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1552675 No.1552675 [Reply] [Original]

Former/current poor kids. How did your upbringing fuck you up, and what have you done to fix it?

Horror stories also encouraged.

>> No.1552678

So paula is wasting her time watching tv while richard is working his ass off.

>> No.1552684

Hahahahahahahahahahaha /thread

>> No.1552686

Isn't that the point of the comic? What am I missing

>> No.1552688
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>> No.1552691

lol god dammit, fair enough.

>> No.1552693

very poor upbringing here. hand me downs, one toy at christmas, never went on school trips, holidays... managed to buy myself a bike at 15 after saving up for years.

the effect? i appreciate money more. i'm happy that i have a good salary and don't need expensive shit to make myself feel better. i still get excited going to fancy restaurants and staying at hotels.

although almost everyone else from my childhood stayed in the exact same environment they were brought up in. i was lucky to get out.

>> No.1552694 [DELETED] 

Micro or Macro? What college?

>> No.1552696

this is the original


>> No.1552702

>muh income gap

>> No.1552718
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Dad constantly took beer money out of my accounts/made me sign over checks while I was underage. I agreed to it because I believed him when he said he was spending it on "the family". Stopped believing him when I grew a pair and actually went through the mail and figured out all the monthly bills (I already did the shopping myself).

Mom opened a couple accounts in my name because she had my SSN and all my info, only found out about the accounts and debts when I ran my credit report.

Lesson learned: Don't fucking trust anyone when it comes to money, not even your family. In fact, err on the side of "Always think someone is actively trying to screw you over." Paranoia will keep you safe.

>> No.1552728


what was he doing with the money?

>> No.1552730

Drinking it. The bills were being covered, but several hundred a month was just going to his habit.

>> No.1552734

To clarify: He drank A LOT, and not the cheap shit either. He was accustomed to drinking high quality stuff from before he lost his job (and never got a new one), and he refused to "settle".

>> No.1552930


>> No.1552933

Were you able to cancel the debts?

>> No.1552946

Why didn't they just pull themselves up from the bootstraps?

>> No.1552951

I paid them off myself over two years after a long sit-down with my mother in which she claimed she was "doing me a favor" (she thought having a large amount of debts on a card was good for your credit as song as you made minimum payments every month) and said she "would pay me back if I paid it off for her".

>> No.1552988

>grew up collecting bottles and cans for change
>"keep your eyes down when walking in case of loose coins. Ben Franklin said a penny saved a penny earned"
>always looked for expired milk and stale bread because the store would sell it to us at a discount
>slept in a (stolen) car between 5 and 7 years old
>insurance was a thing I learned about in middle school
>"this just a bad life some rich guy forced us into" mindset
>find a mile long receipt in bag of groceries
>50 bottles of Jack, 20 cartons of smokes, gallon of milk, 2 loaf bread, jar peanut butter, jar jelly
>"fuck you dad" *runs away from home*
>haven't talked to him since

Picked up binge drinking somewhere between beginning of 2 year homeless stretch and now

I have 0 problem spending a shitload of money for something I think will make me feel not poor i.e. polo shirts and slacks as daily wear, $70/750ml whisky, shit that really doesn't matter to anyone else. I have a few disorders, an extreme fear of falling into debt (which keeps my spending down usually), and an inherent disdain for people who can't manage their spending habits, including myself.

>> No.1552995

>be me
>youngest of 8 kids
>always get short end of the stick because everyone else is either busy with school or work
>don't have enough money going to myself so rarely went on field trips
>almost everything I own are hand-me-downs
>no one regulated spending besides parents
>parents were frugal, but didn't spend money on quality stuff
>only focused on quantity
>house is now mostly stuff that's either a) never used or b) easily broken because most of my siblings followed my parents' buying habits
>literally too much stuff in one apartment
>want to steal unused stuff just to sell all of them online in hopes of getting money back for myself
>also routinely recycle/throw out my own stuff after every month; justified because I never had that much stuff and I'm NEET trash
>look at tariffs for electricity so I know what not to use frequently
>take up cheap hobbies like drawing
>budgeting a month before I start working so I know how much money goes into what bill
>looking into savings accounts I could sign up for, so I could get interest AND hide money from family
a-am I going to make it?

>> No.1553005

>>looking into savings accounts I could sign up for, so I could get interest AND hide money from family
>a-am I going to make it?

If you go through with that plan, yes. Budgeting and keeping track of your money will get you further than you'd assume.

>> No.1553017

Probably what fucked me was my parents not trying to create a spark or encourage me to do anything. My older brother quit most sports he signed up for so my parents didn't even try. Also my parents gamble pretty hard and I'm sure that fucked us too.

>18 years ago
>Sister got 4.0, got into every college.
>Week before college
>Mom tells her that her 50k college fund was used to pay bills
>We all knew she gambled it
>Dad said it wasn't her money to begin with

I'm trying to get better but I'm 27 and haven't broke 40k a year.

>> No.1553022

I grew up wealthy. Really fucked with my motivation and sense of self worth.

Just offering my perspective. Not saying I was right.

>> No.1553026

I think there's pros and cons to both.

>> No.1553027


Where you grow up?

>> No.1553037

It's a statistical improbability that Richard's parents/ancestry is affluent/aristocratic.

Somewhere down that line you find someone in Paula's position who makes something of them self instead of wallowing in self pity.

And for those literally too stupid to graduate highschool, get GED, get a job and keep it, not have children until marriage, you're not anyone else's problem tough nuts.

>> No.1553069

Your poor sister. Holy shit.

>> No.1553166

Shes watching a documentary because she wants to get into STEM

>> No.1553168

Why did you greentext that?

>> No.1553226

>and said she "would pay me back if I paid it off for her".

that's shitty.

it's one thing to 1) tell you she's doing it 2) put the take the money out but save it 3) pay it back and cover the interest to help out your credit

now /that/ would be helping out

but from the sounds of it, i imagine she just fucked ya

>> No.1553230

>>Mom tells her that her 50k college fund was used to pay bills

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

mind, the parents paying for the school is very generous, but to have it /already saved and then spent it?/ that's shit

>> No.1553231

>I grew up wealthy. Really fucked with my motivation and sense of self worth.

same. got a good job now which is nice, and no debt, but i could've easily gotten a higher paying job that makes twice as much as what i've got now. and, if i read about investing i would've tripled my money already

>> No.1553248


Oh I forgot to add the juicy bit.
>She's my half sister, don't really call her that though since we're family
>Her dad was the one that made the funds, he was in the military
>He got shot and killed

>> No.1553265

>polo shirts and slacks as daily wear
Jesus dude, learn to accessorise correctly. Shit, I bet you buy your shitty polo shirts new. There a reason poor people are poor, it's because you're all fucking retarded.

>> No.1553276


>father saves up money
>dies doing job saving said money
>mom spends it all on dumb shit

there is no macro for the rage that i feel

>> No.1553351

>mom spends it all on dumb shit
Your mom deserved to spend all of it, to help make up for all the women who were paid less than men for the same jobs.

>> No.1553428


Nice b8 faggot

>> No.1553444
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>> No.1553455

>>She's my half sister, don't really call her that though since we're family
You're a good sibling.

>> No.1553468


Toby Manhire is a cunt. Poverty is a problem, but he always writes these fucking preachy af half-Americanised comics that don't say anything coherent or persuasive.

>> No.1553469


To be honest, the excessive praise Richard's parents are giving him mean he'd more likely to end up as a mod on r/atheism than a successful businessman.

>> No.1553476

was poor as shit as a kid, my parents were also gambling and had a family full of drug addicts

i would always go to school, and see people with the nice shoes, clothes etc and see them and want them

anyway it fucked me up bad, at 17 I managed to pull in $12k and my dad stole it all from me and lost it gambling..i thought about killing him many nights from 17-20 y/o, then just manned up and realized if im not gonna make any money just sitting there crying about it, so i got the fuck out of his house and moved on

im older now, and made over $200k this year, i feel like i want to "flex" on the people who treated me like shit, buy fancy cars, a nice watch, house etc.. just to make them feel like shit because they can't afford it

my relationship with my dad still isn't good even though i don't care about the money now, funny enough i have trusted my internet friends that i have never met with more money (and they have come through) then my own family

>> No.1553478


Well, not to quibble, but this comic was meant to be about New Zealand. The sort of person the artist is going after are those with inter-generational wealth, a sort of old-boys club here in New Zealand. Essentially, the first off the boats who managed to secure the most lands, or lucrative urban prestige in government, law, banking and so on. The sort that send their kids to private schools that actually aren't that great, but have the connections to get their sons into a good law firm and so on.

It's a new country that was largely settled by aspirational middle-class types fleeing from industrialization, many of whom ended up becoming white trash because the game was rigged against them by clever cunts like Richard's recent ancestors. Maori were usually poor (which Paula probably is) because they were greedy fucks and sold over their rights and land for muskets, potatoes and fish-hooks, not expecting a million British people to turn up as soon as they did.

The comic wouldn't be so bad, but Manhire himself, I'm sure, is one of these people. He suffers from this cringy white guilt crap, without having any of the self-reflection needed for genuinely good social commentary.

>> No.1553546

Weren't scholarships an option?

>> No.1553550

poorfag tier kid here.. As memetier as it sounds.. I wagecucked myself for a few years to obtain trading capital.. Studied economics by self learning.. Started trading, and made profits.. im all in the green now.

It was a bit of a rocky start.. i lost some money during my first year of trading.. but these are lessons learned, more valuable than any book can teach you

>> No.1553551

About to head to bed, but I have a story for you.

When I went to college (US), I WAS able to get by on scholarships and grants, but just two years after I graduated ALL the scholarships and grants that I had gone to school on were completely gone. They've all been replaced by loans so the school can get away with saying they offered the same amount (and now more) in "financial support" to students while not actually losing any money themselves. It's bullshit, but after reading up on it, apparently that's the new normal now.

>> No.1553553


Good for you, man. No sarcasm.

>> No.1553557

Was poor as fuck with two working parents. No crime or deprivation though. Turned out great.

>> No.1553582

>be me age 5-16
>work my ass off. Getting smalltime jobs
>eventually get hired as a labourer with a smalltime concrete company at age 13
>all my money is funneled towards my parents cause they "support and feed me"
>after constant nagging and stuff i eventually get them to show me their budget
>my money was supporting their smoking and drinking and "other" addictions
>i tell them they either pay me back or i go to WCB about my Dad who was lying about being disabled with proof that he isnt.

>screaming ensues
>my Dad leaves to go take out a loan and pay me back the $16,000 they took from me over the years. THAT ALOT for a kid to earn in 6 years from mowing laws whilst also paying for gas and shit
>never talks to me gain but i got my money

i didnt work as a kid to let them be junkies. I worked to better myself. They can go rot for all i care. My mom eventually cleaned up her act and now talks to me but my Dad hasnt.

>> No.1553734

With such good grades she could've gotten full scholarships

>> No.1553781


>> No.1553788


if true, very cool

I'm a greedy jew, so i'd advise against the "flex". save that "flex" money, reinvest, make more, and then swoop in to buy the house out from under that one faggot you always hated who fell behind on his mortgage.

don't just show you're wealthy - show you're wealthy enough to take everything from them

>> No.1553819

How is your relationship now with your mother and father?

>> No.1553869

My family was never poor but my parents never gave me much money or presents during childhood. I'm grateful for this since when my friends were getting new phone every year, I got a phone every 5 years. Growing up with this amount of money to spend it made me appreciate it and to live with only necessities. I'm a miser as a result and think it's a good attribute.

>> No.1553872


And drinking soda. Gotta work two jobs but can afford cases of Coke.

>> No.1553892

Im a street nigga with money and it's obvious


>> No.1553906
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There are many facets to what led me to the state I'm in today. For one, I was always a paranoid child. And I mean very paranoid. As far back as the age of 7 I'd worry about intruders, and I even had OCD extending all the way back to then which made me check doorknobs like 20 times. I had mini existential crises about faith as well eg the fact that I was born an illegitimate child. The dawn of the Internet age exacerbated that because I'd have debates with myself over whether such an issue truly matters or not. In the end, obviously, I learned it doesn't, but still.

I was a very entitled child too. Coupled with emotional distance, it all culminated in me flipping the fuck out in middle school. Luckily things didn't go too far south as there was always the tug of conscience keeping me sane, so I didn't become a druggie or worse.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not on some woe is me bullshit, because I've otherwise had a very normal childhood. It's just that I was cursed even back then and I find myself now trying to reel back. I'm still emotionally cold though, and my paranoia has gotten so bad I'm legitimately in fear of becoming one of those Roswell schizos.

If any of you would like to offer advice, it would be appreciated. I just turned 18 a few days ago and I don't want to lose all my sanity.

>> No.1553914

if it helps i thought i was seeing slenderman and slept with my lights on for a while when i was like 13. kek

>> No.1553933

> grew up in a double wide trailer
> raised by a single mom on welfare
> father ran away when I was 18 months
> mom remarried when I was 5
> he died in a plane crash
> mom used to beat the shit out of me

No but really. I vividly recall being 8 years old and wincing while I plucked splinters out of my thighs because my mom spanked my bare ass with kindling. She paced in front of the bathroom saying "stop your blubbering or I'll give you something to cry about" (like she hadn't just done that)

I got 13 stitches in my head when I was 7 because she threw me across the room and my head hit my dresser.

By the time I hit high school I was skipping most classes to go skate. It was the same thing anyway. Long division, conjunctions, Mark Twain, skeletons and muscle systems. 8th, 9th, 10th grade. Same coursework over and over. I'd ditch class then show up for tests and ace them. Giving me a solid 2.5 GPA.

I never even bothered with my SATs.

I was a hell of a drummer though. So I got a talent grant and got my first year of college comped. Some shitty no name community college.

Graduated and got an office job. Got promoted. Got promoted again. Got into IT.

Today I'm a Senior Business Intelligence Engineer for a major telecom. I gross a low but comfortable six figures with salary and investments. Happily married to a beautiful and loyal woman, 3 great sons.

I don't beat them up. I bought them a house instead.

My mom and I are okay. I guess. I'm a good son for whatever that's worth. She's dying I think.

I never did track down my birth father. He's an Eskimo. Not that it matters.

I'm closer to my wife's family than my own.

>> No.1553943


Exactly. I took everything for granted, thought work was easy and money wasn't hard to come by. I didn't start really working and "getting how the world works" until my late twenties.

I'm smart and not a bad salesman, if I'd known the harshness of life sooner I'd be way ahead now.

>> No.1553947

If you're unsure what you want to do with your life, may I suggest you fight wildfire. This is what I did for 3 summers.

It's great work.

It pays really well for one thing. $15/hour, base. But that includes travel. (And oh man will you travel). You get time and a half for hazard pay so any work near a fire is time and a half. Of course overtime is time and a half. But a big/bad fire has expectations of long shifts on a fire. So overtime *and* hazard pay. Time and a half of time and a half. $30/hour.

You get all your meals comped. Plus snacks, soda. It's all free.

You get to sleep under the stars. It's great camping.

You meet a diverse group of people. People from all races. Poor people. Middle class. Even the occasional (very occasional) rich kid. Felons. Ex junkies. Jocks and chads. Rednecks. Aspies like you and me who don't know what to do with their life. 20, 30 and 40 year olds.

It's a great way to save money. You're either too busy or too tired to go blow all the money you're making.

It's a huge ego boost. Go to town a bit dirty in your green pants and yellow shirt. Go to a local restaurant. People will flock to you thanking you. Free food and free beer once you're old enough. Free pussy if you're smart about it. Lots of people just interested in talking to you.

One of the best decisions I ever made. And you can quit any time you want to.

>> No.1553950


Damm nigger. That's some ashes to gold right there.

>> No.1553961

Well, summers over, innit? Is this something I should reserve for next year? I have an apprenticeship in November that I was corralled into because I have zero fucking clue what I want to do. Also I live in New England so I don't know about wildfires around here. I would be willing to move cross country though.

>> No.1553963

But that actually is something I've thought about before. At least, something within the vein of doing shit like that.

>> No.1553969

I'm just getting started. I set a goal of seven figures by 2020.

My mom gives me shit for it like "how much is too much? When is it enough?"

I want to set foot in every state in the US and every continent on earth. Including Antarctica. I want to support every one of my kids dreams. So I'm gonna do it.

>> No.1553973

Here's what's hilarious. Global warming is real. Oh my god its so very real.

But nobody in power will admit it.

So every year fires just get worse and worse and worse. Which is great for that industry.

Back when I fought fire, fire season was like May through September. Today it's like February through November.

Working for the government is a bitch to accomplish. Get started now.

You have to be in good shape. So, start exercising too if you need to. You should exercise every day anyway. I'm about to go for a run myself.

>> No.1553979

The west coast is awesome, bud. It's awesome. You'd love it out here.

People are chill as fuck. They're passive aggressive but that's great news for someone raised in New England, you can basically do what you want and people are like "oh he's so honest and forthright it's a breath of fresh air"

Southern California is kind of shit except for San Diego. Northern California is awesome. All of Oregon and Washington are awesome. Washington is better because you get to keep more of your income, Oregon taxes suck. Eastern Oregon and Washington is redneck territory but great, Seattle/Portland/Eugene are liberal as fuck with lots of awesome food, coastal communities are ... odd. Tight knit. Very artsy but limited in artistic talent.

Idaho and Montana are real cool too. Lots of guns though so you'd have to be cool with that.

What's your apprenticeship in?

>> No.1553989
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wagie #feels

>> No.1553995

because the comic isn't about male vs female?


>> No.1554008
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School was tough for me. I was sent to the best school in my country but the teachers got jealous of my wealth and tried to make me stupid, which they succeed in.

>> No.1554011

Problem is, I'm a manchild who literally has trouble talking to people. Can't really sugarcoat it beyond that, but I'm working on it. My life would be kickstarted if I just possessed the ability to do basic social shit.

>> No.1554016

Grew up as a military dependant. The military is a big welfare system.

I was lucky enough to learn about buying and selling things for a profit at a young age. eBay was just becoming a "thing" in 99. Military housing had tons of yard sales and garage sales and shit so I bought a lot and sold a lot through eBay. I used to get a stack of money orders and checks in the mail every day. I started delivering papers at 13 and worked hard to get a lot of new customers. Doubled my route. At 16 I started mowing lawns and washing cars. Unfortunately school kind of fell by the wayside. At 16 I learned my parents took a lot of money out of my account and said they needed it. They bought a new van. Started working at Burger King and McDonald's. Bought a car and lived in it until 18. Havent talked to my parents in over 10 years.

At 19 I got my GED, tried going to a university. Couldnt get assistance due to FAFSA going off of my parents income which was now too high. Kept working, now Im 29 and Ive been working for $24/hour, 70+ hours a week for 4 years. Pretty sure Im going to be here until Im dead at 60.

>> No.1554023
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Just be happy to be alive friend.

>> No.1554028

For confused people. The first box shows a middleclass/upperclass family that have the time to support a child's education. The kid on the right is unsupported in her education because her parents both have to work to support her.

The next box of the comic would be "Richard" being a manager of a company, making $80k a year, and Paula being a low tier employee making $30k a year.

>> No.1554062

Grew up without much but I wouldn't consider my family poor.
Always had plenty of good food und a loving family. But money was often short at the end of the month and our cars were always close to breaking down.
Sometimes I had to lend them some money to make ends meet but I always got it back within a month or so.
At least they have a good retirement fund, so I don't have to worry about that.
In the last 3 years my dad got his shit together and improved his spending und earning.
Worked for 35 years and still hasn't payed of a house.

What strikes me is that most of my friends who grew up "poor" chose career paths where they could make a living and those from more wealthy families never thought about it.
E.g. bachelor in politics, language, child care studies, ....
In the retrospective my upbringing was great.
Me and my sibling both chose high-earning jobs und none of us has spending habits like our parents.
Unfortunally we live in a "gibsmethat"tier country.
Going to change that someday.

>> No.1554073

Richard works middle management for the rest of his life.

Paula quits her job at 27 to have a baby and never rejoins the workforce. She posts on Facebook and Tumblr about the wage gap and sexist men in the workplace. She starts a Kickstarter campaign and collects $100K to write another blog on Tumblr but she never finishes the articles

>> No.1554074

>1st gen to immigrant parents
>15 kids
>20yrs in the ghetto
>No birthdays/holidays until the older kids got jobs
>4 college grads
>9 high school grads
>2 geds
>Only 1 of us got 1 year for probation violation but is currently on the straight

All I got to say is thank god for being asian and fishing for keeping me out of serious trouble.

>> No.1554099

>Mom tells her that her 50k college fund was used to pay bills

Are you powering your neighborhood with all that electricity and water usage? damn.

Fuck your parents though, for real.

>> No.1554103

>don't just show you're wealthy - show you're wealthy enough to take everything from them

You're definitely a Jew

>> No.1554104

>12k at 17

Doing what? Part time wont do that unless you started around 12 or 13

>> No.1554201

I don't believe she had gotten a full ride but I knew she had received merit based scholarships and a charity based one. For the most part she had tuition but not enough money for room and board.

>> No.1554211

Grew up poor. It made me realize that with more money, I could solve almost all my problems. So I clawed my way up to a management position at a shitty restaurant for the slight boost in pay, started trading stocks, and am looking into starting up an appliance repair business on the side (seriously, parts are cheaper than people realize, but repair guys get away with charging you a small fortune because your dumb ass doesn't know how to change the agitator dogs in a washing machine).

>> No.1554217

My goal is to be supporting myself with day trading by fall of next year. I'm risking a lot, but management at $350/wk before taxes isn't worth it.

>> No.1554225

Basically this

>> No.1554229

Engineering degree was my breakthrough. Took a loan for it, but Im in Canada so it was reasonable. Still paying it off, but thats fine.

Trying to create two businesses, one physical and one virtual so I can work for myself because working for others fucking sucks.

>> No.1554235

Dumbass, file as independent on fafsa

>> No.1554273

his whole story sounds like he's been a drug dealer his whole life to me lmfao

>> No.1554288

"my mama found some sacks on me kicked out of the house, but i had $40,000 saved i shoulda been moved out"

>> No.1554302

So it was her stepfather who suggested that the money "wasn't really hers"?

If she had gone on a murderous screwdriver spree at that point I don't think there's a jury who would have found her in the wrong.

Why are parents such scumbags?

>> No.1554319

Holy shit. Bravo, if that's true.

>> No.1554334

>i tell them they either pay me back or i go to WCB about my Dad who was lying about being disabled with proof that he isnt.

>screaming ensues
>my Dad leaves to go take out a loan and pay me back the $16,000 they took from me over the years. THAT ALOT for a kid to earn in 6 years from mowing laws whilst also paying for gas and shit
>never talks to me gain but i got my money

The fuck? Couldn't your dad just beat you for threatening to go against him?

You had balls

>> No.1554346

Not him but what books do you read? Who are your role models? I feel happy for you even though I don't know you

>> No.1554355
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don't give up friendo. You don't give up till your dead.

You made money in the past. You can do so now. However, this time; your parents aren't capable of taking your earnings.

>> No.1554642

Dad's dead and my mom and I are on friendly terms but we don't talk all that often or see each other that often even though she only lives an hour away.

>> No.1554662

I mostly read comics. I like comics. Good triumphs over evil and all that. Fun plotlines. One of my favorite books is "How to Talk to Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime" by Larry King.

I read a lot of tech journals and blogs. A lot.

I admired my step dad. I only knew him a year and I was 5. But he was a huge man. Big hands and shoulders. He was a trucker, a small airplane pilot and a former amateur circuit stock car driver. He flew planes, drove trucks and raced cars. He *was* a super hero. He was also incredibly kind, generous and patient.

I took his last name and I always wanted to be the father he was.

I had an awesome uncle. Small businessman who started with nothing and climbed out of the ashes twice. I had a fantastic grandfather. He was a WW2 vet who literally told Patton to kiss his ass (he was on morphine at the time). He lost half his foot in the war, came home and started ranching.

I learned a lot about being a man from those men.

I guess I admire Joe Biden and Colin Powell a bit. Mark Cuban seems like a bro, it'd be nice to have beers with him.

Thanks for the kind words

>> No.1554667

You're a great dude, anon. Your family is lucky to have you.

>> No.1554726
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This is such a great thread. Thank you all for your stories. I will share my own later, have to call mom and do some errands I've been putting off the past hour.

One observation I'd like to make tho: there seems to be a theme with all these success stories, whether rags to riches or riches to more. It seems like everyone had some kind of mentor, some figure to emulate, or at least the most influential person in your life tended to have the lifestyle and mannerisms you emulated. Anyone else seeing this or is it just me?

>> No.1554764

My father was a laborer, my mother was a secretary, and I'm a PhD student now.

My mother left her job and ran a small daycare (4-7 kids) in our home for the first 5 years of my life. She spend a lot of time reading to us, taking us to the library, museums, and things like that. With that kind of support, it was easy for me to fly through the poor public schools I went to, but I did not develop a good work ethic.

Later, when I was about 16, my father retired from his job. This was when I really got to know my father, since he worked from 5am-7pm daily. He taught me basic mechanics, carpentry, and general handy skills, as well as the value of a good work ethic.

Now I'm working towards a PhD in a very high demand area, and will likely have a starting salary larger than my parents' combined salaries at the ends of their careers. I'm grateful for the support they've provided me to become successful.

>> No.1554931

I wouldn't either. My brother had a fill ride to a small college for basketball but got cancer a few months in. Don't get me wronf my parents are shit when it comes to money but it made me notice how much I work to get something to say it's mine. I also see why poor people stay poor, they can't dream big. Imagine two people equally skilled are looking for work, the one that needs money to survive is likely to apply to shittier jobs with bad wages/benefits compared to the guy that wants to make money to sustain their wealth or buy something big. Not complaining just something that I've experienced first hand since I was poor.

>> No.1554941
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>grow up in middle class family
>grandfather dies, leaves me enough to attend college and law school, debt free

thanks bro

>> No.1555403

22 here

>Parents have 4 kids
>he's on disability, she's a waitress
>He's schizophrenic
>the nth episode happens
>she threatens to kill him if he ever comes around us again
>tells us he's welcome to visit whenever he likes, just not live there
>fast forward 5 years
>oldest two kids have moved out, 1 military 1 college
>mom disappears
>4 months later, calls grandparents asking for bus fare to get home
>is 2 states away with convicted murderer + drug dealer Google boyfriend
>doesn't come back
>two years later
>comes back
>"Nothing happened, right kids?"

bright side, grandparents took guardianship after I was 13, meaning I got to file my FAFSA as an independent student when I started college, and I had a poorfriend scholarship that covered 100%-EFC.

>abandonment issues because parents
>ruin all interpersonal relationships
>get qt ADHD GF from higher socioeconomic class (parents make 6 figures)
>make her qt ADHD fiancee
>just now got back in college after 3 year hiatus/working full time
>so fucking much free time as a student

We'll have to see what happens

>> No.1555669
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Being poor was a valuable life lesson and one of the best things to happen to me. It's one of the things that decides your fate as a human being. Literally, too. You can die if you fail. I won't go in detail, obviously, but I'll give some insights.

It taught me and FORCED me into discipline, maturity, responsibility, and compassion. It also, for better or worse, taught me what the world is like. I said this makes or breaks someone because people will tend to fill the void in their life or suppress the pain with purchases and going into debt. I know plenty of people who destroyed their lives that way. One way it forces you is in terms of responsibility. It's very easy to be responsible and see what is valuable to you between a television or even basic cable and Top Ramen. It teaches you a lot too and makes you creative, but you don't have a choice. If your mouse or monitor breaks you're forced to learn. Then you find out the fix is relatively easy. Bending the little metal thingy versus replacing some capacitors. Trivial, really, and you get a new skill. Plus, you notice how simplistic these things are. The only complexity is in your mind due to fear of the unknown.

I didn't have a mentor, but in a way it forced me to be my own mentor and I think it made me a stronger person for it. It also made me keep my integrity because I saw what it was like being helpless firsthand. I saw the type of people that take advantage of you... It's like Robin Williams said, “I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.” On top of that I vowed to always do the right thing. Never cheat the man in the glass. There's so many people I know of that are just spineless rats. It's depressing. I know of one that sells vehicles and he changes the odometer reading and sells it for double what it costs. Disgusting.

>> No.1555681
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To add contrast to this. Being rich is difficult in its own respect. Far more than people realize, unfortunately. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vo34/whats_the_happiest_5word_sentence_you_could_hear/chb4v05

It'll make a serious impact on your mental health. Far more than you'll realize. It's nothing you can prepare for, but you'll overcome it with time. You'll have to constantly remind yourself that due to your situation you will attract evil people, but there are good human beings out there. It's hard to stay positive, but you'll have to do it for your own sanity. Be prepared for a lot of socially related issues. It's certainly better to be rich... Mostly... One of the benefits is time. Not only time, but time+. Time on steroids. You have time, but you're also able to do whatever you want with that time. It's kind of like playing Grand Theft Auto Online with cheats... Until you get bored and want to kill yourself once there's nothing to do... Pretty similar. I don't know where I'm going with this. Maybe something in here was useful to you.

>> No.1555774

Even if you file as independent at 23, they can still deny assistance by going off of your parents income even if you dont list them when filing. I didnt, you need their social security number and I hadnt been talking to them for years at that point but was still denied. Appeals was useless.

>> No.1555871

>be me, growing up on dairy farm in australia
>not poor, but not exactly rich either, since the industry is completely going to shit
>parents in debt to bank for about 2 mil, common story for farmers in the area
>hand me downs, work on the farm after school and on weekends instead of hanging out with friends, smell like shit alot of the time, when friends come over they get drafted into working on the farm for the day too
>taught me how to work hard, and the value of running your own business, also how to be frugal and make something out of nothing
>studying at uni now, we got some big payoffs by selling farms during mining boom, no longer in dairying or in debt
>parents pay for rent and uni, slowly losing my hunger for money because of it
>getting fat and lazy instead, but still deadset on being successful
>go through phases of being lazy as fuck, and determined as fuck
Hardship can be a damn good thing while you're young, makes you yearn for something more

>> No.1556304

Just looked at your image. It's truly remarkable, but apparently the in the first line "self", is actually "pelf". And this makes it so much better.

>> No.1556317
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>implying even half of you were poor

Your parents probably memed you into thinking you were poor with

>> No.1556343

You should tell your parents to fuck off and and instead put it into a fund or something. So you can use it for a business .

>> No.1556578

>get GED, get a job and keep it, not have children until marriage
I heard this exact thing from Ben Shapiro

>> No.1556717

>be my father
>be born in 3rd world country
>get shit kicked out of me if i dont spend every waking our studying
>have big dreams of leaving and getting big in one of the superpowers
>decide soviet union is bad investment put everything he has into american naturalization process
>kek, good move.jpeg
>finally get to america
>remember that i have wife and kids
>post pone transitioning my medical career from 3rd wirld to 1st world in order to help them get naturalized
>finally get all of them over here
> begin grinding for high score in life
>wife loses her god damned mind
And starts becoming a religous extremist
>demands to go back to shitty oridins and throw away all of my hard work
>eldest son grows to be an under acheiving shitstain, must be forced into college. Ends up joining the army then dissapearing.
>younger kids naively go back with their mother
>2nd son comes back after 6 years with some ptsd
>daughter comes back after 7 with more ptsd
> getting too old
> still cant sell assets because retarded wife cuts contact but doesnt divorce
>cant take full advantage of income because retarded wife still takes child support off of fully grown adults
>cant appeal this because shitty american state government not as good as its cracked up to be
>will die soon
>the only son that kept contact will inherit my debt

>> No.1556731


That's depressing.

That's reality.

>> No.1556772


>be my fathers 2nd son
>realize that my father is the only one i will ever respect
>realize that i will soon inherit his debt when he dies
>realize that because of him, I am an american with more opportunity than he ever had because
>refuse to fail
> join military, for college benefits.
>serve honorably and live like hermit while i am in the service, other soldtards spend their checks on booz and wives
>come out of it with a year of college, 75k saved up and the chance to utilize post
9-11GI bill
>utilize GI bill get 3 years of free college
>find paid internship while studying
>graduate debt free and with 100k in savings
> work for a fortune 500 company
>spend my days yelling at lazy insurance agents that dont meet my expectations
>realize i wont be able to see my father again until he dies
> try to get rich somehow so i can go back and set fire to my origins to honor his memory
> jast cant break the bracket
>sorry, dad. I guess i wasnt good enough

>> No.1556773

Debt doesn't inherit. They'll have to fight over your estate. Get everything you can in to your son's name if you want him to have it.

>> No.1556791

This is important to know.
When my dad died our entire family got threatening letters about settling his open debts. Luckily we smelled the bullshit a mile away and confirmed we didn't have to pay shit.

I feel really bad for the suckers who undoubtedly pay up though.

>> No.1556798

Well thats a breath of fresh air. But regarding funeral costs?

>> No.1556815

>I didn't start really working and "getting how the world works" until my late twenties.

this is literally where I'm at right now.

I'm 27, but feel like I'm 10 years behind on everything.

>> No.1556861

Funeral costs are covered by the family. Fuck that though. I want my family to cremate me for as cheaply as possible. Funerals are a scam. I mean everyone wants to get together and remember me, great, but I'd be pissed if they payed someone thousands to mangle my corpse so I look good in a casket and rent out a sparse room with fucking flowers.

>> No.1556862

That we did have to pay, and it's pretty damn expensive.
I was still a student at the time and my mom wrecked her credit to pay for it since the death was sudden and unexpected.

Just started working last year and finished paying it off for her. About $7k was left, I'm not sure how much she had paid off herself.

I'm still pretty young, but I'm already starting a funeral fund for myself and I'm going to buy the plot next to my dad for my mom next year.

Planning a funeral after someone dies is like getting robbed after you've just been raped. I would highly advise you people to draw up plans for that shit while they're still alive.

>> No.1556873


cremation is cool. I like the idea of "still being in the house" instead of under some dirt 20-some miles away.

>> No.1556898
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Good job anon. I'm in your boat at the moment, Don't know your age but i began researching how to actually help myself out instead of whining about wages. Put myself through real estate school, kissed ass at the office looking for the right mentor, and sucked up knowledge like a sponge. Rehabing homes now, just turned 22.

>> No.1556915

Lets see here. My father was an abusive man to his kids my mother no different but she was a cluster B type woman who would feel guilty and try to make it up. While my father couldn't becuz he was so busy trying to feed 6 kids. When I was 4 I asked him why he kept drinking and he threw a chair making me comatose for 2 days no hospital.

When he finally made his money he basically gave it all to my aunt to pay her housing bills and her childrens stuff like college and quinineras. So while I had to take out college loans my cousins were getting free rides despite being illegals.

When I was 5 my father was so piss drunk he didn't prevent one of his house guests from molesting me in front of him and my mother being vain just let him do instead of trying to stop him. When I was 7 I witnessed complete strangers that my father invited to the house try to murder him and his best friend and my mother. They lived but during the fights there was blood and yelling and I was with the rest of my siblings I was 7 and I had two older siblings who were 13 and 14 at the time. Via process of eliminatio they shoved me out of the safety of the bedroom where we locked the doors for me to figure out what was happening. Obviously what I witnessed scarred me for life. Later when I was 8 my father invited the same guy who molested me and some extended family member to live with us. They raped me for a week before anything was done. After they were thrown out and I decided to sleep in my father decided to get drunk that old man and my cousin lied about leaving something behind they got in an raped me one last time. I cried non stop for the next 24 hours it seemed like throwing up in the bed so distraught my father being an idiot who had no idea what to do and my mother not wanting to confront what she also let happened decided to beat me until I stopped crying. Fortunately it was summer break so when school started I would have no scars.

I can continue...

>> No.1556920

I went to a private school and got to know the opposite side of the spectrum. When some families meet a certain threshold of money they stop trying for their kids and hire other people or think the schools are gonna do parenting. It happens man but the damage for motivation sucks.

>> No.1556955

Part 2

Parents somehow get myself and my siblings into private school from elementary to high school. We do well but parents don't praise us they tell us to do better etc. Non of us ever get gifts for Christmas or birthdays or for anything really it's always handouts from charities (god bless them). Entire family abusive to one another because we are horribly poor and parents are dumb. We insult each other destroy each other possesions we beat each other when we couldn't for words anymore. There were many a time I wanted to kill my siblings because they wouldn't leave me alone and my mother couldn't stop me one time so she hammered one of my knees. Its always in pain in winter.

I am the middle child so younger and older siblings take advantage of me one way or another effectively driving myself to suicide many times but parents just beat me after each attempt and siblings use it as a means to ridicule me for being weak.

Decide to get some nylon rope and a load of bricks and bury them in a nearby river when I go to high school if things don't get better Just string myself up and commit suicide. Things got better I found someone willing to put up with my damaged self and he was messed up too but no trauma like me but we both had anxiety.

I had a full ride scholarship for college but my anxiety and feminism ruined that chance so dropped out.

BF becomes horribly mentally ill he can't hold a job we have a terrible relaionship due to our mutual anxieties. 8 Years later we are doing alright. We slowly helped each other through some neurosies. The few friends we made in our lives come back and pay our efforts 10 fold in love and understanding. I am trying to get a job when I effectively make more than my siblings or my parents.

Its all due to bf and I just wish I knew how to help him. He's more than i ever deserved.

>> No.1556983

Okay femanon i see you. So what are you doing now, What's making your riches?

>> No.1556987

Post tits

>> No.1556991

My parents are wealthy but my dad grew up poor so hes always a dick and act likes he has no money.

He will bitch at me for eating large portions of expensive food like meat...

>> No.1557013

>grew up with single mother since i was born
>only get to see father on rare occasions
>bought me a computer when i was young and got me into computers before he left for years
>single mother issues/poor life
>live with father for a while
>stop living with father back to single mom issues
>father provides some stuff like clothes thats it
>basically poor guy walking around looking rich but is actually poor
>18 now
all i got going for me is my love for computers and trying to learn alot of programming/math going for a CS degree and dont know what to do else
>poor life currently
>i could improve if i stopped wasting so much time
how can i stop procrastinating? its killing my chances

>> No.1557026

I was waiting for the Bel Air/Walk the Dinosaur ending. Disappointed.

>> No.1557066
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She beat me with jumper cables

>> No.1557072

I'm sorry man.

>> No.1557135

i think richards parents are offering him a lot of tutoring and putting a lot of attention into motivating him into working hard
paula's parents don't have the time to do that so she's getting pulled away by the trappings that come from not having that kind of structure in her life

>> No.1557201

Just like in the boiler room "Fuck you mom and dad" How's your investment life?

>> No.1557226

>Former/current poor kids. How did your upbringing fuck you up, and what have you done to fix it?
>Horror stories also encouraged.

So my poor upbringing, having eaten only pizza and ramen most of my childhood taught me survival skills, growing up with a single mother and no father, knowing only my room,boredom and school... By the time i was in middle school i decided i would go down literally any path other than my mother and father's... By the time i graduated i was already working, invested and owned a "small buisness" if you could call it that. I had people making money for me, my momey making momey for me, i literally didnt give a shit about anything and even despite all of this i had an incredible social life if i do say so myself.

I also learned not to rely on anyone. Im currently 22, in college paying my own way and worth a little over 2 mil and made it all on my own. Not even trying.

My poor upbringing did not hinder me in any way, aside from being able to pick out lazy shitlords and people who blame their upbringing for their misfortune and laziness. An individuals upbringing is nothing but an excuse, and anyone who thinks otherwise are generally the people who blame their issues on others

Before you can do anything for yourself or society, you have to take responsibility for your life and the things around you tjat could possibly be effected by you.

>> No.1557333

That was a dumb joke. She never beat me with jumper cables that's just a le reddit meme. She beat me with kindling once though. And broomsticks regularly.

It's the past. Fuck it.

My investments are weak. I think I have like $8000 not counting my 401k. It's a hobby more than anything.

I got in on Home Depot in late 2012. They've been a good long hold. Other than that it's been small medicine/pharma, and small telecom. Win some, lose some.

>> No.1557348

you buy your polo shirts used????

>> No.1557430

Are you me?

>> No.1557496

I HIGHLY recommend you sit down and get that all sorted out. Seriously, it sounds like you're off to a great start and coasting nicely, Compound interest is a beautiful thing. Checkout "MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom" By Tony Robbins, very informative and good for slow people like you and I

>> No.1557519
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Is this comic saying that poor people are born poor and can't do any better?
She was an above-average student who went to college. Since she's a woman, an ethnic minority, poor as shit, and a hard worker, she probably got a free ride at a state school. Why is she a waitress?

>> No.1557528
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Upper middle classfag here

Any of you poorbros have any ways of dealing with my family troubles? My parents were basically arguing nonstop for the first 17 years of my life, did any of you guys have a similar issue?

Would my dad being so in debt from paying all of our bills while my mom got to live a comfy life that he had to dip into his retirement fund significantly to prevent himself from going bankrupt count as being poor?

>> No.1557533

If you need others to provide you direction in life, chances are you aren't going to be successful in the first place.

No hatred of Paula or anything, but seriously- if you need your parents to give you material rather than being naturally curious, you're pretty normie IMO.

>> No.1557567

Coding and insurance sales.

>> No.1557570

>Any of you poorbros have any ways of dealing with my family troubles? My parents were basically arguing nonstop for the first 17 years of my life, did any of you guys have a similar issue?

This is going to be dark as fuck, and I admit this is probably not the lesson to be learned here but... there were certain issues that went away only because my dad died. It was like we were free and safe finally. At least from that particular threat.

I'm still fucked up and paranoid and have a lot of issues that are actively holding me back (I'm working on getting them sorted out), but at least I don't have to worry about my father turning up with a gun in the middle of the night to hurt my family.

I guess the better advice from this is... physically leave. Even if you can't escape the social or mental issues that you're surrounded by, at least get somewhere where you are physically distant from these people.

>> No.1557574

That's awesome and very credible. I hate the idea of learning code variables and so do others. You have a unique skill set and can do whatever you want with it. Tell me a few people you looked to as mentors to help you boost confidence with selling

>> No.1557582


Yeah I was kinda like: why do anything?

Big house, plenty of money. Really I saw it all and I was like, "meh, this stuff isn't that important".

And I still feel that way. But I was broke for a couple years in my 20's and it was fucking terrible. I'll never have a need to be rich, but having no money is a low feeling.

My 3 siblings are the same way. We all work a decent living, but none of us are motivated by money the way our dad was.

>> No.1557589
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>I hate the idea of learning code variables and so do others

>> No.1557617

I mean, I love my dad to death, it's really just my mom. I'm 19 now and in college, but my parents are divorcing. My mom hates my dad, her family hates him, and my brother doesn't talk to him, so it's really just me, him, and his mom (my grandma, who is in her 80s) and his really good friend who lives in Germany. I try to support him as much as possible and he's really grateful for it and I admire him for it, but I really can't stand my mom. It's not even just what she does in his marriage that basically has destroyed him as a person, it's been like this forever- it's like I've never been able to bond with her.

Money solves some problems, but it doesn't solve the fact that you marry a bitch who makes you buy a 1.2 million dollar house and causes you to go in debt up to your eyeballs to pay all the bills, while she gets to shop around and then, on top of it all, you have to cook, clean, and do all the stuff for the kids, while she gets to relax. And- get this- when you start doing work abroad to make more money for the family, she gets to demonize you as treating her like a single mom for being abroad, and then when you go back and get on an industry blacklist for abandoning a project because of her bitching- you're the bad guy.

I just can't like interact with my mom. No matter what she says I just feel all our conversation is forced.

>> No.1557624

>I just can't like interact with my mom.
God I can see why after what you just described. Jesus.
I'm glad to hear you have a good relationship with your dad, though, and that the two of you get along.

>> No.1557641

The worst part of the whole thing I'd say was when my dad started the divorce process about a year ago. My mom's from the Caribbean, but of Indian background, so divorce is a big no-no, so she invited my dad to lunch to "talk about fixing their relationship" and offered to have a financial separation with my dad- basically making the two stay married for the sake of her family.

At that point, my dad said he knew he'd have to get the divorce. I feel really bad about it, knowing that my dad will be alone without me pretty much, so I do my best to go to lunch with him and I talk to him over the phone a lot and keep him going.

>> No.1557654

youre pitiful

also c h e c k d

>> No.1557665

>At that point, my dad said he knew he'd have to get the divorce. I feel really bad about it, knowing that my dad will be alone without me pretty much, so I do my best to go to lunch with him and I talk to him over the phone a lot and keep him going.
You're a good person, and your dad probably really appreciates that you love him and want to stay in his life.

>> No.1557676

My mom basically ignored my interests and my dad encouraged me but also traveled most of the time (4 weeks abroad, 1 week at home) for most of my developmental years.

If you have a computer, you have no excuse for not having an interest in something. I found my calling by finding CNBC and getting into stocks and eventually economics.

I'm not shaming you for being poor, I'm shaming you for blaming your inability to find an idea on your parents' lack of helping you, rather than actually going out and finding it yourself.

Once you stop blaming people for your own faults in life and work as an individual to improve your situation, you'll find that nine times out of ten, it helps.

>> No.1557693

My emotional support for my dad has unfortunately come at the expense of my relationship with my brother. I can't remember the last time I had a real conversation with him, even before he went to college (2 years older than me).

Basically, on the day of his high school graduation, my mom ignored my dad and his mom, and basically spent most of the evening talking to his teachers and introducing all her sisters to them, while leaving my dad in the corner to watch his mom.

My dad's a pretty emotional guy so he got pretty hurt by this and was basically quiet all night and was slightly pissed off, given that even during the ceremony she sat separately with her sisters from me, my dad, and my grandma. It was all a real big stab in the back for him and so he was quiet, and my brother took it personally and holds a grudge against my dad for it. It's complete horse shit and I honestly can't stand my brother at all for doing it.

I know this a poorfag thread, but seriously- money can solve some of your problems but it really opens up another can of worms on its own. Be warned, if any of you actually end up getting rich on here. Marrying a bitch can ruin your life.

>> No.1557710

>money can solve some of your problems but it really opens up another can of worms on its own.
This is something I had to learn over time. When I was really young I was so bitter from seeing everyone else having a better life than my family that I didn't understand or empathize with "rich people". As I've gotten older, though, I've realized how much having a lot of money makes you a target.

>> No.1557834


> money solves problems but adds some new ones


> mortgage
> insurance
> lawyers
> accountants
> finance guys
> etc...

>> No.1557860

>implying you don't start attracting gold diggers who can ruin your life like my dad
>implying you start wondering if your friends are only into you for money
>implying your kids don't turn out to be entitled shits like my brother 99% of the time
>implying your gold digger wife will not turn your kids against you at every turn she gets

You know it's possible for more than two socioeconomic groups to have problems, right?

>> No.1558414

You need to vet your partners even more thoroughly than you vet a job or a stock. This is a lifetime investment.

Be willing to walk away from a woman, no matter how attractive she is, if she's toxic or entitled. Be wise enough to notice toxic or entitled behavior no matter how attractive she is.

There's great women out there. I married one. And she's a great mom helping me raise loving and generous kids, not spoiled brats.

Let all the coked up alcoholic Chads and so called alphas have the perfect 10s and the ugly divorces that accompany them. Seek out a partner not a hot bitch.

This is just common sense.

>> No.1558561

Grew up. Had an abusive alcoholic for a dad. When I was kid he would beat me and steal from me to buy more alcohol to continue the process. As I got older I also got bigger so he started moving to my mom and sister. Mom finally got fed up and divorced him, but definitely lived on the poor end for my teen years. Got out of trap, but still feel like something's missing.

Hearing all these stories really resonates, but I'm really sorry about yours...

>> No.1558606

>"Wow I'm gonna fuck a woman who's vapid and only cares about herself"
>he actually thinks this is how people get fucked in relationships

Your thought process and the fact that you're shitposting on the business and finance board of a chinese anime website are evidence that none of what you said are true.

That's like telling poor people to "just make more money."

>> No.1558809

Is your dad indian too?

>> No.1558919

Grew up. Had an abusive alcoholic for a dad. When I was kid he would beat me and steal from me to buy more alcohol to continue the process. As I got older I also got bigger so he started moving to my mom and sister. Mom finally got fed up and divorced him, but definitely lived on the poor end for my teen years. Got out of trap, but still feel like something's missing.

Hearing all these stories really resonates, but I'm really sorry about yours...

>> No.1558949


Grew up pretty well off but then was poor once my dad died. I knew the value of money but not the value of good education and never cared about school so I got a useless degree and will be in debt till i'm dead.

So I got the best job I could get that allowed the most personal time, and just try and make the most of it.

>> No.1559054

I guess it made me too generous coming from a poor family.

I never say no when people ask for money, especially family members, and now am facing legal trouble due to my financial problems.

I am roughly owed 6,000 funbux that I've lent these past five months.

>> No.1559319

No he's white, born in Germany.

>> No.1559347

Lol my dad is. The one who ran away when I was 18 months old.

Fucker moved back to Alaska. Technically I'm 1/4 Inuit but he wouldn't register me with his tribe so I never got any of that delicious free oil money.

I don't know a single one of my Alaskan native brethren.

Fuck it. I made it on my own.

>> No.1559377

This is why you dont flaunt your money. It attracts leeches of all kinds - women, false friends, distant family, people in trouble, sometimes even "collectors" etc.

Get a normal car, wear mainstream clothes, nice apartment or house is allowed just say you inherited it or won some minor money in lottery that helped you to put something down, tell everyone you found your vacation on one of those last minute super deals etc.

No one needs to know that cabin in Canada is not your uncles.

>> No.1559427

>implying you can 'waste' time

>> No.1559462

Oh lord.
>negligent drug addict parents
>I sat in a shitty ghetto room all day with some cheap broken old toys
>wasn't allowed to go outside, wasn't allowed to have friends because it would be a pain in the ass for my family
>wasn't allowed to do sports
>we had no books in house, only a handful of vhs tapes, no cable, no internet, no computer, a shitty radio, no cds, well pretty much nothing
>most of the time dinner was rice or pasta with a canned vegetable, tapwater to drink
>no healthcare of course, not even home-remedy stuff
>go grooming, clothes never fit right, all clothes shoes and possessions were extremely old, pre-used, raggedy
>got made fun of for looking like I fell in a clothing donation bin
>basically sat in room and did nothing all day every day
>had extreme social anxiety, zero social skills
>received zero financial, life, self, or career guidance, parents never even spoke to me except to scream at me about something stupid or to call me names or throw something at me
>had to figure everything out on my own, aka one crisis after another
>my first relationship was abusive because I had never seen a healthy relationship, lasted 6 years, tore down my self esteem to 0
>I wasn't allowed to go further than the housing development on my own, wasn't allowed to have friends, basically same shit, NEET
>got sick of it, dumped him, returned to college, got degree, learned /biz/, trying to be something more than a wageslave or dependent
>had to spend all of college rebuilding myself and learning how to interact with people

All the valuable skills, lessons, advice, support, socialization, and starting-out help normies get? Yeah, try doing it with none of that, actually starting not from a hill but from a fucking hole in the ground that's filled with mud and piss. That's what it is like to be raised poor. I try not to be too resentful because it will just put me in a bad mood and not help anything, but it's pretty hard.

>> No.1559480

>I didn't start really working and "getting how the world works" until my late twenties.

Feels bad man. First job at 20, didn't work in college, second job at 25. I wish I worked during college, I would be like 5 years ahead of where I am now. Like, gee, if only I had some sort of caring adult to help me grow up and tell me the value of work isn't just in the wage, but the experience you get that will buy you a nice job some day, and if you don't work as a teenager you will always be passed over for the candidate that did.

>> No.1559506

>have a lot of issues that are actively holding me back

Every time I hear someone walk in, especially walking up stairs, I get a small panic thinking I'm about to be screamed at for an hour or two straight so my dad can vent steam on something weak, to the point I'm crying on the floor out of my mind. I get ashamed as a grown ass adult that I still get this panic hearing the door opening. I wish I could live alone but I can't afford rent without a housemate. She's nice but I still get that panic. It's been 5 years since I had to live at home. The last time I did my dad was screaming at me to the point I was about to call a suicide hotline because I couldn't stop thinking about ending it. I can't even remember what set him off, but I knew despite all that shit he says about always having an open bedroom for me (physically he does not anyway), it's all bullshit. I'd sooner live in a tent than ever endure that again.

>> No.1559615 [DELETED] 

Can't really say we was poor. Always had food on the table, had a TV and an used computer in the living room. We had a car that always needed fixing.
I got clothes from our neighbours kids when they grew out of them and dad crafted toys for me(like swords and stuff made out of wood) since childrens toys are expensive as shit. Often got one or two books at Christmas and on my birthday. When I got older he and mum got together and bought me a cell phone and a MP3-player.
Grew up with my dad who never really had a job and if he needed money he lent it from his friends, never from me.
I got $100/month when I became 15, which also meant that I bought all my clothes and paid for cinema tickets and such myself. Did I want anything I had to save up for it without any help except for one time when he bought me an xbox with guitar hero for $300 out of the blue.
Paid for my $1800 drivers licence myself and he gave me an old car when I got 19(I had moved out by this time so he could afford another car and lots of shit, he even bought a motorcycle).

It affected me so I appreciate what I have more, and I've overcome the feeling of wanting to buy things just to have them. I am a bit stingy though. I'm pretty grateful.

>> No.1559748

>Stop buying lunch to save up change
>mum finds out and takes money back because it's "hers"
>sister does the same thing
>"sister is so smart and frugal anon"

It was only like £15 but it still pisses me off, I was already underweight, I was fucking starving.

>> No.1559850
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I didn't grow up poor, but I my dad was/is an alcoholic which presented hardship but in different ways than being poor. Mother is a saint and I love her for trying her best, but neither parent was a particularly good one. Thank fuck for the internet, as it taught me more than my parents ever could have. The only good thing he ever did for me was getting me into a trade union. Anyone have experience with a parent that was 'there' financially but emotionally non-existent? It feels as bad as them not being there at all.

Not having that parental guidance/push has been a massive setback for me in life. I squandered my chance at university and dropped out after 5 semesters. Smoking weed as a distraction from life is a good way to fuck yourself up. Now I'm in debt ~25k and feel like I'm stuck in a hole. At least I gave up the weed and have an amazing girl.

Almost feels like at 25, it's too late to do well. Might be a quarter-life crisis.

>> No.1559885

S-s-she was probably raped.

>> No.1560121
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Yes. It's called a thrift store. You go occasionally and learn to hunt out the deals and you can look less like a wagecuck.

>> No.1560153

Naturally. Maybe thats the deal with the hood mentality that plagues a large sum Of our youth.

>> No.1560174

I'm in roughly the same boat as you anon. Dad was a POS and mom (while being the kindest person in the world, bless her) was a pushover for way too long and we both suffered for it. He worked hard and I begrudgingly admire him for that though.

Be glad you're in a trade union. As long as you have a skill, you have a living. I have a degree and a cozy job but I'm a replaceable cog in the corporate machine who has to mind his options and watch his back, less the economy slips and I'm without a job in the blink of an eye

My advice is this: you have your entire life to go to school and study what you want. You might be too old to get into investment banking, but the vast majority of white collar careers are open to you at the ground floor at any age.

Stay off the weed and don't follow your dad down a bottle. I wasn't careful and alcoholism nearly ruined my life by 24. I'm 28 now and still making up for lost time, but having your shit together feels infinitely better than being "the funny drunk guy" in your circle of friends.

Good luck.

>> No.1560186

Know this feel too. Life is awful when you don't feel safe in your own home. You should become closer with your roommate. Living with a friend is the best way to become comfortable living with others IMO.

>> No.1560190

Weed and that lifestyle of instant gratitude is behind me, and while the trade isn't the most glorious job, it's good pay and I'll be able to kill my debt within a year or two of hard saving and frugal living.

Thanks for the sentiments, I appreciate it. I'm 25 and just turning a new page, so I know how you feel about making up for lost time.

It is what it is.

>> No.1560204
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>Dad has 25k set aside to pay for roughly half of my college, i have to pay the rest
>total college was about 40k, im super stoked cause i don't make much and even paying the remaining 15k is a lot for me
>budget around only paying 15k for college
>out of the blue, mom says she has 25k in debt across 6 different credit cards with avg. APY 23%, some she hasn't paid in months and they're at the default penalty rate, close to 40%
>dad has to pay them off because they're in both their names and he's stone fucked
>no one had any idea
>sorry anon, you're loans are only 5% interest
>this was 7 years ago
>I'm still paying it off

>> No.1560214

>TFW got myself through school with scholarships and working part time

Sorry to hear that anon. I think in the future you'll know never to trust anyone to provide anything for you, ever. Also: your mom and 99% of women in general are fucking useless

>> No.1560239

My parents told me that there was no reason to build credit. Nor did they really teach me any basic financial advice. Like how to budget things or the best way to shop. Then kicked me out at 18 and made me just figured things out. Admittedly it took me longer than it should to figure things out.

>> No.1560256

I was just thinking about how financial management should be taught in highschool. Time management wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

Don't worry Anon, it took me a long time to figure it out too. It was a 25000 dollar lesson.

>> No.1560280

That is the jewiest thing I have heard all day.

>> No.1560286

God-tier balls.
Tony Montana would be proud.

>> No.1560346

>It teaches you a lot too and makes you creative, but you don't have a choice. If your mouse or monitor breaks you're forced to learn.
This anon speaks the truth. So many times I've been in a situation that only creativity would get me out of. I now approach any situation with a positive attitude and an open mind. There's a lot of people impressed that I can do so much, but in reality, I went through the fire to gain the skills I take for granted.

Wish I knew how to put those skills on a resume so many years ago...

>> No.1560391

What skills are you referring to? How would you put them on a resume? Your input is much appreciated.

>> No.1560421

Random ones, completely unrelated. For instance, being able to wire unrelated data cables to create a connection (old playstation rca cables to a coax input with no adaptor). I just waterproofed a relative's basement using nothing but a spade shovel and 6 mil plastic sheeting. Helped negotiate payment terms with unrelated and disinterested parties. Provided a (surprisingly great quality) sound studio using blankets and strategic acoustical positioning. Diagnosed a faulty air conditioner and replaced the system. Provided moving services in a truck I was told did not have enough room - and shipped the cargo in better condition than I had found it.

Call these whatever you will - I'll call them skills. You'd be hard pressed to find opportunities to excel at so many things without the prior life experience. Being poor forces you to make a decision: You can do nothing and get nowhere, you can complain about it and still get nowhere, or you can do something about it and try to work with what you have.

>> No.1560426

So how would you put those on a resume?

>> No.1560463

>Father grew up poor and dumb, with no education
>Starts a small but profitable business
>Buisiness grows first two years then plateaus for around 20years
>Ends up being his own employee instead of an owner
>Never takes a day off in 20 years

>Mother comes from old money. >Quite wealthy.
>No education, never had a job because she's a woman and stupid.
>Depressed all the time.

>Grow up middle class
>Parents don't understand the value of Education or networking so unable to convey their importance.
>I get sent to a terrible public school instead of a good private one, but still do well.
>Mother squanders everything by the time I'm 14

>Want to be an Architect
>At 15 Father asks me to drop out of school to work for him
>Promises me that one day that one day I can take over.
>End up being used as minimum wage slave labor.
>Father thinks his business is running perfectly and won't even consider my opinion.
>Years go by believing it will be my turn soon.
>Father decides he is tired of working and sells the business - and my supposed future, to a larger competitor

Fuck my life.

>> No.1560501

When I was growing up my dad was a labourer and didn't make a lot of money, he refused to ever spend it and just saved it all never were allowed anything and shared a room with my brother until I was 13. I wouldn't say I had it tough but there was no random gifts or anything. It has made me work harder I'm at uni for a degree in finance and all I do is read about financial instruments. I have a futures account and I wait for catalyst to fuck with the market. Life is mediocre desu

>> No.1560526

my parents separated when i was young. they kept a good relationship with each other, and with me and my older sister and younger brother, but they had two mortgages to pay, on not great salaries. i didn't realize it at the time obviously, but paying their own bills plus our individual vacations, birthdays, and christmases (which to be fair were always pretty awesome) meant they were putting themselves deeper and deeper in credit card/remortgaging debt.

by being the "mature, responsible" one, i learned when i was older how broke they both are, and how little disposable income they individually have to spend each month.

so now i'm working full time in a shit job because i knew i wouldn't get enough support to go to college, while my fucking lazy siblings work sporadically part-time or not at all, and i'm constantly loaning them money for rent. i'd refuse them, except i know they can't turn to my parents for cash, and saying no would land them back in either of the family homes i.e. a further burden to one or both of my parents.

my dad knows about this, and says this shouldn't be my responsibility, but if not me then who?

tl:dr i'm constantly stressed about money, have a shit job, but have become the only financially stable member of my family at 23.

>> No.1560741

I've noticed a trend in my family.

>great great grandfather is an Irish immigrant
>works and buys land for farming in Texas
>isn't wealthy but comfortable
poor to comfortable

>great grandfather takes over the farm
>great depression hits
>becomes an abusive alcoholic
>is forced to leave, moves to California to find work
comfortable to poor

>grandfather grows up in a ghetto
>joins military to take strain off of family
>makes good money
>gets out, finds a decent job
>paid under the table, saves and invests everything
>makes sure that my father and his siblings have what they need
poor to comfortable

>father is the first and only in the family to have a degree
>makes very good money early on but squanders it
>takes out a ton of credit card loans
>moves to Tennessee
>makes decent money and invests it in his business
>business makes good money, but extremely infrequently
>borrows money to get by, has nothing saved.
>lives mainly off of my step-mother's income
comfortable, but struggling to make ends meet

>grow up with just my mother and brother
>be a bastard, limited contact to father, no child support
>mother barely makes enough to support us
>we learned to be frugal, ma only made about $6.5k/yr but we got by
>ma was too proud for welfare or food stamps
I can't say if I will go from somewhat poor back to comfortable, but I can hope

>> No.1560798
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if you are going to steal from your family you are retarded and part of the problem

>> No.1560827


California born here and I just couldn't stand it. I moved out of state which has proved to allow me to go back to school and be a lot financially stressed out living wise. California is honestly a shit hole, and people are fake as shit.

My family comes from philly. Im ver well familiar with east coast culture. Id much rather an asshole be real with me than fake back stabbers. I hope to get back east some day. Honestly, fuck california.

>> No.1560835

What part of California?

>> No.1560844

bay area

>> No.1560872


Congrats on that. Way to hang in there with what you grew up with.

>> No.1560912

Dude come up north.

Northern California is way more chill. It's still douchey and that's where valley kids are but no one is threatening or particularly selfish and mean. Or go further to Oregon. Oregon has way more to it than Portland. Avoid Bend if you don't like two faced people.

Or come further north to Washington if you're sick of taxes.

There's hella farmers but if you're in tech that means logistics too. Gotta get them apples and taters to all the stores. Plus we got Amazon and Facebook and Google in both cities and random medium sized cities / large towns east of the Cascades. It doesn't rain nearly so much east of the Cascades. Bit colder though.

Bay Area is nice to visit. Lotta good food. Fuck those bills though.

>> No.1561003

It's fine. Honestly. Just move to wherever he lives in, find a management position anywhere. I had the same filial problems
>>My parents divorced because my dad had been a cheat (5t 1 yr).
>>Occasionally go back to China to visit my dad's side of the family since they at one time or another cared for me at sometimes while I was juggled around when my dad remarried.
>>Grandfather really took a liking to me since all his other grand kids include: an aspiring drama actor, married into abusive relationships but still 'loves', a drug addict, a libertard who fled to Taiwan now unknown, and my new brother who has a platinum spoon up his ass most times and has a horrible personality
>>Never see him again, he dies right after I graduate college. Dad's like I'm going to gone too. Feel guilty as shit.
>>Guilt makes me beg money from mom to take a trip back to China before work find:
>>He's taking on debt. Living on pension. His new wife has some pet food business which"not going well" USD2.5mil in debt, she still takes regular trips visiting her friends in Germany, Holland. Brother is a retard in all senses ASUS something computer, eats out all time, parties, drugee, more than a few times drunk when I see him.
>> Sits on a couch with my dad, we're watching news. Talk about life in Amerikaland, mother, Gramps, news. Talk drift to my brother. He looks over at me and said, "Son, I know you don't like him. But blood is thicker than water, it's the only thing that counts. If you get into trouble we would help you, and if something happens to me look out for your brother, ...<I'm thinking about sending him over to US>"
>>Silent for the next hour, we avoided the topic for the extension of the stay. Bro is learning pidgin as fast as he can, while partying. Dad on phone said that his wife's business is so bad she at times have been found crying locked up in master bedroom. He sounds like he's too tired, hacking cough says it's just the Beijing

>> No.1561018

air, too broke to go to the hospital since China you have to pay upfront for hospital charges, we both know it isn't just because he is lazy. Relatives from all over China are flocking to his house because jobs market over there is folding faster than steel prices. His house is like refugee camp.
>> A few phone calls ago . He sounded just tired. Asked me when I will come back. I say soon, but most of my money is paying off student loans, living expenses. Nowhere near the airfare and hotel in Beijing. Asks me whether if the reason I was so busy was because I was now raking it in but I'm stuck in low tier city account analyst position making 36k after taxes, so I tell him "yeah, Dad"
>>Feel guilty as hell though.But I will at least give him a good story before he goes.

Shit. Sorry. Feels. I'm going to need a beer

>> No.1561026

sorry I am not this threads OP. That name was from another thread on biz.

>> No.1561034

Don't get me wrong, I wish everyone absolutely the best here but how come almost everything that got off wealthy started off in a abusive / very poor family?
Like, there's barely any middle-class to rich posts here.

>> No.1561084
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How are you doing now, man?

Can you really learn social skills?

>> No.1561092

My mother control me too much and doesn't want to let me go so I grew into a dependant.

>> No.1561099

Holy shit same. She worries when I'm out alone and discourages me from going outside except for school. She coddles me so much it pisses me off.
I considered getting a part time job for experience but nope. She has to fucking put me down and say education comes first. Thing is I'm not learning anything. It's "google this and type it up in a word document" the lesson.

I'm suffocating. As a result, I have no hobbies, and can only talk to people if they are into Anime or video games. Even then, I don't watch or play now since I got bored. I can't talk about anything now that I've grown out of talking about porn to people. (That's how I made most of my friends) Also, I read a lot of books (not YA shit) but NO ONE FUCKING READS EXCEPT PLEB SHIT!

SO I only have 1 friend and even then I have nothing in common with him, except he is poltard so I can complain about women to him and he agrees. However, he used to be fatass but he's getting fitter and it's pushing me to also get fit so he doesn't look better than me.

>> No.1561281

>>the only son that kept contact will inherit my debt
It is illegal to inherit debt in America, most countries I think
Let him inherit you're house or money, die in debt up to your eyeballs if you want
Look up inherited debt USA
Take it from a guy who's dad died a couple weeks before I turned 18

>> No.1561425

>skipping classes to go skate

It was worth it senpai, don't ever let some s>>1553933
hmuck convice you otherwise.

>> No.1561770

Poor people beat their kids man. Especially single moms.

Bro I loved skating so much. And this was the era when noses were first getting big so tricks were really blowing up.

It's like do I study long division for the 5th year in a row, do I read the same Mark Twain book again, or do I learn nollie to backside 180 .. uh fakie smith grind? Or is it a switch k grind at that point. It was an awesome time we didn't even know what to call the tricks there were so many new ones being made or that you could make yourself.

Fuck yea I ditched class to go skate.

>> No.1561805

How about problem solving for starters? Thinking outside the meme? Something you are failing at right now by this post desu

>> No.1562149

Literally. By the Patriarchy.

>> No.1562198

Volunteer bias. This is (or has become) a rags to riches thread so most posters are just following suit. In broader life existing family wealth is the best indicator of future wealth but this is too mundane to post about.

>> No.1562206

>made most of my friends through talking about porn
>mother worries about me

Damn son, I wonder why?

>> No.1562232
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Pretty much. Look for "social engineering" books, entry level one is how to win friends and influence people. For everyday shit I was trial and error, just watch what normies do and copy them to get a foundation in the basics. It took 3 years but yeah, you can learn.

Now I'm pretty good, most people like me, they think I have a killer sense of humor too.

Financially I can't find a real job so I'm in a coffee shop for the time being, it pays the rent but I'm pretty poverty tier. Once I get a real job I should be able to put away 20k a year, kill my student loans in 2-3 years, then start investing 20-30k a year for the next 5 or 10 years until I can retire. Well that's the plan anyway. I'd like to start a business but damn it's a high wall and I can't spare any cash more than a few hundred bux inb4 kneepads. For now my most viable plan is to proceed in my field and eventually start my own practice.

Also because I had to learn how to learn and learn how to improve myself, I'm now getting better and better every year. Kind of like comparing 10 + x for normies to my 0 + 3x, in terms of personal qualities. So eventually I will be better off than they are in terms of social competency, knowledge, skills, assets, etc. I just had a late start.

>> No.1562409

That's awesome dude. Right now I'm having difficulty with work ethic. Looking at a lot of successful people, they all have strong work ethics and therefore work 10+ hours.

And if I'm right in assuming that most if not all skills can be learned if you really want it, then I can also develop a work ethic that would rival Elon Musk. And the most important thing I must do to develop a work ethic would be to set a goal I want. However, I also know that I need a strong 'why' for that goal. I need a reason because we all inevitably reach a point where we ask ourselves "what's the point".

Fitness is easy, because my 'why' is that if I don't get fit then I don't deserve anything. If I'm not willing to suffer then I don't deserve the reward, a better life.

I said all this just for the inevitable moment you feel down in the dumps.

>> No.1562519

Well my father the bastard knew how to be a business man to some degree. It was just balls to the walls just trying to communicate with people on a genuine level. and you only get that through learning people when you have 6 siblings its something that you learn in childhood. Didn't really realize that despite how much i hated the lot of them they gave me the skills I needed to get away from them. There is an anon with a fox image when he starts his threads talking about sales. He summarizes what you need to learn the best. I'm not too good ad breaking it down.

>> No.1562538

Well we have saying:
A Tree grown on bad soil still might produce good wood.
Keep going!

>> No.1563366

Dubs of the devil

Is it so hard to believe how your raised is a very strong factor on the kind of person you become. Yeah you can work hard , but do you honestly believe if a lot people had bad parents ( such as absent patents in the pic ) the world would be better.

>> No.1563818

Shut up bitch and let me flex

>> No.1563877


Fuck me? Not at all. Taught me that working hard was stupid, that I had to work smart and be willing to take advantage of opportunities that came my way.

>> No.1563954

No one raped you because you ugly

>> No.1563991

seriously why do people who can't afford to look after their children have them at all?
it actually makes me feel so angry on behalf of the kids who have been dragged into a shitty Kidd just because their parents can't think of anyone other than themselves

>> No.1564055


I have terrible work ethic. I post on 4chinz for hours a day (trying to wean myself off, 2 hours in morning only and an extra hour or two on release day for my shit on /a/.) But I do something every day, even if it's just thinking. I think mindset is more important than work ethic. with w.e. alone you get shit like wageslave 80 hour a week lawyers. That's shit imo.

My why? Is that I've suffered enough in my life, now I deserve happiness. What is "happiness" differs person to person, I guess, but I have what I want to do. Just having something to work towards is enough to get your ass in gear.


Because abortion isn't christian (but somehow drug use, sleeping around, profanity, vulgarity, and being a piece of shit are a-okay.) Apparently I'm a product of the rhythm method. I think the real answer is people don't consider others. Parents don't consider how their theoretical kids would feel about having them as parents...they don't even want to acknowledge their own flaws. They go on and on about how they're a great parent regardless of the reality. They pop kids without thinking of consequences because having kids is thought of as something everyone inevitably does.

>> No.1565555

First appearance of slenderman was in 2009, i think ur underaged fag

>> No.1565608

I work retail, in Walmart, and most of the people who have kids are exactly the people who should not be having kids.

>> No.1565743
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>Parents were millionaires in the real estate market, self made, shortly before i was born flipping contracts, mortgages, houses etc. over 500 properties before it happened.
>2 years old, move from AZ to FL
>Parents are domestically abusive btw. In the extreme. Broken bones, swordfights, new furniture/appliances every month.
>The happening begins, 3 years old.
>Detective hired by banks doggedly tracks parents down in real estate market, finds how they're cutting banks out through a loophole and starts building a case.
>Father is a fucking retard and steals a bunch of shit, falsely signs a few contracts, forces mother to sign certain contracts and credit obligations she shouldn't have, "accidentally" claimed his 100k custom mercedes twice on business and personal taxes.
>Parents get hit with 22 financial felonies a pop, both take plea, father gets 6 years 10 years probation, mother got 2 years, 2years house arrest, 20 years probation.

You could probably find the sun sentinel article.
While habbening:
>Father fleas with me to new york at 4 years old.
>Father fails to flea country on cruise ship, and then again by plane while out on huge bond.
>My mother is related to the Gotti family, he was her uncle. Immediately bail/ond get thrown up from a couple grand to multiple hundred thousands and the racketeering charge gets thrown in for shits and giggles.
>Abused by aunt, starved/force fed(Yes ironically, you can do both over a course of time) and beaten at 5 years old until mom gets out on house arrest for 6th birthday.
>100lbs in kindergarten. mcfatass because aunt only feeds me mcdonalds now.
>$8.5m in liquid cash frozen. about 150m in property lost.
>Over the course, until I'm 8, my $400,000 "trust fund" is used by my mother for her lawyer fees. The guy who was on OJ's legal team was on hers.


>> No.1565753

In and out of places with my mother having a hard time getting a job with her new ankle jewelery and being banned from anything relating real-estate via plea bargain and facing 270+years if she violates her 20years of probation (Hint, she winds us selling her prescription and gets violated about 3 times, barely scraping by each time. Keeps finding men willing to throw many tens of thousands towards her legal fees quite magically, all of them aren't love interests somehow. Interested in starting businesses with her)
Life is roughski.
>13 Mom's in jail for false prescription trying to pay rent, living with 8 year older stripper sister, about to start highschool. Arrive for first day of HS, can't go back for another 3 months because sisters BF stole car, when she gets it back, is too lazy to drive me 7 miles to school because she's tired from working in the club. Makes many thousands a week and spends it on nigger's and their bills while we go without electric, decent food, etc.

>Get back to HS after 3 month Hiatus, english teacher tells me i have to make up 3 months of work in 7 days cause muh regulations or I automatically fail. Tell her to fuck off, write off this year and start smoking weed. End up talking to administration at the end of the year, only class with a grade above F is Culinary arts academy, which is an A. over 70 absences first year, find out teacher was lying and she gets fired. (She was the type to make you color in pretty pictures during the poetry segment, and have students read aloud. Meanwhile I was enveloped in reading since 3rd grade, having read moby dick in 8th grade, and not giving a single fuck in that class. Still pass all tests with A's. Failed with an F because I didn't do any classwork or homework.


>> No.1565763

>Get evicted summer of freshy year...again, like 3rd time. Wind up moving in with father, who's been out of jail for 2 years. He's with a sociopath girlfriend who winds up molesting me and drugging me.. Although willingly in my warped little mind at that point.

>Never enrolled sophomore year until i move in with my best friend in January after my father goes to jail again, this time for domestic abuse, after fleeing FL for domestic abuse of sociopath for choking her on Christmas. Gets caught in the Bronx beating said sociopath up after several months and she moves out of her parents house in wisconsin because they kept calling the cops on her and wanted to baker act her.
Turn 15 at best friend's house, his father is best, took care of another man's child for about two years off and on.
Mother starts getting her shit together before getting caught for the last time selling her prescription.
Facing 270ish years, has to wait for previous judge to retire. Ends up on probation again. later on to that but now time for the grandparents segment:

>Step-grandfather picks me up from friends house(Not best friend, but almost on that level friend whom i used to smoke with and ran a small weed empire in highschool to basically smoke ounces for free and never have to pay for my own weed.)
>Get to grandparents house in central florida, promises me the world, oh how bittersweet this winds up being. Wish i would've went to foster care by the time i graduated....continuing

>> No.1565771

It didn't fuck me up, it made me better honestly.

I started selling candy to pay for my own clothes and anything I needed. I was making like 40 dollars a day just by carrying around a box of candy which isn't bad for a 14 year old. I learned to save my money and don't have the urge to spend money every day. I also plan to open my own business in the near future.

>> No.1565772

Btw, knocked out my tooth when I was ten, front one, chipped the other one right in the middle of my upper mouth. Still missing that tooth, now 19 with braces that haven't been adjusted since last november a year ago. Grandparents paid for a crown over chipped tooth. Lost virginity at 16, got expelled with that girl for fucking her in the faculty bathroom. Came back 3 months later from ALC to high fives from people I didn't know. Didn't get laid by another girl until after highschool. That was junior year.

At 15 discovered /fit/ started my journey from 280lb fat as fatass to 180lb flabby drug dealer.

>> No.1565787

Be with grandparents junior and senior year->

>Within first week get told to abide strictly by there rules or i go to foster care. Be inside by 6PM, groom myself by their standards, Step-grandfather doesn't let grandmother buy clothes for me. Learn how to steal and make decent excuses for new clothes from walmart.(Over $6k done out of that store in basic necessities, only $100 probably in clothes. Half of that is food.) Take landscaping jobs with mexi-bro friend who really isn't a mexican. just works like one.

>Start getting abused when step-grandfather is changing meds. Taking 14 courses online on FLVS over the next two years, 7 a year. Not even allowed, but counselor finessed FLVS admins so that I could graduate on time.

>total IT nerd, Step-grandfather starts autoblocking internet access to my computer at 6PM every night, get home at 4PM, no way enough time to even do homework, let alone FLVS. Have to wind up signing into router through sniffed handshake with backtrack4 and bruteforcing the wpa2 password. (You learn how to do shit when you want internet and can't pay for it. Learned that when I was 13.)

He first stated that it's his house and he's going to start playing games with me with the internet and computer, he didn't like how i wanted to start fixing my neighbors computers and wanted to prove i wasn't good enough. I told him it would be a waste of both of our time.

Ended up proving him wrong. A month later and several password changes he buys a timer for the power cord. Already got the neighbors wifi password last week lel. He has no idea how I'm doing it. Makes me move my computer(I've had it for several years btw, paid for it myself when I was 12. currently, ex GF is ransoming it for $500 after she broke up with me while I was doing business in NY with non blood related uncle. We started great, she's gorgeous, business minded but ended up being full of shit and looking for a come up.

>> No.1565802

>Moved computer to living room.
>says i have to move out when I'm 18. First off, lets go over some things:
Not allowed to get a job.
8PM curfew starting when i turned 16
In AP literature starting senior year while still taking 7 classes online.
Odd jobs doing landscaping and fixing cool neighbors computer and drinking vodka with him and listening to his pre-stroke stories don't pay enough for rent.

So what do I turn to? Drug dealing. Wind up importing several thousand 25I-Nbome tabs for around $0.30 each and selling them as nice guy drug dealer who told you they were N bome and not acid for $5 a pop. Supplied a different city by selling 100'sheets to plugs after calling one of their girlfriends a cunt on facebook and then getting her to buy some.

Still not enough money. Total i sold was only about 3000 over 8 months. Not consistent money and profit stayed around $1.70 a tab because i sold bulk and didn't want to get caught and go to jail/

>> No.1565810

The way I got around town was by bicycle. Helped me lose a lot of weight, 10-40 miles a day. Known as the poor bicycle weirdo who sells drugs and got expelled for fucking in the faculty bathroom and is fairly ugly. Obviously not getting laid anytime soon.

>> No.1565819

>Graduate, step-grandfather tries to stop me by kicking me out a week before finals. Sleep at friends house before get called by grandma and told to come back. Free food, woo.

Got kicked out again 3 days before ceremony, Mom just got released, her old rich guy friend pays for a hotel for me. I get trashed and invite two friends over, one of them sleeps with a girl next to me and i think she wiped her ass on the sheets. Fucking seriously?

Friend breaks $500 silver versace chain hopping over fence coming to hug me when I graduate. Fucking lel.

>> No.1565837

>Move in with Mother in new apartment in south florida, brand new apartment complex, rent is $1700 for a two bedroom.
Wtf, mom how are we going to pay for this.
>Wealth old guy is paying for it and bankrolling her lingerie company, she ends up wasting $30,000 on a website with a scam IT company. Website looks like garbage, she didn't want to bring me to the company because she trusted them. Tell her to file a lawsuit, says she's too ashamed to. Fucking woman.

Working at IT job fixing computers remotely for $10/hr for the next several months

>> No.1565845

Old guy's wife finds out he's been spending racks supporting mom. He stops paying rent in November like I predicted 6 months beforehand. Mother not prepared. I've been working on a company with my father over the phone whom is still in prison. Made $10,000 in one month saving a home from foreclosure.

Btw, ALL mortgages from the top 10 banks of this country from april 1st 1993 to present are currently fraudulent. We won a supreme court case in our clients favor proving such. Over 3,000 pages of evidence, several audits of the court documents involving foreclosures by official third party bodies of my company revealed as much. Father is getting out on November 3rd next month, going to start working on those companies involving that process.

Watch "The Big Short" It's basically a preamble for all the fucked up shit the banks have done to our country.

>> No.1565851

Mother floating around when I move to NY in November chasing this company. Trying to get investors, keeps falling through because it's hard to be transparent when your CEO is in prison.

>> No.1565868

Going to finish this mess.

19 years old,
Living with Mother again,
Working at a Shipping company doing customer service, working on a lot of entrepreneurial side projects on the low.
Getting my first car this month. Been using other people's all this time.
Going to be buying a decent phone since it is no longer a massive asset sink that doesn't give an ROI.
Learned how to dress nicely. Expensive watch given to me for free the other day ($400 fat invictus, I like it at least.) for driving a family friend to the airtport
I've been working out constantly with mother's fiance whom is an ex bodybuilder.

Life seems to be on the right track. I still haven't taken my SATs or ACTs, but I'm planning to sometime later this year if not BTFO and starting college next year, plan to get scholarships based on hardship and top tier SAT/ACT scores. Senior year my practice tests were 2000/28 without studying. Plan to get as close to perfect on the real thing by paying for tutors.

Going to spend the first two years of college in a community college getting a 4.0, or as close as possible. In highschool, I brought a 1.1 GPA to 3.0 over the course of two years.

Life is pretty swell. Anyone got advice?

>> No.1565872

Is my life story screen cap worthy? I'm heading towards a pretty excellent turnaround. AMA

>> No.1565882

I had no friends because I couldn't relate to all the latest movies and video games the other kids were talking about. By the time I was 18 I had a shitty laptop with a broken screen and keyboard that I hooked up to a CRT tube monitor to use to shitpost on 4chan because I had dropped out of school because I couldn't stand to take two city buses to school every day in the snow.

Eventually I got into programming. I was really shitty at it but I realized I liked it. I ended up finishing high school via correspondence courses and I wanted to go to college for computer engineering but my grades were too shitty so I only got into the computer science program, which was easier to get into than computer engineering and less rigorous.

In college I really liked CS, I learned how much I truly sucked at programming when I was self-taught, I learned about data structures and algorithms and studied hard. After freshman year I couldn't get a job so I was poor for another summer, but I sucked it up and studied hard for another year. I applied literally to every company I had ever heard of.

To my surprise I got a call half way through sophomore year from Microsoft. I had never even received a callback before so I had no idea what to expect. Recruiter asked me all sorts of fucked up questions like how I would test a vending machine. After the call I was confused because I had never had an interview like that and worried about how badly I fucked it up. At the same time though I was a little hopeful because a company like Microsoft actually thought it was worth calling me.

A little while later their recruiter called me back and said she wanted to invite me to come on site for an interview. I couldn't believe it. I was worried about missing even one single day of college but I figured being flown down for an interview was once in a lifetime so I made arrangements with professors to get the notes for the day I'd have to miss.


>> No.1565893

Have you enjoyed college so far?

>> No.1565896

I did some research on what to expect at an on site interview at Microsoft and found details about the kinds of questions they would ask. I flew down to Microsoft on Seattle's time. The whole time I was thinking about what my life would be like if I worked at a household name like Microsoft.

I arrived in Seattle late at night, met some of the other candidates, went to bed, woke up tired and the recruiter picked up me and the other candidates in the morning for a whole day of interviews. I had three interviews in a row where they continued to ask me bizarre questions like "how would you design a parking garage for flying cars" as well as a few algorithmic questions where they asked me to code a solution on a whiteboard.

I think that evening there was some kind of reception for all the candidates and after that it was off to bed to wake up early the next morning for the flight home.

I didn't hear from them for awhile but ultimately the recruiter got back to me with a no. I didn't get hired. It had been a month and a half from the time I first had a phone interview with them and we were will on in to the second semester of sophomore year. Things were looking grim for my summer job prospects once again.

Another month went by hearing nothing from any other employer. No callbacks. I began making other plans for a fallback career, only I had no idea what I wanted. I'm gonna omit what I planned as a fallback career because it's kind of fucking stupid. Since I made plans yet another month went by, we were now at the end of fucking March. The semester was coming to a close.

Last week of March I get a call from Google. They want to interview me for an internship. At this point I can't even remember what that interview was about or what they asked me, but a week or two after it I got a call that I was being invited for final interviews. I remember doing well in the final interview, it was all algorithms.


>> No.1565897

you're not alone friendo

>> No.1565913

Not in college anymore, read on if you want, starting with:


Two more weeks after that and we were into final exams for the sophomore year second semester. I hadn't heard anything more and I didn't make it past the final round interviews last time so I figured I fucked up again.

Finally I get the call. I'm literally on the way home from my last exam on the last day and I get a call that I'm hired for an internship. That was it, I had my foot in the door to the small set of the world's top companies for software engineering.

This was more than five years ago. Fast forward to today. I live and work in Silicon Valley. I made 175k last year and got a promotion and a sweet raise, and I'm on track to clear 200k this year.

Needless to say I have a better computer than I started out with. Nothing's even broken on it. From high school dropout to college graduate with honors, employed at the top of my field. College loans paid back with internship money, so nothing but disposable income since I graduated. There were times when there was no food in the house at all when I was an 18 year old living at home, and now I can afford to eat at Michelin Star restaurants.

Grades and knowledge matter. Work hard and you can turn a bad situation around too.

>> No.1565920

How is working at google?

>> No.1565934

Pretty good. It's all about results so they don't give a shit when you come in and when you leave so long as good work is being done.

There's a lot of workaholics around that come in early and leave late, but it's not mandatory by any means. You can be promoted without being one of them. I just get the feeling they're at work so much because they have nothing better to do not because it's necessary. I mean, I have nothing better to do but I prefer doing nothing in my own home.

The time-wasting culture is pretty good. You can basically shitpost at work except it isn't anonymous so you need a little restraint. There are games, like arcade games, table tennis, pool, etc. Food's free but it's nothing special. Not shit by any means, but home cooking is better I think.

It's a cut above the more "traditional" workplaces like Microsoft, IBM, HP, etc., but there are definitely companies with even better amenities.

Salary's decent, bonus is pretty good, stock grants aren't too bad either so long as it keeps going up. You get more stock every year. I still have some from the year I joined the company and it's doubled in value. 401k matching is very good, health insurance seems decent but I don't know much about that. I've never really had to use it.

>> No.1565935

Sounds like you've seriously improved. What would you have done if you didn't land it at Google and had to resort to standard job search?

Read my twelve posts above if you want to know my life story.

>> No.1565943

Honestly I have no idea. I applied to so many companies in my freshman and sophomore years before I got the MS/Google calls. Dozens of applications to shittier companies and not one of them called me back.

Reading your story now.

>> No.1565966

Well shit, your story is much better. And you've done more than I ever did by age 19. I was just barely starting to turn things around at that age.

Keep it up, I guess. I'm sure there will be more unpredictability in your future, but stick with your education. I guess I say that because in my life college was everything. I'd be nowhere without it. You'd probably wind up okay even if you didn't go, but I think you still should as long as you study something useful.

>> No.1566496

Your life is so unrelatable that no one here (besides me) actually read through it all.

ACT/SAT is fine, but taking it at the CC is free from what I've seen vs paid in high school. Some more stereotype advice like "expect no inheretance, and a million debt collectors until you die", "work your way up using everything you can (nepotism works)", and "be smart about your income and the legality of it" is something to keep in (the back of your) mind.

Beyond that, you went through the real hustle all those nignogs talk about and haven't seen, so you have something really strong motivating you which will make you earn every penny you get.

>> No.1567204

Yeah right not like parents have a responsibility to provide structure for their kids, just kick em out the door when they turn 18

Muh bootstraps

>> No.1567269

As a kid:
Grown up in East Eu with mother earning something like 100 dollars a month, at the end of the month no money for food, other relatives helped a lot, for example by giving me clothes, shoes and so on. I have been working since I was 16, could not afford a good university so attended a shitty one. Mother is mentally ill, hating people hating the world, everything. Never let me have friends or go to anywhere. I learned english and german from television by the age of 8. When I was 13 I got my first PC, mother hated that I am sitting all day in front of it (learned coding, wrote some games), I told her that PC is the only thing that keeps me alive, I would commit suicide if I did not have it, had many illnesses never went to a doctor, bullied at school, when I got home mother was shouting with me about my dirty clothes (got beaten up many times and thrown to the ground by my classmate as I was extremely skinny and weak).

Living a huge luxury flat in a beautiful small village, earning 150K a year, investing every month, happily married, wife works as well, she comes from a similar (or worse) background. We are both very much into fitness so we look like that "perfect couple" that you would think only exists on TV.

How I did it:
Maybe I was lucky as I was able to learn things quickly, while I was working some shitty job after graduating when coming home I was studying until I landed a job where I was able to save some money to get out of East Eu and find a real job with really good pay. So basically I spent extra 2-3 hours a day for 6-8 months to study after work I guess that's not that much.

>> No.1568295

Good thing that the comic adresses THE deciding factor if kids are going somewhere: A good school. Can't be stressed enough, because there's always the risk of sliding down into muh class politics.

>debt is good for you

>> No.1568299

>You meet a diverse group of people. People from all races. Poor people. Middle class. Even the occasional (very occasional) rich kid. Felons. Ex junkies. Jocks and chads. Rednecks. Aspies like you and me who don't know what to do with their life. 20, 30 and 40 year olds.
Oh fuck! Why don't I live in the US?

>> No.1568305

Magyar vagy ?

>> No.1568310

>underfunded school

Yes, money is important. But the prime factor is the teacher and the powers that they are given. Meddling parent-teacher associations is a recipe for disaster!

>> No.1568481
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You may wanna see a shrink for a year or two (if you can afford it). They can help you work a lot of this stuff out, and rebuild into a comfortable person.

Not sure if you have anything to do with your family, but I would cut them off completely. Draw closer to good people, who care about you, and make them your family.

Keep challenging yourself to get out and see the world. Form relationships.

>> No.1569214

That would make him 20 years old retard.

>> No.1570319

>Dad gets lucky and buys house for about $100,000 - 150,000
>Sells it like 5 years later for $500,000+
>Gives away the money to his "friends".
>Works a minimum wage job while he's 70+.
>Both my parents assumed university was free.
>Since they assumed university is free, put two and two together and you realize they never even tried to research.
>Everything they know about and learn is from rumors and word of mouth.
>Dad leaves and must pay child support at 70yrs while working min wage.
>Mom slowly becomes a religious nut, refusing to work a minimum wage job though I can't blame her.
>Parents only settle for less.
>Realize they're both very stupid and I shouldn't listen to them.
>All my weekends wasted going to church FOR THE ENTIRE DAY instead of studying like I should have been.
>Forced to work min wage job myself so I can start university.
If I fail, which won't happened, my end goal is to at least have successful kids. I NEED to end this cycle of idiots so they don't fucking exist.

>> No.1570332

what a fucking cuck

>> No.1570336

That's exactly what's happening. I just hope whatever new guy is chosen doesn't try to kick me out.

>> No.1570343

Honestly if you took that long to realize that you probably are stupid too.

If you want to end the cycle of stupidity then you should probably not procreate and just adopt a white kid in hopes that he's smart.

>> No.1570350
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I donate sperm regularly.

>> No.1570537

>Parents worked since early age, never went to college
>Lower middle class family from Brazil (around 10 to 15k dollars a year, when lucky)
>Accidental pregancy (abortion is illegal here) when not financially stable
>Tried to protect me and younger brother from a harsh life
>Because of this, landed the first "real" job at 25, way behind others career-wise
>Got lucky working from home for an european company, makes 15 to 20k euros a year

I never finished a graduation too, but I plan to do so once my life is stabilized. My girlfriend and I will try to move to Portugal next year (Canada rejected us because we are not college-educated), since our wages combined (she works from home too) can give us a better life there than in Brazil.
Robberies are common here, and violence is spiking up. Also, things cost double here than in Europe or North America, and have lower quality control. It's insane.

But I'm lucky. My girlfriend's family were from the slums, her grandmother managed to get out of there, but is a religious freak. She's lucky her mother abandoned religion and tried to raise her right while working for a minimum wage, even with her father being a drug-addicted rebel-wannabe asshole (now he's a schizophrenic hobo living in the streets and sometimes being arrested for small thefts).
Her mother also didn't finish college and works for a little more than minimum wage, now raising my girlfriend's young brother.

My girlfriend's dream is to move to a country with good living standards and take her mother and brother there too.
Mine is to buy a big house on a hill and, if we are making good money, have children.

Our plans are in motion, now all depends if we can get a residency visa or not.

>> No.1570581

Why did he give all that money away?

>> No.1570594

He likes drinking and gambling a lot.

>> No.1570599

>>looking into savings accounts I could sign up for, so I could get interest AND hide money from family
>a-am I going to make it?

YOu lose money on savings account (no interest worth a shit and inflation is more than the interest you'll get).

Put your extra into investments. Specifally, buy something you can turn and sell for more.

Or invest in some kind of training to increase your ability to make more money.

>> No.1570721


no guarantee this will help you, but give it a try:

Try working in a team environment. Try to do as much of the stuff you need to get done together with others. Most prominently studying. Build study groups and commit yourself to getting shit done by a pre-specified time.
I have found that I find it much more easy to get stuff done when I know that other people expect me to do it.

Also keep to-do lists, even for the most mundane things. Like paperwork, cleaning your apartment, etc. I derive satisfaction from checking things off of a to-do list.

Good luck.

>> No.1570762
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you sound like my old health teacher from highschool, he was raised by junkies in poverty.

>> No.1571528
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My mum dropped out of school in year 11 and had me at 21, never met my real father. When I was 5 she married a useless NEET who was also abusive and didn't get a full time job till I was like 11. Mum never got a job since the husband was one of those traditional types that didn't think the wife needed to work, despite being jobless himself.

Eventually they divorced when I was 12 and mum married a couple of guys and stuck with the 2nd one who's basically an irl Hank Hill and a pretty good guy all round.

I believe my parents being dole bludgers my childhood has contributed to me being super lazy and never really developing much of a work ethic. I was always decent at school, but never a top student, "anon is smart but a lazy fuck", it would always read on my reports.

I only went to uni because it was the natural progression from School. I coasted through classes with grades all over the place and even failed a few subjects. 6 months after graduation I'm a NEET with no idea what to do with my life and where to go. I live comfortably thanks to learning how to save and live within my means, but I really need to do something with my life, but my attitude is holding me back, as it has for years.

>> No.1571546

Good luck anon, I did a Brazilian history class in uni. Despite the lecturer being a biased latinaboo, he couldn't hide what a corrupt, violent shithole your country is. Hope you find a good life in Europe.

>> No.1571641


I would say one of the worst upbringings you can have is being brought up in the disappearing middle class, because you don't have an identity or any ability. Poor people know that they are poor, and the rich rich. "It's who you know, and who you blow. The system doesn't work, but rather you work the system." Yeah, the middle class actually believe in equality, and shit. We don't question it as long as it is flowing, but without the grit or hustle of the poor and the true wealth that goes with the upbringing of the rich life is an illusion. I was raised to think we had plenty when in reality we did not. My parents were not wise, and when I came of age I realized they were in too much debt from spending carelessly to be able to do any of what they said casually would happen aka like go to college. They were boomers through in through, and I came of age literally during the economic crisis. Not knowing about all the grants poor people know about from having to survive all their life, and not having the wealthy connections rich people innately have I found myself quickly falling behind into a position of scrambling to survive with no set of life skills. Almost got out of it once with my newfound discipline by sacrificing a large part of my twenties, but life happens. I cringe now when yuppies brag about how the hard life is because they were forced to know the exact cost of burrito is $6 for one meal because their bonus didn't come in, when they are living in a $2000 loft in an area that $1000 is standard, when dressing in thrift store clothing because it is "in" to do so, and voting democrat because they somehow think the system works and that allows them to be "hip" because that is somehow equivalent to caring for people. Meanwhile, I get so much shit shit for being white, tall, and "handsome" for not having made it. To quote a former classmate: middle class white guy is the new minority. Guh.

I just wish I was raised that way.

>> No.1571872

There is a white genocide going on as we speak. It's not overt like the genocides we were taught in school, it's hidden in plain sight.

>> No.1571883


Pitting different types of people against each other is a classic ruling tactic. Even if I acknowledge being white is no benefit these days, without cash, I acknowledge that other groups are being used, too, but in different ways. I don't hate them for wanting us dead when they are merely ignorant that the same people who ruled back then are the same people now.

>> No.1571886


by same people I don't mean white's in general but rather certain families.

>> No.1571930

Yeah you're going to be fine. As long as you have sense or act like you do.

>> No.1571933

>take up cheap hobbies like drawing
gitgud at erotica and open up a patreon

you need to get out of your head. stop yourself from inner monologing to yourself. stop saying I ME so much and start thinking about other people. you have a four paragraph post about your childhood right there with no mention of your parents, you ever think about how they're doing?

>> No.1571970

best post ever!!

>> No.1572047
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you mean kikes

>> No.1572088


No, it goes beyond.

>> No.1572105

Mostly kikes. Anyone in the Bilderberg group.

>> No.1572948

Go back to /pol/

>> No.1573131
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>>>(((/huffington post/)))

>> No.1573141
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I lived with a compulsive hoarder who cared more about hoardings than family. I try not to own too much. I'm aware of my past, and as I move forward I keep it in the back of my mind. I don't let it get to me though. I'm doing pretty well for someone my age.

>> No.1574240

Damn that's rough, but i sounds like you're working hard and doing well for yourself. Keep it up man

>> No.1574279

Poor upbringing here, family separated when I was 5. The income also split, so at times we didnt have food or clothes. I had to wear the same shoes for 4 years, I also grew up in a poor area so wannabe gangsters would pick fights. By the time I was 12 I would get jumped and robbed because I was poor. At that age all I was told was that drugs was the way out. By the time I was 14 I had done lsd, smoked weed, and drank alot.

The outcome of it, well I know for a fact that it wasnt helping my situation so I stopped. I had a better value of money, I don't give up because I never had anything to lose in the first place. I don't blame anyone if the outcome was up to me. I just keep trying, I went broke twice trying to invest I'm only 20 and I've worked for 6 startup private companies that flopped. I don't know if this is what you were asking.

>> No.1574313

Child of immigrants that knew nothing but backbreaking labor. The most that was expected of me was to get a shifty job and settle down. I was never taught the importance of an education or how to converse, act and dress professionally. Did the community college to university route with straight Cs, since a C was passing and 'good enough'. Through sheer fucking stupid luck I got a good job in a refinery after getting a bachelor's in engineering. I always wanted to be a doctor, but I didn't realize the life experience you needed to cultivate since your teens. When future doctors were candy striping cancer wards and volunteering in clinics, I was working in domino's pizza and playing video games. Ignorance is fucking dangerous.

>> No.1574330

Wow almost the same thing happened to me

>18 years old (almost 7 years ago)
>3.8 gpa weighted (4.3 with honors/ap counted in)
>get into lots of good schools in my state
>already registered, weeks away from tuition payment
>Dad retired early because he was 'too stressed from his job' and quit; uses whole college fund to pay off mortgage.
>forced into going to community college for 2 years and transferring, end up going to a lower tier university due to lack of financial aid from other schools.

Depression set in, wanted to kill myself, still havent fully recovered. Barely breaking 35k a year.

>> No.1574353

Something is wrong with Paula's parents and their finances if they're having to work that hard to support 1 fucking child.

>> No.1574375

>tfw born middle class suburban white
>3rd worlders would kill themselves if their kids could experience it
>tfw don't fully appreciate it and am throwing it away

>> No.1574903

Seems like a good plan to me provided he uses the money for business and not consumer shit.

Also it's a matter of perspective eg. A campaign contribution vs a bribe.

>> No.1574935

They didn't diversify enough, they put all their money into heroin.

>> No.1574937

You were born in a void.

There is no need to fight to eat
No need to struggle to survive
No need to try and better your surroundings
No reason to do much of anything.
Everything is fine but people do not do well without challenges or purpose.

>> No.1574939

He heard it from the same study I bet. My econ teacher turned me onto it.

>> No.1575452

This tbqh family

I feel like third worlders will always work harder than me simply because I have never struggled to survive

>> No.1575493

I feel pretty middle class, but for 1st worlders things here might seem pretty bad.
>eat once a day (serving is 90% rice, 10% whatever)
>minimum wage per day is 8 dollarydoos
Before that, my familia used to do better. Tons of properties we used to rent to other people, millions of local and foreign money saved, etc. It all came crashing down when my mother and her brother wouldn't give up on their useless mother who left them in the hospital just a few days she gave birth to them to fuck off with her 2351th boyfriend. That leech of a woman got a ton of share of their income and properties which she used to fund her boyfriend's addictions. Take note: Even when that devil got into the age of 70s, she still had user-friendly boyfriends who were aged 20s. Our Chinese grandpa told them if they want a good life, they should cut ties with grandma, but nooo. When the old devil kicked the bucket, things turned out better for all of us. Unfortunately, my intelligent uncle also kicked the bucket. Before he went out, he told mom to make sure I finish my studies, but too bad I ended up stupid and on 4chin.
>Lesson learned: DROP golddiggers at all cost. "Blood is thicker than water", my ass.

When my mother got together with dad, dad had 7 other children all from different women. I was the 8th. Welcome to 3rd world lel. Anyway, dad is a big earner, but an old guy. They disowned all 7 other children because they didn't study well in school, fought back, spent a ton of dad's wealth that should've been used in investing, and issued death threats.
>Lesson learned: be responsible, be more mature because your parents' times are running out. People say you shouldn't worry about things, but I think worrying has its benefits too.

Now the only thing I need to fix are my parents fuckups. They both didn't finish their education and see condominiums and cars as """"investments""""".

>> No.1575644

What a massive shitshow. Are you able to work another job?
brains are not everything. Maybe a steamfitter or a lineman?
Praise the lord my wife even has a better working moral than myself.
Note to myself: get sterilized after Number 3 or 4.

>> No.1576375

>not seeing time as a commodity

third worlder detected

>> No.1576407

Is this copypasta? I've seen it before

>> No.1577195

same happened to my brother in law. Except his mother had 5 other kids. She wound up taking around 2 million out in their names in student loans from every source she could. Gambled it all away.
The kids have to pay it all back because its in their name, and they don't want to charge their mom because shell most likely get life.
He has been paying for the past 8 years, his debt is still at around 200k because of interest.

They just found out she started taking out loans in her grandchildren's names.