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File: 9 KB, 376x240, just4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15524095 No.15524095 [Reply] [Original]

>you have to get a job, it's what you have to do. It sucks, but everyone has got to do it.

Who else still believes in this meme? Being a wagecuck is ok for a couple of years, but doing so long term for 45~ years --even with a college degree and/or a 'good' high income job-- is mentally suicidal. How did you all react when your parents most likely told you to do just that?

>> No.15524100

Better than being a bottomfeeding meet with limited disposable income, so at least there's that

>> No.15524149
File: 148 KB, 474x671, 00160DAE-E1E9-4BC0-9CA7-EA718D23964A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no need to be upset

>> No.15524163

Based on what I generally spend my free time doing, I'm pretty sure I would go insane if I didn't have to work.

>> No.15524169

You misunderstand me. It is my fault though, I didn't mention this in the OP. The point of my post was to criticize the ancestral line of thinking for most families that a safe, secure job with little risk involved is ideal and what they and their offspring should strive for. I don't intend to look down upon people for thinking this way, nor to flatter myself for not, but to see that as preferable to anything is downright slavish. At the very least, Neets usually have a stable living condition, computer and internet, and the ability to spend their day however they wish, although rarely for good, beneficial pursuits such as self education or exercise.

Being raised by wageslaves is why most people are so mediocre financially and as individuals. They are taught that rich people are greedy, risky = bad, and "security" is the highest attainable goal for they and their kids. Setting their kids on the path to go to college will likely result in them fulfilling this predetermined ideal, and as soon as they reach it, their life for all intents and purposes is over. To reject this idea does not merely imply being a NEET is superior but that making something more of yourself and actually busting your ass to get what you REALLY want is far, far better than the dumb dichotomy of spending your life as a Mickie D's squire or a crusty, obese neet.

>> No.15524195


Good goy.

>> No.15524903


>> No.15525130
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>> No.15525153

As you get older time moves more quickly. 20 years seems like a long time now, but the 20 years between 30 and 50 will disappear in a flash

>> No.15525154

been wageslaving for 5 years now and I just want to end it

>> No.15525165

If that's not fucking terrifying to you, something's wrong.
The reason we perceive that time as moving faster is due to a lack of milestones. The days, weeks, months, years all fucking blend together because we accomplish nothing noteworthy.

>> No.15525180

Everyone has to do it because if you do all the things you need like housing and farming yourself you wouldn't have time and wouldn't eat as well. However I'm a NEET since I have housing taken care off like most millenials or zoomers because of low birth rates. I don't need a car because I don't really want to go anywhere because I only get the online degenerates. So I either make friends for business connections for making it and don't have to worry about it and work hard on something for myself that I'm good at and it's worth it (sure it's wagecucking but you get to control every part of it and it's more enjoyable and related to the individual) and if it doesn't work doesn't really matter since the only thing I need to buy is food and if I have to get a part time job it won't kill me.

The thing is normies on suicide watch since they can't afford their 2 weeks vacation a year. The NEET race will rule the world in the future

>> No.15525199

>The reason we perceive that time as moving faster is due to a lack of milestones.
This is cope, it's not true.

>> No.15525220

My plan is just to earn enough money to buy a house and then live frugal and work part-time at most to subsist. If there's a *thing* that I want to have, like a new car or a boat, then I will go out of my way to work more just until I can buy that and then return to part-time living.

That's the plan anyways. I don't know if that can work or if it's just wishful thinking.

>> No.15525232

It is absolutely true and is in no way cope. People with more interesting lives don't experience the speed up as much as wagies who spend those decades in a cubicle.

>> No.15525335

>nah bro it just happens for no reason
This is you coping with your life becoming an uneventful and monotonous shitpile

>> No.15525346

For most people, you need to. Sorry that you're an immature retard who thinks that crypto make him rich.

The scariest part is that automation/AI is going to get rid of all wage labor. At that point, we'll probably need to become a socialist society.

>> No.15525367

Wageslaving sucks, but people from other countries go through hell just to get to the US and become eternal wagecucks. It's a lot harder in other parts of the world. I'm not trying to downplay how fucked up wagecucking is just trying to give some perspective. I hate waking up every day just to bust my hump for Shekelstein so I can get even more work dumped on me at the end of the day for me to take on the next morning. Then I get in my car and am fucking sitting in traffic among thousands of other wagecucks. It's soulcrushing

>> No.15525368

hopefully by the time automation is in full swing the cost of living will go down because of it. it should change the world a lot.

if robots are helping us farm more food with better nutrients with less humans involved getting paid in that process shouldn't the cost of food go down? and if robots are helping us build homes with less humans needing to be paid involved, shouldn't that lower the cost of having a home a lot? what about extracting the raw materials to build a home?

the "robo future" could either be the closest thing we've ever had to a utopia or it could be a dystopian nightmare depending on who wins the race to control the future. i dont trust socialists to do a good job at running that 2bh hopefully with many of these needs we'll need less government, not more goverment the way that people in the media/government are saying.

>> No.15525397

I quit my officecuck job a few weeks ago. Have savings/crypto profits. I havent felt this alive in years. Going to try and get creative and work on alternative ways to make money through music, game development, etc.

>> No.15526036

>it wont happen to me bro my life will be interesting
Sounds like cope to me

>> No.15526055

It will fucking happen to us, unless we start doing big shit. That fear should be a motivator

>> No.15526067

>work on alternative ways to make money through music, game development, etc.
aka broke in 10 years

>> No.15526106

I am getting more and more convinced that these threads are made by russian shills trying to undermine the western economy.

>> No.15526189

OP literally types like a Russian lol, he uses dashes and has the style of broken English they have.

>> No.15526576

Hi fbi

>> No.15526663


t. risk-avoidant cuck

>> No.15526694

Glow more

>> No.15526825

I'm starting to think these threads are phycops from ((them)) that are supossed to make us feel inferior since we work for a living. It's supossed to make us depressed and weak. Well I'm not falling for it. I make good money and have a good girl by my side. Fuck you. You can't make us all submit to your ((agenda))

>> No.15526852

>tfw been living the neetlife while on uni break
>can't fucking wait to get back to doing something with my time when the next semester begins
Neetposting is really a case of sour grapes.

>> No.15527112

Automation has been going up for years and wages have hardly gone up in conjunction. Normal people will be fucked. Everyone will get their 1000USD a month just to keep the markets going. The future is bleak and ruled by companies and technocratic overlords

>> No.15527392

Low IQ post.

>> No.15528065

Figured out how to make enough money that I wasn't obligated to listen to it anymore.

>> No.15528102

exactly this, i have been a neet since 2017 thanks to eth gains and im going insance here

i was happier when i had a routine

>> No.15528334

Gotta do something. Look at all the 65+ retirees that have their health decline rapidly after retirement. its human wiring. I work a job that has the most God awful hours and guys here work 30 - 40 year careers, fucking up their circadian rythym the entire time working 12 hour shifts... Great retirement though. Statistics from the retirement board show the average retiree collects 18 paychecks. That's it.

Most people have to work for a living and as much as they dislike the imposition, it forces a routine. Bills get paid, goals are sometimes achieved, and the treadmill carries on. When you hit a point where you don't have to work anymore, retirement or otherwise, the routine must be replaced by self serving activities to continue the betterment of life. Otherwise depression and inactivity come next, because animalistic behavior favors path of least resistance. It's the will power that's missing, a skillset that never had to be formed when working because you didn't have the choice.
Gotta do something.

>> No.15528417

Honestly you can have a routine as a NEET. But you have to find your purpose, or failing that, create one.
Once you know what your goals are, it becomes easy to grind away day-after-day with no one looking over your shoulder, even for 12 hours straight.
If you know what you want and you love what you're doing then there's no other option. It's either you do the work, or you accept that you will never achieve what you want in life.