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15523560 No.15523560 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw want to die

>> No.15523575

I used to know that feel, but I've began to stop caring about everything society throws at me and have decided to be true to myself

>> No.15523587

All the single ladies
All the single ladies

>> No.15523774

Why Anon?

>> No.15523788


Living is becoming unbearable.

>> No.15523810

Gotta elaborate. Sucks you feel that way tho.

>> No.15523826


Chronically lonely, not a single friend or meaningful human relationship, job is exhausting and miserable, declining health. The days are incredibly long and weeks incredibly short. The future only holds more of the same and I don't want to go through it,

>> No.15523922

Assuming you are relatively young, there is always an opportunity to hit the reset button.
Can always go back to school, tech or uni. If life is truly that miserable, fuck the price. All or nothing at this point, right?
As for friends, sometimes re-establishing even just one friendship can change your whole life. I'm sure you can think of at least one person you can talk to.

I've been where you're at man. It can't be all hopeless. Death is nothing. Black. Life has more to give than you think.
People care about you man. More than you think. Hell here I am sitting in a hotel room watching Netflix and I care. But I don't even know who the fuck you are. But I know I probably walk by people in your state on the street every day.

>> No.15523937

How do I make things like your pic related. I could make way comfier stuff if I knew how

>> No.15524042
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Get yourself back on track in terms of schedule. Wake up early, work out and keep your surroundings neat

>> No.15524244

I know that these "x year old zoomer boomer memes" are pretty watered down at this point, but never before has a picture represented me so accurately before. Even when I used to play videogames, I didn't like multiplayer because I didn't care about beating others, I only wanted to improve on myself. When I workout, I don't try and hit 1/2/3/4, I just try to beat my old self. My goal each and every day is to be a better man at the end of it than when I woke up. If I'm not, I consider it a failed day, and use it as fuel. I don't know if it's considered ironpilled, or stoicism, or what it is, but it resonates heavily with me. I don't know if "struggle" is what I call it, because it sounds edgier than it seems in my head, but the concept seems similar. Blogpost, I know, but I felt the urge to respond. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one fighting a battle against himself sometime.

>> No.15524268
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>> No.15524298

Same here, every day since I can't remember when, probably about 15 years ago. Just holding out so I don't ruin my parents' retirement years but holy fuck is this shit hard

It's all so tiresome

>> No.15524357

iktf friend

>> No.15524412
File: 36 KB, 469x671, alwayrembercunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]