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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15538029 No.15538029 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15538088

yes, especially if he obviously spends it on frivolous stuff
of course if you're some bloat like Notch then you're fucked anyway

>> No.15538095

Men do not care if a woman is rich or not. So why the fuck would you think women would care if a man is rich or not?

>> No.15538164

Yes to gold diggers. Yes to all women because having money gives you a certain sense of freedom and confidence. Imagine that I had the money and security to just leave for any place in the world right now and do whatever...Instead I live with my parents, working 13 hour shifts, sometimes 9 days in a row for a joke wage, have no hope of ever owning any property unless I go into massive debt, have to use alcohol to dull myself out psychologically and stop the negative thoughts, can't quit the job because i have no marketable skills and might not even get another job, declining health etc. etc.

>> No.15538178

Isn't it nap time, children are not allowed here either.

>> No.15538182

Yes, but not in the way you're thinking

Being rich has an association with elements of attractiveness that are more easily obtainable with wealth such as good dental hygiene.

>> No.15538239

of course all women just want to be comfy be better than most other women and bitch about nothing in their mansion and only rich men can do that

>> No.15538261

money is power
power is confidence
two things women get super wet for faggot

>> No.15539035


>> No.15539457

No but being attractive to women makes a man rich

>> No.15539622

only in poor countries without social welfare.
In the western world it doesn't matter anymore. Women view men in terms of their usefulness as a father to their kids (even if they don't realize that rationally). Social welfare = how rich a father is doesn't really matter.

>> No.15539643

You're a fucking retard

>> No.15539657


>> No.15540638

No, it isn't a sexual thing in the slightest. The only way being rich will help you get girls is if you pay for them. I'm a millionaire and I never even hint at it when trying to pull or on tinder, I tried it and it reduced my success rate. Just be NORMAL and escalate physically rapidly.

>> No.15540665

>I'm a millionaire and I never even hint at it when trying to pull or on tinder
You're a fucking retard

>> No.15540671


I’m a nerdy white manlet in my 20’s with a 200k job and I have a hard time getting women. I’m not incel but I have to try really hard just to get the scraps

>> No.15540678

I care if a woman is rich

>> No.15540681

Unless you're disgustingly rich enough to get super gold diggers then no, most normal women want you to be funny and confident and you have none of these things.

>> No.15540687

Unironically this. If you're ugly in the west you're fucked; probably why there are so many losers going on spree shootings

>> No.15540702

Excellent bait

>> No.15540735

lol but you do get them

>> No.15540749

Either they are a gold digger who likes spending money,
They want to raise a family without having to worry about the children starving.

Men and women are not the same, get that through your head.

>> No.15540750
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skills make you attractive

>> No.15541002

A Jew here in my country coined this phrase: "Wallets kill gentlemen."

Of course it does. Hypergamy is a thing.

>> No.15541656

You don't TELL women you are rich, dummy. You SHOW them.

You might have bags beyond on belief, but if you're driving a 2004 Corolla and living with your parents (saving money allowing you build bags) they'll think you're broke.

>> No.15541682

Bro pls don't steal my gf

>> No.15541702
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Heh, doesnt anybody wish that like, girls were pure, and attracted to how honest and determined you are, or like how good a pilot you have to potential of being. Because it would really make you wanna kill yourself if you had to be superficially-chad in order to get with a 5/10 whore with a terrible personality.

>> No.15541712

Do bears shit in woods? How fucking old are you?

>> No.15541759

In short no.

Women dont care how much you make. They dont give a fuck how much you have in the bank. Women care about things that money gets. Nice car. Nice clothes. Big house. Trips to Santorini (preferably flying private). She doesn't want to hear about your taxes or expensive ass insurance for the 488.

Source: me

>> No.15541804


Joke: Women like guys who have money

Woke: Women like guys who SPEND money

think about it. This does not apply if you reach like Warren Buffet status, when women just get wet even as you drink coca-cola and eat a big mac, but 99.99999999% will ever reach a level where they are just a walking human dollar sign. For average guy, SPENDING money turns women on, spend it like it isn't nothing, spend it like you fucking hate money, that gets women wet.

Just think about it. It makes sense!

inb4 Sperglord "hurrr i don't spend my money at the club i'm such a good mate!!!!!!" Good mates arent so insecure they become misers.

>> No.15541820

Women are Jews. Fuck, it all makes sense now.

>> No.15541826


It’s generally insecure men who feel the need to spend money like a retard which is why you see guys making 50k a year driving Audi’s and wearing expensive clothes.

>> No.15541843
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>Women dont care how much you make. They dont give a fuck how much you have in the bank.

>> No.15541852


Hmm, maybe this guy is on to something.

I went to Sobeys to buy some chicken wings and potato wedges. I had no idea what the combo was, so I was like fuck it just get me 10 wings and a small wedge. The girl at the counter was being oddly chatty with me. She suggested the combo which only came with 3 wings and I was like no it's okay. Then she spewed out a bunch of other non sense about how I could be paying less for the same thing. I didn't give a shit, I just wanted my wings and potato wedges. She was all like "oh you must be hungry", "you came to the right place." She's making all this talk to the point that I actually have to wave good bye to give her the attention she was looking for.

Crazy, all I did was spend $12 instead of $9 and it made her this wet.

>> No.15541895

You almost had her, Chad.

>> No.15542181


MAJOR COPE you faggot. Even if 9/10 of the guys driving Audis shouldn't be driving them, that's 10% success rate of finding a rich man.

If you start sucking every dude's dick who drives a Toyota Camry looking for a rich guy, well, that's a retarded fucking strategy.


Even if she was wet for different reasons, look at it this way. Who is more neurotic, the guy who goes OYYYYY FUCK MY SHEKELS yes i'll take the CHEAPER option or the CHAD who doesn't even listen to the dumb bitch behind the counter and just hands her a heavy black credit card?

Sometimes it's just about *minimizing* unattractive traits such as neuroticism (one of the most feminine traits a man can have). Not "oh i bought extra wings she'll fuck me."

Source on the last one is myself

>> No.15542209


>> No.15542535


Yes and no. Having more resources can increase your options in life and that can be attractive to some. Some might be insecure at the idea of someone they are pursuing having more options and not being needed as much. It depends. At the core, if you are depending upon wealth to increase your ability to attract women, I would hope you would be able to understand that the attraction is not to you, but the wealth you have and what it can provide them. They want the money, they don't want you. You are someone they put up with to get access to the money you have. Seems like this would be a short term strategy and not good long term as this would probably lead to dissatisfaction, trust issues, paranoia, and further your own insecurities. Money does matter to an extent, to some more than others. It is not everything, but if someone had to choose between more and less, most would probably choose more. Humans are programmed to be greedy.

TL;DR relying on money to attract does not make YOU attractive.

>> No.15542537

Depends on the woman. Some women just want a protector

>> No.15542612

Go to r/cryptocurrency faggot

>> No.15542620

The majority of guys on this forum are literally, literally virgins. They've also never witnessed, in social situations, pairs form and pickups take place.

I can scarcely think of a worse place to ask about such things.

>> No.15542636
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>> No.15542642

>Does being rich...

That's the same as asking:
Does being beautiful make a woman more attractive to men?

Use your fucking brain.