university?

>> No.15551630

Their stepdad.

>> No.15551638

I personally don't think sex before marriage is a good idea, but I guarantee at least 75% of you could get a gf if you simply started lifting, shaving, and being more social. And if you don't find a gf that way, at least you'll be healthier, less depressed, and less lonely. Also, lose some weight if you're fat. Being fat makes your face ugly.

>> No.15551658

The graduates who stick around after graduation and actually have a job

>> No.15551881

Speaking of this, I was doing fine nofap. But I currently live near a university and there’s attractive women anywhere. I’m 30 and never got to fuck any of them. It’s not fair bros

>> No.15551900

I unironically have no idea if this is a bait post or not

>> No.15551906

art chicks are thots

>> No.15551916

most of these hotties are incredibly boring in bed

>> No.15551926

>imagine believing this

>> No.15551949

Oh, it's real anon. Take the fat pill. You can thank me later. Your children will be beautiful, your wife will be beautiful, even you friends will be beautiful. None of them will be as beautiful as you though.

It all starts with a healthy pooping regimen. Drink lots of coffee, eat lunch late, and eat lots of cardboard (for the fiber).

>> No.15552033

I don't think porn pays as well as it did ten years ago. The quality among the very best has declined. I think.

>> No.15552109

whats her instagram you fuck

>> No.15552124


>> No.15552146

what worthless cunt she is

>> No.15552162
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>> No.15552170
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how many guys you think she fucked in NY?

>> No.15552176
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0 cus she's a pure orthodox waifu

>> No.15552184
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HAHAHA yeah fucking right you jew worshiping fuckhead

>> No.15552191

>hotter than models/pornstars
Girls become porn stars when they are desperate for money. Really attractive girls are rarely ever desperate for anything. The world caters to them.

>> No.15552201

Enough with the e-thots, jesus christ people. If you're bored go fap, don't spam up my board.

>> No.15552238

thats really sad bro, stop worshiping this whore

>> No.15552244

those girls are ugly