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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15528850 No.15528850 [Reply] [Original]

>Bought $80k worth of eth at $300 usd.

No one is more JUST'd than me on this subreddit.

>> No.15528864

when was this? I have been away from crypto for a while but I remember it was around $90-100 in late 2017

>> No.15528874

people literally killed themselves over crypto, you just experienced a little draw back

also you are a pussy faggot

>> No.15528879

I bought at $900.....jk hahahahhaahhah get fucked bitch

>> No.15528890

Check charts

Killing yourself over cryptos is just a meme.


>> No.15528918

I bought at 0.4$

>> No.15528946

You bought $1 worth of eth?

>> No.15528973

nah, I've heard worse.
this board is full of idiots like you.
one user stole from his inlaws to all-in OMG.
now he spams death threats to Jun after it dropped 90%

>> No.15528975

I had 160K USD in RLC. It's worth 40k now.

i'm more justed than you buddy.

>> No.15528980

Must have been like $1000 in OMG. That's nothing.

>> No.15528989

I'm more justed in proportional values.

>> No.15529012

what do you guys do to have so much spare money to invest? how old are you?
i'm 24 and i'm playing round with like £5k, anything more than that is on my house deposit saving which i'm absolutely not playing with

>> No.15529016

ETH is 20 dollar cone mate
your' fucked

>> No.15529026

eth will retest 360

>> No.15529028

We don't live in our mom's basements anymore.

>> No.15529048

Eth has the exact same graph as Bitcoin before it hit 20k tho

>> No.15529049

Not JUST'd at all. All you have to do is hold for 3 years.

>> No.15529062

ETH is a PoS ponzy
all minable coins will have BTC charts

>> No.15529077

The current Bitcoin chart isn't like the one from 2017. Every coin is a ponzi but eth seems like it wants to stay longer. If they'd want to exit scam, I think it would do so once it reaches $10k+

>> No.15529086

you are brain dead
and lost 80k

>> No.15529096
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shouldve sold at $1200 faggot

>> No.15529111

It's only been a month tho, I'm not depressed about that loss because I can still survive with my income. I'm just memeing around.

>> No.15529127

I need money for crypto. How did you have $80k to invest? are you a richfag?

>> No.15529133

No, I've saved up $80k in 10 years. I wanted to buy a house with that in my city but I need $120k for a cash down. I said fuck it and went all in crypto.

>> No.15529143

well fuck I dont have 10 years.

>> No.15529238

I'm sorry bro

>> No.15529293

$20 kneepads, 80,020 cocks for $1 each.

>> No.15529297

should have bought a shithouse to rent buddy, and then apply it on crypto

>> No.15529303

pussy, im 23. Fuck the house, bitcoin bullrun or whats the point. You are young take very risky risks, if you lose everything it doesnt matter cos you can just kys or you have time to get it all back

Im all in on BTC, literally ensure I have no fiat at the end of the month, doing overtime too.

Its all or nothing

>> No.15529321

also im a brit too we are poor af compared to americans, thats why they have spare money.

>> No.15529324

LOL who else remembers when the Substratum team sold all their ETH at $80 and then got delisted off binance for it?

>> No.15529329

Lol fuck having a shit house. Id rather havr a $500k or $700k house.

>> No.15529422

you rent the shithouse you stupid shit

>> No.15529426

>Dealing with tenants while I live with mom and dad.


>> No.15529472

never gonna make it

>> No.15529506

I'm on nofap and addicted to zoo porn

>> No.15529680

>people literally killed themselves over crypto
I refuse to believe that anyone is that retarded. If you lose money either sell and accept losses or just hold and hope it goes back up one day. People gain and lose money every day. It hardly is significant. Even if you lost your entire net worth just go make some more money.

>> No.15529777

I'll make it son. when I do, I will do a giveaway to my biz bros