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File: 36 KB, 1050x525, HK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15531151 No.15531151 [Reply] [Original]

PIA VPN was just blocked in HK. This is just the start of increased nation state censorship as the protests escalate.

As more and more nation states block, censor, log traffic, and restrict internet access, decentralized networks will grow in usage and adoption:

• China - billions of people behind The Great Firewall - all VPNs must be approved and comply with government regulations. Many website are censored and blocked.

• Russia - centralized VPN providers are now required to give access to Russian authorities and ban access to websites censored by the government.

• Turkey - VPN banned, popular websites blocked, and independent journalists jailed.

• United Arab Emirates - many sites and services are censored and blocked.

Now, how can you profit off this trend?

Everybody knows about Sentinel dVPN. Regardless of your feelings about the SENT shills here, the usecase is a welcome advancement in developing a decentralized VPN network. Very low market cap ($5M), working product, and privacy suite has the potential for exponential yields.

Orchid Protocol has raised over $48 million to develop a similar dVPN network. They have the backing of the big boys: Sequoia, Andreessen Horowitz, DFJ, Blockchain Capital, etc. Will be interesting to see once they have a working product and what market cap they launch with. Follow this one closely.

Privatix, MYST, Lethean are not seeing much life, but can pump with the trend. Can potentially offer some nice returns if played correctly.

>> No.15531157

>vpn on the blockchain
no thanks

>> No.15531176
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>> No.15531180

Keep using centralized VPNs that log/sell your data and are forced to follow local laws and censorship. Nothing wrong with having more privacy options.

>> No.15531192


>> No.15531201

Why do these dvpn networks need a native token? Why can’t you just pay in any currency via smart contract that charges based off of your use time while running checks confirming that your data has not been logged?

>> No.15531213

Sentinel does this - you will be able to pay with any token the dVPN node host will accept. You will be able to pay with BTC, ETH, Monero, etc. Not sure about Orchid, but the rest like MYST and Lethean all use a native ERC token for payment.

>> No.15531230

Loading up on SENT at these prices is a no brainer. BTC faked everybody out and there was a nice sell off. Had my order filled at 1100 vits.

>> No.15531238

So you just need sent in order to host a dvpn node?

>> No.15531299

No SENT is required for hosting a node. The Sent token will be used for staking and validating the network so you can earn a % of each transaction on the network. So if an end user pays with BTC, you will get a % paid out in BTC. I believe they mentioned in the Telegram group that they are working on a fiat on ramp, so SENT tokens may be used for that as well.

>> No.15531320

There are no token requirements to be a host with SENT. There will be two types of hosts: relay nodes and exit nodes.

>> No.15531372

>PIA VPN was just blocked in HK

>> No.15531404


>> No.15531453

Thanks OP. Seems like more apps used by protesters will be blocked by executive order.

>> No.15531529

SENT is the only one with a working product and actual network usage. Imagine selling this at 1200 vits before main net release.

>> No.15531938 [DELETED] 

Billions of people behind internet censorship regimes and SENT is really the only decentralized VPN option on the market.

>> No.15532053

Privatix, MYST, Lethean have working products, but they force the use of their native token as payment. In order to gain mass adoption, the user experience needs to be as frictionless as possible.

>> No.15532113
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>> No.15532166

Read The Sovereign Individual anon. Can’t stop a decentralized network or force it to follow local laws like centralized VPNs have to.

>> No.15532170

Ok m8, anarchy is really redpilled

>> No.15532173

Are dVPNs already range banned from poasting on on 4chad? I have the SENT Wallet/client but haven't tested it yet because I already pay for a centralized VPN, have a proxy, and don't want to part with any of my sentinels.

>> No.15532192

Yes you are right anon. Governments know what is best, only centralized fiat currencies should ever be used, and we should never question our online privacy.

>> No.15532204

>implying i said any of that
lolbertarians and ancaps are seriosly cringe

>> No.15532217

Yes you are right anon. How dare anybody question otherwise. Soo cringe.

>> No.15532249

lol ok little revolutionary keep dreaming

>> No.15532311

How big of a bag to make it lads?
Just reached 420k

>> No.15532316

Yes you are right anon. Why even dream or try.

>> No.15532340

You actually did if you take your last post to its logic conclusion
Just sell your BTC and use fiat, Uncle Sam knows best. You don't want to be an anarchist, do you?

>> No.15532376

Get at least 1M and sell on Binance listing or when the big wallets start moving tokens.

>> No.15532378

>if you take your last post to its logic conclusion
It's called an irrational leap in logic. Cringe ancap fag detected.

>> No.15532398

You don't have to be ancap to care about your privacy online anon. Do you not care about freedom of speech or an open internet?

>> No.15532406

A monetary system not complicit with government is anarchy you fucking dork. Just because im not a fucking commie "decentralization" memer doesnt mean i want central banking or big government.

>> No.15532422

No, it's called "actually having to think about what you believe in"
Looking at >>15532406 you're obviously one of those faggots who are always on the fence about shit instead of forming concrete arguments

>> No.15532424

kek anon, are you off your meds?

>> No.15532431
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>No, it's called "actually having to think about what you believe in

>> No.15532435

Not an argument cringelord. Muh fweedom.

>> No.15532439

Kek nice arguments, congrats

>> No.15532445

Jist use GoodbyeDPI with russian blacklist. It comes with a command scriot to install in your registry so you never eeven know it's working.

>> No.15532456

"I want X but I also want Y even though they're logically incompatible, but you're a revolutionary dreamer"
Modern socialists in a nutshell

>> No.15532457

So let me understand you correctly here anon: you are not ancap, but you also don't want central banking or big government. However, you also don't like decentralization and projects that are designed to circumvent government's online censorship and surveillance?

>> No.15532461
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>only anarchism or totalitarianism is possible, there's no room for nuance

>> No.15532477

>However, you also don't like decentralization and projects that are designed to circumvent government's online censorship and surveillance?
I dont like commie faggots who spout the decentralization meme like limitless decentralization (i.e. Anarchy) with no government oversight is the right path. What's so difficult to understand about that? Retards like you who ride muh fweedom bandwaggon are pure cattle and doomed for failure.

>> No.15532499

>muh nuance
Enjoy defending your state overlords, commie

>> No.15532509

Kek since when is decentralization = commie?
How do you expect everyday citizens to circumvent corrupt governments and authoritarian regimes without privacy tools?

>> No.15532518

>muh logical conclusion
>muh logically incompatible
Explain what is incompatible you fucking pussy..

>> No.15532541

Total decentralization is commie because it gives everyone their own shitty little equality node
>How do you expect everyday citizens to circumvent corrupt governments
By electing or forcing a new one that isn't corrupt. Anarchism never solved anything. People need law and order. Just because you wanna peddle kiddy porn without the government stopping you doesnt mean that's what should happen.

>> No.15532585

kekekek anon you are something else.

>Total decentralization is commie because it gives everyone their own shitty little equality node.
No one is forced to host a node. It doesn't "give" anybody equality. Just like nobody is forcing you to mine BTC if you want to use it.

>By electing or forcing a new one that isn't corrupt
Hahaha this is gold anon. Yes, just tell HK to elect a new government. Just tell Turkey to quit it and stop jailing whistleblowers and journalists. Just tell China to stop harvesting organs of dissidents. Easy. Just elect a new government. Why didn't I think of this before.

>> No.15532604

>No one is forced to host a node
Sorry m8 then its not really decentralized
>muh oppressed peoples
Then go to war faggot. Good luck building a cohesive civilization with an anarchist monetary system.

>> No.15532668

Anon, I am sorry to hear about your disability. Your delusions are pretty entertaining though.

>Sorry m8 then its not really decentralized
So the only decentralized networks are the ones that force you to be an exit node? No distinction between everyday end-users and distributed service providers / infrastructure? No such thing as capitalist incentive to provide bandwidth and relays to those that need it?

>Then go to war faggot
Ah yes. I as an individual will just take on an entire nation state. Easy. Why didn't I think of that before!

>> No.15532698

Seems like you're not as much in favour of muh decentraization meme as you thought. You're now arguing against true decentralization and making a case for a quasi, not-so-decentralized system after all. Funny how when you're forced to use your brain you realise how retarded your lolbertarian inspired dreams were.

>> No.15532709

I am all for decentralized projects that are immune to government control and censorship. What did I say that made you think otherwise?

>> No.15532727

What you just described isnt decentralized, brainlet.

>> No.15532775

No central company or organization to subpoena or take to court to force backdoor implementation or compliance with local censorship laws. Anybody anywhere can host a relay node or exit node. Any token can be used to pay for bandwidth. What is not decentralized about it?

>> No.15532787
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I don’t think you can be any more retarded if you tried anon.

>> No.15532869

overthrow the cancerous globohomo government.

we must decentralise everything. destroy their ability to print money. we must kill every statist and their families. everyone who works for the state will face their inevitable fate and executed as traitors to humanity. we will dig through the internet archives and track down every person who made a post attacking decentralisation and genocide them.

we will release ross ulbricht and make him king of bitcoin. we will visciously sexually rape and abuse every central banker and their corrupt descendants with a huge robotic fist.

>> No.15532903

>local censorship laws
You mean government?

>> No.15532910

Butthurt brainlet

>> No.15532927

Correct. You know, the governments that censor, block, and prosecute journalists, whistleblowers, political opponents, etc. Still waiting to hear how it is not decentralized...

>> No.15532939
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VPN is a $40+ BILLION market. The entire market is centralized. Orchid will be $50M+ market cap and they don’t even have a working product. If you are not buying SENT while it is under a $10M mcap, you deserve to be poor.

>> No.15532944

>muh oppresion
People need law and order. Your meme fantasy is not decentralized because in it not everyone has equal network leverage.

>> No.15532961

>People need law and order
Tell that to the ones getting their organs harvested because they spoke out agains their governments. Such order. Such law.

>not decentralized because in it not everyone has equal network leverage
kek so you are a commie after all. It all makes sense now.

>> No.15532978

>muh organ harvesting
Lol give it a rest faggot.
>so you are a commie after all
no idiot, i'm the one who is arguing against total decentralization and communism. you were the one arguing for it but not so much now that you realised how retarded it actually would be. Now you want a quasi-decentralized network. I'm merely explaining that you're not actually shilling for decentralization.

>> No.15533068

>everyone needs to have equal network leverage
>not a commie

kek pick one. You are all over the place. Take your schizophrenia meds anon.

>> No.15533122

its not true decentralization if they don't. you dont even believe in what you meme. are you thick or what? i'm not in favour of it, i'm telling you you dint even know what youre arguing for. fucking spastic.

>> No.15533141

Why the fuck would everybody need to be forced to be a node host? If I want to access Facebook quickly in China, I should be forced to host a node first? That doesn't make any sense retard. Take your meds.

>> No.15533160

you: i want total decentralization, fuck da gubment, fweedom is best
me: are you sure about that?
you: w-well n-not everyone has to run a node and there should be distinctions between different entities on the network and everyone will have different requirements
me: so it wouldnt really be so decentralized after all then?
you: fuck off communist take your meds!

>> No.15533162
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Found the commie

>> No.15533177


>> No.15533178

Kek is bitcoin considered decentralized in that fucked up mind of yours? If I want to spend BTC, I am not forced to host a full node. I am not forced to mine it. How is this any different?

>> No.15533195

only more decentralized than the current system, it was never really about the decentralization meme, that was something you commies and lolbertarians got hard for and ran with cause you want anarchy

>> No.15533219

Just make your own VPN and sign your own certificates. Who the fuck relies on someone else to keep privacy intact?

>> No.15533250

Millions of normies will not learn how to spool up their own VPS and sign their own certificates. You expect every protester in HK to have their own VPS to coordinate and communicate with each other?

>> No.15533255

They are chink iq. Yes I do. Or just be a nigger. I diddin do nuthin.

>> No.15533278

Biz is feeling extra retarded today

>> No.15533325

Most people can't even instal Linux anon. No way will they be signing their own certificates.

>> No.15533433

Exactly. Most people will not have the time, knowledge, or desire to use their own VPS.

>> No.15533552
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SENT seems to be doing something right. Averaging around 10,000 dVPN sessions every week.

>> No.15533643

Another point to consider is what happens if your VPS is compromised? All your traffic leads to one point of contact. With a relay network and using different exit nodes, your traffic is not grouped together to a single location.

>> No.15534140

One sent, two sent, three sent, four. Dont be a faggot and go buy more

>> No.15534415

Good point. Decentralized relay network and TOR exit nodes are the game changers here.