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15546490 No.15546490 [Reply] [Original]

Good Morning Biz, I was considering moving to Ireland to start a business. After doing research, I’ve discovered that Ireland and Africa, and the people of both share many cultural similarities.

Any advice on how this would effect the way I do business vs the way if I did business in the UK. ?

>> No.15546572

Short existence. Some parts of the universe became conscious on a small planet called earth, tortured itself for thousands of years and then devolved back into an animalistic soup as the night dawned.

>> No.15546612

Don't move to Ireland dummy, only good thing is 12.5% corporation tax, everything else is TERRIBLE

>> No.15546646

>just like Africa
Ireland is full of black people now?

>> No.15546652

they're trying

>> No.15546659
File: 163 KB, 1440x1433, 60288325_312453373020630_5236555588477639629_n~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to move to Ireland and give my wife to a big black bull.

>> No.15546671

comparing a shiity island to an whole continent

OP you are a faucking brainlet, at least tell us about the similarities

>> No.15546700

id like to see the immigrant % and by race/place of origin

>> No.15546712

Why can’t one western country try to keep its original ethnicity as its majority....

>> No.15546808
File: 1.31 MB, 1242x1142, 53ECCA53-2A09-497F-970C-3FC303749EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, talking about immigrants, how the Americans felts about the Irish. White America would rather have Chinese than irish.

>> No.15547237

In Old America, they used to call the Irish, white Negroes.

>> No.15547271
File: 1.01 MB, 1242x1550, 3AB5BA49-D72A-420B-BE3C-A6658422EEA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, the Irish thought the black guy was Irish.

>> No.15547549

this shitty island gave more culture and technology to this world than this whole continent

>> No.15547584

Ireland is a super shit place to start a small business. It's very very difficult for the average person to raise money. There is no venture culture and the banks are retarded now. As an Irish person it's very worrying. The only comfy millenials I know are the ones working for the government in some capacity, which is obviously shit.

>> No.15547795

Two words: vulture funds.

>> No.15548239

Damn! Ireland does sound like Africa, the only people who make it are those who work for the state.

What is corruption like there? Can one pay inspectors and politicians to look the other way?

>> No.15548352

About to graduate computer science in Ireland - do I leave?

>> No.15548361

Stop talking shit you fucking mong
"The World Bank’s ‘Doing Business’ report rates Ireland as the easiest EU location to start a business.
The same report rates Ireland’s tax regime as the most business-friendly in Europe or the Americas."
A fucking dog could start a business here, enterprise Ireland piss grant money and will provide you with free mentoring, networking, tax and compliance assistance
t. guy who is actually starting a business

>> No.15548436

Dublin city is

>60% white
>30% asian
>10% black


>> No.15548500
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Better booze too

>> No.15548539

>everything else is TERRIBLE

>> No.15548544

In Dublin. What OP fails to allude to is that the majority of them come over from the UK. Brexit will be one of the best things to happen for Ireland because it will stem the endless flow of Nigerians.

>> No.15548546
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> blacked


>> No.15548547

Ireland prefers tax dodging corporations to actual entrepreneurship. There are grants for businesses if you are in the right sectors but large sectors of the indigenous economy have been sold out. I have experienced both and it has ruined what could have been a wonderful society with homogeneous workforce.
Hence large scale emmigration of skilled people out and importation of Muhammad and Obongo.
Ireland also has massive issues with housing and failing services despite blowing smoke about being do liberal and virtuous. Working people in Ireland have it very bad in terms of tax etc as well.

>> No.15548577

Injection of genetic diversity is healthy. These africans will be bleached in three generations.

>> No.15549563
File: 1.19 MB, 1242x2208, BD684460-6E84-48F7-A4E8-E77BBC73522F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearing about corps taking advantage of Ireland reminds me of the parallels of the Potato Famine, which most don’t know the truth about.

Here is an excerpt from

Nor do these texts raise any critical questions for students to consider. For example, it’s important for students to learn that the crop failure in Ireland affected only the potato—during the worst famine years, other food production was robust. Michael Pollan notes in The Botany of Desire, “Ireland’s was surely the biggest experiment in monoculture ever attempted and surely the most convincing proof of its folly.” But if only this one variety of potato, the Lumper, failed, and other crops thrived, why did people starve?

Thomas Gallagher points out in Paddy’s Lament, that during the first winter of famine, 1846-47, as perhaps 400,000 Irish peasants starved, landlords exported 17 million pounds sterling worth of grain, cattle, pigs, flour, eggs, and poultry—food that could have prevented those deaths. Throughout the famine, as Gallagher notes, there was an abundance of food produced in Ireland, yet the landlords exported it to markets abroad.“ - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.irishcentral.com/opinion/others/why-the-real-story-of-the-great-irish-exodus-to-america-isnt-taught-in-us-schools.amp

>> No.15550118

Looking at the History, very similar to Africa.

Africans Starve, while their government exports resources to non-Irish Europeans.

>> No.15550192

Oh well if Enterprise Ireland says it's a startup-friendly environment then it must be true.
Telling that you're "starting" a business and not running one already.
Come back to me when your loan application for a new premises gets rejected.
>Businesses are closing because of astronomical premiums. Whether it is Dave Robinson closing the popular Rathbeggan Lakes family venue because of insurance costs or Boyne Valley Activities closing after a 400pc insurance hike, we are only at the tip of the iceberg on this one. It is spilling over into the digital economy too, with online travel agency Click&Go revealing today (4 June) that it has been hit with a 700pc insurance hike.

>> No.15550509

Fuck off, we're full

>> No.15550616

>the only people who make it are those who work for the state.

That's basically every country that isn't in Asia. Even the "private sector" in USA is all subsidized by government.

>> No.15550623

Ireland has some of the lowest violent crime rates in the world. Even less murders than Finland let alone USA. Nothing like Africa

>> No.15550636

irishican and african are both violent people make sense

>> No.15550764 [DELETED] 



>> No.15550774



>> No.15551267

Potatonegroes fo real

>> No.15551306

There is literally nothing so satisfying as watching the UK fall apart from within atm. Good lord. It will be fucking glorious to see no border and effectively a united Ireland.
My next hope is that Scotland leaves the UK and then I don't know - I guess they all die or something. Fantasy sort of ends there. Genociding bastards.

Any way OP what business do you want to start? It very much matters for the answer to your question.
Additionally why do you want to come to Ireland in the first place?

I appreciate you want to start a business here (going to assume Dublin) and employment is never a bad thing. But on the whole there is a housing crisis here atm and we could do with less people desu. There's nowhere for us indigenous to live as it is.

Place is full of fucking Brazilians. Initially I actually quite liked them. Now a few years in to their full scale invasion of my city and I'm pretty fucking sick of them. One I "work" with (cush government job) instantly got pregnant and has popped out another since. I also expected all smiles and sunshine from them but nah. Just a race of disgruntled unpleasant baristas.

As for us being like Africa: we are more chilled out and social than some parts of Europe. We're comparable to Italy or Spain but with shit weather and a less corrupt government (mostly). That's usually all that's meant by us being like Africa. Also it harks back to us being treated similarly and looked down on as a race. In this way we sort of identify with black people - it's kind of a mark of pride. Irish people are very anti-establishment because we are ex-colonial and the association's Americans have with being white don't really hold the same water here. Obviously we ARE white but we were discrimated against in spite of that and so white supremacist ideals don't really work the same here.

I've lived in London and basically its Germany but people speak English. Everyone loves to follow rules. In Ireland not so much.

>> No.15552261

I'm actually shocked. Denmark has more murders than Ireland. Is it true, are Irish the master race?

>> No.15552279

That is in the city of Breda, in the Netherlands

>> No.15552299

white countries tend to range from 1-2 per 100,000.
basically 0 times 2 is still zero

>> No.15552330

And yet I always read from weird 19th century WASP LARPers and British people that Irish are literal black retards but generally their country still has a pretty high quality of life even by European standards so I don't really understand the point of those posts

>> No.15552475

You're looked down on for the exact reasons you mentioned, you don't like to follow rules and you're all leftists similar to Africans

>> No.15552824
File: 609 KB, 1242x1370, 5B8BB112-085C-4DDA-8EC2-AA827FE2D9E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Irish Travelers the REAL Irish people, who have kept their genes pure... while the more civilized sections of Ireland are people who are descendants from British rape over the years?

>> No.15552841
File: 1.31 MB, 1242x2208, C669945A-E94A-420F-8AF2-02E351BAB3D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man they are discriminated against.

>> No.15552989

Yeah and you're a stupid faggot. Funny world huh?

>> No.15553043

Irish travellers are a distinct genetic group that is seperate to the original Irish line (which starts about 9000 years ago with neolithic settlers).
The thought occurred to me the other day actually - that makes actual Irish people a very ancient people.
Like, Australia aborigines settled there 40,000 years ago and that's why they're so weird. They're a reaaaallly old people. I mean practically a different species even. Hence their super rich culture with dream time etc..
Ant way point is 9000 is also very old. It means we really should protect our culture from the outside (and kick out all the Brazilian baristas).

>> No.15553057

so you are saying we should kick all the white people off australia?

>> No.15553083

aboriginal people couldnt even group together to form a shared language, how will they band together to kick us out

in true white self-hate self flagellation style, it will be white people kicking white people out if anything

>> No.15553264

No. I'm just saying they're a very ancient people and that's why they're so different. They suffered terrible, terrible racism. Probably some of the worst the world has ever seen. They were listed as part of the fauna of Australia and thereby could be legally hunted. BUT what's done is done.
Actually the language thing really demonstrates how different they are. Experiments have been done where a series of cards are put on a table face up. Then turned face down. Normal people are quite poor at remembering which cards are which. Chimpanzees actually outperform people in this test. As do aborigines.
Given that the brain has a limited number of neurons you could say that if space is taken up with this ability some other part of brain function might suffer.
I would argue that part of the brain for Aborigine people is associated with language, and I'd argue that the proof is in the lack of a unified language.

...where is OP this thread is getting very derailed

>> No.15554125

The Irish are going extinct and we don't pity you. With any luck we'll hasten the process, subhuman.

>> No.15554146

Lmao Chappel, didn't know he was Irish.

>> No.15554203

Check out the radio shows on the orlared youtube channel

>F for Ireland

>> No.15554218

Literally couldn't be further from the truth. Our genes are alllll over the place. For a nation of like 4 million people we sure have fucked a lot of women.

>> No.15554238

The irish were never white.

>> No.15554269

>Feck off, we're full, to be sure. Wheres me lucky charms

>> No.15554277

>The Irish were never white.

>> No.15554301

>everyone loves to follow rules

What the hell? About the only rules we follow are 1) dont jump queues and 2) dont make eye contact with Big Issue sellers. What kind of primordial soup must you inhabit where that sounds unreasonable and oppressive?

>> No.15554310

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.15554318

Galway is comfy af and way less africanized/islamized than other european cities WTF are they talking about