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15533912 No.15533912 [Reply] [Original]

Who /entp/ here? I been doing the test multiple times over the years and i always get the same result.


>> No.15533922

Entj reporting in

>> No.15533949

I only get Intp / intj.
Too much of an autist

>> No.15533963


life is pretty much over.

>> No.15533966

intj here.

>> No.15533973

intp here
I cannot fathom how someone on this board could be an /e/

>> No.15533974
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entp here
feels good having the autistic thought process of the intj/4chan user and the extroversion to exert my will onto the real world

>> No.15533990
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this. can both think AND get laid.

>> No.15534086

I am in the right environment.
Sometimes I'm a social butterfly.
Sometimes I'm pretty quiet.
Don't let MBTI define you.
Stare into its eyes and say "FUCK YOU"

>> No.15534139

Basically this. Feelsgoodmane.

>> No.15535442

I vary between INTP and ENTP. Really just depends how much I want to talk I guess.

>> No.15535460
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Holdings: 50% LINK, 50% RSR

>> No.15535555

Seems like I'm pretty balanced on all 5 dimensions

>> No.15535567 [DELETED] 

nigger here, i get nigger as a result, is it even possible or some racist fuck is trying to tell me something?

>> No.15535574

Shoo shoo cumbrain.

Based. Same here.

>> No.15535581

I usually get infp / intp depending on how logical I feel.
I am also a Capricorn, Sagittarius rising sign so I value stability but I have a fiery nature at heart.

>> No.15535592

I score INTP everytime I’m a true autist at heart but have learned to force myself to be social when necessary. Always had friends and was decent with women growing up so it ain’t all bad. I legit think 80% of social interactions with people that aren’t my friends or share common interests with are a waste of time that could be used for better pursuits.

>> No.15535681

>imagine unironically dehumanizing yourself with pseudoscience (((psychology)))

>> No.15535700

>imagine unironically thinking that trends don't emerge
>imagine thinking that categorizing these trends wouldn't be helpful for people in finding themselves and exposing their own blindspots
closeminded faggot.

>> No.15535730
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Entp reporting in. Currently a kindergarten teacher in SE Asia saving some bank cause living costs are low

>> No.15535750

Considering Jung labeled the personality types based on archetypes and his entire career was basically buried to make way for (((Freud))) it’s actually a bit of psychology I am not completely skeptical about.

>> No.15535752

intp autist here feels bad mane

>> No.15535776

I jump between entp and intp depending on which side of the bed I wake up on and probably my sobriety level. Seems to be that way for many on the -ntp

>> No.15535785

Checked and based
Me too fren.

>> No.15535808
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INTJ so basically an edgelord even though I try not to be.
>why are my expectations for everyone else so high

>> No.15535824

Been ENTP ever since the first time I took it. Do other ENTPs have trouble finding people they like? I have few friends I actually like and tend to shy away from deepening relationships with anyone I've met ever since going to uni. My newest friend is someone I met 7 years ago

>> No.15535928
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Fellow intj-autists here, will I ever find a gf to share my massive pile of money with...

>> No.15535953

I am that guy from my phone. 29 and married here, she found me ofc, not the other way around, she also proposed me to marry her kek. Real women knows the value of intj, se are building wealth togheter now. Just be your self.

>> No.15536031

>tfw INTJ autist
Fellow serial killers ww@?

>> No.15536075

proud to be an INFJ-T

>> No.15536186


is there any hope? i'm stuck on the same spot 25 years.

>> No.15536227

intp 140 iq reporting in, buy link faggots

>> No.15536235

Another INFP here. There is no hope, but at least you can enjoy your hobbies.

>> No.15536258


>> No.15536281

ISTJ-T here

i work with trains, life is good

>> No.15536287

I think we just find true value in people and in my case I want to just give as much as I can to them. I don’t want to chase relationships and spread myself thin when I could be a good friend to the few people that really deserve that

>> No.15536357

Sorry this was for you.

>> No.15536379

Entp master race here, checking in

>> No.15536384

i can try become an actor? only possible way for me to live a financial comfy life

>> No.15536388

You're right. I'm very outpouring to the friends I do have, and I value them deeply. Sometimes I wish I was better at finding the value in people I recently met. I'm not a judgmental person, I just rarely have an interest

>> No.15536478

intj here how fuck i am?

>> No.15536565
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Checked and Same, always get intj

Makes sense honestly that most biz/lets would be this, even tho the whole thing is a bit of a meme

>> No.15536638

>All five dimensions

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15536735
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>> No.15536982

Taken the test multiple times over the course of years, Im either/both INFJ and INTP. I noticed at least 1 letter off what most people ITT have, I'm like the only one

>> No.15537096

90% link

>> No.15537148
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I always get INTJ
I am All-in on Chainlink, but I am a poorfag, so I only have 1.2k
I am also a massive twiceshitter and dububro

>> No.15537806

>200 LNK and 1 ETH because I'm only dabbling with crypto
>Similarly small amount of cash in Robinhood, playing small and low stakes while I get a feel for it
>PFC in US Army, so only 1800/mo but no overhead
>10k USD in bank, plus my dad owes me 4-6k
I could stand to be better with my money but I'm certainly not hurting.

>> No.15538287
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Hello, Brother

>> No.15539193

It aint easy

>> No.15539210

Even though Jung originally was involved, its been very thoroughly changed throughout the years since his work

>> No.15539508

INTP master race reporting in.
Most redpilled people seem to be either INTP or INTJ

>> No.15539527
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i took the test, anyone wanna help me understand this?

>> No.15539730
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>> No.15539774


>> No.15539800

INTP here

>> No.15539819

infp-a. im a happy person, i can feel things that a lot of you robots cant imagine. i dont think that is necessary a good thing

>> No.15539824

hello fellow INTPs

>> No.15539832
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>> No.15539839

I am also
Also did it several times, always same result.
Could you profit from it already?
I am in university right now and hate my life

>> No.15540463

INTJ as well anon and all-in'ing on Chainlink. Only 5k in it as poor. We are gonna make it, it will hit over 100 at least.

>> No.15540507

How do I profit from being an ENTP?

I keep swinging on a pendulum between doing chad things, getting depressed, getting stuck in a rut, and then start all over again.

All of my ideas and hobbies aren't really feasible until I finish school.

>> No.15540531

Are you me?
Do you also attract women, only for them to get bored the moment your autism spills from your pockets?

>> No.15540556

i always got entp-a, and now it's entj-a wtf

>> No.15540563

I have no clue what this means
Now get on your knees

>> No.15540607
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INFJ so basically I'm a wise sage of emotions . Fat lot of good that does with crypto. I just end up being my emotionally retarded friends' counselor.

>> No.15540728


Used to be an ISFJ/INFJ when I was more depressed/anxious. Online dating and women in general beat that out of me over the years.

>> No.15540825

>Do you also attract women, only for them to get bored the moment your autism spills from your pockets?

Let's put it this way: I am not Chad or attract a lot of girls, but I can somehow talk them into me for a while, or attract one from time to time.
But I willingly fuck it up with turbo autism. I just hate women, and don't give a fuck anymore. I could tell them a shitload of interesting stuff from my life before university, but I don't give a fuck anymore. They are shallow, and will be gone in the blink of an eye again anyway. The only time I take dating or talking to girls serious is when I'm abroad

>> No.15541229

Same here.

>> No.15541306

ISFP here, wishing anything resembling competence. Currently, I coasted my way into a software engineering job where I contribute very little and say even less. Just bought 3k link, as I want to fucking make it and I have no idea where else to put it other than the coin I thought was a biz meme that 400x in a month. Gonna buy a bitcoin just as security.

Kinda feel at peace, although I get upset that I lack higher order thinking, I realized my simple pleasures of music and weed will sustain me. Could get fired any day, but fuck it.

>> No.15541312

ENTP here. Always the same, every time.

>> No.15541342

ENTP reporting in

>> No.15541365

Any of you faggots have a tendency to be in relationships with women who could probably be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder? I'm three for three right now

>> No.15541372

INTJ, 7 for 7 here

>> No.15541374

Are you guys douchebags? Generally selfish, with a self serving moral compass? ENTJ here as well.

>> No.15541393


>> No.15541425
File: 128 KB, 531x768, 2F8AA698-6D95-4629-BFAB-5449C9AD0E37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP here. 6’2 200 pounds of muscle semi chad here. Did swimming through highschool and uni because because you are mostly by yourself, nobody talks to you and doing the same shit over and over and over again is tight for autistics. Buy NASH and LINK and workout my fellow autistic friendos. We are all going to make it

>> No.15541470

MBTI is a jew trick in order to keep people within ((their)) good goy personalities

no wonder they're forcing it on schools now

>> No.15541491

ISFP too. Work at home on computer, but it is soul crushing. Will be a LMT if LINK fails.

>> No.15541499

I keep switching between ENFP and ENTP

>> No.15541526

Autism mixed with a lot of self steem basically a bloomer but years lurking on chans and the darkest corners of the internet since teenage years made me very knowledgable and pity everyone who is not woke. So yeah I am a douchebag but not on purpose.

>> No.15541562
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I'm the same as you anon, though I've been on a pretty steady incline since I got into self improvement. Here are somethings that have helped:
>Reading, people have been recording their thoughts on life and success for at several thousand years. Why wouldn't you capitalize on their experiences? Anyone who doesn't read can't compete in life.
>Found out I had ADHD, so adderall

If I could only say one thing, it would be the realization that most insecurity simply comes from a failure to acquire your own approval, not anyone elses. Do what you believe and want.
"A man who cannot obey himself will be commanded"

>> No.15541576

I want to breed this

>> No.15541593

I thought we had more istp in this board. I am one

>> No.15541653

>>15541365 Hell yes

Was making this post to say if you're INTP you need to hit the gym and get a BPD waifu. That's life

>> No.15541675

Checked based post

>> No.15541695
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>Myers Briggs

>> No.15541699
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Oh intp here all in link. Hate my job find interactions with people boring. Married though with family so friendship is really just for single people. I like being friends with woman but they usually want more and become frustrated when I cannot provide.

>> No.15541704
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the most common type

>> No.15541711

ISTJ-T as well currently unemployed. Working on being self employed. Techincally self employed but not making any income as its the type of work that needs a near completed product. Also trying to trade stocks, not doing to well (down $1kish since starting).

>> No.15541778

This is supposedly the James Bond personality type

>> No.15541816

I can see how that sentiment would be wildly upvoted

>> No.15541870
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I get the same shit every time

>> No.15541871

intp is master race faggot
master your time management and get off your ass

>> No.15541873

I’m intj tho not intp (see above)

>> No.15541877
File: 474 KB, 1306x1334, Screenshot_20190909-192122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISTJ-T never had a gf.

Tried several dating apps. The only ones who kept conversation AND seemed interested were grotesque or ugly chicks, I do a bit better outside dating apps. Attractive ones (likely bots too) likely only swiped yes to see who would match with them since almost none responded and would dematch. One thing though is that the majority of women there piss me off in terms of certain vibes/behaviors/personality they give off.

Eg the generic female:
"live love laugh"
"looking for a good time not a long time"
"be the one who makes me delete this app"
"lets adventure!!!"
"*posts pic solely of her body*" (She expects me to respect her when I'd be disgusted if my daughter dressed like that and posted a photo for men to ogle her tits!?)
"Wildest thing I ever did: skydive (several other chicks with the same thing)
"*Half naked photo at a music festival*"

Absolute turn off even if I was a Chad in looks I wouldn't consider the majority of women there as women worth dating or marrying. Thrill seeking for the sake of popularity and attention. If I was a Chad at least I could verbally punish them and they would take my words with more consideration regarding their behavior.

Partially suspect I might never get a gf for two reasons:
1. Not attractive enough to get an attractive gf
2. Even if I do get attention from an attractive one she'll probably be a normie tier roastie or a social autist chick who copies normie tier roasties

How do I even get my mind to accept this? My instincts seem to refuse even though I realize the situation looks dire.

>> No.15541888

what is ISTP-T like? thats what i got after spending alot of time on the quiz

>> No.15541893

reee get of my board normie

>> No.15541935
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ENTP here also
but literally right between E & I, just slightly E though

>> No.15542056

I'm an unstable type which sometimes gets ENTP and sometimes INTP.

>> No.15542114

Wtf are you me fren????
I Shit you not every single thing you said is my own life.

Entp also obv

>> No.15542162
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yes, I'm you.

>> No.15542174

INFP But I tend to flip between INTP and INFP. I've trained myself to be not an awkward person and am good at picking up social cues.

Anon, what makes your profile so unique?

>> No.15542190

ENTP linkmarine chad reporting in

>> No.15542578

What do you mean by unique?

Like what grabs attention on my profile? Or are you referring to ISTJ's? Not sure what you meant.

>> No.15543052

Teach me your powers senpai

>> No.15543692
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me too fren

>> No.15543702

my first girlfu 15 years ago was bipolar a complete nutcase. I still think about her. why is INTP and BPD such a good match? the chemistry and sex we had was off the charts but I had to cut her loose because she was too crazy. feels bad mane

>> No.15543732

80% LINK 16% BTC 4% other

>> No.15543764

>why is INTP and BPD such a good match?

This is the gayest shit I've ever read. Meyers Briggs jeudo science is the male incel equivalent to women that become obsessed with horoscopes.

>> No.15543932

estp giga chad
all in on RSR

>> No.15543936

I get a new one basically everytime, pretty unreliable imo
astrology on the other hand, much more reliable, ironically.

>> No.15543968

Will the pain ever end fellow INTJ autists? tfw no qtpuh2t ENFP gf(((bf)femboi)male)

>> No.15544708

how to profit from intj-a?