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15546283 No.15546283 [Reply] [Original]

Too often the points are made to reason why something should become legal. While the arguments for lsd to be legal are convincing and have already been made I think they should be ignored for the moment to simply ask the question why was it made illegal in the first place. Do we not own ourselves? Does it hurt people?

>> No.15546294

lsd is illegal because it makes you question norms and our society as a whole, you realise that our materialistic society is only a facade and meant to distract us from true enlightenment

>> No.15546341

It certainly seems that way to me, I mean Nixon's advisor literally said they made psychedellics illegal to break up the anti war movement and black people.

So if it was made illegal on bullshit grounds why is it still illegal?

Why are individuals who proclaim they owe a lot of success to lsd revered in society while at the same time locking people away for decades for having small amounts of this substance?

>> No.15546397

it cuts of blood flow and gets you high by limiting the ammount of fuel in your brain resulting in nerve damage

t. psychedelic user that now has nerve damage.

>> No.15546416

So alcohol and all drugs that have the possibility of abuse that would lead to personal harm should also be illegal?

>> No.15546421

Because it makes you a bad goy if used responsibly

>> No.15546428

You were probably using NBOMes if you have damage, which are neurotoxic

>> No.15546431

kys you are a "t. faggot" and nothing else
Because the war on drugs completely destroyed the public opinion of lsd. Also the same reasons as before, so people don't wake up from the literal brainwashing

>> No.15546456

Mind-expanding psychedelics and cannabis are bad for you
Why cant you just drown yourself in alcohol, sugar, and prescription painkillers?

>> No.15546476

That may be the case, but I dont believe it is irreversible. The truth cant be hidden forever. If enough people asked themselves why it was made illegal in the first place and explored that thought, wouldnt it be possible for it to become legal again?

>> No.15546564

psychedelics should be made legal for ages 20-25, then again when you're 60+. it's important to go down the rabbit hole when you're young, but you gotta come back and do your time as a contributing member or society. then when you're old, you can fuck off again.

>> No.15546726

>contributing member of society
Contribute what exactly? As a byproduct? For whom? Why?
Don't most people work shit jobs that don't do anything useful, of importance, value, in the first place? And they only work because they need money in exchange for shelter, food, water, electricity, clothes, warmth, protection against the sun, entertainment, etcetera. Not because of some stupid title. That only a few are capable of and even fewer do.

>> No.15546821

>lsd damages your heart's valves

>> No.15547142


everybody that isn't a brainwashed normie knows it should be legal

>> No.15547382

so what do we do, knowing that the grounds for this being illegal is bullshit? Throw in the towel and accept the rule of authoritarians? Do this in secrete? If all it takes is one question for somebody to discover that some bullshit is going on, can its legal status really stay as it is for much longer?

>> No.15547444

not everyone lives a meaningless neet life anon. most people spend their 30-40s raising the next gen.

>> No.15547504

trips, but what about people suffering from addiction to the substances that are legal? How about people that need direction and are filled with existential angst? I dont think that the two are mutually exclusive

>> No.15547569

I wasn't serious about making it legal only for early 20s and 60+, but I do think those are the prime times to take it. psychedelics aren't the sort of thing that will ever really be mainstream, even if made legal so it's really not much of a threat to the suits who are afraid of drug culture anyway.

>> No.15547609

I've easily tripped over a hundred times between lsd, shrooms, ayahuasca, mescaline, ect. I have a great love for the experience, but I still don't know what I think the legal status should be. our culture isn't well equipped to handle or support the psychedelic experience, so making it easily available does seem irresponsible. anyone who says psychs aren't dangerous is kidding themselves, cause they are for a lot of people. if you wanna see what a more responsible psych culture looks like, travel to south america. at least it was when I was there 10-15 years ago. the psychedelic experience is held in a ceremonial context and it's contained well enough under those circumstances imo. we can't really do that here in the west though.

>> No.15547615

I guess this brings us back to the question of why it is illegal in the first place. What can we do right now to stop this shit?

>> No.15547642

maybe we can, we did before. Who are we to decide what should be kept from people? Though you bring up an excellent point, lets first get everyone on the page that people should not be thrown in prison for this, and then we can talk about to what extent it should be legalized

>> No.15547652

idk. maybe have licensed facilitators? that seems like a good first step.

>> No.15547662

How do we get licensed facilitators?

>> No.15547673

Polymerase chain reactions were thought up on an acid trip

>> No.15547693
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"Opium is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"
-Carl Marx, 2016

>> No.15547719

Because it turns you gay

>> No.15547806

I thought that was the fast food we eat

>> No.15548276

No it's the unatural light

>> No.15548464

it's bugs bunny. i watched bugs the other day and when the red-haired moustache dude touched him, i felt an extremely erotic tension all throughout the scene. why does this rabbit have such a feminine body? luckily i didn't watch that shit when i was a child.

>> No.15548477

LSD is illegal because it turns you into a schizophrenic mess and a danger to yourself + those around you while you are under its influence.

>> No.15548487

>Everyone ITT regularly trips on psychedelics
No wonder this board is full of poorfag losers.

>> No.15548507

No it doesnt. Not any more dangerous then being high on opiates

>> No.15548508
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>brainwashing in action
aaah the american school system

>> No.15548531

I am literally smarter and more successful than you will ever be. Good luck "expanding your mind" by tripping balls in your shitty apartment that smells like cigarettes lmao

>> No.15548549
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>> No.15548553
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doubt it kiddo

>> No.15548562

>it cuts of blood flow and gets you high by limiting the ammount of fuel in your brain resulting in nerve damage
except there are decades of clinical data that proves everything you wrote is false

>> No.15548570

psychosis is real. it happens

>> No.15548585

if it's pure lsd and not nbome you will not have nerve damage, more like hyperconnected brain which can result in permanent visual effects and stuff like that

>> No.15548597

that too, and the water etc but acid accelerates the gayness 10 fold

>> No.15548615

Steve Jobs, the founder of some of the most valuable companies ever, said LSD was integral to his success. Also this >>15547673

>> No.15548625

Because MKULTRA only wants you to trip under their supervision

>> No.15548627

It doesn't necessarily, and those cases are rare, but it certainly can have profound psychological effects, and ocassionally those are very negative. I know a person who believes he died in his trip, and so he walked around thinking he was basically a ghost living outside of time, wandering aimlessly through traffic because nothing can hurt him, etc. He lives full time in a mental health ward now for the rest of life most likely, thinking he is roaming the world as a dead person.

I don't understand the attraction of LSD much anyway compared to other psychedelics because it seems to be more visual than anything, a lot of pretty patterns and colors but not a lot of pupose. I've never had an LSD trip with a significant takeaway other than "wow man". Other psychedelics like psyclobin seem to grant much more meaningful experiences which seem connect you to the Earth or some kind of wider understaing of conciousness.

I think that's partially why some people do wind up fucking themselves up, because people take heroic doses to push through the veil, but doing so requires a large dose, if you want to get anywhere near the kind of similar experience you might get with something like DMT etc.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy LSD and I will probably take it again, and I do agree that illegalising it and treating it like heroin is just silly, but it does come with some amount of personal risk.

>> No.15548638

>bugs bunny
No thats just the tvs frequency bro

>> No.15548641

half silicon valley is on acid, dont waste your energy with him

>> No.15548671

I agree. I've had too many unpleasant thoughts on acid I never get on mush. I never tried DMT tho.

>> No.15548701
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ayeee I kind of don't have any desire to take any psychedelics for a long time. Last time I took it over a year ago my then good friend beat me up pretty bad when I was tripping balls. I did not do got to my mental health, but when I got out of the hole I feel like nothing can hurt my psyche ever again.

>> No.15548745
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I met Bugs Bunny in front of Trump Tower in Chicago, he was going on and on about radio stations, public transport, the federal reserve, and Starbucks.

>> No.15548746

>absolutely seething teenager
lmao get back to us in 10 years when you think psychedelics ar ethe best thing ever

>> No.15548768

It gives you the power to see the future, and (((they))) want the power all to themselves. This is why (((they))) are so good with markets and all that.

>> No.15548947

Can you have a terrible psychosis like the your lsd friend on mushroom ?

>> No.15549310

Idk maybe

>> No.15549348

Idk I havent heard of permanent psychosis from mushrooms, just temporary psychosis lasting a day or two and they were after heroic doses. You should respect it and research what you're doing, then you probably won't have any problems.

>> No.15549354

i have had approximately 12 acid trips from the age of 16 to now, twenty.

that’s quite a lot, I know, but i’m doing good for myself nowadays and it’s largely thanks to the insights gained via psychedelics. Only did shrooms a few times.

That being said, that was far too many trips. You should trip once a year, IMO.

>> No.15550021

I think it was more like LSD was to fight hippies, and weed was to fight blacks. but yeah sameish thing

>> No.15550039

Anyone have experience buying online?
Is it actually unlikely I'll get caught and have my life ruined if i really try to be safe?

>> No.15550066

It is possible otherwise how would other people get it

>> No.15550425

t. retard deleriant consumer

>> No.15550462

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