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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15547898 No.15547898 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Work in an office
>Fat coworker, 500 lbs, slowly waddles down the hallway at 1pm every day, breathing heavily, to the bathroom, taking 30 seconds to get there when it would have taken anyone else 5 seconds
>none of the above was an exaggeration or embellishment in any way
>Gets in the bathroom and shits his fucking guts out, explosive diarrhea every single fucking day, so loud, no shame about it, based as fuck
>Flushes 3 times
>bathroom smells like death
>everyone knows to avoid for at least an hour
>be me
>go in immediately after he's done, shut the door, turn off the fan, and take 10 big whiffs as I inhale all the probiotics
How are you saving money on doctor visits, /biz/nessmen?

>> No.15547908
File: 30 KB, 750x597, nk35n3eia4z11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.15547969

>Be the fat guy
>Drink 2 liters of coke everyday
>Check my stocks
>Coca Cola is going up
>Celebrate with some coke
>See Debra 7 cubicles away from me
>Gawwd she's so hot
>Get flustered
>Go to the bathroom and let it out.