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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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155383 No.155383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why this business plan wouldn't work

>Find talented unknown artists
>The older and more disenhartened with 'making it' the better
> Have him sign a contract giving you 70% of whatever he makes
>Invest 1million dollars
>75k producing a catchy album
>Rest of the money on song and music video features with mainstream artists (drake, lil wayne, jay z, etc.)

In 3 years he'll be worth at the very least 15 million.

That's all it takes to make a mainstream rapper that white girls in their teens and black hood rats will bump to.

>> No.155416



are you stupid faggots not amazed at my brilliant business plan?

>> No.155424

I think it probably costs moe than 25k to have Jay Z or drake appear in your music video.

>> No.155467


250k for jay z

something like 100k for drake

>> No.155496

Jay Z is such a pompous asshole that he might want a million. I would say it would be best to just have already established not quite grade A acts appear throughout the album and on select music videos. You could appeal to just as many fanbases at a possibly lower price.This could also work for pop if you want instead of rap.

>> No.155514


No it wouldn't, pop doesn't work the same way and the market is saturated as fuck by faggots.

And you can't have them appear on tracks with decent artists, that won't be nearly as effective.

The only problem would be finding a nigger who's smart enough to realize that without you he would be nowhere. Almost all of them are illogical fuckwits who would consider dropping you once you they get big.

Thats exactly what p diddy did with drake, and he's worth 40 million now. That's just him, which means he's generated close to double that in total. On what, a million dollar or two investment and a phone call to his friends.

>> No.155538

Being a successful musician depends too much on luck. This plan is horrible.

>> No.155557


you're not gonna make it with these math skills

>> No.155563
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>Being a successful musician depends too much on luck. This plan is horrible.

THIS. Greed makes you a poor man, OP.

>> No.155567


>implying the music business is not controlled by secret organizations

>> No.155616

<your artist> ft Death Grips

>> No.155649

What is record label?

>> No.155736


OP here, this has to be the stupidest fucking board I've ever visited. I dont know why I expected an educated discussion since this is 4chan and all, but jesus fucking christ. You're just a bunch of uneducated faggots with no business experience, not even a stable income, how circle jerk about bitcoin and stocks even though a vast majority of you dont own either.

What the fuck was the point of this board? Its like walking in the mentally retarded childrens wing of a hospital and saying "maybe we should create a room where these retards can talk amongst themselves about business to make themselves feel smart".

Just fucking wow

>> No.155740


Your "plan" is precisely what a record label does. Are you fucking ignorant?

>> No.155746

Good, now leave you indignant fuck.

>> No.155764

>this has to be the stupidest fucking board I've ever visited
...says the guy who just posted yet another thread saying "my business plan is to do exactly what some other business is doing, except mine will be more successful somehow"

i can't say i've seen anyone say they were going to out-compete the RIAA, though, so that's something novel

>> No.155788


Exactly. Except record labels are more of a loan provider. They lend money to people who think are good investments. The artist pays this money back plus they only get 15-30% of record sales regardless. Artists get rich off of touring, press, endorsements, and sponsorships. The label is nothing more then a phonebook of people who can make you famous. They are a lender. I interned for Atlantic Records in college. They are no different then investment banks really, except they are the investors.

>> No.155789


No, its not you stupid faggot. Its a retarded reason for about 10 different reasons; that's not one of them.

>feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.

See, this is the shit I'm talking about. This faggot just used a word he wasn't even clear on the definition of to sound 'smart'. That's you retards in a nut shell. You're broke as fuck and spend all day on some business related image board trying to convince yourself you're not pathetic retards who will not only never get 'rich' but likely won't make it lower middle class.

Lmao 'indignant', what a faggot

>i can't say i've seen anyone say they were going to out-compete the RIAA,

Yeah, because thats what Usher did when he discovered justin bieber lol.

Don't feel too bad, after a few minutes the dose of reality will wear off and you can continue circle jerking each other, pretending you're each a future titan of industry lol

>> No.155800

OP you just re-created the recorded music industry from 1950 until 2000.

> sign tons of acts cheaply
> most fail
> 1 out of 50 "recoups"
> 1 out of 100 pays for the 99 losers

>> No.155805


You sound like you will be a great business owner. Keep the enthusiasm and someday reality will slap you in the face and send you back to Burger King where you belong. Nobody is going to invest in a new record label when 99% of them fail. Do yourself a favor and invest in bonds. You know not a thing about anything.

>> No.155807

You should always remember that there are 3-5 people with actual /biz/ oriented qualifications browsing this board at any time

>> No.155818


haha someones's butthurt we didn't jump on your dick and tell you what a great idea your idiotic idea was

stay mad, intern

>> No.155824

Oh, and that most of those ignore "how will I get rich" and "rate my business plan" threads

>> No.155834

Just like Sony did with Kreayshawn. Oh wait, she lost them a million dollars.

>> No.155842


There are organizations for free business consulting from retired owners and CEOs to help you with a business plan. Asking /biz/ to rate your plan is like all the /diy/ faggots claiming they are gonna build a house out of sticks on land that isn't their property.

>> No.155859


Out of what, 500-1000?

That actually sounds about right. And those who do are likely just passing by until they realize that this board is full of idiots.


Why would I be mad? That was just something I noticed when thinking about how asap rocky and 2 chainz became famous; that there's a pattern to their success. Appearing in music videos and getting features is all it really takes to become a mainstream rapper as of late, the OP just outlined it and asked if you guys agreed.


>Just like Sony did with Kreayshawn. Oh wait, she lost them a million dollars

Cool story, just real quick name a single feature she did with a top tier rapper

inb4 that one faggot who raps about rape was has a net worth of like 3 million.

>> No.155882

>implying rap is music
It doesn't take much talent to grab your balls and rap about bitches 'n hoes.

>> No.155890


you're completely right op.

help fix it please.

I think the plan has substance. but I think 75K for 100 minutes seems a little low. equipment, real estate, wages, etc.

did you do a cost analysis or are you just ballparking?

>> No.155906

So I'm an old, disheartened artist. How do you find me? Why do I sign with some nobody with flashy infographics and pipe dreams of making smash hits and catchy music videos, when they've never done it before? Can I actually see samples of your work? How are you going to distribute and market the album? iTunes - I can do that. 75k to produce an album, pretty cheap, seeing how the cheapest instrumental you can find is around $25k from someone established. Nevermind the cost of a ghostwriter.

Yeah, good luck making someone famous on your first try, with no prior experience. Bonus points for wanting to blow everything on the first good artist you find

>> No.155982


>So I'm an old, disheartened artist. How do you find me?

I dont. Chances are there's a few thousand other artists with your level of skill who are more welcoming to the idea. Those are the ones you go after. A week of research should land you at the very least 100 viable candidates.

> Why do I sign with some nobody with flashy infographics and pipe dreams of making smash hits and catchy music videos, when they've never done it before? Can I actually see samples of your work? How are you going to distribute and market the album?

I dont know what you're referring to with regards to the infographics... And as for the question, what you're really asking me is "why would I accept a million dollars worth of perks from you" which is about as retarded a question as you can come up with.

As for the rest of the comment, it makes even less sense. Why would I be spending money on a ghost writer and a producer? Do you think the artist I go with would be some dumbass with no talent? Ghost writer wouldn't be necessary. Producers can be found on the cheap. ASAP producer was unknown last year and making brilliant beats.

And the album wouldn't be the main focus, the main focus like I said would be singles and features.

>research until you find a relatively unknown artist
>move artist somewhere where I can monitor him and away from risk
>research producers/tracks -- only two or three need to be from major producers
>3-4 hits on lp
>5+ major features
so far thats ~800k

>> No.156068

Nice temper OP

>> No.156083


He'd make a great McDonald's manager

>> No.156155


>I dont. Chances are there's a few thousand other artists with your level of skill who are more welcoming to the idea. Those are the ones you go after. A week of research should land you at the very least 100 viable candidates.

How will you sort through these 1000s of candidates? Do you experience in talent scouting? Who are you going to pay to mentor and train an amateur artist? Even popular artists today have voice coaches.

And what is your plan to get this unknown person to be worth 15M? Do you know anybody in the industry? How are you going to get him that kind of money? How are you going to book a headline tour for this artist? Who will you hire to be his booking agent? Who do you know that writes hit songs? What producer do you know? How will you get his single on the charts? How will you promote? How will you attain this money to invest in him?

Your plan sounds just like a indie record label. You have this plan brainstormed with no real thought on how to make it work. You don't know anybody. You have no money. This is exactly what a indie label does. They promise things to up and coming artists when in reality, the artist probably has more contacts then you. You're trying to pimp a whore with no clients.

>> No.156171

Do you have ANY prior experience in the area? How would you bankroll this?

>> No.156177

OP, I had an idea for you while taking a shit.

Make a social media platform. Users can upload their rappage and submit them for ratings ("peer review")

in order to get rates from other people, they themselves have to rate others. for every rate they do they get a rate, or so they think (more on that later)

users rate one another based on depth of lyrics, "cred" (whatever the fuck that means), relateability, pleasantness of voice, range, a bunch of other metrics (but not too many), and quality, while being able to post comments soundcloud style, while not seeing other's comments.

users will only be able to rate other users through this randomized interface where users are matched by genra.

if users search users and find their songs through their profiles they will not be able to contribute to the "hidden" rating.

to milk it you could add a "buy ratings" feature, where users can get additional ratings. to make this work, every 10th rating or so will not actually be made by a person, but just added to their rating count.

or add a "buy quality" feature, where users will only hear things that were rated higher in quality so it's not as painful to listen to.

after a certain period you pick one prodigal son of a bitch and run him through your investment treatment.

to make this work you need an initial investment that drops leaflets or businesscards in low income nigger highschools and neighborhoods. this should probably get you a response rate of ~5%. so a 1 million might get you 50k initial users which should be plenty.

>> No.156328


Inheritance of close to 4 million but I'm not saying I would, just thought it would be an interesting idea.


Yeah, thats hilarious, was funnier the first two times you made that joke but that time it really hit home

>How will you sort through these 1000s of candidates? Do you experience in talent scouting? Who are you going to pay to mentor and train an amateur artist? Even popular artists today have voice coaches.

Stop asking retarded questions. Try and answer them first and if you still honestly dont know, then make a post.

How would I sort through them?... I'd go one by one, find the most talented one compared to his level exposure. Voice coaches? Its rapping you idiot what the hell are you talking about?

Listen, I dont know if you're serious about the rest of your post or just trying to troll or whatever, but if you are, you need to know that you're an idiot. I'm not trying to be a dick, I just know that everyone has those moments when they step back and wonder how intelligent or stupid they are and I just want you to know that the questions you asked suggest that you're the stupidest person in this thread. Maybe the board, I don't know.

None, other than listening to rap and studying the artists a bit, nothing serious. Again I want to stress that this isn't something I actually considered doing, just wanted to bring it up as a discussion.

>> No.156346

Unless you're rubbing shoulders with the higher rungs of the entertainment industry, it sounds like a very bad idea. You would have more luck with an independent label that tours frequently, and it would cost a hell of a lot less to fund.

>> No.156377


No you wouldn't, labels need to project an image, this would just be a vanity project if anything. Want to blow a million dollars, find some broke ass rapper who makes decent songs that get a few thousand views, offer him the deal for like 70% of his earnings which would still be more than he'd make his entire life. Spend a year just perfecting the shit out of his songs, pick the best ones, throw them on an album, at the same time have him featured in songs with major rappers to get him out there. After a video with drake, jay z, kanye, he'd be popular and seen as the next cool rapper. That previous album would be pretty hot on the charts. After awhile he'll drop you for an agent that only takes 50% or whatever but fuck it, you've at least doubled that 1million in that time.

I'm not even saying this is a good idea but seriously the feedback in this thread is literally retarded. Dumbasses asking logistical questions that make no sense. I'm just waiting for someone to ask what hotel the artist would stay at when touring or something equally retarded.

'how do you find artists'

what is myspace, youtube, facebook, worldstar you dumbass. Half of these idiots are promoting themselves its not like they're hiding and you have to solve a puzzle before you can access their music.

>> No.156483
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>made some rap songs
>soulja boy ripped them off and got like 1 million views while I got jack shit

>> No.156593 [DELETED] 

who wrote that pic? that's pretty retarded english

>> No.156614

>Still thinking the same as your mother, that all rap is about is grabing your balls and rapping about bitches 'n hoes

>> No.156777

i rap and make beats. sign me faggot.

>> No.156811

>p diddy

>> No.156822


p diddy discovered drake and invested in him


No you dont, you're a faggot who browses 4chan instead of slinging crack cocain. What the fuck would you rap about, beating a level in world of warcraft and jacking off to my little pony?

>> No.156835

I thought it was Lil Wayne?

>> No.156845

odd future has nothing to rap about and also browses 4chan. they're a big part of the industry now. you're forgetting music is, at its core, entertainment. entertainment value>lyrical depth

>> No.156851

also i would totally post my music here except that i totally wouldn't post my music on 4chan

>> No.156871


lil wayne cant take a shit without someone helping him, how the hell would a crack fiend pull something off like that.

Drake is interesting though because of what he raps about. This is how he got big: he found out what excites and entices people (becoming famous, making a lot of money out of nowhere, driving nice cars, having all your old friends envy you) and sold it to his audience through his music.

Listen to his stuff, almost every one of his songs has that hopeful vibe that lets the listener put himself in drakes shoes and get a hard on for the lifestyle.

even 4 years after 'making it' he's still rapping about how great it was to make it at first because he knows that it sells.


odd future isn't music, odd future are a bunch of edgy faggots who appeal to retarded 14 year olds and immature 20 year old children

>> No.156926

i thought we were talking about making money, not being a pretentious faggot. have fun being unsuccessful!

>> No.156960


I'm worth 4 million dollars from inheritance alone you stupid faggot, even if I spent the next 20 years getting my dick sucked by the most exclusive whores in the back of that years model lamborghini I'd still have more money in the bank than some faggot who 'raps'

my dumb cunt sister who thinks the ottoman empire is a furniture store is worth more than you, how does it feel lol

>> No.156998

I like your idea but if I were you I would fuck around with like 50k at first just to figure out the ins and outs. Maybe approach an artist you think has potential for your big idea and produce an underground album with them. Figure out how you work together, if it's flowing well, then go ahead and drop the million.

Most good producers invest a little in a lot of artists, then cherry pick the ones they mesh with and go all out.

anyway, there are some skeptic idiots on this board.

>> No.157018

>oh shit, he called me pretentious

i feel nothing

>> No.157032


Yeah, dipping my feet in before jumping in and throwing a million dollars at someone would obviously be a must. I'm really just trying to show that it might be viable business idea. There are talented musicians out there that are undiscovered. Finding them and giving them the right platform, a bit of social engineering to make them famous and the cool thing to listen to, and you're set.

>> No.157043

>my dumb cunt sister who thinks the ottoman empire is a furniture store is worth more than you, how does it feel lol

>> No.157091


>do what other people with more resources and contacts do
>will succeed right out of the gate

You sound like a dumb wigger who fell ass-first into money and will blow it all on stupid pet projects. Then you get mad that this board isn't telling you that you'll be the next JayZ.

In all honesty please post your first attempt to create a rap-star here so we can watch you blow a huge amount of money on a complete dud so we can all tell you "I told you so" in unison.

>> No.157138

I'm out now and I doubt I'll visit this shit show again. Just want to point out that I wrote the basic business plan 4 times now and you dumb fucks were only smart enough to say shit like "it won't work" without actually listing one reason against it.

I could think of 20 different, specific problems with the plan and you faggots are left there just yelling shit like "it won't work because music industry...and...ugh rich people....."

This is why you guys are faggots, you pretend like you know shit all and when it comes down to actually judge a business you're yelling random, vague nouns trying way too hard to piece together a single decent point. I'll just leave you poor faggots to circle jerk about bitcoins and other hilarious shit.

>> No.157189

>20 different, specific problems with the plan

Here's one: you overestimate your abilities and underestimate the challenges, then shout down any opinion that is not positive.

For an introduction to why your idea will fail:


>> No.157202

I doubt any established rapper would want to work with you. You seem half-baked and slightly loony. They have a public image to uphold and being associated with bottom feeders who bring nothing to the table isn't part of it. You won't be able to get the funds to even run a test of your model. Good look finding investors to throw money at an experimental unproven expensive music project.

70%? What are you Don King's bastard half-breed jew?

I am pretty sure this is a gag thread, you are shit even fleshing out such a trash idea so far. Even if you had to ability to execute your plan perfectly, all you will end up doing is wasting a lot of someone elses money due to it being fundamentally flawed.

>Apply your idea to a publishing company and then you might make some bank. Unlike music people don't finish books anyway.

>> No.157223

>And as for the question, what you're really asking me is "why would I accept a million dollars worth of perks from you" which is about as retarded a question as you can come up with.
Your arrogance is unbelievable. Anon makes a good point regarding why he should trust you. Are you automatically assuming you can properly allocate the million dollars you invest? Any idiot can dump a million dollars into someone. The distinction between idiot and genius is how one handles the resources one is given.

>> No.157314
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Mah nigga.


Why did you even come here in the first place if you thought your idea was so smart?

>> No.157573


Holy shit the sheer fucking stupidity is almost too much.

>They have a public image to uphold and being associated with bottom feeders who bring nothing to the table isn't part of it.
>bring nothing to the table

Except for the 100k cover fee they charge to be on a record and the talented rapper that was scouted, right? Lol

>70%? What are you Don King's bastard half-breed jew?

No, you're right, the nigger who raps should get as much as the guy investing 1 million without whom he'd be fucked in terms of making it. This is a busy, not a charity, and the nigger would be able to buy plenty of chains and flashy hood rat shit with 30%. Plus it would be a 3 year contract or so after which he could go with whoever the fuck he wants.

> Are you automatically assuming you can properly allocate the million dollars you invest? Any idiot can dump a million dollars into someone. The distinction between idiot and genius is how one handles the resources one is given.

First, stupidest fucking definition of a genius I've ever heard, bar none. And yes, of course I assume it because its a business plan that was written in 4 green text sentences on a japanese imageboard you dumbass, I never said I was serious about it. What kind of fuckwit would bring up my ability to get the funds as a problem for this business plan. If it wasn't assumed you wouldn't even have a business plan. He has no point; what poor rapper would question or refuse a million dollar investment?

>> No.157607
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today OP was an autist

>> No.157621


What challenges? You guys literally didn't bring up a single challenge to the idea other than quesitoning logistical bullshit like whether I have the money in the first place or if I'd be able to get it. What the hell does that have to do with the actual business plan that starts off with the assumption that you have the funding? Its like saying "What do you think about me driving my lamborghini over that bridge" and the criticism being "how did you get the car in the first place?" Who gives a fuck, that has nothing to do with it.

Am I underestimating the challenges? Of course I am, this is a japanese imageboard and the business plan, if you can call it that, was written in four lines of green text -- no a 20 page detailed business plan with projected costs, expenses, etc. So again, another user finding something to criticize other than the actual plan.

Legitimate feedback:
>Rappers are sketchy as fuck, they may bail on you and seeing as how they're usually criminals, skipping on a contract wouldn't mean shit to them -- rappers in general are a dangerous commodity to be involved with, if they break the law you have to start all over again
>You might find that the agents that represent current famous rappers are a closed community that vette everyone their client does business with
>There are a lot of added costs that you didn't account for; producers and features might account for a only half of the expenses

no the shit you idiots have been spouting

>> No.157638

What are you even trying to get from us? Do you just want someone who will acknowledge the filth that spewing from between your ears?

>What kind of fuckwit would bring up my ability to get the funds as a problem for this business plan?
Unlike you a lot of people think through the feasibility of their ideas. Mental masturbation and impossible hypotheticals have no place in a public forum.

Good luck finding clients who will cooperate with you, with them knowing you dislike them before you even met them.

>Holy shit the sheer fucking stupidity is almost too much.
Stop projecting. Loads of people have given you decent info which you overlook due to....stupidity? Although I think anyone can read and write is that stupid, so please just stop being a cunt. That shit will eventually spill over into real life.

> the nigger who raps should get as much as the guy investing 1 million without whom he'd be fucked in terms of making it
I am guessing you feel the people fronting the money should get most of the return on investment? This is why I was asking you where were you going to get the money from.

>> No.157681


I'm not, and this point has been repeated like 10 times already but I'll say it again and in green text in the hopes that you guys will read it this time.

>be me
>be listening to rap
>notice a few new rappers getting big
>who is kendrick lamar, asap ferg, asap rocky, 2 chainz, etc.
>first time I heard of them was on their features with other popular rappers (kanye west - mercy, etc.)
>consider if all it takes to become popular is to be featured on popular songs
>come on this board and spit out the idea
>get comments questioning where the money is coming from instead of problems with the actual business
>end up with perfect example of how useless this board is; its average people talking out of their ass who no as much about business as I do

>> No.157687



>> No.157703
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>> No.157716

p diddy did not discover drake...

james prince of rap-a-lot did. James prince called lil wayne. Then there was a bidding war for drake between kanye, enimem and lil wayne.

op if your taking 70% i guarantee we will want to buyout of just have you killed cause another label will sign him for 15% and pay for the hit on your ass..

>> No.157714

Can i volunteer for this OP. Make me famous and ill make you rich

>> No.157718


Not with that much capital. An agency wont throw in more than $100k on an artist which only really goes towards the record and distribution. But whoever brought that point up up probably has a point in that if a million dollars and a few hours of research is all it takes, more retired rappers and agencies would be doing it.

>> No.157724

I've always wondered how guys like Soulja Boy managed to get rich off a few hits.

What specifically drew people to their songs?

>> No.157730


They only take 15%? I thought it would have been a lot more.

I dont know, this idea started with way too many assumptions. And I'm probably overestimating the amount of untapped talent out there.

Its catchy and he started the whole 'create a dance move associated with the song' trend.

>> No.157728

OP is either a troll or the most hilariously pretentious rich kid autist who's posted on this board yet

>> No.157738

depends on label. like young money u dont see shit from albums. but they pay for all music videos, plane rides, rentals. but you keep all your show money. which show money is alot more than album sales or radio plays.

>> No.157746


Yeah see thats another thing I didn't account for. You cant just have them appear on a few songs and then once you've spent the money have them just sit around. With $1m I wouldn't be able to fund tours, or even take care of the artist to keep him around and motivated.

>> No.157794

why do people praise buffet so much?

i know he has been succesful at what he does, but i mean no one can predict the future of stocks.
But this one guy has figured a way to win

"do not put all eggs in one basket"

what do you think gates did?

>> No.157809

It may help to pay to have their stuff on the radio to get some exposure.

Find a rapper with a unique and likeable voice(or one people can grow to like). His shit can be ghost written. There are people who do it professionally. Make sure the rapper has some street cred in relation to his lyrics. Doesn't have to be a full fledged goon but the audience wants/needs to be able to relate to their background.

Music production is main thing that determines hits in Rap industry. I'm from the south and I have heard way too much of all the filth that is spat out lyrically that people eat up. Post production and mastering can't be skimped on. Listen to some of the popular rap songs now and days and notice how everyone has their own ad libs and backups posted on top of the main track. I am not even gonna mention auto-tune.

Make some connections at black clubs. This is where you do shows
Start a twitter page. Advertise the rappers' appearances. Maybe hire some twitter ghost writers to post some cool/likeable comments that the fans will eat up. Also show the fans some love when they comment.

Drop 1 or 2 mixtapes. Have some semi well know rappers(within the top 50) on it who will further build street cred. People will see that rappers they like which aren't superstars are connecting with your guy(s) and they will vouche for your guys out of association. You don't want to aim for the top guys too soon. The rapper needs his shit polished and you need to have your processes polished. But if a top 10 guy offer to lay down a track, take the offer.

Shoot some videos with nice cameras. The actual setting and content depends on the image your guy is trying to put out. If your guy is about that hood shit, then shoot some videos in the hood or in an actual crackhouse that he knows of. Check out videos by Gunplay and Waka Flaka.

You will be surrounded by the crowd/circle your guys bring so it would make it easier for you if you can tolerate being around those people.

>> No.157856

>Its catchy and he started the whole 'create a dance move associated with the song' trend.

Mainly this. He got in at the perfect time. He also made a lot of money off of ring tones right when everyone was actually buying them.

This song is written by Soulja Boy.

>> No.157955

/biz/ creates pretty good pasta

>> No.157957

>>Invest 1million dollars
this is why it wouldn't work
if I had 1 million dollars I would stop trying to be richer
this is enough for me and my kids for life.
I don't need extra luxuries, in fact, I hate them

>> No.157964

do you also work at mcdonalds?

>> No.157969

I'm a game programmer and I live comfortably, doing a job that I love
enjoy your shitty greedy life, quark

>> No.157976
File: 98 KB, 293x313, 1391115538696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would a neet need with more than 1 million?

>> No.158189


I'd rather live a 'greedy' life than be some faggot who makes video games; strong live accomplishments you stupid faggot.

Lol, yeah, wanting to be able to afford travel across the world, building life experiences along the way and enjoying the finer things in life is 'greedy'.

I'd fucking kill myself if I were you, honest to god. One day you'll wake up old and tired, a fat sack of shit that never had his dick sucked because believe it or not, programming faggy rpg's doesn't turn women on, and realize what a waste of a life you've lived.

>> No.158223

well, I live in japan, and I find happiness in the small things.

being a millionaire and buying a lamborghini is for example, something I would hate.
I like functional shit, not luxurious useless shit
Enjoy your wife who never loved you, but only wanted your money.

>> No.158272


who gives a shit, you're a poor faggot who's going to die an uninspiring, wasted life.

and lol at you making all these retarded assumptions; I'm 22, married last year, we were childhood friends and last I checked she's worth more than I am, or at least your family is.

Either way, you're a neet faggot who lives in japan and makes pointless video games for children and childish grownups to play, that alone speaks volumes.

>> No.158287

To have a NEETer looking house?

>> No.158294

oh wow i can taste the irony from you, you insecure inferiority complex laden shitlord

and yes, i do want fries with that bitch

>> No.158302
File: 29 KB, 512x512, troll line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone stop replying to this faggot. We all know he has a bad idea and even if he is telling the truth who cares? Let him fail and let his world come crashing down.

Move on everyone, obvious troll is way to obvious at this point.

As for you, do what you love. Keep on keeping on. Money =/= Happiness. Keep on trucking bro

tl;dr OP, as usual, is a Giant Faggot

>> No.158309

>Implying anyone pays for music

>> No.159291

I make hundreds of thousands (in 2015, millions) of people happy with the games I help make
I am part of a thing that people like, a thing that people will enjoy.
I will proudly say I was part of the team that made that.
What are you proud of? that you got lucky and got rich? yeah, people sure love rich people.

thank you.
I'm not saying that money sucks, I'm just saying that I would be content with 1 million dollars. I'm happy with the way my life is right now. I'm very happy actually. And when I hear about people buying a lamborghini, people who really don't care about wasting money, that sucks badly.
Unless you are really a super fan of cars or something, and you live for cars 24/7, wasting time like that should be a crime.

I specially laugh at rich "christians"
who obviously didn't get how much christ hated rich people