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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15524233 No.15524233 [Reply] [Original]

I'm scared lads
Can you guys survive on human meat and find drinkable water?

>> No.15524239

Fuck no, I'm just waiting for a good excuse to off myself
Let the apocalypse come

>> No.15524253

Just hunt for nigger meat.

>> No.15524256
File: 146 KB, 1137x1193, 23315C72-EEB1-45A6-8237-EB3976E40EE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not panic frens AOC is our saviour!

>> No.15524261

The U.S. has never, not once, in a single time in our history been dragged into recession because of global slowdowns. We drag the world into recession, not the opposite. That fact, and the fact that everyone is so sure we're going into recession=We're not going into a recession.

>> No.15524290

t. drumpft

>> No.15524322

> Recessions are always totally predicted by economists
> They don't drop out of the fucking sky and wreck people
> Everyone totally sees them coming
> The U.S. totally gets dragged into recessions by global pressures all the time, I just can't name one time it happened
It's clear you're a zoomer, but some of us boomers have been through recessions before. Economist's NEVER get them right, ever. Where do you think the phrase
> Be greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy
stems from?