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File: 55 KB, 1165x665, IOTA-WALLET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15535490 No.15535490 [Reply] [Original]

You thought the machine to machine economy was a meme?
This is going to be the native currency to the worlds biggest economy.
Buy as much as you can

>> No.15535512

IOTA is a meme here.

>> No.15535523

This is one of the niggest coin i bought, still regretting.
And of course bagholders have no arguments but a sci-fi movie about an alleged 2040.

>> No.15535532

1G here. will i make it?

>> No.15535542

If it works you will be one of the world's elite.

>> No.15535549

> if it works
fuck, i'm fucked, i'm utterly fucked

>> No.15535564

nice coordinator bro

>> No.15535573

nice, a few hundred dollar investment. it would be epic.

>> No.15535633
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Vaporware Shitcoin Scam. Only top 25 that is worth less today than when it came to exchanges in 2017. Pump a dump dump. Come From Beyond did this shit on multiple projects and faggots still falling for this shit.

>> No.15535664
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>> No.15535722

Yeah man, IOTA is one of the coins on my endgame retirement list.
If it works we will be paying robots to do everything for us.

>> No.15535724

Partnered with and being implemented into projects by Jaguar, Land rover and the biggest investor in the world into autonomous tech Bosch.
It's not a case of 'if it works' it's 'when will be using it'
Coordicide already being implemented, nice 2018 FUD

>> No.15535804

Just side vapor projects, just names, coordicide is not still ready, lack of exchanges needs to be solved right now.

>> No.15535918 [DELETED] 

How can a legitimate project that is being implemented into future models and has been demo'd at events be 'vaporware' completely wrong of you to use that term.
Coordicide is currently underway and will be completely removed in 2020.
By then it will be too late to stack enough my mate.

>> No.15535936

How can a legitimate project that is being implemented into future models and has been demo'd at events be 'vaporware' completely wrong of you to use that term.
Coordicide is currently underway and will be completely removed in 2020.
By then it will be too late to stack enough my mate.
Also what does exchanges matter? The only teams that want alot of exchanges are shitcoins trying to get as many suckers as they can, with IOTA's Trinity wallet you will be able to buy IOTA without greedy exchanges taking a cut. Poor Fud

>> No.15535949

2020 when? Q1 or Q4? If it's Q4 is in a year from now.
What about exchanges? After they lose binance US what they will do?
Price tells that the situation is not good, that shit lost more than 50% from june.

>> No.15535956

Who says 1G? It’s 1k you idiot

>> No.15535977

How high is your price prediction when 1k is enough ?

>> No.15535999

Who gives a shit which Q? Are you 16? A few quarters is not a long time to wait in the investing game.
Please check my rectified post regarding exchanges.
Yes it has lost alot of its value but it also went from 1 dollar to 5 in the space of 2 weeks in 2017. This will happen again and will price alot of people out.

>> No.15536022

i have a suicide stack but that wallet's destiny is just to be souvenir to remind me when im old how retarded i was sometimes when it comes to finance and that i actually participated in the most retarded tulip mania of my generation

>> No.15536034
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>smart refugee cities

>> No.15536040

Do you know what's the price for IOTA right now?
Do you know that there are other projects working out there?
1 YEAR is nothing? That shitcoin can die in 4 months if it keeps falling while devs do shit.

>> No.15536052

I have bags of both IOTA and Pledegcamp and hopefully we will be on the moon in alt season

>> No.15536131

Don't confuse fiat price action for growth or development. They are very different things.
From personal experience, the iota apis have come along well and adoption is just a few automated car fleets away

>> No.15536138

Yeah, nice one, third worlders might be brought in to the 21st century oh no how will i feel superior to them.
There is no project that can hold their own against IOTA in terms of what they have already achieved. And if you can tell me one and back it up i will happily listen.

>> No.15536151

Dev work, news, problems with exchanges, this gets priced in eventually, not immediately of course.

>> No.15536274

>Insecure machine economies
machine to machine isn't a meme, IOTA is the meme. DAG is the meme.

>> No.15536284

imagine believing all the nonsense this faggot wrote
this is a shitcone
started as shitcone and will soon die as a shitcone

>> No.15536293
File: 11 KB, 225x225, laff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like these make me smile.
The only thing which iota has successfully managed to decentralized is mass cope.

>> No.15536351

Exactly, the work that has been put in during this bear market will start to show itself in value soon enough.
Bravo, so you choose to have an inefficient, unsecured and expensive system to usher in the next industrial revolution? Did you buy fax machines when email came out?
Good one mate, at least try to show me some evidence to the contrary instead of making yourself sound like a pleb, go buy Lition or some other scam shit.
Not even a clever joke 2/10

>> No.15536367

I'm telling that this coin needs big news and facts, or i fear it wont last during this bear market.

>> No.15536392

IOTA supports white genocide

>> No.15536426

Please don't speak about this, it makes me suffer

>> No.15536510

IOTA is inefficient and "unsecured", which is what I'm saying. Get off the drugs.

>> No.15536693

It already has, it is being implemented into the next wave of automated transport by leaders in the field, you can't tell me that is not big news.
Instantaneous data and/or value transfer at 0 cost using a trinary language to cut energy usage by 33% compared to binary systems 'inefficient'
Verified only through other verified transfers and will be run through nodes cheap enough to be owned by everyone and energy efficient enough to run on solar power alone 'unsecured'
Get a grip

>> No.15536728

Unironically, how old are you? Companies debut concepts and moonshots all the time at car shows. Hell, there were electric cars back in the 80s and no one cared. Companies partner and implement new features all the time just to discontinue them after one model or even before it releases for consumers.

>> No.15536730

> "it's being" is not "it has been"
Right now all i want to read is them solving the coordinator problem quickly and get listed on more exchanges.

>> No.15536771

One of the developers said "fuck the markets" once, so dont expect to mutch from IOTA.

>> No.15536789

Very smart for a smart guy planning future smart refugee cities.

>> No.15536903

In my 30's, old enough to have been through a few market cycles. Yes you are correct. But i believe personally we're at a point where it is concievale that we will have autonomous transportation as the standard before 2030. So yes i agree it is something to be aware of however if you always ignore these things you'll miss out on the next apple etc
This is when you invest though my mate, you don't wait until the news is announced you see what is on the horizon and make your play.
I agree in 2017 fuck the markets, irrational and dangerous.

>> No.15537113

>Incel basement dwellers on 4chan say Iota is a scam
>Distributed Computing heavyweight Jon Crowcroft joins Research Council

What the fuck happened to biz? It's full of literal retards now.

>> No.15537157
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>third worlders
These are illiterate apes from the African bushes. No amount of money is going to turn a 50IQ subhuman into a productive member of western society, let a lone a doctor or engineer. Dream on, libshit

>> No.15537283

Exactly, since 2017 the smarts left biz after making it and all that's left is bag holders, moon boys and scammers.
Hey i'm no leftist soft arse, i understand that there are integration problems between different races but easing their lives and giving them something worth looking after and maintaining may be a step in the right direction to a cultural change that could create a more harmonious environment, even the temperament of a dog can be changed through slight environmental changes. I'm sure Africa etc could benefit hugely from this industry.

>> No.15537298

Coo problem is solved. They are now working on implementation.

>> No.15537340

Bingo, IOTA FUD is basically not picking at this point.

>> No.15537401


>> No.15537946

There's no data security it's all centralized garbage. Inefficient & unsecured.

>> No.15538018
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>There is no project that can hold their own against IOTA in terms of what they have already achieved

>> No.15538028

>These are illiterate apes from the African bushes. No amount of money is going to turn a 50IQ subhuman into a productive member of western society, let a lone a doctor or engineer.

Just as animals are programmed to serve us such as diary cows that go about their routine and get milked by automatons systems we can do the same with shitskins. Under ai/smart contract technocracy we will be able to mobolize and keep goyim in line. We will milk their labour while we sit back as rulers of Earth. This is the primary function of IOTA, LINK, and many other crypto currencies we are working on. You fags may get rich off it, but like boomer fags you are selling out your children’s future. To our enslavement. Fucking lol!

Feels good being god’s chosen.

>> No.15538047

This stuff died in 2017 lmao

>> No.15538144

With coordicide currently being deployed the centralized argument is hanging by a thread. You also have not refuted my points about why IOTA is not inefficient or unsecured...?
Name one? Nice frog faces but no point to your comment
Stop being a nihlist. Make your money, buy land, grow food and raise children who are physically and mentally prepared for the future.
Yeah, so did Bitcoin about 300 times

>> No.15538186

>Name one?
hahahaha he's serious
RIGHT FUCKING NOW I'm earning interest (9.68%) on my dai (decentralized usd stablecoin) on compound, a banking dapp
I can exchange many different tokens on a dex like uniswap without any custodial party
I can drive to the crypto atm and exchange eth for cash, no questions asked

name one (1) thing iota actually achieved

>> No.15538298

Okay, well done on earning interest from your investment. Inam a fan of ETH so that is no concern of mine but DAI is not going to be running a multi trillion dollar ecosystem of automated machines while bringing the ability to provide services for a tiny percentage of the cost that the standard industy is providing right now. There is no point comparing the two projects.
A simple thing IOTA has achieved is the ability to transact your entire net worth at zero cost. The project hasn't began to implement it's vision yet, you need to create the wheel before you can make a car.

>> No.15538313


Nah the devs are cunts so the product is probably going to be fucked up in the future for the sake of dealing with "the wrong crowd"

>> No.15538340

Reasonable, however after coordicide i don't see how a non profit could stop people using the network how they wish

>> No.15538347

Could someone tell me why other DAG implementations (i.e. fantom) do not have the coordinator poblem?

I support IOTA, and understand why it need the Coordicide, but no fucking clue of why others don't

Pls halp brainlet here

>> No.15538352

>A simple thing IOTA has achieved is the ability to transact your entire net worth at zero cost
The same false claim repeated by thousands of shitcoins that have no use.
No, the actual fees on iota, nano and whatever are enormous because liquidity is horrible.
The single best way to transfer value is usdt or usdc, then there's dai if you don't want counterparty risk.
Then there's eth, a tiny bit less liquidity than btc but much faster transfers mitigate this to a large degree.
Then there's btc, slow but good liquidity.
After that there's a chasm. Everything else is completely unsuitable to transfer anything of note.
>is not going to be running a multi trillion dollar ecosystem of automated machines
iota is not going to be running anything of note, ever. You got scammed.

>> No.15538383

Well liquidity is not needed to transact only to exchange so the point is moot.
Okay you can believe that but what else is providing a viable infrastructure to handle to automation industrial revolution?

>> No.15538421

Ok, lets assume the unrealistic case of them actually getting adoption in these industries. How will the token price profit from it, when A) it is only used for tiny amounts of value transfer and almost instantly exchanged back into a stablecoin because no company actually wants to deal with a hyper-volatile currency on a day to day basis and B) 99.99% of transactions aren't even value transactions but data transactions, which is basically also what the POCs in the automobile industry are currently implementing ?

>> No.15538477

>Well liquidity is not needed to transact only to exchange so the point is moot.
Dollar is the unit of account. That's why prices are set based on the exchange rate at the moment. Anyone trying to run business with prices that are constant in anything but a stablecoin would go bankrupt very fast.
>but what else is providing a viable infrastructure to handle to automation industrial revolution
first, iota is not providing any infrastructure, it works much worse in practice than even litecoin.
second, what infrastructure? why would my toaster need access to a blockchain to pay things? The only infrastructure needed for iot is the internet connection to control the devices. Light bulbs with wifi are a good example of iot.

>> No.15538478


>> No.15538640

Millions of tiny amonuts every minute is alot of value and also date transactions can be sold for value transactions. Ownership of your own data and able to sell that yourself as and when you like sounds much more appealing than handing over the rights to all your uploaded data to say Facebook who then profit from you. A plausible example would be to be able to pay for automated services like taxis using your data such as birthday/place of residence or maybe even eye colour, things that as of now companies are making nearly $10,000 a year from, per person, without us being compensated for.
That's true but items of necessity will find their value over time. And it seems to be providing enough infrastruture that it is being implemented right now into the next generation of transport from industry leaders. The smart toaster joke is always good but more imagine a network where machines can identify what they need to keep themselves efficient and useful. example would be a car that requests maintenance and pays for that maintenance without you even having to know about it.

>> No.15539219
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$50 EOY 2021
$250 EOY 2025

>> No.15539385


>> No.15539438

AFAIK Trinity wallet will be using an exchange(s) API to buy/sell, so they likely will still be taking a cut. It’ll just be more seamless from the user’s perspective.

>> No.15539548

To be backbone of IoT data economy you must do microtransactions. To do true microtransactions, you must be fee-less. To be fee-less, they developed a unique consensus mechanism (users are also miners, essentially). That unique structure is more secure the more volume it has going through it (industry adoption/swarm nodes, etc). The Coo is in place until that adequate level of traffic and security is achieved.

>> No.15539560

i used to believe in IOTA, but compared to UDOO, i think udoo is much better pick

>> No.15539568

Not even worth debunking any more. Just want to leave a personal "fuck you" to OP for being such a dumb asshole.

>> No.15539593

We haven't even figured cryptocurrencies, why invest in smart city coins lol

>> No.15539619


Here's your redpill anons, happy accumulating

>> No.15539693

If you aren't buying IOTA at this price, you are ignorant. It's that simple. IOTA, post coordicide and qubic, will be unstoppable. I'm increasing my stack every month. A couple years ago, I wouldn't have believed it possible to have accumulated such a stack. This bear market is going to make me a very rich man. 61Gi and counting...

>> No.15539783

Okay my mistake, thanks for the info
Absolutely terrific FUD, sold all my IOTA. Thanks Anon.
Ultimate IOTA pilling

>> No.15539931

Imagine being so retarded you fall for the idIOTA scam and actually buy this shit coin. If you need a good laugh go read the iota white paper. It's not a meme, it's a bad joke

>> No.15540027

You obviously haven't read it yourself. Point me to a section you believe is a joke

>> No.15540034

Thank you, sir. So basically it is because of the feeless aspect.

May the moon be with you.

>> No.15540628

What's your sell target?

>> No.15541545

> What's your sell target?

I don't have a sell target--I'm in this one for the long-haul. Those foolish enough to judge an alt by its current market value will be the biggest losers long-term IMHO. When bitcoin was the age of IOTA, it crashed 93% ($29-$2). Short term, I wouldn't be surprised or shaken to see IOTA crash even further. Long-term though, I see this one easily pumping past the trillion dollar market cap ($330/miota) and dethroning all current market leaders. Good luck.

>> No.15542055

>Thinks he is smarter than the PHD Mathematicians and Computer Scientists working on Iota
>Thinks Bosch, Jaguar, OMG, IEEE, Mobi, T-Systems, City of Austin, City of Singapore are all getting scammed because... reasons
>Thinks the former NSA employee that leads Smart City initiatives at IF is working on your toaster talking to your refrigerator

Not gonna make it.

>> No.15542099

>Not thinking Sergey also known as Come-from-Beyond departing IOTA Foundation doesn't make a dent.

Iota about to be fuuuuucked shawty.

>> No.15542111

Wtf is this a 2017 timewarp? Im still holding iota from July 17 because I'm gullible. I only have a few thousand iota. Should I buy more?
I remember getting excited about the m2m economy and self driving cars

>> No.15542179

>Thinks CFB leaving the restrictions of a Non Profit Organization is bad
>Thinks hes not working on Iota related projects
Still not gonna make it

>> No.15542192

Definitely take another look. The growth has been ridiculous with a lot of big names coming on board

>> No.15542355

in a machine economy link would proliferate way more than this stealth scam

I have no idea why you keep making the same thread again and again shilling this shit. if you want to pump and dump you need way more shills and it has to be consistent

people have been warning you to cut your losses and sell WAY back. Do it now